"Ayn Rand and the Ethics of Sex" Freedomain Call In

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I'm rereading 'The Fountainhead' for the first time since listening to your shows. I'm up to the part where Dominique tells Roark she's going to marry Wynand. She seems monstrous to me, a rich white girl throwing an intellectual tantrum. Please help me understand why she is doing what she is doing in the novel.


I've found a way to come to my senses at the age of 30 and realised my entire previous self, perception and life decisions has been based on false pretences, parents and other powers that be, etc. Where can I go from here?

I had myself diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome as my parents were too self absorbed to notice me. My biggest challenge has been to overcome the experience of both my parents' treatment of me in combination with the way I treated myself while under the influence of Asperger's, though I'm still living with one of my parents which is better than it used to be, but far from ideal.

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