How to Harness Anger! Freedomain Livestream - Transcript

First Stream of 2024

[0:00] Good evening! 3rd of January, first stream of 2024, is it? Yes, yes it is.
Yes it is. I do use a streaming service sometimes, so.
Yeah, another leap in the great slowdown.
So, lots going on. Of course, in the world, I could dip into Harvard.
Thank you for your tip. That helps, you know, tips help.
Tips help turn the tide, if you don't mind. it um so yeah if you could help out with some tips uh you know maybe that could be your new year's resolution to help philosophy out a little bit more just a little bit more this, year i would certainly appreciate it as i'm sure would uh the employees of free domain so uh thank you thank you for all of that now we could do harvard we could do bitcoin we could do an email that I got about forgiveness that just kind of blew my mind, and there's lots of things that we could do, but I am here.

[1:02] Jimmy Kimmel on the Epstein list. I think basically they should just publish everyone who's not on the Epstein list.
It's like you, me, a couple other people on this live stream, maybe half.
That's about it. Everybody else seems to have been fully bolted to Jeffrey Epstein's pedoplane.
What can I tell you? you harvard forgiveness harvard ah bitcoin oh yeah oh yeah all right i'm not on the list.

[1:37] Email unforgiveness all right we'll do email unforgiveness uh and thank you for the person from portugal i saw your messages i will get to them i will get to them all right.

[1:51] All right so here's an email i got, um you know just a tiny tip i'm not too fussy a guy for this stuff but uh if you're going to critique me i have i have no issue in fact not only do i have no issue with being critiqued i welcome it it's a great and useful and wonderful thing, but you know if you could spell my name right when you're critiquing me it's a minor thing it's a detail thing it sets the tone and all of that so i just would like to mention that if you are going to be critiquing me maybe start by spelling me not s-t-e-p-h-a-n i know it's a little onomatopoeic but what the hell all right dear stefan i've just watched your video from last Easter called Easter and the Greatest Gift of Jesus, and I thought you might be interested in a couple of thoughts or recommendations.

[2:49] The first is regarding forgiving your mother. Excuse me for presuming to even consider such a thing, knowing neither of you personally.
I view all human foibles as universal.
Now, I'm not going to critique the critique, because I will absolutely still continue, you, but if you're going to start giving somebody intellectual content, I mean, I think about this just about every time I do it, so this is just my particular tip, so that you take him with credibility.
So his first introduction is, I view all human foibles as universal.
Universal. Why does that add zero value to my time?
Like, my time is valuable, your time is valuable, and why is it that saying, I view all human foibles as universal, why is that not helpful?

[3:58] Why is that not helpful? Come on, you can train yourself on philosophy right here, right now.
Watching the world wake up from history. Why, why, why, why, Jackie Chan face, why is it not helpful?
Who would disagree with that? Well, it's definitional. um so what he's saying well i view is not an argument but human foibles is universal it means universal to humanity but if he says human foibles then he's saying all human foibles right he's not saying he view he views some human foibles or some people have human foibles all all human foibles as universal.
All and universal are synonyms. Human foibles are saying that there's a subcategory of human characteristic to all humans called foibles that is universal to all humanity because it's contained within the definition of human.

[5:04] I view all human foibles as universal. Okay, I like cheesecake.
But what he's saying, it's like saying this, It's saying, I view all mortal humans as mortal.
I view all human bipeds as bipedal. I mean, you've already defined it.
I view all mortal humans as mortal.
I view all human foibles as universal.
So it doesn't start off well. Now, this doesn't mean that he doesn't have things to add.
And it's just, it's saying, I view all things as universal. I view that which is universal as universal. Okay.
Can't argue, but it's a tautology.
Oh my gosh.
I view all mammals as warm-blooded. Well, what's one of the definition of mammals? Warm-blooded.
Okay. So you view all warm-blooded mammals as warm-blooded.
I view all human beings under 11 feet tall as under 11 feet tall.
What's the definition of human beings? Well, something under 11 feet tall.
Like it's just, right? right?
I view all oxygen atoms as elemental matter and trust atoms.
I do not trust atoms. They make up everything.
Everything. Ugh, it's wretched.

[6:17] So I, you know, just when you are trying to, when you're trying to interest someone in your ideas, start off with definitions and please, start with something that is not a tautology.
Yeah, just, you know, in general. So then he goes on he says i have not done many dreadful things i mean obviously other than misspelling my name he says i've not done many dreadful things but being a human means i could do them, yes human beings have the have the capacity to do human to do dreadful things.

[7:00] So I'm writing to some doctor, some world-renowned doctor, and I'm saying, well, I view all human beings as having the capacity for health or illness.

[7:12] Now, I myself am not super healthy, but I'm not super ill either.

[7:21] Okay. Well, you know doctors know all that, right?
So nothing original yet. He says, I haven't murdered anyone, but I could.
I haven't smashed anyone's front door in, but I could.
I haven't beaten up my son, but I could have.
My point is all human beings are the same in that they can be wonderful and dreadful, right?
So you're writing to a world-renowned doctor saying, all human beings contain the property health which can be positive or negative.
I don't have cancer, but I could have. I don't have leukemia, but I could have. I don't have high blood pressure, but I could have.
My point is, all human beings have the capacity to be either healthy or not healthy, well or ill, in good health or in bad health.
And you're just going on and on, talking about the basics of everything to do with what a philosopher studies, as if, well, of course, human beings have the capacity for good or evil. I'm a moral philosopher.
I mean, so anyway, it's kind of funny, right? And he's not made any arguments, he simply stated the blindingly obvious and things which a five-year-old knows and takes for granted.

[8:43] So, I'm sort of trying to tell you that from this side, from this side, everything you do is kind of like an advertisement, right?
Like, there's got to be a hook, there's got to be an opening scene, there's got to be something that draws you in as to why you should listen or review something like this.
He says uh in my point is all humans are the same in that they can be wonderful and dreadful, yes he's just making completely obvious statements that everyone who's five completely understands i just you know just just just pointing that that wee bit out right just pointing that wee bit out, now we continue it is due to this human potential that all of us can get mercy, now that's what's called a huge leap of logic human beings can be good and evil, therefore all of us can get mercy now obviously he's coming from a theological perspective at least I could assume, that well just don't state the obvious and think you're contributing something of profundity.

[10:04] Don't contribute something that's blindingly obvious and think that you're adding profundity.
Be self-critical about the value that you add.
So, he says, if we were punished with true justice for all of our sins, we'd be in a terrible state.
If we were punished with true justice for all of our sins, we'd be in a terrible state. Okay.
So again, definitions, I don't know what he's talking about.
He's using a bunch of words that have widely different meanings to widely different people.

[10:44] I mean, if I use the word prophet, people think it means something, but if I'm using it in a different way, maybe it's P-R-O-P-H-E-T or something like that, right?
It's not with an F, like my name. P-H is not an F.
If we were punished with true justice for all of our sins we'd be in a terrible state what does this mean punished how he he puts all he puts the word true in all caps what does that mean true justice oh no no you see i put the word true in front of it therefore it's defined listen listen.

True Grew Delicious - Exploring the Meaning of Justice and Sins

[11:17] True grew delicious grew delicious is a word you don't know what it means but listen man i'm talking about true grew delicious true grew delicious so i put the word true in front of it now you know what it means right if we were punished with true justice for all of our sins we'd be in a terrible state i don't know what sins means here because he's talking about, i could do evil i haven't done evil so what does he mean by sins here i don't know is he now going going theological? I don't know.
We'd be in a terrible state. I don't know what that means. Is that hell?
Is that guilt? Is that punishment? I don't know. I don't know.
We are shown mercy, but nonetheless, nonetheless, it's a useful email.
So I know I'm sort of snipping at it a little, but, so he goes on to say, we are shown mercy day in, day out.
Indeed, the gift of another day is a a mercy, another hour, another minute. These are mercies.
Death too is a mercy. What? So the word mercy is doing some pretty heavy lifting here, right?

[12:24] Living is a mercy. Death is also a mercy.
Now that's a little incomprehensible, because if the state means mercy, but the exact opposite of that state also means mercy, then I don't know what that means.
So he says, sight, hearing, touch, mercies, gravity, mercy, all that we are provided with are mercies.
You ever have this thing where you just keep repeating the word until it just starts to sound weird?
And sleep might be the greatest mercy, next to death, of course.
My point is that your mother's outrageous behavior towards you will receive mercy. Mercy.
Ah, isn't that interesting?

[13:12] Isn't that, well, Mercy is also a place in England, but that's beside the point.
Isn't that interesting, right?
You've got to watch for these switches, these changes.
So he's talking about foibles, dreadful murder, smashed, beaten up my son, dreadful, you know, the evil, right?
But then, what does my mother's violence towards me, what is that, what does it refer to us? How does he refer to my mother's behavior?
He's talking all about evils and murders and dreadful behavior and punishment and all of that.
But then he says, your mother's outrageous behavior towards you.
My point is that your mother's outrageous behavior towards you will receive mercy.
You see, when I talk about my mother being violent and abusive and so on.

[14:17] But now it's just outrageous now outrageous is not a moral term right I mean I don't I've never heard it used in a moral context outrageous is larger than life it is pushing the the boundaries of convention it is being loud maybe a little obnoxious being larger than life and so on that's outrageous, what on earth would that have to do with with abuse, now of course my mother's uh he says outrageous behavior towards you will receive mercy.

[14:54] Now that's not uh accurate yeah but torture is also mercy so your mother is in for a treat good one good one semantic satiation that's good that's good phrase now, Now, pardon me, I don't have a handy button on this one, so to avoid sneezes.
Now, why would my mother's, let's just say outrageous behavior, why would she receive mercy?
I mean, I'm no theologian. I'm no theologian.
Theologian? I'm not. But isn't it the case that mercy is granted if you express contrition, beg for forgiveness, you make restitution, you make amends?
Isn't this bizarre? I mean, I don't see, like, mercy is something you earn.
It's not some piece of crap welfare estate benefit that drops from the bowels of the sky whether you do anything or not, is it?
Am I wrong? Don't you have to ask for forgiveness in order to receive mercy?

[16:19] There are universalist sects that preach that God makes no judgments against us.
Well, but he was interested in my show called Easter and the Greatest Gift of Jesus.
Right so how would my mother receive mercy if she has not admitted fault taken responsibility and asked for forgiveness with contrition and sorrow in her heart yeah you have to repent for your sins right so i don't know honestly at this this point it's just like this giant spraying praying word salad, yet still, there is something of great value in the email, in my opinion.
Hit me with a why, should I continue? I want to make sure that I'm being of interest and value to y'all on this sci-fi year of 2024.
010324, that's 1234, but a little jumbled, a little jumbled.
Just check in on your, yes, okay. All right, I will continue then.
What sound is that? All right.

[17:40] She, your mother, didn't invent life, nor devise her own character or foibles or weaknesses. kindnesses, hence she will receive mercy for manifesting her character through all those characteristics.
You know, I love the word hence.
I love the word hence. Yeah, pray for mercy, right? You're going to pray for mercy. Hence.
Blah, blah, blah, blah. Hence.
It's like the word therefore or thus. It does an enormous amount of heavy lifting to try and cut through the verbal fog salad of this kind of She didn't invent life nor devise her own character or foibles or weaknesses hence she will receive mercy for manifesting her character through all those characteristics, So as she's saying, he's saying I think it's a he, he's saying there's no free will right?
There's no free will.

[18:37] Bad argument plus QED equals good argument.
Wherefore, wherefore art thou, Romeo? So she's saying that God devised her to be a vicious and violent child abuser.
Is that God's plan?
He hardwired her up to be a brutal and violent child abuser, and therefore she will receive mercy.

The Paradox of Mercy - Mother's Behavior and Forgiveness

[19:07] I don't think that's God. In fact, I'm quite sure that that's not God, because God doesn't want his beautiful creations to go around beating up on children, right?

[19:25] So, interesting. Your mother has characteristics. She's not at all responsible for these, therefore she's going to be forgiven.
But it's like, if she has no responsibility, why would she need to be forgiven?
Why would she need mercy?
Mercy like do i need mercy for being bald and blue-eyed no i don't because not under my control i have no control or willpower over that's just the way i evolved staff although you speak english i will have mercy on you it's like i didn't choose to be born in england and learn english that was just the way i was born so why why would my mother need mercy for things that she has no control over I don't understand alright, so yet still it is a very interesting email.

[20:07] He says, so I don't think this is about forgiveness. Now, finally, we have a true statement. We really have a true statement here.
I don't think. Oh, a little bit of a philosophy burn.
A little philosophy burn for you right there. So I don't think this is about forgiveness. It's about mercy. You do not need to forgive her.
Once you see that, quote, God, end quote, is merciful, the forgiveness will naturally seep into you without effort or even realizing it.
So this is what I call a fog argument.
And the fog argument, like, I remember when I was a kid, of course, I grew up in England, which is central armpit fog capital of the planet.
I mean, slightly less than Scotland, but nonetheless. And I would go out into the fog, and you have this thing where the fog is really thick.
You breathe, and it's like, I'm inhaling a cloud. Like, the fog gets into your lungs.
And I always remember thinking as a kid, hey, I wonder if I actually drink.
Do I drink when I breathe in fog? So somebody puts a whole bunch of like foggy, weird, kind of half convulsive, half Tourette's language around you.
And it just kind of seeps into you.
And so it's interesting to me that he says, once you see that God is merciful, the forgiveness will naturally seep into you without effort or even realizing it.
And it isn't for her. It is for you.
By which I mean you will be less troubled by that part of your past.
It will just soften, recede.

[21:34] You see, now this, this is the bribery part.

[21:43] This is the bribery part. Let me ask you this. Come on, let's be frank here. Let's be frank.
It's 2024, I've decided to be honest.
By the way, I have, well, Jared wrote The Truth About Sadism, obviously from his own personal experiences dealing with HR.
But should I do The Truth About Sadism wearing a dog-faced leather mask and chewing on a beat-me-eat-me licorice whip? I don't know. You tell me. You tell me.
Bribery yeah so so when people have a bunch of nonsense that they're not making any case for then they'll bribe you and they'll say well no but if you believe what i'm saying, you'll feel better like you'll you'll you'll you'll have dopamine you'll feel better it'll be positive it'll be nice you'll you'll be at peace blah blah blah blah right right?

Philosophy and bribery in conversation

[22:45] Do you see what, but let me ask you this. Let me ask you this.
Okay. Straight up, straight up.
Oh, and I could have a lot of shows.
Have I ever bribed you with philosophy? Have I ever bribed you with philosophy?
Let me know, my friends.
Because what I remember is telling you it sucks enormous amounts of intergalactic ass for quite a long time, and then it helps.
Then it's better, right?
I don't think I've ever said that you should believe what I'm saying because then you'll be at peace with your past. Everything will be great.
Everything will be wonderful.
All struggle, all conflicts, all challenges will cease and you'll just surf and coast on this Jerry Garcia froth of perfect joy and happiness.
You took your shirt off one time. More than one time, man.
So, I don't think I have. Not bribery.
Yeah. We bribe you for philosophy with our donations. Well, not really bribe. I'll do it for free.
Let's see here.

[24:03] Your voice. I bribe you with stopping singing.
If you don't forgive your mom, then he will have to accept the reality of his household and his mom's shitty behavior. It could be. It could be.
But I've always told you it's hard. I think there are rewards at the very end of it, hopefully not the very end, but there are rewards as you go forward.
Am I a person who's completely conflict-free? Nope.
I don't even know what it would mean to be at peace with your past.
This is one of the, at peace, man, you'll be disconnected from any conflict between the head and the heart, between lust and restraint, between wanting to eat and wanting to not eat.
You'll have no conflicts it's like dude yeah I said it was hard I said it was hard it's still hard sometimes, so yeah you watch out for that bribery stuff right watch out for that bribery stuff right it's not for her it's for you you will be less troubled by that part of your past it will just soften recede fade, I'm going to cast a spell that's going to make all unhappiness vanish just believe the nonsense that I'm saying all right.

[25:17] So he says, I should add, you will have increased gratitude towards your mother as you realize, which I'm not suggesting is not already clear for you, so forgive me for saying this, that the story of your childhood with a violent mother who was emotionally unstable, manipulative, volatile, etc., has given you profound insight into humans, relationships, and how not to be, and what not to accept in others.
It has shaped your life, your character, your career, and your considerable influence.
So, thanks, Stefan's mom.
I do hope none of the above irritates you. It's not intended to.
It's no small thing to get past the horrible deeds of others towards one.

[25:57] Um, very interesting, very interesting.
I get, I mean, I always get a very strong and vivid sense of, of people.
I always get a very vivid and strong and sense. I see like the very roots of their souls in the language that they present with. with.

[26:23] Now he does say, you already know, it's given you profound insight into humans' relationships and how not to be and what not to accept in others.
Now what's interesting about that is it is enormously and deeply insulting.
So if he's going to say, Steph, you have deep insights into people because you were raised by a violent mother.
You have profound insight into humans' relations and how not to be and what not to accept in others, blah, blah, blah. It's shaped your life.
Okay, so he's saying that my mother, my mother's violence produced this within me.
Right? I don't think I'm making, I mean, if you don't hear this, then maybe it's right.
The story of your childhood with a violent mother who was emotionally unstable, manipulative, volatile has given you profound insight into humans.
Relationships and how not to be and what not to accept in others.
It has shaped you. So thanks, Stefan's mom.
Do you know why? Do you know why that's kind of insulting? Do you know why that's kind of insulting?

[27:44] I'm willing to wait.
I'll wait. I always hate that thing. Do-do-do-do-do. I'll wait.
I always hate that passive-aggressive soyboy crap on the internet.
It was particularly true on Twitter. Maybe it's not true anymore. Who knows?
Yeah, he's saying you can take no credit for all you've become, making a case to be glad that you got abused.
I mean, that's just basic logic, right? So if abuse produces wisdom, then all who are abused are wise, right?
He's saying, hey man, the fact that you were abused produced great wisdom in you, okay.
So then he's saying that abuse is the cause of wisdom and therefore all who are abused are wise.
No, Dave, being abused didn't give you skills. I mean, obviously there's some survival skills and so on, but you chose to have those skills.
You chose to learn those skills. You chose to apply those skills.
Now, he's saying, Steph, the fact that you experienced substantial violence and abuse as a child has made you wise.
Now, even within the entire confines of the email, why do we know that's absolutely not true?

[29:14] Forget abstract theory, like, the most powerful arguments don't have to go outside the premise of what's being said, right?
So, how do we know... No, it's not free will.
How do we know for sure that what he's saying, abuse produces wisdom, how do we know it's utterly false?
I mean, we can say insulting, that's more of an emotional judgement, but how do we know, even within the confines of his own argument, So we learn and are shaped by our past experiences. What happened, happened. Doesn't excuse any malfeasance against you or your mistakes, even though you might hopefully have learned from them, right?
Well, no, okay, but I appreciate that. I really do.
That's a great insight and a great thought. But let's go back to the logic of it, right?
So he says trauma produces wisdom. Violence produces wisdom.
And therefore, you should appreciate the lessons that your mother gave you or taught you.
Boom, Kairos always coming in hot always coming in hot right, so violence produces wisdom and virtue, abuse as a child produces wisdom and virtue, but my mother of course experienced violence and abuse as a child she didn't become virtuous, so he's not explaining anything.

[30:42] He's not explaining anything.
With that sort of mindset, how would you go about raising kids?
Abuse them so they gain survival skills?
Well, that, of course, is Roman's argument from the future, which you should, my book, The Future, which you should read.
Abuse doesn't create wisdom, it creates fear. Wisdom is from action and thoughts.
Being a victim takes no thought.

[31:03] So the argument that child abuse produces wisdom is utterly false, even within the confines of his own argument and his own email, his own letter to me.
Always try, if you can, usually, I mean, almost always you can, always try to address people's arguments within the context of their own premises.
So if child abuse produces wisdom and virtue, then I would have nothing to be sorry about because my mother would have been wise and virtuous and I wouldn't have suffered any trauma. trauma, right?
If trauma, if child abuse produces virtue, then there should never be child abuse for more than a single generation.
Did you see, like, how on earth could it possibly continue for tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of years?
I mean, apes abuse their children, so to speak, right? It's hard to call it abuse because they're not humans, but, how on earth, if, I mean, this is just, it's a moment's thought, and I'm telling you, 2024 24 is I'm done with having any patience for a moment's thought.

[32:12] Did you see what I mean? Like, I'm done with the blindingly obvious.
I have no more patience. Maybe it's 57, you know, getting that dim sense of mortality rolling down like that big ball at the beginning of Indiana Jones.
But I'm done with patience for blindingly obvious things.
Well, you see, but abuse produces virtue.
And therefore, how could it possibly last? How could it possibly last?
It's literally like saying fertility produces sterility and has for thousands of generations.

[32:53] Oh my gosh isn't that wild yeah you're right if abuse produces good then you should yourself abuse others and one can't be wise without having been abused right of course also he's disagreeing with you in other words this is something you are unwise about despite you being abused right so if he was abused he should have more empathy but he because then he'd be wise if he wasn't abused then he has no wisdom to offer me because he wasn't abused right, so he wants you to go kiss your mom and say thanks for the good times i think dave well i appreciate the the sinister bitterness of your comment i don't think he would say that he was saying have have appreciation for the lessons that she taught you.
James says, he's not insulting you. Well, he is saying that my wisdom was provoked by my mother and I don't have any personal responsibility for it and should not take any virtue or value in it, any more than I would take virtue or value in being tall and blue-eyed or something like that, right?

The Value of Forgiveness and Free Will

[34:06] Nevertheless, I continue with the deep knowledge that this was a highly valuable email.
All abuse creates is wounds. It's destructive. It's a rejection of God's gifts.
We were given free will to create and think.
Well, he's saying that evil produces virtue.
But if evil produces virtue, by definition, it can't be evil.
Which I guess is what he's saying about my mom. She can't be evil because she produced virtue.
But that which produces virtue cannot be evil. I mean, can it?
Well, Steph, you see what he really means is true abuse makes wisdom.
Yeah, that's right. That's right. That's right.

[35:00] Now I will I don't want to make sure I get your comments here, I don't want to lose your comments but I want to tell you what I got out of this, What I guess, it did put me into a deep, and I welcome these kinds of emails.
I really do. Like, they're wonderful.
The guy obviously poured a lot of time and energy and effort, right?

[35:29] He is treating your mother's abuse like it's a boulder falling on you while hiking, an unwilling tragedy you had, you learned from to be more cautious from.
I do have sympathy for a man who can't make a clear point and suffering, and is suffering as he writes it.
No, I don't have sympathy for someone who can't make a clear point because it's an imposition it's it's blasting a trumpet into my ear right it's it's uh talking loudly on a phone next to me in a movie it's an imposition now organize organize your fucking thoughts before you write to people just organize and figure them out right the other thing too is like okay why um if forgiveness is really important and forgiveness is really really important for this guy then why doesn't he um maybe he does but i doubt it um why doesn't he confront angry parents in public who are abusing their children saying, no, no, no, you have to forgive your kids.
Why is it that he's writing to me and lecturing me on virtue?

[36:27] It's a very interesting question, right? I mean, obviously, I think it's just a form of moral cowardice and it's complete crap assery, but, you know, if forgiveness is really a virtue, right?
Well, of course, one of the main reasons why any of us were abused is because we weren't forgiven, Right?
We weren't forgiven. Right? If I dropped something that my mother liked, she'd smack me around because she couldn't forgive me for dropping something that she liked.
Right? The sort of story I've told where I put the glass of water on a cabinet and it left a little ring of water.
She couldn't forgive me for putting the glass of water down at the age of five or so.
She couldn't forgive me for that. So all of her abuse stems from, or at least is justified by, a lack of forgiveness, right?
So I have never abused my mother.

[37:20] My mother abused me. Therefore, my mother is infinitely more subject or has manifested the sin of a lack of forgiveness than I have. Does this make sense?
We are abused because we weren't forgiven. If we were forgiven, by definition, we wouldn't have been abused, right?
So my mother saw that ring, that gray water ring on the cabinet.
She would have said, oh, I forgive you. You're five.
I should have made things more clear. You didn't know that was going to happen.
I should have given you a coaster.
You know, maybe you shouldn't be playing in this room. Or even if all of these things were true, I'm not going to beat you up over a stupid counter, right? right?
So my mother is infinitely less forgiving than I am. Tell me if this makes sense, right?
I mean, I don't know what it means exactly to forgive my mother, but I certainly have never abused her, I've never harmed her, I've never beaten her up, I've never, right?
So my mother is infinitely harsher and less forgiving than i am right.

[38:41] So why would he be talking to me right right if forgiveness is such a big thing then why wouldn't he say oh uh you know steph if you have any way of getting a message to your mother i wrote her a big letter about how she should have been more forgiving uh when you were a child do you see what what I mean? And it pisses me off.
I seem to have run out of patience.
Maybe it's just the dawn of a new year, but I seem to have run out of patience.
I seem to have run out of patience.
So you have a guy robbing a bank and then you have a guy trying to escape the the robbing of the bank, and you scream at the guy who's trying to escape the robbing of the bank that it's super important that he respect property rights, it's like, well, I'm not.
I'm not stealing anything. I'm not abusing my mother.
You know, what does it mean to forgive her? I don't know. But if I didn't forgive her, wouldn't I be violent towards her?
Wouldn't I take vengeance? I don't know. But maybe he thinks your mom is a lost cause, but you aren't.

[40:02] Maybe he thinks your mom is a lost cause, but you aren't.

[40:13] Well, let's look at his document.

[40:24] I don't think he says that.
But if my mother is a lost cause, then he's saying that there are some people.
No, he says everyone can be forgiven. Everyone is forgiven.
Everyone is forgiven. So my mother can't be a lost cause by his own definition, right?
Always go after the reasonable people. It's safer. Oh, God. The people who just come charging in and find the most reasonable, moral, and patient, and, mild-tempered, and people in the room, and just start lecturing them on morals and responsibility.
It's a call to have you it's a call to have you his dad help save himself for the crap of justifying his mom's abuse he needs help and you can dismantle his childish logic.

[41:28] Like, I have no patience for this stuff anymore. Sounds like a Christian, the whole forgiving everyone thing.
Absolutely, okay, maybe he's a Christian, okay, and I, you know, but he's not a good Christian.
Because if a lack of forgiveness is a sin, then he should go and lecture the people who abuse children, not the victims of child abuse.
Because the people who abuse children are actually violently attacking and half-destroying innocent, helpless infants, toddlers, and children in their care because they won't forgive them.
So if a lack of forgiveness is a problem, why would he talk to a guy who hasn't talked to his own mother in like a quarter century?
Why wouldn't he go to the parents who are attacking their children because the parents aren't forgiving anyone, because that's where the real abuse is coming from. So my mother beat me up repeatedly, half times it seems like endlessly, my mother beat me up because she failed to forgive me, and now he's lecturing me on forgiveness, not my mother.
Paul makes it really clear in Romans 9 that not everyone receives mercy.
That's right, Tim. Pharaoh in the time of Moses being the ultimate biblical example of someone who didn't receive mercy.

[42:53] I've got a couple of numbers this guy could call. He's got quite a list ahead of him. Yeah.
If a lack of forgiveness is a sin, then why would he contact me and not child abusers?
And what motivates the email? Well, okay, we'll get into what motivates the email, but I'll tell you, all who counsel infinite forgiveness are doing so from a place of weakness.
That is a good quote, that guy is pretty smart, but this is also a form of bullying, right?
It's a form of bribery, manipulation and bullying, right?
So what are the sins that he talks about, right? What are the sins that he talks about? It's very interesting.
What are the sins that he talks about?
Unstable, manipulative, volatile.

[43:52] And also the passive you got to look out for the passive phrases the story of your childhood with a violent mother it's like no she chose to volunteer she voluntarily chose to attack me repeatedly that's not well i just had a childhood with a violent mother it's like she just gets like no free will but i apparently can change everything right, this discussion says michelle recently really reminds me of how i'd be consistently shamed for being judgmental as a kid. Oh, don't be judgmental. Really.
All abuse comes from hyperjudgmental. So, anyway.
Christian John, aptly named, says from Matthew 6, 14 to 15, NIV, For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.
But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

The Importance of Forgiveness and the Damage of Unforgiveness

[44:50] But other people are sinning against you because they have not forgiven you.
So I'm going to just UPB 360 that one and say that everybody has to forgive.
If we say everyone has to forgive, then those who fail to forgive are the worst and those who inflict the most damage through their failure of forgiveness are the worst.
What, let's say I haven't forgiven my mother, whatever that means, means what damage have I inflicted because I haven't forgiven my mother? What damage?
What damage have I inflicted because I haven't forgiven my mother?
I'm a good father. I'm a peaceful guy.
I've never been in a fistfight. I've never been violent towards anyone.
So what damage have I done through my failure to forgive versus what damage do abusive parents do through their failure to forgive?
You've got people literally lacerating children, putting them in hospital for their failure to forgive, and you've got me who's never done any harm by failing to forgive. Oh, I'm going to go to that guy.
That guy who failed to forgive. forgive. That's the guy who gets my long lecture.
That guy who's done no harm from his failure to forgive, he gets my long lecture.
The child abusers who are literally putting children in hospital because they failed to forgive their children, oh, I'm going to skate right over that because I'm going to really talk to that peaceful guy.

[46:06] Right, so if you forgive others when they sin against you, so that would be don't abuse your children, right? If your children commit a sin or do something bad, then you have to forgive them, right?
Right. So if you are a child abuser, then you will not be forgiven.
If you're a child abuser, you won't be forgiven by God, because you have failed to forgive your children when they quote sin against you, right?

[46:33] But I will tell you the value that I got out of this.
Again, great email.
I love the email. I love the email. It's very, very interesting and well worthwhile.
And I appreciate the guy taking the time because it helped me understand something very fundamental about myself.
Now, Lord knows you've come here for philosophy. No, no, no, no, you fools.
You've not come here for philosophy what you've come here for my friends is well for me to ramble on about my own inner musings and workings that's the whole thing that's the whole thing, I will get to your question but let me tell you let me tell you I gotta tell you something so, do you forgive your mom? I thought you said you did and that was the mindset I don't recall but I will tell you, that.

[47:41] Are you more or less likely to study for something if you know you're never going to be tested on it?
It's not on the test, right? Do you ever have this thing where they roll in, they used to roll in these big VCRs, and I guess when the teacher had a hangover, it happened in science class, they'd roll in something, and they play a video for half an hour or 45 minutes and everybody's question was, is this going to be on the test? Right?
Because if it's not going to be on the test, I don't really need to pay attention to it. Is this going to be on the test?
How hard do you study if you never get marked on anything? If you pass no matter what?
What has happened to people's behavior in situations where, for one reason or another, the law is not being enforced?

[48:47] Right? Tell me. Let's be frank.
Let's be frank. And I'll be frank with you. You can be anyone you want with me.

The Impact of Unenforced Laws on Behavior

[49:05] If it wasn't on the test, I didn't bother studying. Yeah, Chicago, the Summer of Love 2020, the post-George Floyd stuff and all of that.
In times, the Chaz and all of that, in times where the laws aren't being enforced, what happens to people's behavior? behavior.
Now, you understand that not marking you on a test or everyone passing is forgiving any absence of knowledge.
Oh, I'm taking you on a journey here, man. Can you feel it?
Can you sense it? The icebergs that we're all lashing ourselves to as they go over Niagara?
I'm going I'm going to take you on a little journey here. It's going to blow your mind because this is what this email did for me.

[50:01] If everyone passes, everyone is forgiven for a lack of knowledge.
Whereas if you fail, you're not forgiven for a lack of knowledge.
Do we agree with that? That's not even an analogy. That's just a statement of what happens, right?
Do you see what I mean?
Do you see what I mean? If you're not judged, you are forgiven for deficiencies.

[50:40] Forgiveness, thus, destroys quality.
It destroys competence, it destroys ability, it destroys excellence.
Forgiveness destroys virtue. virtue.
If it's virtuous to have some fact of knowledge, some piece of knowledge, and you're forgiven for not having that, virtue, quality, excellence, achievement, hierarchy has all been destroyed.
If someone grabs the wheel of a plane, or the joystick of a plane and crashes the plane because he didn't know how to fly, do we just forgive him for his lack of knowledge? No.
You know, why don't they write to tax authorities and say, well, you should just forgive people who don't pay their taxes.
Would you want to go to a doctor if you knew for sure he'd never once been tested on his medical knowledge? Would you want to go to that doctor?
Would you want to have a pilot fly your plane if he'd never once been tested on whether he knew how to fly a plane?

[52:08] Do you see what I mean?
Forgiveness is destruction. Forgiveness is decadence. Forgiveness is decay.

Descending into the Depths of the Well

[52:33] Oh, but we're not at the bottom of this well yet. We're still heading down.
Well, well, well. Three holes in the ground. Here we go. Hit me with a Y if you're ready for the next level.
Take me deeper. Barry White deep. Here we go. Barry White deep.
I remember I used to do Barry White in karaoke saying, I'm putting the whites in Barry White.
I didn't say darker. This is the depth. This is the depth. This is the depth that gets you to the sun.
I am a good father precisely because I did not forgive my mother.
Because if it was unforgivable in her, it's also unforgivable in me.
It's unforgivable in me. If it's unforgivable in me, I ain't going to do it.
If it's unforgivable in me, it ain't going to do it. I ain't going to do it.
Do you see what I'm saying?

[53:54] For me, hurting a child would be unforgivable.
Which is why I don't do it. if I were to forgive my mother, I could say that mentally torturing, beating, screaming at, half-starving a child for years and years and years.
Well, that's forgivable. But because of universality, which is the basis of philosophy and theology, that which is forgivable in others must also be forgivable in the self.
That which is forgivable in others must also be forgivable in yourself.
Now, answer me this, brothers and sisters, how hard would you study for a test you didn't care about if you got to write the grade, if you got to write in your own grade?
If you could hack in and just change the grade and you'd never be caught, how hard would you study for a test you didn't care for if you got to write your own grade?

Universal Forgiveness: A Passing Grade for All

[55:09] You got to give yourself an A+, an A-.
You wouldn't study for it at all. Of course you wouldn't. Why would you?
Why would you? So you understand, universal forgiveness is a universal passing grade, regardless of the virtue, the knowledge, the repentance, the improvement, the empathy, the growth, the virtue, any of it. Everybody gets the passing grade.
And if you can give a passing grade to everyone, you can give a passing grade to yourself so your behavior turns to shit.
It's a way of socializing virtue, central planning.
Everybody gets a car. Everybody gets a raise. Everybody gets an A.
Everyone's behavior turns to absolute shit.

Mother's lack of professional help and lawsuits against doctor.

[56:23] Did your mother ever seek professional help? What if she just acknowledged she was ill and owned her problems?
How would it have changed things if either of those two things had occurred?
What are you talking about?

[56:41] Did your mother ever seek professional help? No. In fact, when her doctor said to her that he thought she had psychological issues and they weren't physical issues, she ended up launching horrible lawsuits against him for many years.
What if she just acknowledged she was ill and owned her problems?
What are you saying? paying.
If she was ill, it wouldn't be her fault, right? I mean, if my mother was violent and it turned out that she had a brain tumor that was eating away her neofrontal cortex or her seat of restraint, then she wouldn't be morally responsible for her violence.
So I don't know what you're talking about here.
She acknowledged she was ill. Do you mean mentally ill? I don't know what that means.
Illness is not something you can snap in and out of existence depending depending on your fucking whims.
My mother never beat me up at the mall or in front of the police or in front of the teachers or any, she never beat me up anytime, so she could stop it at any time.
You know, if she had some big tumor in her neck, she couldn't just will it away when she was in public. It would be a permanent thing.
So if they can restrain their behavior in some situations, they can restrain their behavior in all situations. That's just the basic logic thing, right?

[57:57] So, I don't know what you mean by ill. Ill is something beyond one's willpower once it's hit. And owned her problems?
They weren't her problems. You see, if some guy rapes a woman and says, well, I have problems, it's like, you understand, that's just a functional, complete lack of empathy.
That's like a really stone-cold, bizarre-to-my-mindset lack of empathy.
Her problems? Her being violent towards her children on a repeated basis for 12 to 15 years straight?
You think those are her problems? How about the children's problems?
Oh, my God, I don't understand what you're saying.
Oh, my gosh. Wild.

[58:40] Wild. What people say.
So what's happening is I'm sort of angry and outraged, which I'm fine with.
I've got no problem with that. I think that's good reason, and I have no issue with my own anger, and it's bothering you.
So you're like, well, what if this theoretical scenario was the case which is the opposite of what you feel?
Okay, so you're uncomfortable with me expressing anger, or decisiveness, or judgment, or something like that.
You're angry with me, or you're upset with me saying this, so you're trying to create these theoretical situations to block my anger.
I get that, but I don't know what you're talking about. Maybe there's nothing real about what you're saying.
Well, Steph, you're angry about this, but what if the opposite had occurred?
It's like, the fuck are you talking about? The opposite didn't occur.
Can you imagine if some woman is crying to you because she got raped, and you're like, okay, but imagine if the opposite had happened.
Imagine if he brought you flowers and was a really great guy.
It's like, the fuck are you talking about? What on earth are you doing?
Have some empathy for people who suffer. Don't say, well, what if the opposite had happened, and you'd be really happy instead of suffering?
God Almighty.
I'd not only not study, I'd mock those who did.
With God, everyone is essentially, eventually caught. Well, immediately caught, right?

Universality, forgiveness, and repentance discussed.

[1:00:00] What you're saying about universality and forgiveness makes me think this guy is framing your mom's actions as forgivable, so his actions are.
I think that's halfway to truth, if you don't mind me saying so.
Forgive does not mean forget if there was no repentance. if they neither regret, apologize, or change their ways and work to atone for past actions.
There are unforgivable sins against the Holy Ghost, the light given to the world to know right from wrong.
Dave says, this makes sense. I despise my dad's shitty behavior, and I saw how immoral it was. I've constantly kept myself from behaving like him.
It was wrong when he did it. I didn't want to be an unethical man.
It stopped me from going down some bad paths.
I couldn't forgive myself or say, clearly to God I knew better, but I did it anyway.

The Complexity of Forgiveness and Change

[1:00:54] In a prior episode, we covered how you would need to see lots of good behavior to ensure she had changed.
It's all too late. Yeah, it's late. It's too late. It's impossible.
There's no possibility. There's no possibility.
Let's say my mom called me up tomorrow and said, you know, I'm dying and I feel just terrible about what happened to you as a child. We need to talk.
I'm sorry I don't mean to laugh, but imagine she did. Imagine. Imagine she did.
Then why would she be calling me? Because she felt bad about what she did to me? Nope.
Because she felt bad about dying with this on her conscience.
It would still be about her.
It can never be about me. I mean, I'm 57 years old. I haven't needed a parent for 40 years.

[1:01:45] No, I can tell you why he sent me the email. This I know. This I know.
This I need. This I know.
Okay, the first answer made sense. Oh, this is the guy who posted before.
Ignoring the advice of professionals, enough said.
No, okay. If my mom had committed to her health, it would have made it easier on me.
I was asking more towards the mechanics of forgiveness with respect to her behavior.
I'm not here to provoke or judge anyone. How do you know? Now, I'm not here to provoke or judge anyone.
We're talking about some of the most sensitive issues in the human heart, in human history, and in human life.
Some of the most propagandized, weighty, heavy, volatile, emotional.
And you're saying, well, no, I know myself completely. I'm not here to provoke or judge anyone.
You don't know that. Come on. I don't know that about myself.
I'm pretty good with self-knowledge, but I don't know. When people say, well, I know for absolute certainty what all my motivations are regarding these incredibly volatile topics that society doesn't really talk about much at all, I just don't believe you.
I just don't believe you.

[1:02:55] Hit me with a why if you'd like to know why he wrote this email.
Michelle ends up provoking people a lot. Yes, but in a very good way. Provoking thought.
Arousing reason. I will find you. You want to know why he wrote this email?
Because he's got a mom in his life who needs to be forgiven.
And he's channeling her to me so she can lecture him.

[1:03:35] His mother did him great evil, and she wants to get a passing grade, an A, she wants to get an A, and so she needs to create all of this manipulative verbal fog gaslighting bullshit in order to extract forgiveness from him, quote forgiveness from him, so she gets to continue to exploit him without her actually having to accept responsibility, apologize, or do anything to make restitution.
The guy who steals says, ah, but what is property? Well, that shit you stole, that's property.
So this has nothing to do with me. You understand?

The Truth about Conversations and Lectures

[1:04:24] Here's what you need to know.
Most people, most people are having conversations with themselves, not with you.

[1:04:43] He's trying to find, he's trying to say, Steph, you should find good in an evil situation. Well, it's not even evil. She was just outrageous. She was outrageous.
He's talking to his own mother, or rather his mother is talking to him.
His mother's giving him a lecture.
So here's what happens psychologically. So I did a show talking about not forgiving evildoers without repentance.
His inner mother, alter ego, got triggered by that and was afraid that he might listen to me.
So instead of being in a listening position and a learning position, he becomes in a lecturing position so he doesn't have to confront his own mother.
But why would he talk to you specifically? Does he need your permission or acknowledgement?
Why would he talk to me specifically? He told me that.
Michel, you must écoutez. You must écoutez. You must listen, my friend. What did he say?
He said this right at the beginning, Right? He said I've just watched your video from last Easter Called Easter and the Greatest Gift of Jesus, Triggered, Triggered.

[1:06:12] Uh, the topic of Christian forgiveness is a thorny one. It is a healthy, normal human response, and refusal to let it remain in the past is natural.
To forgive others for their actions is instructed to forgive him, seven times seventy.
What I know is that vengeance is God's, as is final judgment.
To forgive those who evilly use you blesses you and curses them.
Not my words, that is scripture.
NPC activation, mother player character, yeah. Right, so a lack of forgiveness is a great sin. So all parents who abuse their children are sinning, obviously infinitely greater than their victims, right? We understand that.
Let's say my mother beat me up 50 times, right? I don't know what the number was, because, you know, I got punch drunk.
So, I mean, I actually got, I think I got ear damage from that.
So my mother beat me up 50 times because she failed to forgive me to the point of violence 50 times, right?

[1:07:09] So clearly that's not forgiving someone, not forgiving an innocent child and beating him up 50 times, right?
How fucking dare people come to me and lecture me about forgiveness when I was the victim?
Like it's wild to me. It's demonic. It's literally demonic.
If a lack of forgiveness is your big issue, you, go talk to the child abusers who are abusing their children because they just won't forgive mostly innocent actions.
Do you see what I'm saying? The people who go to the victims rather than the perpetrators and start preaching forgiveness are just about the most cowardly people in the known universe.

[1:07:58] He could have written to me and said, Steph, the fact that your mother beat you up 50 times was because she failed to forgive you for the innocent actions you took as a child.
I'm sorry that she was so bad at forgiveness that she beat you up 50 times when you were knee-high to a grasshopper.

The Satanic Nature of Threats and Bribes in Forgiveness

[1:08:22] Do you see what I'm saying? No, no, Steph. Steph, the problem in the relationship is your lack of forgiveness.
If a lack of forgiveness causing harm is a problem, the abuser is infinitely worse than the innocent child.
It's satanic, fundamentally. And the reason you know it's satanic is there's a threat and a bribe, right?
The bribe is, oh, you'll be at peace and everything will be fine.
It's for you, you get to move on, this, that, and the other, right?
And the threat is, well, you're a bad person if you don't forgive, you're failing God's grace, you're failing to recognize the saliency of God's virtues, and, oh yeah, by the way, you'll be tortured forever, ow, and you'll really regret it when they die.
Whenever there's a bribe and a curse, Satan has entered the building.

[1:09:22] What is the act of simply walking away from the abuse of lack of forgiveness?
Isn't that in itself forgiveness of the abuse?
What is the act of simply walking away from the abuse of lack of forgiveness?
I don't know what that means. Sorry.

[1:09:48] Forgiveness as a commandment is demanding that those who fail morality be given, a passing grade forever, which destroys morality.
Do you understand? It would destroy the medical profession for anyone to be allowed to practice medicine with no tests. podcasts.
It would destroy the NBA if basketball players didn't have to be any good.
It would destroy movies if writers, actors, and directors didn't have to be any good.

[1:10:32] Nothing in this society would work if we forgave everyone for lacking knowledge, and knowledge of virtue is the most essential thing.
The most essential thing.
So we're saying we should treat evildoers and virtuous people the same, in the same way that we should treat random stabbers and expert surgeons the same, and we would just, you know, there's some guy who's really good at stabbing people in the hospital.
He's a criminal or a slave. He's really good at stabbing people.
And then there's an expert surgeon, and it shouldn't matter to you who operates on your kid. The random stabbing guy or the expert surgeon.
It shouldn't matter if the guy putting you under for the operation knows what he's doing might kill you, you might be awake for the operation but paralyzed but feel everything.

The Parallels Between Forgiveness and Parenting Assessment

[1:11:31] My god, I am a good father because I didn't forgive my mother because if I don't give her a failing grade for being a bad parent I can't give myself a passing grade for being a bad parent, I think I screwed that up let me try that again I know I screwed that up if I don't fail her for being a bad parent I can't pass myself for being a good parent it.

The Conflict of Forgiveness in Christian Context

[1:12:18] In a Christian context, the child abusers who haven't forgiven the children are going to hell.
In a Christian context, the child abusers who haven't forgiven their children and are going to hell.
No, they're child abusers because they haven't forgiven their children.
Because they didn't forgive their children for whatever their children did, they abused them.
Forgiveness prior to accepting the truth is a big part of the conflict with implementing Christian instruction.
Well, do you know why the church went wokefied and became entirely...
Why has the church collapsed to a large degree in the West? Why?
I can tell you why. Why? Because there's a lot of bad mothers, and the women took over the church, and therefore forgiveness became the absolute.
Because they continued to want to exploit their children as abusive mothers, and therefore, instead of Old Testament, instead of judgment, instead of morality, instead of punishment, it's all about forgiveness that is unearned.
Women's thirst for the unearned is virtually bottomless in some contexts, in some situations.

[1:13:35] I tried forgiving my mom she literally went back to all of the tactics of mommy's issues are the most important and what happened to mommy because of her ex-husband before you were born is your fault the devaluing the gaslighting etc etc etc, but what a gift she gave you I know I'm sounding like the other guy but what a gift she gave you, it's exhausting to be around somebody who is unrelenting with their tactics to have some kind of upper hand yeah so don't be around them If you don't want to, if there's no particular value, don't be around them.

[1:14:12] Forgiveness can be great for personal reasons, but it is often guilted out of people. It can be tough to hold someone accountable, but it's worth it.
Forgiveness can be great for personal reasons.
What do you mean?
Oh, you mean like if you accept the bribery of you'll feel bad if you don't forgive and you'll feel good if you do forgive?
That's just drugging people. It's not making an argument. argument.
Tell me how forgiveness, how is unearned forgiveness great?
Because there are people who earn your forgiveness and there are people who continue to abuse you.
There are some people who are good and there are some people who are evil.
There are some people who know how to be a good surgeon and then there are other people who only know how to stab people in an alleyway. Are you saying treat them the same?
Are you saying unearned forgiveness is great for personal reasons?
I'm happy to hear the case.

[1:15:09] You wouldn't be forgiving the instance of your mother. You'd be forgiving bad parenting in general. And in myself.
Universal forgiveness is just a way of subsidizing everything, lowering standards so that evil people aren't punished and therefore good people aren't rewarded, which is taking out incentive.
And we all know what happens to communist economies where there's no incentive.
Everything turns to shit and everyone ends up imprisoned.
It's socialism of the soul. Give me the unearned Fuck the people who earn it Punish them.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and Forgiveness

[1:16:04] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is certainly not work.
We do not bend to modern trends.
Good to hear. When you judge your mother accurately and treat her reasonably, isn't that the extent of forgiveness?
What more is this guy saying forgiveness should entail?
I'm not talking to him. His mother's yelling at him, and he's taking it out on me.
I mean, you know how the mom yells at the eldest kid, and then the eldest kid just bullies the youngest kid? That's all that's going on.
When you judge a mother accurately and treat her reasonably, I don't know what treating her reasonably means.
I don't know what that means. And I also don't know exactly what judging my mother means.
I'm sorry, I just judge her actions. Abusing children is immoral.
It's deeply evil. It is really the source of all evils in the world, so it's the most evil.
Like, the abuse of children is the most evil because it is the fountainhead from which all other evil springs.

[1:17:03] So, when I call that which is the most evil, the most evil, and then people say, you should treat it as if it's good.
I mean, who other than evildoers would want that? Right?
The guy who has his life savings stolen wants the asshole in jail.
The asshole who stole his life savings wants forgiven. Of course.
The bad people want to be forgiven because they don't want consequences for evil doing. I mean, of course they do.
Of course they do. I mean, that's inevitable.
Why would you listen to them? They're evil.
Oh my gosh. Can you be unforgiving to yourself?

[1:17:52] Well a lot of people internalize self-punishment right a lot of people internalize self-punishment if you've done something that's wrong you make amends, you you apologize you make restitution you promise how it's never going to do it again how you're never going to do it again and you don't expect that the relationship will continue in you, but maybe you hope that it does. Okay.
So you've done everything you can, and then you learn and do better and so on, right?
So if you're unforgiving to yourself, it's because you're stuck in this loop of doing bad things without taking ownership, apologizing, making restitution, and finding ways to not do it again, right?

[1:18:45] Meaning the release form of forgiveness in this case i learned there's exoneration complete apology and proof of change forbearance keeping someone at a distance and more transactional and release permanently cut ties and accept it mitigate the resentment and move on, i think that's yeah that's fair, those are grades of forgiveness if you will uh i don't think that they would be in the same category so complete apology and proof of change that would i think would uh would bring forgiveness to some degree that forgiveness doesn't mean the relationship continues but it's the best someone can do right depends on the nature of you know somebody kills your kid not not so much right forbearance keeping someone at a distance and more transactional and release permanently cut ties and accept it, mitigate the resentment and move on.

The Debate on Universal Forgiveness and Justice

[1:19:33] Okay. So when you accept that people won't ever earn your forgiveness, you can't give them your forgiveness.
Like, I'm sorry. I don't, I don't understand. I don't genuinely don't understand this.
If people earn my forgiveness, I'll give them my forgiveness because justice is about paying what you owe.
If I borrow 500 bucks from someone, I'll give them the 500 bucks back because I owe them that.

[1:20:02] So if somebody earns my forgiveness, I'll give them my forgiveness.
In fact, it will happen kind of automatically out of just being in their presence and understanding what they did.
If somebody doesn't earn my forgiveness, I don't give them my forgiveness.
Like, I don't understand.
I don't understand what, I mean, these are categorically the opposite things.
So, I mean, if there's a store and you phone up and you say, hey, man, you owe me an iPad.
And they say, well, I can't find your order number. It's like, no, I never ordered it. I just want one.
What? No. We ship iPads to people who order them, not to people who didn't order them.
Like, you understand. I mean, just, hey, if you think universal forgiveness is great, then just open up a store and people can take what they want and never need to pay anything.
Right? Open up a car dealership. People can come in, take your cars, and they never have to pay anything.
In other words, there's no difference between those who pay for the cars and those who don't pay for the cars.
People don't like to do that, do they? Because that's a little vivid.
That's a little personal. That's a little costly.
So instead, they lecture philosophers on the internet about the need for forgiveness when they've been the victim of a lack of forgiveness to the point of brutality over the first 20 years of their life.

[1:21:31] Why don't they do that if there's no difference between those who have earned things from you and those who haven't earned things from you then why would you ever be monogamous with your wife right you have a vow and she's earned monogamy but there's no difference between people who earn your monogamy and people who don't earn your monogamy, and therefore there's no such thing as monogamy.
Why don't people disassemble themselves and say, well, you know, based upon my organs, I could save 20 people's lives.
The heart, my kidney, my liver, my eyes. I could save 20 people's lives.
Now, maybe you would give up your, you probably would give up your kidney to save your daughter or your son or your wife or something like that. But some stranger?
Should be no difference. Everybody in the world needs a kidney.
Why aren't you out there handing out your kidneys?
Oh, I'm sorry. Is there a difference between you people you care about who've been virtuous and kind with you and people you don't even know?
See, it's only in this area of forgiveness that people come up with this insane, spine-scrubbing, self-erasing socialism.
I never live like that. I just lecture like that. All right.

[1:22:54] Now, it's a new year. It's a new day. It's a new life for me, Alright, this is the first livestream of 2024 I'm gonna straight up Think I'm working pretty hard here, Couple of tips or two Come on people, couple of tips or two I'll go a little longer, I'll go a little longer But I've been working pretty hard here And that was after a difficult start to the show Which of course wasn't your fault But it's still a little bit of work to overcome And be positive about So I'll be straight up about what I would like I would very much like, to have some tips.
It always is nice to start the year with a bang-up fine show.

[1:23:41] Christ tells us to be like the innocent children, to suffer them to some, to come unto him, that of such as these children is his kingdom.
How many of the children I would agree, to my own judgment, is evil, and I don't see them being forgiven. I actually have to ask about that.
The family is central to God's plan. Thank you for teaching me what to pray about.
I'm glad to have helped." Glad to have helped.
Catholic doctrine and teaching has been particularly compassionate and focused on overly simplistic, merciful nonsense.
If you are sorry and seek forgiveness, that's enough. So people just settle for a mediocre, stale life experience.
Christianity has a much better message to offer people.

[1:24:26] It's weird how everyone in the community expects a socialized trust economy.
If you are revealed to have standards with your parents, people just treat you very differently.
Well, Michelle, I'm sorry to be a repeat nag here, but I'm going to be a repeat nag. I will be sorry about it, but I'll still do it.
Which is, know what's going on. Know what's going on.
So, if you say, I judge my parents, what happens is.

[1:24:55] People's inner parents recoil from that and get upset and get angry right you're not talking to people you're talking to their reactionary parents or you know unless their parents themselves and have done wrong or whatever it is right so when you say i judge my parents well the parents all gave themselves a passing grade right the parents all gave themselves a passing grade for terrible abuse of nasty parenting if that's what they did and so the idea that our judgment is is arriving is a shock and is appalling, right?
It's like a guy who's been stealing from the company. How does he feel about an audit, right? Guy's been stealing from a company.
He stole a million dollars from the company. How does he feel about an audit that's going to reveal his crimes? Well, he's very angry. He's very upset. He's very hostile.
He's very frustrated. He's very weirded. He's very freaked out.
So he's going to get really tense. He's going to be hostile.
Oh, we don't need an audit. Oh, don't be ridiculous, blah, blah, blah, right? And he knows even if he quits, he's still going to get arrested when they find out everything he stole.

Fear of Judgment: Criminals vs. Peaceful Parents

[1:25:59] The only people who fear judgment are criminals.
I mean, do I need to boil it down any deeper or more substantial than that?
The only people who fear judgment are criminals. Listen, maybe when my daughter gets older, her.
She'll write about me. She'll write about her life with me.
And people will interview her. Oh, this peaceful parent guy.
What was he really like? Do you think I fear that?
Do you think if someone comes to my daughter in the future and says, you know, you never have to see your dad.
Do you think that concerns me? Do you think I'm, oh God, don't tell her that.
Do you think that's my life? Do you think that's what I do?
Is that uh is that my existence do i fear judgment, am i afraid that the jeffrey epstein locks are coming out i don't fear judgment, and you know why thank you chris do you know why i don't fear judgment.

[1:27:10] Thank you, Jederman. Thank you, Ground Beef. Now I'm hungry. Thank you, Omega.
Thank you very much for your tips. I appreciate that. Thank you, Chris. Why don't I fear judgment?
Why don't I? Listen, you can say, well, because you've done good. I don't fear judgment.
Judge, please, judge. Judge away. Judge me.
Judge. Bring it on. Judge me. me. I'm trying to do good. Maybe I could do better.
Happy to hear more. Happy to get better examples.
Happen to get polished by criticism. You follow?
I don't fear judgment. Why don't I fear judgment?
I constantly ask feedback. Yeah, I constantly want to get better.

[1:28:05] You You have nothing to hide. You aren't a counterfeiter. But that's all the effects, right? Why don't I fear judgment?
Thank you, Lloyd.

[1:28:17] Why don't I fear judgment?
Because I judge myself first.
Integrity is the result of that. Why don't I fear judgment? Michelle coming in hot with the flaming hypertext.
No, because I judge myself first.
I can't even tell you the number of shows I've started and I'm like, ah, this is not what I need to say, this is not what I want to say, I'm distracted, I'm wondering, like, whatever it is, right?
So because I judge myself first, now, you can say, do I judge myself harshly? I don't even know what that means.
I try to judge myself accurately.
So if you want to judge me you have to get in line behind me right did you see what i'm saying, everyone and forever is always down the line of judging me i'm always judging myself first that's a good thing that's a good thing you know like the people i'm my daughter introduced me to this, really fascinating show. You can get it on YouTube, called Secret Eaters or something like that.

Judging Ourselves First: A Good Thing

[1:29:42] And it's about people who are like, I can't figure out why I'm gaining weight.
It's really mysterious. Maybe I've just got a slow metabolism.
I mean, all I eat are fruits and veggies and crisps, and I just can't figure out why I'm gaining the weight. It's bizarre.
I mean, I eat maybe 2,000 calories a day, and I don't know. It's bizarre.
I'm doing everything right. I keep gaining weight.
It's weird, right? And so what they do in the show, is they put cameras in the people's houses, which they know about, and they also send two private investigators to follow these people everywhere around all day to record what they eat.
It's wild. It's wild.
And it always comes back the same. Well, you said you were eating 2,000 calories a day.
Turns out you're actually eating 4,500 calories a day, which I suppose makes it slightly less mysterious is as to why you're porking out so intergalactically.

[1:30:45] I mean, people who get fat aren't judging themselves.
Now, of course, there's a great mystery as to whether people, like people will literally say, I eat well.
And like one guy had, he had a hoagie for breakfast, the size of a lumberjack's forearm that had 1600 calories in it.
And by the end of the day, he'd had 4,500 calories.
And he's like, no, I don't know if people are lying to themselves or not, right?
But those who have integrity don't fear judgment.
Cheers, Steph. No, Manuel, my friend. Thank you so much for being here. I appreciate it.
But that's not it. Why is it false to say those who have integrity don't fear judgment?
All addicts lie well yeah but whether do they lie to themselves or not right who knows right doesn't you can never really answer because the people if they're liars they won't tell you the truth about it why is it not a true statement to say those who have integrity don't fear judgment.

The Relationship Between Food and Judgment

[1:32:14] We judge ourselves, we fear our own judgment.
Yeah, eat small bowls and have plates a different color than the food. You'll eat less.
I've done studies all over the place about this, that if you have smaller plates, you'll take smaller portions. Okay.

[1:32:41] You do lie to yourself to maintain that level of calories. You find ways to hide from the truth.
I think that's true, but I think basically they have bad relationships with their parents almost always, and the parents are saying, eat food rather than judge us.
So their unhappiness about the bad relationships with their parents gets transmogrified into eating more and so on.
So I think it's just parental commandment to eat more. That's why the comfort eating and the secret eating.
All right. I will tell you why this statement. Those who have integrity don't fear judgment.
It's false. I'm going to give you an analogy. Those who have integrity have the courage to face judgment. No.
Okay, so let's say you've got a GPS, you've got to get to a job interview, and you're just going to be on time, maybe a little bit early, and you can't get lost, right?
And you take a wrong turn, and your GPS says, recalculating, pull a U-turn, and you'll be back on track, or something like that, right?
Do you welcome the correction of the GPS so you can get to your job interview on time?
Do you welcome the correction, the judgment of the GPS?

[1:34:08] Of course you do. Of course you do.
Of course you do, right?
So it would be like, those who want to get to their destination don't fear the GPS.
Would that make any sense?
Those who want to get to their destination have the courage to confront the GPS.
No. None of this is true.
Those who have integrity, love, and welcome judgment, Judgment.
Those who want to get to the job interview on time love and welcome the GPS correcting them or routing them around traffic.
You love and want and thirst for and need and respect and invite judgment.

[1:35:13] Am I wrong? What do I always say? Questions, comments, issues, criticisms.
This guy is judging me for not being a good victim of child abuse.
I welcomed his email did you not hear me say I'm really glad he wrote me the email it gave me really good feedback this is a great email.

The Importance of Welcoming Judgment

[1:35:44] Those who have integrity welcome need want thirst for and desire judgment.
Because if you are not judged, you cannot be loved.
Do you follow? If you're not judged, you can't be loved.
Did you not judge me tonight and say, okay, fine, I'll show up.
I'm sure I'll have something of value to offer. Fine, I'll be here. Did you not judge me?
That's someone who might have the capacity to provide some kind of value.
You must welcome need, thirst for, invite and want, judgment.

[1:36:37] Only corrupt people fear judgment.
Don't be judgmental is a fog put out in society so crimes can continue unseen.
I love judgment. Judgment.
When my daughter runs off and gives me a big hug and says, let's go for lunch, she's judging me.

[1:37:25] Why would you be afraid of judgment when judgment is what keeps you happy and makes you loved.
I don't want to over-explain this, but does this make sense?
Like, I'm not kidding when I want people to judge me.
I need people to judge me. I need myself to judge me.
How the hell am I going to know if I'm going in the right direction if I never judge my surroundings?
I never judge where I am. I never judge where I'm going. Okay?
If my wife hadn't judged me as worthy of marrying and having children with i wouldn't be with my wife my gosh please judge me i'm begging you judge me, even bad judgment teaches me a lot.

The Misunderstanding of Judgment and Discrimination

[1:38:35] Aren't almost all thoughts judgments yeah it's kind of true in that i was saying this to my daughter the other day but we were out somewhere i'm just like you know what everyone i see i judge everyone i see i judge but i mean it's just involuntary everyone i see i judge, ah i welcome the chance to donate via free slash donate which coincidentally I have just done.
And yes, my screen name is Boa the Snake. Omega. B-O-A.
It's fast to enter in video games. LOL. I don't quite quit the last part, but I certainly thank you for your support.
That is very kind. Thank you. I appreciate it.

[1:39:16] There's a brain fog among my generation about judgment equals discrimination equals racism. Right. Right. Right.
Being able to face judgment and take it to heart is the greatest mercy.
Damn, no. No.
I really need to get to my job interview on time. The GPS is correcting me because I made a mistake.
Being able to face the feedback from the GPS and take it to heart is the greatest mercy. It's like, no, thank you, GPS.
Useful, beautiful. Beautiful. I'd kiss your digital innards if I could and wouldn't get a shock.
Oh, mercy, mercy me.

[1:40:09] Like today, you know, of course, I've cut back on my food again, right? So I'd really like to get, I'd like to get down to 180.

[1:40:17] Oh, interesting number on the tips. So I'd like to get down to 180. So I got a judge.
So this afternoon I was talking with my daughter and I said, you know what? I haven't eaten for like 14 hours.
I think, I feel the need to eat, but I'm not actually hungry. So I judge, right?

[1:40:34] To judge, am I actually hungry? Or am I just habitual to eat? But is it true, Merce?
Jared keeping that horse still twitching. Oh my gosh.
Judge, judge, gosh. Everything is judgment. Life is judgment.
Virtue is judgment. Intellect is judgment. Philosophy is judgment.
Thoughts are questions and answers. They are judgments. We are supposed to judge.
How can you go through life without judgments?
I think the people who don't like it either don't think or judge their own behavior as crappy.
And are trying to ignore it or numb themselves. I think when people judge them, they freak out because they're already annoyed with themselves or full of shame.
Evil doers will always tell you not to judge, right? The guy who's embezzling from your company will tell you, you don't need an audit.
An audit is a waste of resources. That money should be better going to charity or to giving people raises.
Engineering is judgment. Everything is judgment.
You'll judge me for being latent. And rightly so. Rightly so.
I judged me for being late tonight I was more annoyed than you about what happened but you know you get past it I also judged that I shouldn't have you suffer for my annoyance so I'll do a good show I'll try I think I have.

Judgment and Obesity: The Cult of Anti-Judgment

[1:41:48] Probably too late for bitcoin doing anything to do with bitcoin is it too late?
Should I just do that tomorrow?
Or should we do bitcoin? or if you have any questions or comments certainly happy to hear Certainly happy to hear.

[1:42:06] Yeah, don't judge me as I'm bad. Yeah, it's just as soon as somebody says, don't judge me. I'm afraid of judgment.
Judgment is bad. Don't judge. Okay, you're a bad guy.
Well, Jared, of course, you're going to say Bitcoin today. All right, let's grind some gears.
Most of my American modern cultures hates judgment. It's a huge percentage.
Well, I mean, whenever you see hostility to judgment, there do you also see massive increases in obesity people can't even judge if they're fat they can't even judge the calorie it takes right so all right yeah obesity is uh the result of the cult of anti-judgment don't judge me for being fat it's like okay well maybe maybe but you'll want my tax money for your health care so sorry if you want my money for your health care i'm I'm going to judge you for being unhealthy.
If you want to free yourself of that judgment, all you need to do is stop taking my money for health care.

[1:43:16] So, all right.
Lawyers in love. All right. Let's get to our bitty coin news, because we had a little pump and dump there.
Had a little pump and dump. All right.
What have we got, flower?
There we go. All right. So thank you to Jared for putting most of this together.
I'll throw in a few flakes of goldy thoughts myself.
So, general update. Bitcoin has been on a wild ride in the past few weeks with a surge in value that has seen it trading above $45,000 for the first time since April 22, 2022, all U.S. dollars.
Then in the wee hours this morning, the price dropped from about $45,500 to about $40,800.

[1:44:11] One speculation about why, regards a report by financial services firm Matrixport, which pushed back against optimistic expectations regarding these Bitcoin ETFs we've talked about before, stating, and I quote, we believe all applications fall short of a critical requirement that must be met before the SEC approves.
This might be fulfilled by Q2 2024, but we expect the SEC to reject all proposals in January.
Matrixport is notably led by Jihan Wu. Wu is the billionaire founder of Bitmain, a Bitcoin mining firm who was on the Bitcoin cash side of the block size wars, similar to the clone wars, but one was larger than the other.
Coindesk says the slump retraced the entire upside move that occurred on January the 1st, spurring the liquidation of $500 million worth of positions across derivatives exchanges.

[1:45:03] Now, of course, the Kramer curse, right? Inverse Kramer.
Kramer yesterday was like, Bitcoin's great technology. It's unbeatable.
It's here to stay. And then, right, so that's natural, right?
Now, I'm just going to put on my evil guy hat, right? So my evil guy hat.
My evil guy hat says that people know that the Bitcoin ETFs are going to be approved, right? They know that they're going to be approved.
So why would people tell you that the Bitcoin ETFs aren't going to be approved if they knew that they were?
I mean, we all know this, right? This is real, real obvious, right?
Real, totally, completely obvious, right?
Why would people say it's not going to get approved if they knew for some reason that it was going to get approved yeah so they can drive down the price and buy it themselves again i'm not accusing anyone i don't know anything i'm just saying if i was evil hat guy right and i was very certain or fairly certain or maybe had some inside knowledge about bt about etf approval and if they don't approve there's historical there's legal precedent as to why they they would approve and you can sort of dig into all of that if you want.
But, uh, if, if, if people expect it to be approved, the first thing they're going to say, again, assuming amorality is.

[1:46:20] The first thing that they're going to say if they know it's going to be approved or they're reasonably certain it's going to be approved is they're going to say, oh, man, it's not going to be approved.
People are going to panic. They're going to sell. It's going to drop.
Then a bunch of triggers are going to happen. And then you just get Bitcoin on sale. Of course, right?
I mean, that would be.

[1:46:39] This comes as Reuters reports that the SEC may approve Bitcoin spot ETFs as early as next week ahead of the January the 10th deadline.
So I don't like to make predictions, but I'm just saying that this could be the case.
One guy wrote, I survived the Bitcoin crash of 7.05 a.m.
To 7.35 a.m. EST. Will you remember where you were during this difficult time?
In late December, MicroStrategy made headlines by purchasing an additional 14,620 Bitcoin for $615 million, bringing their total holdings to a staggering 189,150 Bitcoin coin worth eight billion dollars um i assume that they will have entire continents if not, entire no they'll have entire continents named for them uh in the future on the global stage iran and russia have finalized a deal to trade in local currencies ditching the u.s dollar and aligning with the bricks de-dollarization efforts this move could have significant implications for the global economy and the role of the u.s dollar as the world's reserve currency yes yes yes yes uh if the world's reserve if the if the world's reserve currency stops being the u.s dollar and it's kind of time for that based a sort of historical precedent of last or previous reserve dollar standards like the british pound and the flemish flander or whatever it was uh yeah it's about time so who knows right but uh then demand for the u.s dollars will go down and.

Missouri Introduces Pro-Bitcoin Bill for Self-Custody and Mining

[1:48:07] Well what didn't they just pass 44 trillion dollars in debt or some completely insane number All right.
So a huge breaking news as well. Pro-Bitcoin bill.
Protecting your rights to self-custody, mine, and access Bitcoin has officially been introduced, not approved, in the state of Missouri.
As promised, Satoshi Action Fund is winning political battles for Bitcoin adoption in state legislatures across the U.S.
So what does this bill do to advance bitcoin in the usa it prohibits the state from borrowing you from using self-custody to secure their bitcoin to secure your bitcoin i guess that means prohibits the state from borrowing you from purchasing saving or transacting with bitcoin prevents the state from borrowing you from mining bitcoin prevents the state from discriminating against bitcoin miners eliminate state capital gains taxes applied to bitcoin transactions under 200 protects your liability to use lightning network and other layer 2 solutions and guarantees your sovereign ability to run a node.
Once Missouri passes this bill into law, it will lead the nation in protecting Bitcoin rights.

[1:49:13] So that's good. So that's good. If you do want to help out Satoshi Action Fund, they're behind a lot of this kind of stuff, you can go to slash protect bitcoin. slash protect bitcoin.
There is a new IRS law, a new tax law reporting requirement has entered into force in the U.S.
Starting on January 1st this year. all Americans receiving $10,000 or more in crypto in the course of their trade or business must file a report with the Internal Revenue Service within 15 days.
If you don't file a report within 15 days of receiving the transaction, you could be found guilty of a felony offense, Coin Center warned.
So you should look into that. But that's not obviously positive for a lot of people if you are American.
But, you know, obviously talk to your accountant and obey the law. All right.

[1:50:12] Fox's Eleanor Terrett reports that the SEC is meeting with the major exchanges, NASDAQ, CBOE, NYSE, to conclude discussions on the 19B4s submitted by spot Bitcoin ETF issuers.
That's a lot of acronyms, but it seems to be moving forward.
They say everything is still moving forward as projected.
Goldman Sachs are in talks to be authorized participant with BlackRock and Grayscale.
Coindesk reports, so that's important as well.
And that's kind of what's floating around in the bitcoin world i will leave you leave you this link about the new crypto law that's going on in the u.s for u.s citizens let's get to the right place here.

[1:51:01] There you go. Yes.
It's like how they always kept threatening to ban Bitcoin back in the day. Yes, yes, that's true.
Oh, good news, Steph. I'm now off of assistance and rejoined the working poor.
I can now buy into a Bitcoin.
As in fractions, I've had a good start. Love to hear starter tips, advice.
I really can't give you any particular financial advice or platform advice.

[1:51:29] So, uh yes um i don't know like what's it uh, ftx or whatever sfx the bankman freed thing there are a bunch of not that i'm some big celebrity but there were celebrities who said oh you should totally use this and that it turned out to be kind of a um well seems to be kind of a scam although they don't seem to be too interested in going after bankman freed for all of his campaign donations that's very very strange very odd very mysterious the way the world works it's so unpredictable so as far as philosophy goes, with regards to bitcoin i can sort of end here and again any last tips would be, hugely um and gratefully appreciated and supported um sorry i was hoping to get a chapter of peaceful parenting out today but i had to do more rewrites than i thought so it'll be coming out over the next day or two uh yeah a lot of celebrities are getting sued for fdx endorsements yes that's right That's right.
So not that I'm some big celebrity, but I don't do endorsements because I can't verify what's on the up and up and what's not. So I don't give any endorsements that way.
But the financial industry, the traditional TradFi, traditional finance industry is...
Going through a balancing act at the moment. They need the price of Bitcoin to go up and down so they can buy the dip.

[1:52:52] But they can't have Bitcoin be too volatile, otherwise they can't put it into the portfolios of people who say they don't want risk in their portfolios, right?
So that's a big challenge, right? So they need it to ripple up and down, but you've noticed it goes up and down, but it never goes much beyond a wide band.
That's my sort of experience, And I don't know, of course, what's going on, but my theory would be something like, well, they need to drive the price down, not too much, because if they drive the price down too much, then they can't sell it to the boomers, because the boomers want conservative investments because they're retiring.
So they want to drive the price down enough to buy the dip, and then they need to support that price back up so it stays within the band of volatility that allows them to put it into more conservative portfolios.
So that is quite a challenge and I'm sure that there's a lot of algorithms because I used to program these very algorithms back in the day and my first programming job was at a trading company so I know a little bit about this, there's a lot of algos in there that are looking to, they're looking to grab price dips but are also looking to hedge it to make sure it doesn't go down too far because the ETFs won't be worth that much in my opinion if they can't put it into to Boomer accounts.

[1:54:11] Let's see. Just wondering where to start. Again, you can just do it.
You don't need me to say that.
So just do Google starting out in Bitcoin and do that. Maybe not Google.
Find some less biased search engine.

[1:54:28] So far nothing about bitcoin or cryptocurrency on 401ks but the same investment orgs have crypto offerings in other areas it'll come and the boomers will flow to wherever they're told to go right so um i'll just sort of close on this uh thank you for your tips any last ones would be very very gratefully accepted but the you know if that's one thing the pandemic and other things have have taught us is that uh you know people um people they they doth respond to propaganda propaganda they doth respond to insistent arguments from those they consider to be authorities to the point where they'll you know turn on on others and and do all sorts of crazy stuff so the sort of military grade propaganda machinery is sort of well understood not just by of course the military not just by the government but also by private industries and in particular the finance has worked very hard on the marketing side uh you can call it you know free market market propaganda is marketing or whatever, right?
But when the marketing arm of TradFi is deployed to push Bitcoin, and I think that the push for Bitcoin is accelerating because of the massive amount of debt and unfunded liabilities that's going on in the US and, of course, other Western countries at the moment.

[1:55:45] And, you know, the fact that there's a bunch of billionaires building bunkers is also not too relaxing for people in the know.
But when that amount of marketing push, that kind of propaganda gets pushed at the boomers, the amount and speed of the adoption will be shocking to people who don't understand how this stuff works.
And I'm sorry to be the annoying guy who says, well, they don't understand how this works.
But it is a very real fact.
It's a very real fact. When you see what what propaganda has done over the last couple of decades, or even the last couple of years, it's really quite shocking.
People are, you know, they don't have philosophy, they don't have religion, they don't have God, they don't have objective standards, they don't have any absolutes, and so they're, you know, they're dandelions in a wind.
Oh, that dandelion really wants to go south. No, it's just going where the wind blows, any way the wind blows.
So when the wind changes, the dandelion will change course, and it won't notice that change.

[1:56:47] Or if it'll just be about something changed, right? So people will be very hostile towards Bitcoin, skeptical to Bitcoin. It's a scam. It's this, that, and the other. But that's just because what they're told.
It's what they're told. Oh, Bitcoin's a scam or whatever, right?
And then when they're told Bitcoin is now a legitimate new currency that is the most stable and best performing asset in human history, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Okay, well, like you and I would be bothered by that pivot. Most people aren't.

The Death of Reason and Biden vs Trump

[1:57:12] I mean, it's kind of chilling. I don't know if you've ever seen this in real time. I see it quite a lot.
But people aren't bothered by that pivot. They don't even really seem to notice.
You can look at my old presentation called The Death of Reason.
Don't forget
The Death of Reason.
People just do this pivot. They don't even notice it. I mean you've probably seen these videos where someone's on the street and there's a bunch of quotes they say come from Trump and the Biden supporters are like oh that's terrible that's awful that's appalling that's wrong it's like actually that was Biden not Trump and they're like they don't they don't like doesn't matter it doesn't matter it doesn't matter uh thank you JB man I really really appreciate that uh yes now with thumbnails more me can't be bad corvell says i had a small five dollars earlier anyway i give you 30 yeah sorry i give you, give you sorry here i give you 30 seconds you give 30 seconds on good mindset to have when learning a new skill how to keep the creative flame alive even when you are a beginner, even if there's a level before beginner so everyone talks about the joys of creativity, but most of the joys of creativity come out of a deep and visceral hatred for barriers.

[1:58:33] You know it's part of the whole sort of girlification of our entire culture that all negative emotions are just considered bad and inappropriate i guess unless it's hatred of unapproved groups or something but most most of creativity is just hating limitations like having a deep and visceral hatred of limitations you know when i first started writing my novel the future i'd never written a science fiction novel before and i'd never found a way to encapsulate my entire vision of the world in a short and hopefully powerful and compelling story.
So I was a little nervous, like, how am I going to do this? And I'm like, oh, fuck, I hate that shit. I hate these limitations.
Just shut up and let your mind fly.
All these naggy things. Oh, what if I don't? I've never done this before.
And oh, God, just shut that shit down and let your brain fly, baby. Let it be free. you've got to hate those limitations.
You know, when I was learning tennis, I would hate the fact that the ball wouldn't go where I wanted it to. I hated that.
So I was really passionate about learning how to put the ball where I wanted the ball to go.
Like 95% of creativity is just hating the limitations. Once you hate the limitations and carve them down, tear down that wall by whatever means necessary, then your soul can fly free.
The bird just hates the cage, gets out of the cage, it flies wherever it wants.

[2:00:01] So when you're starting something and you're a beginner, hate those limitations.
For men in particular, could use more sci-fi from you.
I appreciate the thought. I'm casting about for the idea for a new novel because I just really loved writing the last ones.
It was so nice being off politics and writing novels. It's so great. So nice.
So good. And the novels were great. Just fantastic. So yeah, as far as like, for men, it's all like, well, I'm not good at this.
I'm behind. I'm not learning fast enough it's like oh just hate it hating limitations yes thank you that's awesome I know jack shit about woodworking but I was too I was keen to create yeah you know when I would uh when I learned how to program I knew the computer could do something I knew it could do x y and z it's like I hate that I don't know that I'm gonna push through it and find it and.

[2:00:54] But everyone's got to be like oh it's a nurturing process of butterflies and flowers it's like no No, it's punching through walls so that you can run unopposed.
It's setting fire to a ceiling so you can join the clouds.
I mean, it's hating gravity so that you can float with the stars.
I like this idea. It puts motive to my workouts as well. I hate feeling winded when rucking a back set a couple of miles.
Great books. The present and the future were both very good. Thank you, Dave.
Yeah, like one of the reasons I exercise, I hate the idea of feeling weak and, oh, look at me, I'm a pear.
I hate the idea of just feeling weak and, yeah, how can I learn how to program?
Find a problem that pisses you off and do it. Yeah, you know the computer can do it.
You stay at the computer. I'm just going to yell at you until you do what I want you to do.
Stop fighting me, right? So the anger part, the rage part is how we overcome obstacles, right?
Like all progress is I hate being cold. I'm going to figure out how to build a fire.
I hate being stuck in the rain. I'm going to figure out how to build a shelter, right?
So we've got this thing where it's like, oh, everything's got to be so positive.
And you got to go to a Guatemalan community and commune with the monarchs.
And it's like, no, just hate the shit that's in your way. And you'd be amazed at how far you can go.

[2:02:15] So I hope, does that help? Yeah, the reason we have a premium shirt search, I hated the article. That's right, that's right.
I tried soldiering for the first time today. I was terrible and feeling defeated.
My 10-year-old son said, don't worry, dad, it was your first time.
Oh, isn't that great? Isn't that great when your kids tell you to have patience?
Everything we have in the world was built by male anger. Well, and male lust, right? You build shelter so it doesn't rain on your ass when you have sex, right?
Male anger, male lust. it's the two things that the two legs that bring society forward which is why these are the two things that are demonized these days right just terrible all right any last thoughts comments issues questions just before we sign off thank you everyone so much you know i i fucking hated the lack of objective ethics in the world i hated it it enraged me it enraged me that i I studied philosophy for 20 years and couldn't even tell you why and what virtue was. It pissed me off.
Rage is life. Rage is joy. Rage is progress. Love it.
All progress is, I don't know, just a hatred of limitations.

[2:03:34] Oh damn this is firing me up thank you you're very welcome it's how we poured concrete and erected steel buildings a bunch of angry union guys making shit happen you ever see you ever see coaches for the elite sports do they seem like calm people to you it seemed very angry don't they, oh my god yes beautiful uh except except maybe skydiving if first you don't succeed it may not not be for you yeah i had a guy he was a friend of mine was scottish he was scottish and he was so cheap we went we went skydiving and he's like ah apparently it's pretty cheap if i if i pack my own pack my own he didn't even know the word pack my own oh a parachute a pack my own parachute apparently it's much cheaper and i'm like please don't save money on this please don't save money on this, whatever you do.
This is not a place this is not a place for you to cheap out, man.

[2:04:36] I could buy more tartan and could have some more haggis. If I don't pack my own parachute, I could have some more haggis.
Well, we'll see, intestines, it'll just be yours as you splatter and thread yourself across the treetops.
Glad to see you, Free Domain. Haven't seen a show all year until now. Hate it.
Oh, yes, all the dads waiting until 1201. Hey, I haven't seen you in a year.
Coaches make you raise your standards, judgment, and action.
Now, coaches will be enraged if you don't do your best, right?

[2:05:09] Coaches are angry when you don't do your best. This is why, like, I'm out of patience, right? People send me these emails. I'm like, oh, out of patience.
Well, remember, soldiering is better than soldiering, as in being drafted. So that's good.
Why is that soldering meme brutal?

[2:05:30] Is that because she's holding the solder, which is super hot?
I don't know. I've never, I can't think of, I've ever soldered.
So why is that? Why is that soldering meme so bad?

Hilarious Harvard Meme and Praise for Harvard's Actions

[2:05:40] And we never did get to Harvard, but I will just, I saw one of the funniest memes I've ever seen in my life. They hold, she's holding the heated bit, right?
It's one of the funniest memes. Claudine Gay is the name of the woman at Harvard who's, I don't know, she's resigning or being fired or something.
And she's basically just being dipped down to a professor. It's still at her $900,000 salary. I think it's wonderful.
Harvard could not be doing any better, in my estimation.
I love what they're doing. I hope that they do lots more of it, and I'm behind them 150% in all of these hires and all of that.
And I bet you we're going to find out that people knew for months, if not years before, about this woman's constant plagiarism.
Anyway, there was this meme. It's just absolutely brilliant.
Somebody mocked up a book cover, and the book cover was Claudine Gay's Three Keys to Success.
And it was a control key a c key and a v key that's just unbelievably a brilliant meme where you just you all you can do is kneel before the genius of that meme like there's nothing else you can do there's nothing else you can do than kneel before the absolute genius of that meme just for those of you who aren't windows users three keys to success control c is copy control v is paste because she just plagiarized a living shit out of everything.
So that was just absolute.

[2:07:01] I will never do anything as good as that meme in my life. And I've actually invented modern secular ethics.
But I will never, ever do anything as good as that in my life.
And I'm humbled for it. And I'm glad that there's someone who did it because that is just, that's the kind of thing that is just fantastic, fantastic. All right.
Thank you, everyone, for a lovely show. If you're listening to this later, slash donate to help out with the tips. I would massively, hugely, deeply appreciate that.
And thanks to Jared for putting together the Bitcoin stuff.
All the retarded stuff was mine. And thanks to James for his continuing great work.
We are, I'm, because I'm now not a programmer, I'm just telling you all, as customers, we're getting natural language search.
Like, it's just, I guarantee it. For donors, it's going to be a natural language search.

[2:07:49] And it's beautiful. It's going to be gorgeous.
The user interface is going to be like angels massaging your eyeballs with their breasts.
So maybe let's say fairies, because that's a little less blasphemous.
It is going to be fairies who are massaging your cranium with their toes. There you go.
And so I'm glad that James is not even listening to any of this.
You just renewed locals for a year? Thank you very much.
That's optimistic about my lifespan, and I appreciate that. I appreciate that.
So yes, natural language search is coming, and it's going to be absolutely gorgeous and beautiful and greater than anything you've ever seen in your life and even after death.
Should you go to heaven, God will say, well, I did a pretty good job of the universe, but my gosh, that natural language search that James created, I just can only envy that. That's like the Claudine Gay meme.
So, all right. Thanks, everyone. Have yourselves a wonderful evening and lots of love from up here.
I will see you Friday night and again on the Sunday. day and uh thanks for a great set of questions and uh i'll talk to you soon bye.

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