LEARN HOW TO TAKE RATIONAL RISKS! Freedomain Livestream - Transcript


Greetings and Welcome to a Different Room

[0:07] Hello.
How you doing? How you doing, everybody?
Welcome. Oh, no. In a different room.
Oh, he's in a different room. That's right. A little scar from my sunglasses there.
Did I buy a new house? I did not buy a new house.
Should we do a leg test should we do a leg test legs yes or no i got legs and know how to use them, the girl is all right all right are you ready i don't know it could be too much it just it could be too much for you guys show the calves you can't handle the calves you cannot handle the calves, there you go.

[1:08] There you go I just heard something and your eyes most of all I think, it's a gif now that's right how you guys doing? audio just going to tap the mic, mic is good very mobile thrusting I've been working out I've been warming up and we are good to go Yeah. Wait, wait.
I don't know, man.

[1:34] How cool can we get?
If you take this pill, you get socialized medicine. If you take this pill, it works. All right.
Too much?
Too much. If I put the sunglasses on, I have to talk.
Like Duke Nukem for the whole game. The whole live stream. and I'm all out of bubblegum.
All right, let's get back to over 50 substitute iris eyewear. All right.
Let me just tell people we're here. Listen, type in your questions, your comments, your issues, your challenges.
Doesn't it feel like it's been forever since we've chatted? Doesn't it just feel like it's been forever since we've chatted?
It has. It does feel that. Am I on vacation?
Philosophy doesn't take a vacation because there's always immorality in the world. But no time for vacations.
I am taking a vacation from shaving, though. So maybe that's one thing.
All right. Let me just close that. And I think we are good to go. I think we are good to go.

[2:53] I posted on Instagram about how my toddler doesn't have tantrums, thanks to your philosophy on peaceful parenting.
And someone replied that I shouldn't listen to you because you're a psycho.
I asked for clarification and got no response, really. Somebody just randomly called someone a psycho and declined to clarify their comments.
Oh, it's called projection.
Projection. You know how bad people will always, always, always accuse you of exactly what they're doing.
Just tell people we are, All right All right, we got that Oh, jump to recent messages.

Various Topics: Mars Landing, Marburg Virus, Stabbings, and More

[3:36] What is it? For some reason, I always remember Razor Fist has this little scene Where he's like This little bit where he's just Falling backwards over a chair He's a very funny guy All right, Have you heard of the Marburg virus? It may be the new COVID to shut down the U.S. before elections next year.
Well, there is a great danger of people getting their say. Wouldn't want to have happened that, right?
There was a recent stabbing of three people. I like to have three Bs in the stabbing. Were they three pregnant people?
There was a recent stabbing of three people at a cultural festival in Vancouver by a 64-year-old man who was on day release from a psych ward.
His first offense was murdering his 16-year-old daughter in 2006, and he escaped charges by pleading mentally ill.
Some years after that, they let him out on a day pass, and he stabbed his friend.
He was charged criminally for that one. What are your thoughts?
Well, let's put our thoughts to the test.
So, let's imagine, let us. Let me take you on a journey.
Let me take you on a journey. The journey goes something like this.
We go down to the microphone, and I simulate a Mars landing. Beep. Beep. All right.

[4:58] So, let's say that you were running a justice system in a free society, in a voluntary society.
Let's just say, for the sake of argument, you were doing that, right?
Question. What would be the punishment for releasing someone who murdered someone else, right?
What would be the punishment? What would the punishment for that be?
Be what like or to put it another way if you were to support such a facility and someone made the choice to let someone out who murdered three people what would the punishment be, seems to me pretty simple.

[5:47] Seems to me pretty simple locked up in the room with the psycho kill?
Well, if you make a decision that leads to the death of someone, what are you charged with?
If you make a decision that leads to the death of someone, what are you charged with at a bare minimum?

[6:08] You're charged with manslaughter. Maybe not murder, but homicide.
Homicide is just someone causes the deaths of another.
Conspiracy to manslaughter. So you would need both positive and negative incentives for people in the mental health system, right?
So if somebody rehabilitated Bob to go out there and be productive in the community, what would be the reward for that person?
If they successfully rehabilitated Bob, Bob goes out, gets a job, and is a great contributing member of society, and he's being fixed and healed and all of that, what would the positive – you need positive incentives, right? So what would the positive incentives be?

[6:49] A raise? No, not a big cash bonus. What you'd want to do, I think, is you would want to give them 5% of Bob's earnings for five years.
Right? Would that make sense? You would want to give them some reward for getting them out into the world.
See, here's the thing, man. Here's the thing. Here's why, one of the reasons I got out of politics, right? So all these people in the world who say, I think we should do X. Boy, X would be fantastic.
And there was a really haunting thing when I was younger, before I got into sort of the public square, public sphere. There was a really haunting thing.
And the haunting thing was this.
You ever go to a diner and there's some guy like sitting at the end of the diner.
I'm not talking about Hugh Axon diner. Some guy sitting at the end of the diner.
And do you know what he's saying?
He's saying, well, to solve this problem, we should do this.
And to solve this problem, we should do this and to solve this problem, I know the answer. At which point, you know.

[7:50] At some point, you may ask yourself or that guy directly, like, if you know everything, if you're so smart, a quick question, why are you sitting in the diner?

What Stake Do You Have? Evaluating Ideas without Skin in the Game

[8:01] You know, why are you sitting in the diner?
Why, if you're so good at these things, so good at solving all these things, why, oh, why, oh, why would you be sitting in a diner Ramble at people who can't do anything about it.
And what I mean by that is when somebody talks about this good, this bad, all I ask myself these days, and I'll put this out to you because it's a really good idea in my humble opinion.
All I ask myself is these days is, what stake do you have? What stake do you have? Well, I think we should do X.
Okay. What stake do you have?
What stake do you have in it and if they have no stake.

[8:48] If they're a vegetarian, so to speak, I just don't care.
I don't, I don't care. Like, well, I think we should do X, Y, and Z with regards to A, B, or C.
And it's like, well, if you're wrong, what does it cost you?
If you're right, what does it benefit you?
You're just, just, yeah, no skin in the game. You're just making noise.
You're just making noise.
So in a free society, what I'd like is I would like to have positive incentives, for people to rehabilitate those and get them into the community, which means you would get some benefit from them being in the community.
It could be some portion of their income or something like that, right?
But you also have to have a downside. So what's going to happen to the person who signed the release for this guy who went out and stabbed three people?
What's going to happen to them? Well, nothing.
Because you know the way it works, right? If the government screws up, somebody sues the government, and who pays?
We all know. Who pays? When the government screws up Somebody sues the government Who pays?
Yeah, the taxpayers Wouldn't that be great? I mean, what a life You can go out there, win back And do this or the other, right?

[10:07] You know, the police screw up Someone screws up And they get sued Does the policeman pay? No So there's no skin in the game.

[10:18] I mean, this person is so bad, we put them on paid administrative leave. Wow, free vacation.
Boy, talk about turning the thumbscrews in a medieval torturous area.

[10:31] Yeah, you need a bicep and a tricep. You need positive incentives and negative incentives, for sure, right? For sure.
Because here's the problem. I obviously have no idea about this particular situation, but let's say there is a guy named Jake, Jake and Jake is released from mental health facility and he's a crazy murderer.
Now, how do you know that the person who decided to release Jake is not a sadistic psycho who wants chaos and violence in the community, right?

Release of Mentally Ill Individuals to Destabilize Communities

[11:05] Because there's those who do direct violence. They're not actually so dangerous in my view, right?
There's those who do direct violence and then there's the proxy violence people, the people who set up situations where violence happens right i did a whole presentation the death of america's really the murder of america's mental health care system where you know radical leftists got in control of the health mental health care system and turned everyone out into the street i remember reading books about this and doing research about it and that was brutal i mean one guy was saying that his mother was a nurse and just wept for a week because all of the people she'd take care are just turfed out into the community.
Why are they turfed out into the community?

[11:45] To destabilize the community, to put fear into the hearts of the community, because people who are uneasy are pretty easy to rule.
Right? People who are uneasy are pretty easy to rule.
So to me, if you sign a piece of paper and you release a guy into the community and that guy kills three people, you're charged as an accessory.

[12:08] I mean, how do you know somebody should be charged with manslaughter?
Because if they didn't do what they did, people wouldn't be dead.
Right? That guy who was running rampage in America who was supposed to be deported, he wasn't deported. He escaped.
And, you know, it's just a deadly, violent guy. It's like, okay, the lack of negative consequences is just insane.
Somebody says this happened here in the UK, too. grandmother worked in the mental health care field towards the end of her career and was distraught at the state deciding to just yeah empty faculties facilities into the society yeah, yeah i mean hit me with a why if you've ever known a really crazy person hopefully not one you're looking at right now hit me with a why if you've ever known a really crazy person.

[12:58] Yeah. All right. From zero to 10, how much better did they get over time?
Oh, no, minus 10. If they got worse, minus 10, plus 10, they got all the way better.
Right? How much worse did they get over time? I can talk about some of the people that I know. There's about a minus five, minus seven and so on, right?
Yeah. They generally got worse over time.
I think it's hard to know if someone has mental illness or just a bad person.
Okay. I'm happy to take that case. Happy to hear that case first thing i need to know is what does mental illness mean, what does mental illness mean.

[13:38] I don't know what mental illness means mental illness seems to be a camouflage language for evildoers so just a camouflage language for evildoers that's what it seems like to me i mean mentally ill is designed to give you sympathy for evildoers.
Now, there are some people, yeah, schizoaffective.
So, yeah, there's some people with florid psychosis, there's people with schizophrenia, but I see, I don't know. I don't know.
It must mean something like they have no control over their own behavior.
No, that's not what mental illness means.
No, that's a legal definition of insanity. That's legal insanity.
That's legal insanity. That's not mental illness.
Is mental illness a disconnect with reality? I don't know.
What's the difference between mental illness and just having a really bad conscience?
What's the difference between mental illness and provoking brain dysfunction through abuse of drugs?
What's the difference between mental illness and indulging in your own bad mental health habits until you go crazy?
You know, like if you're nervous at the telephone, you just keep avoiding the telephone. phone, if you're nervous of people, you just avoid people.
If you're nervous of going outside, you've got agoraphobia, you just stop going like, what if you just keep indulging your own bad habits and then you go crazy.

[15:06] Depression seems to be circumstantial. I don't know what that means.
I'm happy to hear what it means.
A large portion of homeless people in Vancouver are mentally ill and on subsidized medication. It's a huge money for big pharma courtesy of taxpayers.
Okay, what do you mean by mentally ill?
What do you mean by mentally ill? I don't know what that word means or that phrase.
I don't know what mental ill means.

The Camouflage Language of Mental Illness

[15:38] It certainly is designed to be, uh, to elicit sympathy, right?
Because somebody who's ill deserves our, our sympathy, right?

[15:50] Um, like what if, what if somebody just focuses so heavily on status and looking good and not having it in a life and, and so on.
And then when they lose attention, as they do, as you do over the course of life, you lose attention over the course of your life.

[16:10] You have no back you have no inner life you have no security you have no love and then you don't get attention because you're not young and pretty anymore or maybe you're wealthy and you lose your money or something like that so then people go crazy, but it's not mentally ill, that's like a guy who never exercises and just eats really bad food, and he gets sick. It's like, that's all the result of previous choices.

[16:40] So I don't know.
I do know that my family has significant mental health issues.
Is Alzheimer a mental illness? I think that's a physical illness.
I'm no doctor, obviously, but as far as I understand it, it's a physical deterioration.
Is mental illness the lack of functional cognitive capacity, such as empathy, long-term thinking, et cetera?
I don't know. I don't know.
But saying the word illness is a plea for sympathy.
And I don't know whether people should have sympathy or not.
I don't know whether we should give people sympathy because in general, we give people sympathy who are not the authors of their own misfortune, right?
We give people sympathy if they are not the authors of their own misfortune.
Misfortune so if a guy drives drunk kills a kid and loses an eye oh do we think oh the poor dear he lost an eye are you know it's a bad thing or whatever right i mean it's a bad thing to lose an eye but do we give him the same kind of sympathy as some guy who just got a random something in his eye and lost it i mean if people are the authors of their own misfortune.

[17:57] Don't we hold them accountable? Oh, wait, no, sorry. That's only children.
Only children do we own, do we hold accountable for what they do.
Friend's husband is bipolar schizo. He had a recent episode and was chasing cars down the street thinking they were Nazis.
Now he's on meds and like a zombie, but better than when having episode.
Right. And maybe that's some mental thing. Maybe it is a genuine illness.
Maybe he took a lot of drugs. drugs, maybe he has other issues. I don't know.
I think it's in Finland, they have a way of treating schizophrenia that is social and communal and so on and seems to have great success.
Because the whole illness paradigm, I did a whole show called There's No Such Thing as Mental Illness, you can find it at FDRpodcast.com.
But the whole thing is you you define something as an illness and then what you need medication and the government then provides the medication and charges the taxpayer which is to say charges the next generation, and um you should read robert whittaker's book uh.

[19:08] Gosh i just said uh the myth of mental illness or something like that uh his

The Paradox of Medication and the Rise of Mental Illness

[19:13] his basic argument is to say look we didn't have this massive prevalence of mental illness and then we have have these meds, Madden America, thank you.
We have these meds that are supposed to help in mental illness.
And since we've been applying these meds to people, mental illness has gone through the roof, right?
I did an interview with the guy, I think twice, a really, really great writer and a great thinker.
And I mean, you know, when you have something that cures like your antibiotics, then far fewer people die of infections.
That's the whole point of antibiotics is they deal with the bacteria and you don't die of the infection.
So he was saying, look, look, we've got something called an illness and we're supposed to have this thing which cures or manages it.
So why is it that the more we apply this cure, the worse the illness gets?

[19:59] It is a very, very big, deep and important question. And the answer is always the same.
Let's stop using violence to pretend we're solving problems.
It just makes those problems.
Stop using violence to pretend we're solving problems. Anatomy of an epidemic. Yeah, thank you.
Years ago, a neighbor was a nurse at an old folks home. He said it was full of young people that had burnt their brains out on drugs.
Yes, the drugs issue is a huge problem.
I mean, I think it just rewires the brain. And there was some study that came out recently that said a significant proportion of people who have mental illness, as it's called, have a significant history of marijuana use.
And it's causal. It's causal.

[20:52] So there are just people who love making chaos in the world.
They're just people who love making chaos in the world.
Um, it destabilizes the population, makes them frightened, makes them run to the government for solutions when the government is almost always the source of the problem.
And it's really, uh, it's really horrible. I mean, it's really, really horrible.
I mean, you can see these kinds of consequences with regards to like New York and the illegal immigration. They send a bunch of legal immigrants to New York and New York is on there like, Whoa, Whoa, wait a minute. This isn't just Arizona and Texas anymore.
We're going to fall apart. It's like, Oh, I'm, you know, it's a pretty bitter line from as good as it gets, where Jack Nicholson plays this very misanthropic writer.
And you guys know which line I'm going to quote. If you can type it out before I say it, you can win nothing. Right.
So this this woman says to him oh i just love the way that you write women you you're so sensitive you get into the women's core i really feel like you just touch me here how do you write women so well he says well i take a man and i remove reason and accountability.

Schools as a source of violence, boredom, and mental illness

[22:13] And that's government, right?
I think of a solution, and I remove reason and accountability.
Is the push to legalize marijuana a further attempt to destabilize society?
Yeah, for sure. Yeah, for sure.
And, of course, the other thing, too, is that schools drive children crazy.
Because you're in a compressed situation of violence and boredom.
Violence and boredom is the worst combination in my view in terms of like stuff that that that's social that can drive you crazy uh violence and boredom threat and boredom and the threat isn't just from the bullies and so on the threat is from the the teachers and uh the curricula and uh, you're you're simultaneously bored and told the world's going to end in a flaming death by the time al gore finishes his next number two yeah you throw boredom together with.

[23:12] Aggression with boredom and fear because they're two opposites right it's like, trying to run in two different directions at the same time right you just pull something so yeah that's uh that's pretty bad so a lot of this mental illness stuff i think also comes from just really bad um really bad schools and schools where they drug you right, the only thing that has gotten cheaper in my lifetime is weed well that's not true i mean computers and electronics and cell phones and data plans and all that, right?
School is the military. Hurry up and wait and fight for your life.

[23:45] Well, when you hate something and you can't complain, it's very stressful. Would you agree?
You just hate something, but you can't complain.
Why do people find that so stressful?
Why do people find it so stressful when they hate something and they can't complain?

[24:09] What does that feel familiar to? Because they have to live with it, no way to remove the threat?
Because it's a school and it's bad parents, right?
If you have bad parents, then you hate what they're doing, but you can't complain, right?
It reminds you of your past, right?
So what they want to do is provoke fear and paralysis, fear and paralysis.
I really think this drives down testosterone.
I think it drives down motivation, fear and paralysis, right?
Beyond paralysis. I mean, everybody knows the current system is unsustainable.
What can you do about it, right?
When you were a child, you assumed that would go away in adulthood. Yeah.
Yeah, I mean, just for the last little while, I've been just, it's nothing particularly major, but I've just, you ever get locked in one of these bureaucratic mazes where it's just like, I just need to do X. X.
And it's like, okay, you got a phone and then there's voicemail or there's voicemail jail, or you just go through this maze, which leads nowhere, you know, plus, plus nine for X plus seven for Y.
And, and you just like, Oh God, can I talk to anyone? No.

Frustration with customer service and lack of intelligence

[25:19] Can I get any clear answers? No. Are there any clear answers?
I can't give you a clear answer on that. Right. And it's just like, Like, oh my God, like just, I just want to get something done.
I just want to do something.

[25:35] No, you have to wait and think and chat and yeah, it's, uh, I try and avoid that stuff as much as possible.
But, uh, and you ever have this where you, uh, you talk to someone, like someone picks up the phone, maybe it's a tech thing or, or you need some fairly complicated things solved in your life.
And somebody answers the phone, and you're like, oh, no.
Because I blink this stuff. I assess people's capacity and intelligence.
I had to deal with someone today, and I was fairly certain it wasn't going to work. I won't sort of get into the details.
I was like, it wasn't going to work. It wasn't going to happen.
I wasn't going to get what I wanted.
Guy walks in, shakes my hand, straight in the eye, and I'm like, boom, it's going to work, man. man. It's going to work, baby.
And it did. Got the whole thing solved. Two days of waiting, got the whole thing solved in about five minutes.
So, yeah.

[26:41] I don't mean to say, is there somebody more intelligent that I could talk to? Is that possible?
You ever have this thing where it's like, I don't know, some router thing, they're like, well, if you move your router, maybe you'll be fine.
So give us a call back in a couple of days if you move your router and it's not better.
And we can escalate. and you know you say well no just escalate it now i've tried moving the router i'm not going to call you before i do the obvious things right i mean i'm only calling you because i'm desperate i'm only calling you because i've run out of strangely accented eastern european guys with 12 subscribers to solve my problem i mean the only thing i can say is that having worked in tech support myself because and and in supporting software that i'd written myself uh yes there are, I just I get I get the sense that I'm talking to a bunch of phones in a bucket in a warehouse in the middle of nowhere and there's just nobody there like everybody's just left and they're playing hacky sack at the quad or something like that, because the other thing too if you're really smart you're probably not working in tech support are you at least not for very long so I've noticed that it's most of my interaction with customer service since COVID.
I don't know. Well, I don't know. I don't know.

[28:10] Yeah, and you know, they're just flipping through a book with like a script and they don't think for themselves and like.
And you know that meme. Take my money.

[28:25] You hear like this is a guy from Futurama. I've never watched the show, but it is shut up and take my money, right? Oh, God.
Hit me with a why if you find it impossible to get people to take your money.
Like you need something done. you leave a message your phone your your send text your email whatever it's like please god i just need this done you say you're a doing it kind of guy it's on the internet you even take out ads i phone you i like i literally phoned somebody yesterday i phoned somebody yesterday, who was a service provider a service provider provider.
First of all, 10 rings. But these days, it's like, I just assumed that.
In the past, that used to be like five rings, right?
So 10 rings. And then you know what you get?
This customer has not initialized his or her voicemail.
Please call back another time. And it's like, you literally are a service provider.
You put your phone number out there on the internet and you haven't initialized your voicemail.

[29:37] Please god please god i'll i'll double the money i just take my money so i can

Frustration with getting things done and lack of competence

[29:46] get something done but my whole life seems like sometimes not always my whole life is like having all these things that need to get done and i'm moving them forward like snails in various directions.

[30:00] Oh, I advanced this one one square. Oh, went back two squares on this one.
Oh, this one, I got a call back.
Oh, but they can't do it. But they recommended someone else.
Oh, but that person is on vacation.
Oh, there's somebody else there on the search. I can call them.
Oh, they haven't initialized their voicemail. Oh, I left a message there.
And it's like, I just want to give someone money to do something.
This is how things used to work. I swear to God, I don't, you know, you young people. Oh, God. Oh, God's above.
It's horrible. that you will never know the age of competence.
You will never experience the age of competence. Oh.

[30:43] Oh, my God. It was magic. You had a phone book.
You phoned people. They answered. They'd come when they came.
I mean, you ever call for, like, assistance with your car? Oh, God. Oh, God.
Oh, my God. Things used to work. Things used to work.
I had to go to a store in Canada that I used to just be able to walk into and I went to the store here in Canada, pushed the door door didn't open, I'm like well it's open there's no lunch thing I pushed the door again, and inside they're like coming to unlock the door and I'm like is this a is this a COVID thing and like no a bunch of stores have been robbed at gunpoint so, we've been ordered by head office to anywhere oh my god it's crazy.

[31:51] What is the cause of the plummet in service despair depression subsidies welfare people becoming less smart i don't know like it's you don't know like you don't know what it used to be like back in the day got done fast efficient cheap the safety the security.

[32:17] Was wild man, it was wild you know there's a an old story i read when i was a kid called lucifer's hammer, and in Lucifer's hammer they're trying to decide like a comet hits the earth and they're trying to decide whether they should, take a long trek to try and get the power back on or whether they should just hunker down for the winter and one of them is like but we used to control the lightning we're just going to sit in caves until we rot we used to control the lightning, right, and there's resentment right one of the things that dumb people do is they resent for a living they resent things are above them things are beyond them they can't figure things out they just resent they annoy they're they're angry they're passive-aggressive because everyone else is doing stuff other people are doing stuff they just can't do.

[33:25] You just can't do it.
It's, man, it's rough. It's rough.

Plummeting restaurant quality and the impact of expenses

[33:35] Well, and of course, restaurants, I don't need to add a huge amount, but there are some places I like to get.
And the restaurant quality is just plummeting. And in part, that's because the ingredients are getting much more expensive.
So they have to reduce the quality of their ingredients, which has got to be tough for them because they didn't get into the restaurant business to make bad food. But I went to a restaurant I hadn't been to for a long time, and it's an Indian restaurant. I like Indian food.
And it said, take out only. And I'm like, that can't be COVID. Take out only.
So I went in, and I remember the manager. I've chatted with him before.
I went in and chatted with the manager. Like, what's the story with this?
He's like, ah, you know, everything's expensive. We can't afford to have servers and all of that, right?
So literally, we got our takeout food. My family and I, we got our takeout food.
And I was like, can we just like eat in the corner there? Like there's, you know, there's tables and some chairs, right?
So we basically unpacked like a bunch of hobos and ate in the corner of the restaurant. This is where we are as a society.

[34:47] Things don't work. People don't call back. you can't get things done and when you can't get things done there's some things where you just you just let it go like that shit's not going to get done it's not going to get done, it's not going to get done i give up it's not going to get done you all have that list, you all have that list and you look at it and you're like i've put as much time as i can And sanely put in, without going mad, I put in as much time as I sanely can into getting that done. It's not getting done.
It's not going to get done.

[35:29] Forget it. Other stuff you can't, and you just have to circle around.
The little great book of nope. Yeah.
Yeah, I just have to let it go. I know it can get done. I'd be happy to pay someone to do it.
But it doesn't get done. Pardon me, which is AI and robots will save us.
I know. Well, AI is being crippled for PC reasons, right?
All right. Where are you streaming from? Right in front of this camera, just in case you're not looking.
Sometimes I'll try it again later. It gets moved to the bottom. Yeah. Yeah.
All right. So questions, comments, if you find what I'm saying interesting or valuable.
If first noticed a decline. Oh, some years ago. About five or seven years ago.
I was like kidnapped. I was not kidnapped. I just didn't feel like sitting in the studio today and I had this webcam up and so on.
So yeah, tips, of course, are massively appreciated. And I have, I wonder if I can, oh, this might be too much.
Too much for your poor hearts, minds, and souls, to do it. It might be.

[36:59] The Peaceful Parenting Book. What the hell?
No kidding. It doesn't support all of the formats of this document.
More of that. Where has that gone now? See, that's what I want to know.
Where has this app gone now? It really was here not too long ago. Oh, there it is.
No. I don't want to open that. I just asked you to open something else.
Okay uh no all right and, yeah so uh 450 pages we're at 450 pages on the peaceful parenting book, uh yeah we have 450 pages so.

Progress with the Book and Audio Version Plans

[37:57] So yeah it's uh it's coming along thank you khan i appreciate that i appreciate that, projected total pages i'm hoping to keep it at 450 will there be an audio version recorded of course yeah absolutely i mean it'll be done by a um a drunk husky but it will be done it will be done you'll just have to, read the tea leaves a little bit on it you know decipher it a little bit but for the most part it will be it will be done I finished reading the present do you really expect things to get as bad as that in the book, oh no the present is very optimistic it's going to in my view it's going to get a lot worse I just didn't want to put that down for fear of you know despairing everybody on the planet so yeah I know it's going to be, it's going to be worse in my view than what's going on in the book.

[38:46] Uh will there be a standard and unleashed edition i don't know about that i don't know am i still a bitcoin optimist absolutely yeah uh you just made me spit my drink with the drunk husky, you know i uh in my art moments right the floor let the bodies hit the floor, uh please touch on how women and minorities in charge of upper management for crippled companies why i mean that's just all right you mentioned that you tried to write this book a couple of of times before, why do you think you're able to complete it this time?
Um, I think because I have learned to live without hope.
And before I was nervous to, to write the book, realize the, the barriers to peaceful parenting, and then I was going to face despair.

[39:37] And so I think now that I've learned to live without optimism and hope for the future, at least right for for society as a whole and there'll be spots in places and all of that and as things go to heck in a handbasket there'll be countries that open up to swallow up the smart people and all of that and give them a life just as happened before but yeah so learning to live without hope has been extremely liberating and sane and sane so i think that's uh yeah losing Losing all hope with freedom?
Yeah, hope is how the future holds you down and greases you up.
What's your safeguard against despair, Stef? My safeguard against despair is giving up hope.
I mean, what do you think leads to despair?
Think of you get shot up in a cannon and where do you go, right?
The way you safeguard against despair is stop hoping for things that won't happen.

[40:41] Would you say you're giving up this world for the next? Well, the next generation, I suppose. I'm not giving up this world at all.
I'm not giving up this world at all. I'm just giving up the dream or the fantasy of reason wins.

Explaining Death to a Three-Year-Old

[41:12] You know, when you've spent your life training as a boxer and somebody says, I want to box you and then they call it an airstrike. What do you do?
Well, I'll punch the missiles out of the sky.
So how do you explain death to a three-year-old? He's asking because he saw a dead bee.
Yeah, I remember my daughter was about that age when she says, so it's like going to sleep.
I said, yeah, it's a little bit. It's a little bit like going to sleep.
But I'm bigger than you and I'm older than you and we have new people because old people go away.
And you're here because at some point I won't be and it's not going to be forever and all of that, but yeah.
I am 10 years your junior, but mentally near 70 at my most pessimistic.
No, pessimism is the shadow cast by the bitterness of giving up hope.
You don't want to be pessimistic, that's just the shadow cast by the despair of giving up hope.

[42:23] What you want to have, that could be a rant but I don't know man tips help me with the rants but it.

[42:34] Would be a good one Rand hostage. Is that petty?
Oh, it's petty, but I've already told you guys I'm petty. I had a whole show about that.
So man, it could be a, it could be a good one though. It's hard to tell.
Rand, Tim, Rand, you say?
Oof. I don't know. You're going to give me 75 on Friday. Thank you.
I appreciate that. That's very, very kind. That's very kind.
I'd rather drink the hemlock than give in pandering to hypocrites.
Why would you have to drink the hemlock?
Why would you have to drink the hemlock?
I think you do have hope, Stef. It's just extended over a longer time horizon.
Interesting. Interesting. I'm willing to hear.

[43:48] So right now, everything is so vivid and recorded that what's happening now is an inoculation against it ever happening again.
Right what's happening now is in inoculation so what do we have in the past a couple of crumbling old documents some freezers some rotted amphitheaters it's all distant it's all, dead and dusty and just like mentally separate from us but right now we have got high def 60 frames a second decay in your face that will never age.
It's going to be so vivid.
And people are seeing what we're doing to the young. They're seeing what has been done.
This is all available. Everything's available and will be perfectly encapsulated and vivid, and stored forever.

[44:59] So we got to go through this and it ain't going to happen again.

Preventing the Repetition of Past Mistakes

[45:03] Because people were like, let's try X. And they're like, okay, let's roll the videos, man. This is what we did when we tried X.
Let's roll the videos. Not doing X again, right?
Not doing X again. We tried that. We gave it a shot. Yeah.
Can you imagine if you had, if you had gulag selfies, if you had gulag videos, if you had that, vivid, this is the shit that went on under communism.
Boom, in your face. No, no, no, we did that.
Oh, no, no, we tried that. No, no, look at these poor starving people.
Look at all these endless bread lines. Look at all these gulags. Look at all that shit.
You see, people need to see it, right?
You know, there's like a third of the population has no inner voice, no inner dialogue, No thoughts, as you and I would understand them.
They don't argue with themselves.
Even when they read, they just get images. They don't get a voice in their head.
They don't debate with themselves. They have no inner voice.

[46:14] Well, terrifying or not, that's just the reality.
Yeah, yeah, for sure.
A significant portion of the population can't do theoreticals.
They can't do theoreticals.
They can't do theoreticals.
We don't know what it's like to be like that.
It's very hard to know. It's one of the reasons why psychopaths are so good at exploiting good people because good people just can't fathom this stuff, right?
Yeah, um...
If you didn't eat breakfast yesterday morning, would you be hungry?
Would you have been hungry? If you didn't eat breakfast yesterday morning, would you have been hungry?
This is not exactly an IQ 6 million, right?
A good proportion of the population cannot answer that question. They can't answer it.
Can't answer it. Because you say, if you didn't eat yesterday morning, would you have been hungry? hungry, but I did eat yesterday morning.
No, no, no. But if you didn't, but I did eat yesterday morning. So I wasn't hungry.
I did eat breakfast. What are you talking about? I did eat breakfast.

[47:38] It's common. It's common.
Now what happens is we forget about all of this because if you don't have an inner dialogue and you can't do theoreticals, you don't hang around people like us. We don't hang around people like that, right?

False Dichotomies and Concrete Thinkers

[47:58] So we don't know.
It's like the people who can't do nuance, right? It's either this or it's that.
Well, it's a false dichotomy. But I did eat breakfast.
No, see, they can drive cars fine. It's not necessarily just an IQ thing at all.
I mean, they can drive cars fine. They could be engineers.
They could be any number of things, right? Can be very smart.

[48:26] It's not necessarily an intelligence thing. It's just some people are just relentlessly concrete and they can't do theoreticals, can't do theoreticals, right?
So, so there's a, I think Ayn Rand tells this story about, you know, we, we shouldn't be giving subsidies to the gas industry, right?
We shouldn't be giving subsidies to the gas industry.
Well, why not? Well, it distorts the economy. It's based on coercion.
It messes with the customers it prevents other and more valuable businesses from coming into being it's unsustainable it adds to the debt blah blah blah right, and so the person is like okay I think I get it I think I get it I think I accept that yeah okay so we shouldn't be giving subsidies to the gas industry, but you know what really needs subsidies is the oil industry, windows reboot sound right we can't do theoreticals.

[49:27] And this is a lot of people. A lot of people.
Oh, yeah, there was a young woman that we saw the video. Killed a pedestrian in a DUI. She told her a cop and kept asking the police officer when she could get a car back so she could go to school the next day.
After she knew she killed someone. Yeah, just don't process.
You ever been around someone who doesn't process empathy?
They don't do empathy. They don't understand it. They don't process it.
They don't do empathy. It's not a thing. It's wild.
It's wild.

[50:08] Well, they're amused. They're amused by feeling. Fascinating, right? They're amused.
Got crazy real autism in the fan. Yeah, well, that word gets tossed around quite a bit now, doesn't it?
But yeah, they don't do empathy. They don't really get it. They don't understand it. They know that you are sad, but they just don't really understand why.
And they basically just wait for the sad, bleating noises to finish so they can get back to getting what they want.
Yeah, I've been reading, uh, to Izzy. I've been reading a book, uh, on, on psychopathy and almost psychopathy. Cause you know, you've got to train your kids too, right?

[50:54] So, yeah, the people without empathy are just wild. And, yeah, I get it could be a little enviable because I'm sure if you're a little bit like me, sometimes the empathy tentacles are a little bit out too far.
And, you know, they get whacked by it a bit and all that can be kind of difficult at times.
But, yeah, the empathy tentacles are waving around, getting regularly clubbed, it feels like.

[51:20] Do you know what the number one degree is that people regret?
Just out of curiosity, do you know what the number one degree is that people regret getting?
It's a fairly big sample size. Psychology, dentistry, liberal arts.
That's not a degree. That's a faculty.
What is it?
Basket weaving, business, education. No.
Here's a hint. I used this little factoid to build part of my novel The Present, yes Ben ding ding ding you get the prize journalism is the number one degree, that people regret getting, and there was a really tragic graph that said that the more women who are in a particular occupation or are drawn to a particular or not, it's an educational thing, right? The more women there are, the lower the IQ goes.

[52:26] That's wild. Yeah, doctors regret being doctors for sure. And a lot of lawyers regret becoming lawyers as well.
You know, because you see all of these courtroom dramas and you think, oh, I'm going to be in there. You know, they always get up the same way.
They get up, they sort of button their jacket and do these great speeches.
And people think that, you know, Don't even get me started on law shows.
Oh, man. Law shows. Oh, God.
Police procedurals and law shows. Oh, my God.
So with law, have you ever seen this?
This was the same thing with House, right? And House MD. Do you ever see a movie or a show about wasn't Ben the nephew of the journalist in the present? Yeah. Yeah.
So you ever see this where somebody's been wrongfully accused and somebody jumps to their defense and so on?
Have you ever seen it where about, I don't know, a third of the way through the court case, the client runs out of money? You ever seen that?
It just runs out of money.

[53:35] And, uh, it's like, no, you gotta, you gotta find some way to raise some money or I've got to quit. Right. Never happened. No. There's all this great mystery.
Like what was it? Where the crawdads sing this marsh girl.
She's get me this. She lives in a marsh. She's very pretty.
She's got great social skills and, uh, she's a brilliant writer and a brilliant botanist and observer of nature and also a fantastic artist.
She's everything. Uh, pretty, uh, smart.
A moral, a brave, a great artist, a great writer, a great observer of nature. Ah, ha, right?
And so she can also do mixed martial arts. Of course she can.
Of course she can. Of course she can.
So there's this guy's lawyer. She's in trial for murder. I won't give you any spoilers.
She's in trial for murder. Now, do you know what the average murder trial is going to cost you in legal fees?
Just give me a rough. What is the average murder trial going to cost you in legal fees?
Hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars, at least. Now, she can't pay a $400 tax bill.
This is because a woman, Reese Witherspoon was in charge of it.
A woman wrote it. And this is how wild women's lives are.

[55:01] So my mom was three billion written house was less but in that range yeah isn't that wild, she she literally she cannot pay a 400 tax bill but it's fine because she can totally pay a lawyer, now you see the lawyer apparently does it pro bono because he likes her she's sweet and all all that kind of stuff, but it's just like, oh my gosh.
Appealed death row tends to be closer to a million dollars. Yeah.
Didn't they break Michael Flynn in two with $5 million in legal bills?
They say you can beat the rap, but you can't beat the ride, and you can't get your money back, right? Can't get your money back.
And to me, this is sort of back to the jeopardy, the benefits and costs, right?
So in a sort of free market justice system, If you charge someone and they're innocent, you got to pay.
Sorry, you got to pay. Like at the end of this movie, the judge says, I'm sorry that we kept you in jail this whole time.

[56:06] Yeah. So, I mean, if you charge someone and they're not guilty, you got to pay.
Didn't they order Alex Jones to pay a billion dollars in damages for hurt feelings?
No, come on. Like, let's, I hear what you're saying, but, but, and I'm not blaming Alex Jones for all of this, but these, the people were really harassed. The, the, the, the Sandy Hook people, uh, got death threats and bomb threats and, and people, uh, tried to attack them.
And, and, you know, I know where your kids, like there's, there's a lot that went went on and the whole Sandy Hook thing.
And I'm not justifying the, I'm just saying that it's not just hurt feelings.
The people who were accused by some, not Alex Jones necessarily in particular, but the people who were accused.

[56:50] Of being crisis actors, they did go through some genuine suffering.
They did go through some genuine suffering. And again, I'm just, it's not just hurt feelings, right?
Right so the attacker should have been charged instead yeah for sure for sure and as far as i mean he got a directed judgment didn't he like the judge said there's not going to be a trial like you didn't comply with discovery and of course his lawyers were saying we did and all of that right but uh it's uh it's kind of rough it's kind of rough, justice is just another government program so yeah i mean i uh i'd still bankrupted them only still got more doesn't he have one more more two more of these trials still to go i mean i saw this video of this woman who's like uh here's my uh i'm 38 years old and this is my life as a single child-free woman i woke up and i decided to fly to europe with some friends and and she does all All of these things, like they, you know, go see a show and they eat and they go visit Slovenia or something like that.
I don't mean to laugh because I don't know what the story is behind all of this, but there's a bunch she's got.
And here are my friends. And it's like, so she's a pretty, pretty woman, right?

[58:07] And she sort of flashes past these three desperate looking skeevy guys, skeevy looking guys, at least to me.
It's like that's my life and it's like I don't know man I don't know, it is time for a rant isn't it I've been I've been teasing you all long enough, have I is it time to take you home.

Uncertainty about going on a full rant

[58:38] Yeah. Full rant? I don't know, man.
I don't know. I don't know. Full rant? Ah, could be too much.
I don't know if you can handle. Okay. One mild to 666 homicidal. Where are we?
Where are we?
Seven seven you guys are like goading you're like the great instigators here all right all right.

[59:10] Ladies here's the thing so we got a little deal in society right we got so we got a little deal in society it's you know been around forever this little deal in society and the deal goes a little something like this.
We will worship you. We will defer to you. We will raise you.
We will stoke your vanity. We will bend over backwards and align everything to your comfort.
We will turn on the air conditioning, even when we can barely move our hand because it's a frozen half planet hook of nothingness. We will do all of that.

[59:45] We will invent a whole category of jobs that you pretend to do.
We'll do all of this stuff.
We'll go into debt. We'll have you avoid the consequences of your own bad choices.
We'll pretend that you just didn't know that the guy who beat up the last three girlfriends could be dangerous at all.
We'll nod, we'll smile, we'll create a little something, or at least let you suck a little teat called astrology, and we'll just nod and smile, curse cleavage.
We'll just let you believe all of this absolute nonsense we'll let you tell us your theories of love and and manifesting attraction and the moon is in pisces and twerking out on the rims of saturn we'll let you do all of this stuff you know we'll we'll give you money uh you can live longer than us we'll take on all the dangerous jobs we'll do all of that we'll do all of that we will give you breast cancer month then you'll never have to mount the words testicular cancer month like you'll just never have to do it we'll We'll literally watch our own balls rot off because we won't interfere with the money rating that goes to breast cancer, right? We'll do all of this.
We'll not. We'll smile. We'll defer. All of this wonderful stuff.

[1:00:57] But, you know, life's a two-way street. It's a two-way street.
Is it fair to say? Life's a two-way street.
So we can give you all of this wonderful stuff. But just if you could do us a solid, we just, I mean, just, We just kind of need one thing in return.
That's possible. If we could just get one thing, one thing back from you, maybe a couple of things back from you for all of this, you know, deferral and giving you money.
Like if we just get a couple of things back, that'd be great.
So after we do all of this stuff, if y'all could just see your way clear to give us.

[1:01:39] People. Like if you could just give us some people, if you could just give us the next generation, if you could just maybe, maybe, maybe honor the three to four billion years of sacrifice it took to get us here, we'll give you all of this stuff.
We'll run after you with wads of cash and we'll defer everything and we'll borrow everything and we'll blend everything and we'll nod and smile.
If y'all could just give us the continuations, the species, that would be fine.
Like that would be, that would be kind of make it feel worthwhile, you know, because all of this deferral and all of this money and all of this nodding and smiling at some of the stuff you say that doesn't make as much sense to us as you think it does.
It may not even make as much sense to you as you think it does.
If you stop and think about it for more than a minute or two, give you all of this stuff, take it, take it all.
Just give us some people back. Cause that's kind of the point of all of this.

Request for women to contribute to the next generation

[1:02:30] You know, you're like, yeah, it's really great to be alive.
Be a woman, be pretty. I get that. You're royalty. You're absolutely perfect royalty.
Love it. Wouldn't want it to be any different. Good for you. Wonderful. Beautiful.

[1:02:44] But you are going to need to give us some people back. You know, because a lot of the free stuff you want, honestly, there's some people involved.
You know, if you want free health care when you're old, you got to make some potential doctors. You know? You know what I'm saying?
Like if you want the next generation to pay for your old age pensions, say, you might want to create the next generation.
Say, oh, no, we'll import the next generation. Well, they might not have the same loyalty to you as, I don't know, your own children.
So it would be nice if it went a little both ways.
But no, they're like, oh, you know, you want the vote? That's great.
Fantastic. Take the vote.
If you could learn a little bit about.

[1:03:42] Economics, money, debt, you know, the shit you're voting for just a little bit.
I mean, because we men, we kind of have to keep our eye on the government because it drafts our asses at will.
So we really have to study this stuff because it's a predator, right?
The zebras keep quite the eye on the moving grass and we have to monitor the situation because things can get pretty bad for men when the government needs us to do some stuff.
So vote away, you know, take it. Absolutely. Wonderful. Let's have equality.
But if you could also learn a little bit about stuff, I mean, you ever seen these surveys where they ask men general political questions and they ask women general political questions.

[1:04:29] You can have all this deference and all this money, all these resources.
We'll do all the tough jobs. We'll die on the job. 95% end of the time. We'll die earlier.
But can we get some people? Not really.
Okay. You want the vote? That's great. Could you learn a little bit about what you're voting about? Not as much.
If they take the draft with the vote, that was always the deal? That's never the deal.
They take the draft with the vote? Are you crazy? What do women do?
What do young women do if they get drafted?
Come on, let's not, let's live in reality and let's not resent things that aren't going to happen, right?
Oh my gosh, I seem to have gotten pregnant. I think I'm going to have a little bit of a trouble humping that 80-pound pack over the swamps in South Vietnam. Sorry about that.
Right, because, you know, women can always land on their back to a large degree, right? So, yes, you see a lot more homeless men than homeless women because X, Y, and Z, right?

Acknowledging societal issues without blaming women

[1:05:38] Now do i blame women i do not i don't blame women, yeah i don't uh i don't blame the women i mean this power corrupts right i mean you've seen all these memes right when world war three hoves up in people's like women are all like i'm in the kitchen making sandwiches right so yeah it's uh i don't blame women it's just kind of one of these these funny things that happens, um, that you, you know, I mean, men can be a little indulgent with some of women's peccadillo and women can be indulgent of some of men's as well too.
But the reality is that, uh, I want more babies, but my husband isn't ready yet.

[1:06:27] I won't do that gesture. Tempting though it might be.
No, I mean like half of women who are 30 now, they're never going to have babies.
Never going to have kids.
This is absolutely unprecedented in human society.
That half the women who are 30 who don't have kids will never have kids.
I mean the marriage rate's been plunging, birth rate's been plunging.
Because women have voted security into existence through debt, to a large degree, right?
They're incentivized to make bad choices, but isn't this still free will?
Do you think a woman shouldn't have kids if she can't attract a quality man?
Oh, God. Oh, please. Oh, you didn't. Oh, you didn't.
Oh, the passive-aggressive. mom defending nonsense that comes out of you lovely lovely people from time to time thank you thank you for kicking my ass down rant canyon do you think a woman shouldn't have kids if she can't attract quality man have?

The struggle of growing up without a father figure

[1:07:52] Did you grow up without a father in your life? Did you? I'm just curious.
I really want to know what you think because I'm battling this myself at 34.
Oh, so you are the woman who can't attract a quality man? Is that right?
Just hit me with a why. I don't need a paragraph.

[1:08:19] Yes. Okay. Why can't you attract quality men? And also how high a quality man do you deserve?
How high a quality man do you deserve? See, here's the thing.
Most people, I'm not saying this about this audience, right?
But this is just basic statistics, right? Most people are average.
So most people will end up with an average partner because like attracts like.
Some people are below average. They end up with a below average partner.
Some people are above average. They end up with an an above average partner, right?
Not everyone can be the CEO. Not everyone can be the movie star.
A lot of people are supporting actors. A lot of people are background actors.
Some people get to be the waiter and some people are extras, right?

[1:08:59] So why can't you attract a man who's quality?
And if it's true that you can't attract a man who's quality, then you have to settle for a man who's not quality.
Men find me attractive, but for some reason, I often choose men who seem nice in in the beginning and turn out to be dishonest or highly aggressive.
It mirrors my childhood. It feels impossible.
Right. So you know this, right? So you know this.
So, you know, oh my God, like, you know, exactly how to choose a man who's not like that.
You know, exactly how to choose a man who's, who's not like that.
You know, exactly what questions to ask. You know, exactly what what social media you can look at, you know exactly what to do to not end up with a guy like that.
I mean, maybe if you were 18, then why do I fool myself over and over?
Why do you think, I know why you fool yourself. Why do you think you fooled yourself over and over?

[1:10:06] Lindsay Sterling is 35 and single. When did Joe Jonas, one of the Jonas brothers, isn't he just divorcing this woman who wants to drink and party because she missed out on her youth?
She's a mom with two, a kid or two or whatever, and she's like, I'm going to go drink.
Boy, if only I could just destroy my liver and disinhibit myself, I'll be...
Oh, drinking, oh, drinking is so pathetic.
Drinking is so pathetic.
Choosing the devil you know is just too comfortable. Eh, that doesn't really help.
I think I've had bad people familiar and mistake that for love.
Nope. No. No. Okay, my friends.
If you find a high quality man, if you find a high quality man who suffers in your life.

[1:11:06] If you find a high quality man who is going to suffer no one false absolutely false so if you're not going to tell me the truth i don't know sure why i talked to you because then you're saying your behavior is completely incomprehensible right so you're saying well first of all you suffer right so and you're in your life but that's you know maybe we hear that so who is that so you You get a high-quality man, a high-quality man who really cares about you.
There have to be people in your life who are treating you badly.
The high-quality man would say, these people are treating you badly.
I don't like you. I don't like them. And so no. Right?
Who is going to be threatened by having a high-quality person in your life? No, I've cut them out.
All right. Hey, you know, you're telling me what you're telling me.
I'm obviously going to go. I think the last problem is just me.
So you prefer to be betrayed, is that right?

[1:12:11] Well, yes, you do prefer to be betrayed if you keep choosing men who betray you, right?
Whatever we do, we choose, whatever we do, we prefer to do, right?
Whatever we do, we're preferring to do, assuming we're not in a state of compulsion, right? And dating is not a state of compulsion.
But I choose these people over and over. When I realize my mistake, I leave.
So who does it? Look, if you're doing something that doesn't benefit you, it has to benefit someone. It has to benefit someone.
Otherwise, you're saying you're possessed by a demon who makes you punch yourself for no reason.
If it doesn't benefit you, it's got to be benefiting someone.
Otherwise, you wouldn't do it. You wouldn't do it.
I dated one person for eight years, one for three, one for one, same issue over and over, right? So who does it benefit?
Who does it benefit for you to have the same issue over and over?

Seeking a Good Life and Family

[1:13:16] And you don't date someone for eight years. That's a marriage, basically.
Okay, thank you. I think I'm just distorted. It's sad because I want a good life with a family. I think I'm just distorted. I don't know what that means.
You're not answering my question, though.
I mean, does this make sense to people? That if you're doing something that is harmful to you, it must be a benefit to someone. It must be a benefit to someone.
Otherwise you wouldn't do it, right? It makes sense, right?
I don't know the benefit.
It's benefiting someone.
When I was in bad relationships, I wouldn't say terrible relationships, but when I was in relationships that didn't last, when I was in those relationships, it benefited everyone around me because the moment I got into a high quality relationship, things changed.

Questioning Whose Interests Are Being Served

[1:14:30] Que bono.
Que bono. Who benefits? Yes, Stef, you said this in a previous episode.
If your interests aren't being served, then whose interests are being served? Yeah.
Yeah whose interests are being served who is from what you are doing, someone i'll have to reflect on that because i'm in the dark about it thanks for the question you're not in the dark about it and you if you reflect from it you won't okay was there anyone And you can call in at freedomain.com, right? So you can do a call in.
Is there anyone who...
I'm going to put this in a way that's not going to be too triggering.

[1:15:33] Was there anyone who, when you were a kid, would have been harmed by your success?
When you were a kid, was there anyone who would have been harmed by your success?
Yes, my parents. Okay.
You know, they talk about the glass ceiling with regards to women, right?
Now, you also know like when a plane that's designed to go faster than Mach 1, right? faster than the speed of light.
It has to be engineered to survive, going past its own sound waves, right? Sonic boom, they call it.
When you do better than your parents, it feels like you're dying.
When you break through that parental ceiling, when you do better than your parents, it feels like you're dying.
It feels like you're disintegrating. It feels like you're going insane.
Am I wrong about this? I mean, maybe other people didn't have this.
When I started doing better than my parents or my family, I was like, damn, this is insane. This is horrible.

The Struggle of Self-Improvement

[1:16:57] Improvement is hell, isn't it?
I'm batting a thousand as usual. Yeah.
I'm doing better than my abusive father and I have to work against self-destruction every day.
I told you it was my mom who wanted me to stay in politics. Oh, go on, do it.

The instinct to stay underground and under the radar

[1:17:32] Yeah, evolutionarily doing better than your parents normally meant death.
Yeah, because when you break through the ceiling of virtuous behavior or crappy behavior, you break through that ceiling, ostracism, death, we are trained to stay under the radar.
We're trained to stay underground. We're mole people.
We're mole people. We're designed to stay in the underworld, stay in the undergrowth, lay low, nothing but dinosaurs.
Brontosaurus, you're going to end up as brontosaurus toe jam.
Everyone in the tribe was the same way.
Feels much like facing moving out on my own for the first time. Scary, worrying.
Will I manage? Can I survive? Can I navigate adulthood? Well, 20 years on, yes, I can. Right.
You know, they say science advances one funeral at a time. Science advances one funeral at a time.

[1:18:38] Outgrowing your parents feels like a fucking tumor, growth is good but not tumor growth, we are isolated by growth because we don't fit into the underworld anymore, but we're not up there with the people who were raised well.

[1:19:15] Yeah, growth anxiety, I think, is a very real thing. It's a very vivid thing.
I mean, what do your parents say in your head? What do your parents say in your head when you do really well?

[1:19:36] What do your parents say in your head when you do really well?
They screech. They cut me down. If I imagine myself having a happy family, it feels terrible.
Meh, yeah, yeah, fine, whatever.
Don't fuck up now. We gotta be careful. We gotta be very careful.
She's gonna betray you. It's not gonna last. You're gonna fuck it up.
Oh, you're too good for us now.
It's just luck, fancy pants.
When you do what they claim, when you achieve what they talk about, virtue, love, connection, passion, quality, morality, when you do what they bragged about, out.
You reveal them to themselves as bullshit talkers, right?
Tim says, it's part of the reason I like thinking of God as my father, because then I have no upper limit to my potential. That's a very good point.
That's a very good point.
You are right about all of that.

Breaking Through the Shit Barrier and Reaching for Infinity

[1:21:04] When you break through the shit barrier, right? Because the plane's going through the sound barrier.
When you break through the shit barrier, you break through that crusty shit-stained ice at the ceiling of what you had in the past.
And reach after you, extending to infinity like tentacles, interstellar tentacles.
Reach and pull you back. and trip you up.
If I can't win the race, I'm going to trip the guy ahead of me.
This is why a lot of people succeed and self-destruct.
You see a lot of conservative marriages. Of course, you know, the powers that be put a lot of pressure on marriages, right?
By attacking the status of the male in particular. That's how they play.
But yeah, there's a lot of...
There's a lot of anxiety in doing better, just joined the live stream and this is exactly what I'm struggling with today and for the last while actually.

[1:22:16] It feels like to betray petty people feels suicidal because petty people, when they're betrayed, get extraordinarily violent and aggressive.
I think it's a lot of the reason why some quote philosophers hate you. Nobody hates me.

[1:22:35] Don't, don't listen to that nonsense. Nobody hates me.
Nobody hates me. I'm such a nice person. And everybody who meets me really likes me. Everybody who meets me really likes me.
And I remember once going into a walking clinic and I said to the woman, you know, I have a long tale. I have a long story.
And she's like, well, sorry, I'm going to interrupt you, but the doctor can't see you for two hours.
And I said, that's a funny coincidence because two hours is almost exactly the length of the story I'm going to tell you.
I mean, honestly, people, when they meet me, to know me is to love me.
No, honestly, when people meet me, they really like me. I want the best for everyone, and I want good reason and evidence in the world and morality and children not to be hit. I mean, I'm a very nice person with very nice goals.

[1:23:31] Nobody, nobody hates me. Nobody hates me.
I mean, okay, what is there to hate about me? Like, honestly, what is there to hate about me?
There's nothing to hate about me.
Nobody hates me they may hate the fact that i trigger their conscience right shirt on too much yeah yeah no jealousy is seeing you get ahead of them no they don't hate me let's say somebody's jealous because i do more than they do whatever right they don't hate me what do they hate if somebody is is jealous because i achieve so much whatever right what do they hate it's not me it's not me.

[1:24:10] What do they hate?
Their own empiricism. You keep flaunting your lustrous hair.
Yeah. Your achievements? No, they don't hate my achievements. No.
They hate their own laziness they hate their own settling for less they hate their own compromise, nobody hates a good man nobody hates a good man, nobody not one soul they don't hate a good man.

[1:24:50] They don't hate, they hate their own conscience they hate the ceiling they put on their own potential if i burst through that ceiling then they have self-limited themselves and tragically declined the magnificence of their gifts, but honestly i can't emphasize this enough because you know if you do good in the world People are going to say, oh, I hate that guy.
Oh, he's a psycho. He's a bad guy. He's a cult leader. They don't hate me.
They don't hate me at all.

[1:25:31] I can't think of anyone more productive than you.
Well, Elon Musk is pretty good, but I think I use my time fairly well.
But honestly, like, I don't, like when I say, when someone says, oh, I hate Stef or Stef is bad, it's like literally I'm in a boxing ring and the person's just punching themselves.

[1:25:57] I'm a very nice person. I want the best for everyone. And I, everyone who interacts with me, I try to leave in some way better off.
No question about that. No question about that.
And, you know, I've literally done thousands of free calls with people to core heart, mind, body, and soul into trying to help them with their challenges, their problems.
I'm a very nice person. Very nice person. I mean, I'm not a pushover.
I think it's fair to say, like, I'm fairly assertive and don't let people ride roughshod over me.
I think that's, that would be unfair to, to my potential, but yeah, nobody, if nobody, uh, like if, if someone listens to me and then, I don't know, cut some, bad, destructive uncle out of their lives.

[1:26:51] That guy doesn't hate me. He hates his own behavior in the past.
And you know what people hate the most is they hate their own unwillingness, to just shut up and apologize.
Oh my God, just shut up and apologize. Oh, long-winded blah, blah, this, and I did the best I could, and I was harmed.
Just shut up and apologize. Shut up and apologize. If you've wronged someone, just shut up and apologize.
Just shut up and apologize. It's all you're going to do. No, the pride. What if they hate the pride?
They hate the vanity. I won't subjugate myself to that.

[1:27:33] They hate that someone is doing better, because they then have to realign their standards. They have to realign their standards.
And if they thought they did the best they could, and there's me coming along with a terrible childhood, and I'm a great dad, okay, I think I'm doing the best that I can. I think I am.
I mean, I can always improve, but I think I'm doing the best that I can, and I've got the evidence to prove it.

[1:28:02] It so when they say i did the best i could and i come along i'm like no you didn't that's just something you say to yourself so you don't have to do more right i think i've done pretty well as a philosopher i gotta do a lot more i want to do a lot better i want to go a lot further other. Absolutely. Absolutely.

[1:28:27] Well, I'm sorry if you were upset. I'm sorry if you took it the wrong way.
I'm sorry that you got mad. I'm sorry. Just shut up and apologize.
Oh my gosh. Just shut up and apologize.
Especially because you probably made your kids apologize to you when they were little.
So honestly, nobody hates me, right? Now, if I say that a man should look for virtues rather than looks alone in a woman, right? You should look for virtues.
Then the women who've invested in looks alone don't like me because I'm, in a sense, taking higher quality men out of the equation.
I'm reducing their access to male resources.
For some for others they're like okay i should probably work to be a better person rather than just work on makeup and cleavage bumps so they don't hate me though they hate their own choices that leave them vulnerable to someone saying moral quality matters more.

[1:29:39] Than physical attractiveness yeah 90 of women's eggs are dead at age 30 people got mad, people got mad at me about that they're not mad at me what are they mad at what are women mad at what were women mad at when i tweeted about the facts of biology right what were they mad at, what did they panic about what did they get hostile about i know this is pretty obvious I'm sure you guys get it too, right?
What do they, yeah, their own choices. Yeah, they wasted their time.
They wasted their time.
They wasted, no, not their futures, can't moms. So here's the thing.
Women are very sensitive to criticism, more so than men, because we get punched and beaten up all the time as far as criticism goes, right?
So women are very sensitive to criticism. And so they avoid self-criticism because they say, well, I don't want to beat myself up.
I don't want to bash myself. And so they avoid self-criticism.
They kind of drift and avoid.
And then someone comes along and says, oh, you know what? You're running out of time here.
All that deferred self-criticism and self-criticism, boom. Right?

[1:30:53] Men are in a constant state of course correction. Because we get feedback all the time. A lot of it negative, right?
So we're in a constant state of course correction. I know I am.
Whereas for women because they get indulged and people don't tell them the truth and and they get angry at people who give them feedback, when something happens that's incontrovertible and what triggered people so much about that tweet was how friendly and positive it was right i said i hope taylor swift becomes a mom i think she'd be looks like she'd be a fun mom i think she would be so they weren't mad at me well i mean although it was voted one of the worst tweets in the history of the internet they weren't mad at me they were mad at themselves, they were mad at themselves, i mean look if you're a woman you know that your fertility ends long before men right you know that everybody knows that that's not complicated right, yeah of course people around swift who make a lot of money by her not becoming a mom yeah for sure, No, I always wanted to have kids, but when I met my wife, I was like, as soon as possible.

[1:32:15] So they're mad because they're living a kind of a bit of a selfish life where they're milking their attractiveness in return for, you know, trips or money or attention or dinners or whatever it was. Right.
And I'm saying, yeah, that's going to run out and quick and soon.
So they're mad if they're like 30, they're mad that they spent 12 years not looking for a quality man.
They're mad at that. They're panicked. They're freaked out. And they're also mad at all the people who didn't tell them what they need to do to get a good guy.

The Shift in Women Seeking Validation from Men to Women

[1:32:48] So they're mad. They're mad at their culture. They're mad at their mothers.
They're mad at their friends and their fathers. And they're mad at everyone. Right?
Because women used to go to men for validation. Didn't you all go to men for validation at some point in your life?
Now all women seem to do is tell each other how great they look to each other.
Don't seem to seem to give the men validation i don't know yeah it's strange so no yeah i this is why i never really took it personally it's like it's not about me i mean i'm just doing my thing and telling the truth as best i can and trying to find the helpful facts to give to the world and i mean the idea that i'm some sort of malevolent mean i mean it's just nothing i mean I mean, it's so not me.
And, you know, I obviously have to be pretty clear about my motivations and what I'm doing things for and why.
So the idea that somebody hates me, I mean, it's just nonsense.

[1:33:52] It's just absolutely nonsense. Absolutely not true.

[1:33:59] It's funny that once women started going to each other for validation, yeah, they gained weight and chopped their hair off. often. Yeah, for sure.
Slay queen, you look beautiful. You don't need to change a thing.
No, you haven't gained weight. And even if you had, so what? Enjoy life.
Living your best life, right?
It used to be that women would try to get validation from men and men would have standards.
And now it's just go out and slay the day and blah, right? Right.
And then the more people sail into error, the more they aggress against people who try to rescue them. Right.
Yeah. It's a lot of, a lot of aggression, a lot of sort of pettiness and aggression and all that kind of stuff. So.

[1:34:47] And men should get validation from women, right? How attractive is a man?
Well, pretty important that you be attractive so that you have choice, right? Because the more you can, the more women you can attract, the more choice you have.
So, yeah, and I don't really know what's going on with parenting these days that there are so many women, so many girls who just don't seem to focus at all on their attractiveness. Like, that's weird to me.
You know, one of the things that you need to do is make sure that your kids are appealing to the people they want to date over time.
You know? I mean, doesn't this make sense?

[1:35:23] Like, it's a sort of fundamental job because the quality of their mate is the single biggest factor in their happiness, right?
So who you choose to marry is the biggest single thing, right?
I mean, I've had a bunch of careers in one marriage, right? Right.
So it's odd to me that parents just kind of let this, I don't know, whatever TikTok nonsense is happening that just these women don't really focus, the girls don't really focus on attractiveness because it's like, no, no, no.
You want your kid to marry a quality person.
And the more choice your kid has, the more likely they are to choose a quality person.
So if your kid is not attractive.

[1:36:06] Who they're going to marry, which is whoever will take them.
And they're probably going to be unhappy.
But if you choose terribly, no, no, that's not, you're making that causal.
You're making that causal.
That's like saying, you know, anybody who ever drove drunk can never ever tell anyone not to.
It's like, no, if you chose terribly, then you need to teach your kids how you did that, what you did, why you did it, and all of that, right?
Oh, yeah, the female standards are natural. Male standards are controlling and misogyny.
Oh, yeah. So there's this inevitable thing. You see these things where the woman says to the man, oh, how tall are you really?
Right? And he's like, no, no, no, I am blah, blah, blah. Right?
And then the man says, and what's your dress size or how much do you weigh or whatever?
And she's like, how dare you ask me? It's like, well, you know, height is not a choice, but obesity is, right?
Height is not. What's more beautiful than the female form or the male form to a woman?

[1:37:05] Yeah how dare you how dare you keep track of my body count it's like no, yes body count often means uh pair bonding capacity right if you want to not go through the slithering barbed wire hell of being dragged through the family courts for a man in particular right it's bad for everyone it's terrible for men, yeah family courts a lot of sexual abuse allegations uh said they call it sexual abuse sexual allegations in divorce or sexual abuse in divorce.

[1:37:42] Yeah. So, I mean, you just make miserable, make women miserable, say that, yeah, they deserve all their attention. They don't have to work to be beautiful.
Uh, they're not getting older. Their eggs will never die.
And, uh, and they should never settle. Right. They should never settle.
Never settle. Are you insane?
What does that mean? I want to make a billion dollars a year.
Never settle. Okay. I'll just starve to death then.
Never settle. I refuse to settle. What does that mean?
It means that you refuse to date someone at your own level.
Oh, my gosh. I don't have any particular skills, but I refuse to settle for less than $100,000 a year.
Yeah, just this refusal to settle. My God. That's just crazy.

[1:38:38] Everyone has to settle because there's always theoretically someone better out there for you. Always. Always.
Kevin Samuels of JPG, yeah. Oh, yeah.
He was the godfather of that stuff, right? I remember what he says.
You're a mouthy bus driver and you refuse to settle.
This woman's like, we're going to build an empire together because I inherited $70,000.
Great call-in stuff when you talk to a 35-year-old female surgeon who won a top 1% guy.
And you told her she had to settle since high-quality men won't want full-time doctor to be mother of his kids. Right.
A man who's successful, particularly financially, is successful because he's got good values a lot of times.
So he wants to transmit those values to his kids.
Yeah, that's crazy.
And you can't transmit those values to your kids if they're raised by daycare workers.

The Conundrum of Settling or Keep Looking in Relationships

[1:39:42] How do you know when it's appropriate to settle or keep looking?
See, you're asking me to quantify an instinct, and this is also passive-aggressive.
So when you ask unanswerable questions, because what do you think there's some fucking answer or an equation I can give you?
You're asking philosophy to replace, the calculation of instincts.

[1:40:11] Right the calculation of instincts is this is the best like this is odds are this is the best i can do right odds are this is the best i can do.

[1:40:25] I mean, it's like, should you take this job or should you keep looking for a job?
I don't know, because you're asking philosophy to do non-philosophical questions, because these are odds questions.
Philosophy is not about odds. Math is about odds. Instincts are about odds.
Philosophy is not about odds.
It's like saying to me, well, I just won this 20 bucks at blackjack. Should I bet again?
Should I bet again? Philosophy can't answer you that question.
Philosophy cannot answer odds questions because it's personal taste right should i be an accountant or should i be a musician philosophy cannot answer that question for you but follow your dreams no philosophy can't answer that question maybe you're really shitty musician maybe you'd be a fabulous accountant maybe i'm being an accountant would make you happy i don't know.

[1:41:11] So don't go to anybody and say how should i calculate the odds in my life Oh, that's a bad idea, man. That's a bad idea.
It's your life. They're your odds. And nobody else can tell you what they are.
Should I have quit my job to be a philosopher? Should I have stayed in my career as a software entrepreneur and not be a philosopher?
Did I ask anyone outside of immediate family? Did I ask anyone?
How could anyone possibly answer that question for me?
How could anyone possibly answer the question for me whether i should quit my job and be full-time philosopher guy who could possibly tell me that and who who would i ever want to defer that decision to do you see what i mean that's my decision it's my odds it's my calculations it's my instincts.
It's my potential. It's my choice. And I won't give it up to anyone.
Do you think I asked anyone if I should marry my wife? How many people?
Hit me with the number of people you think I asked if I should marry my wife.

[1:42:32] Zero. Zero.
I knew she was the woman for me. But how did you know?
You can't answer that question.
Well, I chose this job over that job. How did you know? You don't.
You don't know. because it's future instinct projection.
Was it a better life for me as a philosopher than as a software executive?
I don't know. Sometimes yes, sometimes no.
Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Was it the right decision for me to marry my wife? Absolutely.
What is the tipping point for you to make a decision? You can't give that to anyone else because it's your unconscious that's processing all of this stuff.
Nobody else can do that for you. That's you.

[1:43:49] It's not a philosophical question. How should you calculate the various odds in your life?
You ask me a moral question, yes. Should you be honest? Should I, absolutely.
But don't give anyone control over the odds you have to calculate through instinct, right how do you know when it's appropriate to settle or keep looking nobody can tell you that and you're looking for that answer, is a disaster in the making Okay.

When to Settle or Keep Looking?

[1:44:37] How do you know when it's appropriate to settle or keep looking?
Well, if you don't feel like you want to settle, keep looking.
Be open to being wrong. But if you don't feel like you want to settle, keep looking.
And maybe you'll be right, and maybe you'll be wrong. Now, I didn't want to keep looking. When I met my wife, I didn't want to keep looking.
I was done looking. You couldn't chase me out into the dating market these days with a pitchfork and Beelzebub's armpit.
Oh, I don't want to settle. I want to keep looking. Okay, then keep looking.
And maybe, maybe there'll be somebody better out there for you.
And maybe the woman you just left is the best woman you could ever get. I can't answer that.
Because you're asking philosophy to accurately calculate random odds in the future. and nobody can do that.
If anybody can tell you, well, you should keep looking, or well, you should settle, anyone who could tell you that is like, they should just go make a billion dollars a day trading stocks.

[1:45:52] Hey, if you want to keep looking, keep looking. Yeah, it's fine.
If you want to settle down, settle down.
And maybe if you settle down, the woman of your dreams will come along in a year from now, and you'll have kids, and maybe that's a terrible decision.
Or maybe you say, well, I'm not going to settle down. I'm going to keep looking.
And then you, you're like that woman on the, on, on X who said, uh, some woman was like, I'm, I'm divorcing my husband. I'm eager to start the next chapter of my life.
I'm in my forties. Right. And the woman is in her sixties saying, man, I, I divorced my husband.
I was eager to start the next chapter of my life. And I never found anybody even remotely as good. And it was the biggest mistake in my life.
And I'm alone to this day.

[1:46:35] I mean, I left a long-term relationship in my 20s. Very glad I did.
I want to make sure that this makes sense.
Nobody can give you certainty except in the rearview mirror, by which time free will is in the past.
You know, like if you're like betting and you double or nothing and you bet and you double your money, it's like, well, that was a good decision.
No, it wasn't. You were lucky.
That's it. You're lucky. Now, you can play the odds and this and that and the other, right? You were lucky. Good guns. Find that you were lucky.
There's nothing wrong with that.
But if the only way you know whether it's a good decision is in hindsight, it has nothing to do with philosophy.
Like I can tell you ahead of time, rape, theft, assault, murder, absolutely immoral, miserable, lying to yourself, lying to others, very bad. There's principles.
I can tell you that ahead of time. I don't need to wait for disasters to show up in the rear view. I don't need empirical evidence for that.
But if you've got decisions that you'll only know whether they were good or bad in hindsight, that's not the case for philosophy.

Philosophy and Uncertainty in Decision-Making

[1:47:37] That's nothing to do with philosophy. And you're trying to dump it in philosophy?
It's terrible because you need to start working these odds yourself.
This is the answer I needed. It feels silly, but I've been wrestling with this problem for a long time.

[1:48:03] Is it good for you to play the lottery? Well, I don't think so in particular, but if you win the lottery, then, you know, you're saying, well, that was a really good decision.
Maybe you think it's really good to say, I won the lottery.
Philosophy can't tell you whether to play the lottery or not, because that's an odds thing.
And philosophy is about truth. and reason, facts, and morality.
Now, future probabilities are unknown.
Philosophy can provide very little value where there's very little certainty.
I mean, literally, you're like going to a physicist and saying, should I bet more?
Well, it involves physics.

[1:49:09] Physicists cannot answer that question because physics is about certainty and probability is not certainty, there are moral things you should do there are immoral things you shouldn't do I'm certain of that no problem with that certain of that, but when you're asking someone to plumb through the future depths of the complete unknowable and give you an answer. You're not interested in an answer.
You're only interested in one thing and one thing only, when you ask someone an unanswerable question.
Now, what is the one thing that you absolutely are in hot pursuit of when you ask someone an unanswerable question?
Paralysis? Yeah, that's part of it. That's part of it.

Childhood Punishments Shape Decision-Making

[1:50:04] When I hear someone ask me an unanswerable question like this, how do you know when it's appropriate to settle or keep looking?
I know one thing about them with absolute certainty, that they got the living shit punished out of them for making choices as a child.
Tell me I'm wrong. Tell me I'm happy to be wrong. But it means they don't have instincts because they got punished for their instincts as a kid. Right?
I mean, I would, I know this one. I would always say, my mom would say, well, why did you do this?
Well, I thought, well, don't think you got the living shit punished out of you for making choices because if you made the wrong choice, if you made a choice that didn't work out, you made a choice that didn't work out. You got punished, right?

[1:51:00] You got punished.
Uh, so some years ago, my wife and I had a bunch of stuff, um, to do in, in, in a foreign city and we had a bunch of cars we could rent and I've, I like Jeeps.
I think they're cool. It's like manly, right? I like Jeeps. Now, do you know where the word Jeep comes from? Do you know?
Do you know where the word Jeep comes from? It's very interesting for me.
It's very interesting. You don't know?
So, of course, there are lots of different cars in the military, right? Vehicles.
And GP stands for general purpose vehicle. It's a general purpose vehicle.
It's not a tank. It's not an ambulance. It's like GP.
And, of course, bring me the GP. They just shortened that to Jeep.
So Jeep is army for general purpose vehicle. Okay.
Like you drive the general around or whatever, right? It's holding onto the T-bar.
So I've always wanted to try renting a Jeep. And so I said, oh, come on. I've always wanted to try a Jeep. Let's rent a Jeep.
And my wife was like, you know, I don't know if it has the trunk space for what we need, right?
I don't know if it does have the trunk space for what we need.
I'm like, oh, it's going to be fine.

[1:52:24] Now, quick question. Did it in fact have the trunk space that we needed?
No, of course not. You're kind of jammed off against the window with four boxes on the front seat.
You know, like, I mean, open the window and get that sound, right?
And drag yourself down like you're aging suddenly or you're being shot into space on Elon Musk's giant penis.
So anyway, we did our thing, right? And I just said, you know, I'd just like to thank you for being a way better person than me.
And he's like, what? So if you had suggested a car and I'd said, well, one have the trunk space and it didn't turn out to have the trunk space.
What I've said for the next three weeks straight, I mean, I was joking, right? It was fun. It was kind of funny. Right.
And she's like, yeah, it crossed my mind to say it, but you know, whatever. Right. We had fun, which is different from how I would have handled it.
Oh, I'm sorry. You're having trouble getting things into the tiny trunk space.
This trunk space is like Kylie Jenner on a starvation diet. it so yes i would have been been eternal about that until somebody stuffed me in the trunk of another car totally different car just to shut me up so.

[1:53:39] The hell was i talking about that for, a jeep a jeep roadrunner oh it was all to do with that how was i talking about that for i'm afraid I have gone off the reservation when it comes to telling these stories.
No doubt. I did the general purpose thing. I did the general purpose thing.
Um, yeah. So, so probabilities. Yeah. Probabilities. If you just get, oh, so, so here we go.
I remember now. So I made a decision to get the Jeep. It was the wrong decision.
Right. I mean, it's fun to drive a Jeep. Don't get me wrong.
And I felt like MacArthur, but so I didn't get punished for making the wrong decision at all. Right.
But when, if you were a kid, if you had to make a probabilistic decision, right?
And if you, if the probabilities didn't work out in your favor, if you got punished, that's really terrible because the purpose of childhood is to make these decisions that are probabilistic and figure out and fine tune your instincts as to what you can and can't do successfully.

[1:54:39] Because there's a lot of random chancy shit in life, right? Not a random chancy shit in life. I mean, yes.

Learning to Work the Odds in Life

[1:54:48] And, um, I'm like, oh yeah, it does occasionally just seem to lock up.
So sorry about that. But we're, we're, we're back. Right.
So yeah, there's a lot of random chances in life and you got to learn to work those odds, right? You got to learn to work those odds and navigate.
And sometimes you'll be right. Sometimes you'll be wrong. And the aim is you, you're on the sunny side of the street as far as that stuff goes. Right.
Every, we do this all the time. Give me, give me an examples of stuff where you roll the dice, right?
Oh, I don't really feel like bringing a coach, right? Okay, so if you don't bring a coat, maybe it's a good idea you don't bring a coat.
Maybe it's a bad idea you don't bring a coat. Oh, I'll be fine.
I'll be warm enough. And maybe you're shivering like a witch's tit and igloo, right?
So you re-roll these dice all the time, right?
Maybe I'll try using this computer. Oh, it locked up, right? So whatever.
No biggie. So we're doing this stuff all the time. We're doing these calculations, these odds. A lot of this stuff is calculated odds.
And yeah, don't put on sunscreen and got torched.
Do I take the motorway or the back road? road. Yeah, there's a faster route, but there's more traffic, right?
And particularly before you had all of this, the GPS stuff, right?
And should I take the faster route or is there going to be more traffic? Maybe, right?
So we do this. Is it better to go do this or to go see a movie?
And maybe the movie sucks or whatever it is. Or maybe you go to the movie, the movie's great.
And instead of going for a walk, it rains suddenly or whatever it is, right? We do this stuff all the time.

[1:56:13] Oh, Should I bring stuff into the house or just leave it outside?
Well, if you bring it into the house, that's a big load of effort and time.
And if you leave it out, maybe it gets blown away, right?
Yeah, should I quit my paycheck for a chance to achieve my potential?
So as a kid, we're constantly doing all of this stuff, right?
Hey, I want to show off to my friends.
And it's going to be really cool if I ride without holding my handlebars, right? It's going to be really cool. It would be really great if I ride without holding my handlebars.
And if it works and you look cool, that's good. But if you crash and everyone laughs at you, then that's bad, right?
Rent to buy, invest or spend, ask this girl out, don't ask this girl out.
If, cause you, if you ask girls out who are too good for you, then you kill your confidence, whereas if you ask girls who are too, who aren't good enough for you, you kill your confidence.
So there's a lot of this Aristotelian mean.
Yeah. Should I stay and be a salary man or should I go and start a company? Right?

[1:57:05] Now we do all of this and animals do it all the time too. Like animals are incredible calculation machines, right?
So a lion will chase after a zebra until the lion is in danger of expending more resources than could probably been gained by catching the zebra, right?
Like expending more calories, maybe injure themselves or whatever, right? And we all do this.
We all do this. You're at the gym and some attractive woman walks by and as a guy, you're like, I think I'll lift the heavy weights. And it's like, oh my God, my back.
So we all do, all this calculate, right? As a kid, I said, as a kid, I swung on the swing set cold. So I put my arms on my jacket. Never again.
I also never walked downstairs with hands in pockets. Yeah, because you are on a step, right?

[1:57:50] And yeah, so this kind of stuff is, we do this calculation stuff all the time. All the time.

Childhood Decisions and Developing a Relationship with Risk

[1:57:59] Fit or fat rider always asks what exercise is the best, swimming or skiing?
His answer was the one that you'll do. too. Yeah. Yeah.
Guy in the sound of freedom, stay in Columbia and rescue this girl or lose his pension and lose his pension or keep a comfy job and a nice pension, right?
And we do this on social media. I want to tell the truth. Don't want to get attacked, right? Don't want to get deplatformed. Want to tell the truth.
Don't want to balance your risks, balance your risk, right?
So people who say, how do I choose between risky alternatives are are telling me I got the living shit kicked out of me as a kid for when the odds didn't go my way.
So now I'm frightened of guessing wrong.
Cause it's a guess, right? Should you keep going? Should you not?
I don't know. Should you date? Should you, right? I don't know.
Should you ask the girl out? I don't know.

[1:58:57] I don't know. I can't answer that for you, but I can tell you, That if you had the shit kicked out of you or you got attacked or abused or hated on as a kid for when things didn't go your way.
Then you were precluded from developing a healthy relationship to risk.
What is examples of those kinds of childhood decisions we got ass kicked for?
I mean, there's, there's, there's tons of them, right? I mean, one of them is, uh, you know, I don't, I don't need a jacket, right?
No, you're not risk averse. Nobody's risk averse. You're punishment averse and you got punished for taking risks, right?
You're not risk averse. You're punishment averse. And that's the purpose of punishment is to, you're not risk averse because risk bought the certainty of punishment if it went badly. Right.

[1:59:54] So yeah, we, we, we do this stuff, uh, all the time as kids, we just try and run the odds. We try and figure out what's good, what's bad.
And, you know, if we crash on our bike and our parents say, you just weren't being careful or, you know, if there's a kid, you, you, you, you carry something with one hand for the first time and you think you'll make it and you drop it. and then they say, oh, it was so clumsy, you shouldn't have done it that way.
And it's like, but if I had done it, it would have been fine, right?
If you had done it, it would have been fine. Look, we all did this thing, right?
We all did this thing. I guarantee you, we all did this thing where you're like, you know what? I think this test isn't going to be so bad.
I think I got it. I think, you know, I flipped through the math textbook. Yeah, it looks okay.
Yeah, I think I got it. It's fine. I'm not going to do all the sample questions.
I'm just, I am going to free ball it, right? I'm just going to roll the dice. I'd fine.
Right now, if the test turns out to be pretty easy, you made a good decision.
You had fun instead of studying for tests. You made a good decision.
However, if the test turns out to be tough and important and you do badly, then you made a bad decision and you'll learn that better for next time. Right?
I mean, I remember I'd never liked math tests. I'd flipped through the book.
I recognize that question. Off I go, right?

[2:01:12] And I made a homework, right? Come on, homework.
Oh, I'm not going to get called on. Come on. I got called on just two days ago.
I'm not going to get called on.
Right? So I'm not going to do my homework. Now, if you don't do your homework, you don't get called on, maybe you get a bit of nervousness.
But I made this whole decision, a whole bet when I was a kid that homework doesn't matter.
I mean, I did some of it, right? I mean, if I had to do a test or a paper or an essay or something like that.
So we all did this thing where it's like, ah, and homework is bullshit.
Homework doesn't matter. Homework, right?
And so I did a lot of stuff instead of homework. I read a lot of books, played with my toys.
I went out with friends, played some video games, went biking, built tree forts. I did a lot of stuff instead of doing my homework.
Now, was it a good decision for me to not do my homework when I was a kid, which I very rarely did? Yes, it was a great decision.
It's a great decision.
Turned out it was mostly bullshit. You know, 98% of what you learn, I think there are studies, my daughter was quoting this to me the other day, like 98% of what you learn in school you will never use and you will probably forget.
So it was a good decision for me to not do homework.

Ambitious academic pursuits and navigating different environments

[2:02:37] Work. And a friend of mine who had a lot of intellectual vanity, uh, did, um, tried to do a math and physics, double major math and physics, double major. And I was like, Ooh, man, that's, that's pretty ambitious, man.
You don't want to end up, you know, I mean, I did the big fish, little fish in a big, sorry, big fish in a little pond.
Like I was the best actor in my university. I was cast in everything, the lead in everything.
And then I went to theater school and I was like, yeah, middle of the pack.
I was, you know, I was okay relative to everyone else.
I always did my homework because I was scared of the retribution.
And I'm not saying that's a bad decision.
That's because I can't tell you do or don't do your homework.
I can tell you the decision worked out for me.
Plus it was kind of tough to do my homework because the house was too chaotic. Right.

[2:03:31] Stef my friend is having a baby i'm trying to convince him to not smack his kid not sure if he will listen any advice yeah i would say that you want to plan for the morals, that your kids are going to have in 20 years 25 years so let's say he has a kid now he hits his kid and let's say over the next quarter century people say hitting kids is bad he's going to be judged by that right just say how do you how do you as a guy look back on people who owned and beat their slaves.
Well, it was all perfectly legal and fine at the time, and lots of people agreed and approved of it.
How do you feel about a guy who beat his slaves 150 years ago, right?
Pretty bad. Okay, well, if morals change, and they generally do change towards less violence, right?
So if the morals change, you don't want to be, right? And you can do it better without it, right?
Should we be concerned for future jobs for our kids and selves given all the automation coming? Not us, because the computers can't do what we do.
All right, I think I'm going to end soon, but I graduated near the top of my class.
Then was shocked, went in the bottom half of law school class.
Yeah, I mean, that's generally the thing. That's generally the thing.
I mean, if you don't end up as a little fish in a big pond, you're not growing, right?

[2:04:56] Uh yeah so you you if you if you focus on thinking creativity those are the things that are going to be crippled focus on original thinking and creativity and astute and expert data analysis because what's going to happen is people are going to map how ai lies to everyone and is programmed to lie to everyone i mean literally i i know people in the industry and they're they have they have the ai and they have the data and then they have to build this whole layer of bullshit in between so that they don't get attacked by the woke mob, right?
So they're literally crippling and it's like the scene in 2001 of Daisy, Daisy, where the guys are plugging all the memory modules from the hell of the computer, right?
They're literally crippling AI because of fear of the mob, right?
So AI is... So what they'll do is they'll figure out where AI is lying and there'll be job opportunities there.

Tips for using the Stef bot and a discussion on luck

[2:05:58] I missed the first hour of this live stream yeah yeah i'll do it for playback, i love math and barely passed my 301 level courses in college yeah yeah for sure thanks for the show tonight we missed you oh my pleasure any last tips for the Stef bot i will um post, stop dave i'm scared dave yeah ai is just a word guesser i've got presentations on it you can find them at FDRpodcast.com.
Hated studying. I cheated in almost every exam just for the challenge and came up with a 007 type gadget that's made it fun.
HAL, I've mentioned this before. IBM was mad at that.
H-I-A-B-L-M. H-A-L, HAL, is one letter before IBM.

[2:06:48] All right. Any last tips for the staff bot? I think it was helpful stuff tonight.
Some good rants on men and women, some good comments on how to weigh the odds, learn how to weigh the odds.
The way, the way that you learn how to weigh the odds is you don't get mad at yourself when you roll badly. Right.

[2:07:09] Right. So my daughter and I are playing some D 20 game, right.
And the odds are very low. You have to run 18 or more. Right.
And I say, let's go for it.
Right and we roll and we get 19 it's like what a great decision and of course my daughter says just blind luck right and that's very important right don't get mad at yourself for rolling snake eyes right two two right don't get mad at yourself i mean i'll do a whole show about my relationship with luck which is quite complex but how to see your schedule if you're live streaming that's a fine question um wednesday nights friday nights sunday mornings wednesday nights and friday nights It's 7 p.m. Sunday morning is 11 a.m.

[2:07:46] Any quirky quiz for the outro? Like, what's the number of hairs on my head?
I'm not sure anything like that was popping up.
Well, so roll the dice and have fun, but you do have to learn the odds, right? So some people are really good at cards.
I'm not particularly good at cards. It's not a particular skill of mine at all.
Some people can count the cards, then there are the odds, some really expert poker players, some of them even in the audience at the moment.
Some really good poker players, fantastic.
I think it's great. It's not the way my probability brain works.
And I mean, I was fairly good at toeing the line on, uh, do I still do any plays now?
Uh, well, no, I just reviewed my daughter finished her 15 and a half minute animation of a movie she wrote and got her friends and I to, uh, to do the voices for.
So have you experienced synchronicity flow states ties into luck in my opinion?

[2:08:40] Have you experienced the synchronicity flow states? Do you know this shit isn't scripted, right, Christian?
I mean, you know this is not scripted. I'm just bouncing off, and I come up with some great speeches. What do you mean, do I experience synchronicity or flow states?
I mean, it's kind of funny. That's all I do, man, these days.
Oh, that's funny. I mean, I get provoked into rants and rip off a brilliant speech off the top of my head with humor and vivid analogies.
But do you ever experience any flow states, man? Do you ever just get into the groove and things just are really working well, man?

Late-night snacking and trusting extemporaneous speaking

[2:09:25] Oh, that's funny. Maybe not for you. Maybe not for you. Do you find anything useful for the late night snacking?
Yeah, a glass of water has helped. and I got some sugarless, not exactly granola, but, you know, like a trail mix or whatever, which always reminds me, there was a funny line from No Show Cheers where they're experimenting to try and create new cocktails.
And I think Woody is the guy doing it. And Norm is like, no, man, I stopped at whiskey and trail mix.
I think whiskey and trail mix is great.
You have to trust yourself to talk on the fly like you do. Well, yeah, see, because it's not scripted, because it's off the top of my head, i have to i have tried the tablespoon of peanut butter yes how many hours sleep do you need and do you get i'm a seven to eight guy and i get that um yeah tablespoon of peanut butter was apple yeah it's a real high wire act talking this, extemporaneously about volatile topics while live knowing that there are people who have real problems with me in the world a little bit of a high wire act but that is uh.

[2:10:31] That's my flow. That's my flow. High wire act is my flow.
All right. Um, all right. Well, listen, guys, thank you so much for dropping by. We'll of course talk to you Friday.
And, uh, if you go to free demand.locals.com, man, oh man, man alive.
Uh, I don't think I've ever seen a call in show with this amount of passionate feedback.
At least I can't remember the last one. and uh it's uh it's wild uh the call-in show that is just when it was just posted um.

[2:11:06] With the couple's call oh i don't i don't want to spoil i don't want to spoil any surprises but it's a couple's call that is just incredible like it's the 13th i guess i published it yesterday on the 12th and you should really check that out i'll put it out at some point in the general stream but But you can go to freedemand.locals.com and sign up for a subscription, a couple of bucks a month. It's great.
And, yeah, it's an amazing call-in. It went real deep and it went real wide and real wild.
And one of the things, come to the USA. That's a thought.
That's a thought. Is it less nerve-wracking with a smaller audience?
No. So with a small audience, I just push it further. So, no, I need that.

[2:11:50] Yeah, it's hard to know. No, let me know if you think it's time to retire this computer or not. It's really, really hard to know.
It's really, really hard to know. Yeah, I moved the modem again.
So yes, sorry about that. We're back, but I'm just here for a moment.
So yes, thank you everyone so much for dropping by. Freedomain.com slash donate to help out with the show.
Don't forget freedomain.com slash books to get all of the amazing books that are out there.
I can't believe I wrote three books in two years. Crazy, man.
Well, would I count that? that i did two novels and um somewhat close to finishing the first draft of the new book so uh yes have yourself a great week we will talk to you guys friday night lots of love from up here take care.

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