Over a two year period, philosopher Stefan Molyneux interviewed 17 world-renowned experts in the realm of human intelligence in a wide-ranging exploration of the current data and arguments about one of the most fundamental human characteristics.
What emerged is a complex, powerful, sympathetic and deep examination of intelligence and its potential effects on human society.
(If you have any trouble viewing the videos on this page, please click on the titles.)
The Neuroscience of Intelligence | Richard Haier and Stefan Molyneux
Race, Evolution and Intelligence | Linda Gottfredson and Stefan Molyneux
Race, Genetics and Intelligence | Helmuth Nyborg and Stefan Molyneux
Human Intelligence: The Flynn Effect | James Flynn and Stefan Molyneux
The Bell Curve: IQ, Race and Gender | Charles Murray and Stefan Molyneux
Wrong About IQ? | Russell Warne and Stefan Molyneux
Genetics and Crime | Kevin M. Beaver and Stefan Molyneux
IQ and Immigration | Jason Richwine and Stefan Molyneux
Genetics, Race and Human History | Nicholas Wade and Stefan Molyneux
Human Biodiversity and Criminality | Brian Boutwell and Stefan Molyneux
Will Genius Be Genetically Engineered? | Stephen Hsu and Stefan Molyneux
Does Poverty Impact Intelligence? | Eric Turkheimer and Stefan Molyneux
Nature or Nurture? The Study of Twins | Nancy Segal and Stefan Molyneux
What You Didn't Know About IQ | Kevin M. Beaver and Stefan Molyneux
Why Civilizations Rise and Fall | Michael Woodley of Menie and Stefan Molyneux
Why Your Nation's IQ Matters | Garett Jones and Stefan Molyneux
The Welfare Trait | Adam Perkins and Stefan Molyneux
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