Interview Category: Paul Joseph Watson

Famed British political commentator Paul Joseph Watson joined Freedomain host Stefan Molyneux for a series of interviews on topics ranging from politics to free speech to the corruption of modern decadent art.

The Rise and Fall of Western Culture | Paul Joseph Watson and Stefan Molyneux

The degradation of art, architecture, comedy, philosophy and beauty in western society is often explained away with musings about different tastes or personal preference, but more disturbing forces are at work. Paul Joseph Watson joins Stefan Molyneux to discuss the impact of postmodern thought on western culture, the negative impact it has on society and the increasing push for online censorship.

Western Civilization On Edge | Paul Joseph Watson and Stefan Molyneux

The battle against Globalism raged onward. Stefan Molyneux joins Paul Joseph Watson on Infowars to discuss Ivanka Trump's controversial refugee comments, the upcoming French election showdown between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen and the possibility of United States intervention in North Korea.

La Résistance Against Globalism | Paul Joseph Watson and Stefan Molyneux

On April 23rd, the latest battle against globalism takes center stage as France goes the polls to decide it's future, choosing between Marine Le Pen, Emmanuel Macron, François Fillon and Jean-Luc Mélenchon. Paul Joseph Watson joins Stefan Molyneux to discuss the upcoming French elections, the state of political race in France, why young people fiercely support Marine Le Pen, the continued fight against globalism, President Donald Trump's concerning week and YouTube demonetization.

Donald Trump Will Not Be Stopped | Paul Joseph Watson and Stefan Molyneux

Infowars reporter Paul Joseph Watson speaks to Stefan Molyneux about the 2016 election, how Donald Trump won't be stopped and the threat of World War III if Hillary Clinton gets into office.

The War For Western Civilization | Paul Joseph Watson and Stefan Molyneux

What side are you on in the ongoing war for the future western civilization? Paul Joseph Watson joins Stefan Molyneux to discuss the presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, Black Lives Matter riots in Charlotte, continued terrorist attacks on United States soil, the role of the mainstream media as disinformation agents and the importance of this years presidential election.

Brexit: Aftermath | Paul Joseph Watson and Stefan Molyneux

Has the sky fallen? Has gravity reversed itself? Has World War III started? Paul Joseph Watson joins Stefan Molyneux to discuss the aftermath of the Brexit vote, the impact of the United Kingdom's European Union Referendum, the short term economic fallout, the possibility of a second referendum and much much more!

Brexit: Vote Remain Exploits Jo Cox Murder | Paul Joseph Watson and Stefan Molyneux

After the tragic murder of Labour MP Jo Cox, Vote Remain and the mainstream media wasted no time in crafting an unfunded political narrative in an attempt to influence the European Union Referendum vote. Paul Joseph Watson joins Stefan Molyneux to break down the latest Brexit media manipulations and correct the false narrative around the unfortunate death of Mrs. Jo Cox.

Why Brexit Must Happen | Paul Joseph Watson and Stefan Molyneux

On June 23rd, 2016, the United Kingdom determines if it will leave the European Union to re-embrace national sovereignty.
Paul Joseph Watson joins Stefan Molyneux to discuss the upcoming United Kingdom EU Referendum, the push to restore British national sovereignty, the consequences of unchecked immigration, the impact of the European Migrant Crisis, the danger of Turkey joining the EU, how burdensome EU regulations destroy businesses, economic scaremongering and the future of the European Union.

Is The European Migrant Crisis Leading To War? | Paul Joseph Watson and Stefan Molyneux

In the aftermath of the rape attacks in Cologne, Germany and across Europe on New Year’s Eve – countless examples of crime perpetrated by Middle Eastern refugees hit the headlines on a daily basis.
Paul Joseph Watson joins Stefan Molyneux to discuss the latest in the European Migrant Crisis, the rape epidemic in Germany and Sweden, cultural incompatibility, prevalence of inbreeding within Middle Eastern populations, no go zones, the political fallout and whether the Migrant Crisis will lead to war.

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