[0:00] Good morning, everybody. It is, oh, two weeks to Christmas!
Freedomain.com slash donate. Two, count them, two weeks to Christmas.
Freedomain.com slash donate.
If you'd like to help out the show, I really, really would appreciate it.
That would be very kind and, uh, I dare say somewhat earned.
A little earned. So we're going to do a Bitcoin update. I did see an interesting question.
An interesting question.
Hypothetical, a man has discovered a cure for cancer.
It is 100% effective with no side effects. He refuses to divulge any information regarding it or sell it for any price.
The cure is on a thumb drive on his person. Is it reasonable to gain possession of that drive by any means necessary in order to save millions of people a year from dying the painful death of cancer?
[0:59] Would you take his cure for cancer in order to help and save the world?
And it's an interesting, obviously annoying theoretical.
Good morning, Nina. Good morning, bin Lenderhead-er-forten.
So, yeah, that is an interesting question. What would you do if posed with such a question? What would you say if posed with such a question?
[1:34] Would you violate his property rights in order to save people from cancer?
Yeah, it is people tied to a train track and all of that, right?
Cancer cure man is lying about the cure. Greetings from the UK.
Right. No, he's, oh, well, you know, what they do is they tweak the thing.
You know for sure that it's an actual cure and all of this, right?
Yeah. How did you learn about the existence of the cure? Was it the NSA?
Yes, probably, probably, probably.
So good morning, Bob.
[2:26] So he talks about this cure. Yeah, of course, it's like, how do you know about the cure?
How do you know that it's valid? How do you know that it's real?
How do you know that there are 100% no side effects?
So all of this is assuming a kind of knowledge that they don't have, right?
All of this is assuming a kind of knowledge that they don't have.
But there's something baked into these theoreticals that really is quite enraging.
[2:58] Well, okay, so of course, why would somebody discover, first of all, no individual man is going to discover a cure for cancer, right?
Cancer is like a hundred different diseases, it's all really complicated and it changes on the fly, so no one guy is just going to come up with a cure for cancer, 100% effective and no side effects.
You wouldn't know any of that. Of course, you wouldn't know any of that until it was proven, right? You wouldn't know any of that until it was proven.
And how would you prove it? Well, you'd have to have the gold standard, like randomized blind, double blind controlled studies and so on.
Right. So, uh, you wouldn't know.
There'll just be a rumor, right? Oh, there's a rumor, man. Now, most likely the, this situation is something like he keeps his Bitcoin on a thumb drive and someone says, no, no, no, it's a cure for cancer and it's a hundred percent effective, but no side effects.
So you've got to, like, you just be lied to about that.
So you wouldn't have this kind of knowledge. Of course, as you're very rightly pointing out, I'm stealing from the brilliance of the audience, as I often do.
So, you wouldn't have that information if it was just on a thumb drive.
You wouldn't know whether it was true or false, but you would know that somebody was saying, like, whoever told this to you would be wanting you to steal the thumb drive for some nefarious purpose.
So, you'd end up being an agent for immorality, right? You'd end up being a tool for evil.
So, that's sort of the reality of the situation. But...
[4:21] What's interesting about these theoreticals, and of course, what this is designed to do, is to break down any absolutism with regards to property rights in your mind.
[4:35] So, this is designed to have you say, property rights must bow to the general good.
You would hold up a principle of property at the expense of your own child dying of leukemia, like this kind of stuff, right?
So it's designed to get you to break, break principle by escalating things.
Now, it also, what's very interesting to me, this is sociopathic manipulation.
I'm not saying the poster is a sociopath. I'm saying this is sociopathic manipulation because, it has no comprehension of human motivations in any way, shape, or form.
There's no sense of human motivation, and this is why I say it's sociopathic, because sociopaths don't really understand how human beings work in a positive sense.
So a sociopath will know what you value and then take it from you in order to blackmail you, a sociopath will know that you don't want to go to jail for having sex with underage girls, so he'll dangle underage girls, so a sociopath will know what motivates you from the dark side, from the dark triad stuff, but he won't know what motivates you from a positive side, right?
[5:54] So, a sociopath wouldn't understand, would have no clue, why would someone, work that hard to develop a cure for cancer.
This is what sociopaths genuinely couldn't understand. But why on earth would someone—, Oh, what's ticking away here? Oh, sorry. I had my gum on my coffee heater.
Why would someone develop a cure for cancer?
I mean, developing a cure for cancer would be one of the most staggeringly difficult and rewarding things that a human being could do.
This guy would have poured his entire life, energy, and effort into it.
Why on earth would someone pour heart, mind, body, and soul into developing a cure for cancer?
[6:43] Well, a sociopath can't understand it, because a sociopath would enjoy withholding that cure for cancer in regard to, like, to torture people, right?
So he just couldn't understand.
So the only reason that someone would work to develop a cure for cancer is to cure cancer. Right?
[7:06] Right? Guys, if you could hold off on other ways to cure cancer, just really focus on the conversation, if you don't mind.
So what I do, just by the by, it's just a favor for me, right?
Because I want to get people's questions, but if people are having side discussions, it's hard for me to find the questions that are relevant to what I'm saying.
It's just a favor thing I'm asking for. If you could, if somebody says something, you're like, oh, you can cure cancer by X, Y, and Z, just copy and paste it, put it in a notepad and then look it up afterwards or whatever it is.
It's just a favor that I ask that if I'm talking about something and you say something like somebody posted here, just, you know, it's just a nice thing to do.
Right. So somebody said, um, also cancer is curable by water fasting.
Right. So that's your thing. And you're trying to hijack my show. Like that's your thing.
And you can post it and wait till the end, wait till they end it.
But if you post it, then what happens is people get distracted from what I'm saying?
I mean, I'm not saying you got to be passive, of course, right?
But this is the old don't take a loud call in the middle of somebody's speech, right? Don't, uh...
[8:13] Don't use your flashlight during a movie theater performance.
It's just a little personal politeness thing.
Try your best not to go off onto side tangents when I'm trying to make a case because that's hijacking my audience for your own particular agenda.
My preference is, it's just my preference, I'm not, you know, gonna ban you for doing it, I'm just saying that as far as politeness goes, that's really, it's rude.
It's kind of rude, right? Because it's gonna distract me from what I'm saying for you to push your own agenda, right?
So this show is for here to talk about philosophy and I guide the show with your feedback and I really really enjoy the feedback But if you are gonna hijack my show to push your own personal stuff, like what a fasting cures cancer or whatever stuff then that's, gonna be distracting because I'm trying to follow what the audience is saying it's distracting for other people and It's a little it's a little rude.
That's all I'm saying Now if you wait till I'm done we can bring it up and you can talk about it But yeah, just just hold off if you could that's sort of my particular preference. All right.
So let's get back to this question, which again, I do find really, really interesting.
A man will, and it's funny how they say man, right?
A man will work his whole life to discover a cure for cancer in order to provide that cure for cancer to the world.
Now, whether he sells it, whether he gives it away, but it's, it's incomprehensible that a human being would work his whole life to discover a cure for cancer. and not release it in some manner to the public, right?
[9:42] The whole reason you would come up with a cure for cancer is to provide that cure for cancer. So why would you work to cure cancer?
Well, you'd work to cure cancer because your wife died of cancer.
Your, your son died of cancer.
Uh, you have cancer. Uh, your, your favorite uncle died of cancer, your best friend, like you'd have some motivation. You'd get angry at cancer.
Like I'm angry at anti-rationality. and so I've worked very hard to...
[10:09] Give the tools that people have to oppose anti-rationality. Like I'm angry at either dictated or subjectivist or consequentialist ethics so I wrote UPB.
So the idea that I would really find anti-rational, anti-objective ethics incredibly dangerous for humanity, I would work for decades to come up with a better proof of ethics.
I would slave myself night and day to be as clear as possible in providing that proof of ethics and then never publish it, it shows that somebody doesn't understand human nature at all.
The man discovered the cure for cancer in order to divulge it.
Right? So, so this isn't a non-existent scenario that is, it's sociopathic because it has no understanding of human nature whatsoever. Right?
[11:00] So, that's number one. The hypothetical again, people will try to fence you into this hypothetical, as if there's no cause and effect, right?
As if there's no cause and effect. So the man wants to do good for humanity by discovering a cure for cancer, which means he has a benevolent or positive relationship to humanity.
So if somebody has a positive or benevolent relationship to humanity, then he's not going to withhold the cure for cancer.
Like it's just, it's not going to happen. You won't get the cure for cancer unless somebody wants to release or provide to humanity the cure to cancer.
Now of course people will say, well what if, right?
And it's like, no, but that's not how human beings work.
[11:45] You might as well say, what if a human being is actually a lizard?
Well, if a human being is cold-blooded, has no fur, gives birth to eggs, it's not a human being. It's something else.
Right? So it's a category error. That's number one.
Number two, you don't need a hypothetical.
So hypotheticals, what they do is, of course, they want you to break principle by putting you in a completely arid, artificial, anti-human environment.
[12:11] But the second thing that they do is they drag you away from the current world.
They drag you away from the current world, right? So if you come into the ER and you've got, you know, some horrible gash or cut down your arm that needs like, I don't know, 40 stitches or something, and they start testing you, they ignore your wound and they start testing you for the most obscure ailments.
You could have, you know, fourth-dimensional lupus or whatever, like bizarre house-worthy agents or illnesses, then implicitly they're saying your arm doesn't matter, what matters is something else completely theoretical that you have almost no chance of having.
And they can't, you understand, if you go in and you're bleeding out because you cut your arm so badly, you're literally bleeding out, you're going to die and they start testing you for imaginary ABC exotic illness, they're killing you, right?
You're going to die because you're going to bleed out because they're not dealing with your actual injury, right?
I mean House M.D. which was a fun show.
[13:25] It would be kind of a bad comedy for some guy to be coming in bleeding out and house saying, well, we got to run a test for a fourth dimensional lupus and stuff like that.
What about the arm? What arm? Right? So when they get you to go to these theoreticals that don't exist, they're saying, don't apply your ethics to the world as it is.
[13:41] So my theoretical, which is not very theoretical, would be to reply something like this.
Imagine there's a generation that has voted to use the power of the state to take away the income of the next generation, because the first generation has voted for themselves benefits that they didn't want to pay for.
So now they're preying on the next generation.
Is that moral? Right? Like that's actually a real world situation, right?
Obviously, you know, boomers and so on, they voted for a bunch of benefits that they didn't want to pay the taxes for, and so now they're stripping the income from the next generation in order to pay for their own benefits and healthcare and retirements and so on.
Like that's actually a real situation. Is it moral to vote to take away the property of the next generation who absolutely are never going to get the benefits that you want them to pay for yourself? Is that moral? Is it moral to do that?
Now that's actually a real world thing, but nobody talks about that, at least in these kinds of hypotheticals.
So I just wanted to sort of point out that that is, it's really, really, really horrible. All right, here's some thoughts on Bitcoin.
[14:52] Homes are more scarce than dollars, so they will always increase in price in terms of dollars.
Homes are less scarce than Bitcoin, so they will always decrease in price in terms of Bitcoin.
Once you see this, you can't unsee it, your view of the world will completely change.
Now homes are more scarce than dollars, that's not why home prices are going up, there's other reasons, but I mean it certainly has something to do with it, right?
But it is really, really important to understand that, which I think is very, very cool.
[15:21] Alright, interesting fact number one, over 85% of all professional money managers in the world fail to outperform the S&P 500 index every single year.
The S&P destroys the so-called financial experts.
Interesting fact number two, a 99% cash portfolio with a tiny 1% dash of Bitcoin destroyed the S&P index over the last 14 years in terms of income.
Over any four-year period you choose, this combination, right, 99% cash, 1% Bitcoin, obliterated the performance of the world's number one performance metric.
So, you know, I'm no financial guru or trained, I'm not trained in it, it's just my particular opinion, don't take any financial advice from anything I'm saying, but my understanding is that it's really hard to beat the S&P 500 in terms of returns.
However, if you just had a bunch of cash in your mattress and 1% Bitcoin, you are doing better, significantly better than the S&P 500 over the last 14 years.
Isn't that interesting?
[16:30] Bitcoin, this guy says, is true rocket fuel. No wonder BlackRock internally and secretly recommends an 85% allocation to Bitcoin with a 15% split between stocks and bonds.
They really know it should be 100%, but this would make them entirely irrelevant, wouldn't it?
Yeah. So the blowback is yet to come. The full blowback is yet to come.
Once a bunch of money managers realize that they've become obsolete.
Because of Bitcoin. Well, there's a lot of frou-frou Excel jockeys who are going to actually have to get some real jobs, and that's going to be quite shocking.
Alright. Here we go. This is from Rajat Soni.
Bitcoin has returned 100% or more per year over the last 15 years.
But you have to keep in mind, during those 15 years, the newly issued supply was at its highest.
[17:27] The inflation rate went from 100% to less than 2% in that period, because of the halvings, right?
In April 2024, newly issued supply of Bitcoin will decrease by 50%.
Bitcoin will be the asset with the lowest inflation rate.
Bitcoin's inflation rate will be lower than gold, right? Because a couple of percentage points of gold are added to the world gold supply every year, depending on the price of gold and so on, right?
In the first few years, Bitcoin had no utility. Bitcoin did nothing.
There was no network to transact with.
In the last 15 years, with 100% annual returns, 99% of the world had no idea what was going on.
Most people still think Bitcoin is a scam.
Today, Bitcoin is being used as a store of value by more people than ever.
Eventually, these people will be willing to part with their Bitcoin because their purchasing power would have increased significantly.
To add to this, the financial industry is currently working on opening the doors for institutional investors to start buying Bitcoin. 99% of the world is still asleep.
Soon they will wake up. Some early adopters, anyone who bought up until today is an early adopter in my opinion, he says, will not sell until what one bitcoin is worth a million dollars or more. Others will never sell.
[18:38] Where does the price of any asset go when supply is low and demand goes to record highs? This is the discovery of digital scarcity.
There is a fixed supply of 21 million bitcoins. This number will never change.
All this makes me think that the price appreciation will likely accelerate over the next few years instead of slowing down.
[19:00] Also Bitcoin Magazine, this is from yesterday, said, pointed out Bitcoin supply on exchanges are falling to new lows and this is pretty wild.
Gen 2020, there was 3.3 million bitcoins on exchanges, now it's down to about 2.3 million. And so it's a third down, a third down.
That is pretty wild when you think about it, right?
That is pretty wild. So where's it gonna go?
Nobody knows, but I certainly have my my theories, right?
All right, Let's get to your questions and comments. Yes, let's see here.
[19:54] The way I answer this question is by saying it's too hypothetical for me to care about.
Well, but you're in the realm of sophistry, right? And saying I'm above it, what that says is that, okay, well if you...
The sophist will just come back and say, well, okay, if you don't want to answer that's fine, but you know, science starts with hypotheticals, economics starts with hypotheticals, business starts with hypotheticals, a business plan, like everything around you started out as a hypothetical.
So saying you're above hypotheticals just is admitting that you can't answer the question. Right? So, that's just the reality, right?
How would people know that there is a cure for cancer stored in a thumb drive?
Would the discoverer divulge that information intentionally just to enrage the public?
Without any substantial proof, nobody would believe him anyway.
The more you think about this hypothetical, the less sense it makes. Right.
So how would you know that there's a... it's a perfect cure for cancer with no side effects, unless it had gone through rigorous testing, in which case everybody else would know what it was anyway?
So, yeah, I mean, you wouldn't have the knowledge that it was safe and effective.
Ooh, safe and effective.
You wouldn't have the knowledge that it was safe and effective unless lots of people knew about what the cure was, because they would have had to have tested it, so.
I realize that the idea of, if it saves one life, it's justified, is just people saying, we can't make a principle from this, but want to pretend it is. Right. Bye.
[21:24] Your analogy seems only valid, say, 1% Bitcoin with rest cash, if you had purchased Bitcoin very early in offering.
Did you not listen to the analogy? The analogy was that if you'd had 1% in Bitcoin, all right.
If you don't listen, I got help, all right.
Bitcoin is worthless. It's backed by nothing, as opposed to fiat currency, which is backed by the printing press and coercion.
It also ignores dollar-cost averaging in most investment strategies where funds are added, say, bi-weekly. I don't know what that means.
Yes, law degree question I asked at the start. I would love to hear your opinion on whether a law degree is worth it, keeping in mind sunk cost fallacy for those almost finished with their law degree.
So I obviously can't in a million years tell you what to do, obviously, right?
You know that. I'm just reminding everyone of that. However, I will say this.
If I were in your shoes, I would absolutely completely and totally finish the law degree.
Currency is also backed by GDP.
[22:33] I don't even know what that means as far as the reality of how things work goes.
Oh, you mean like future, future assets, like currency is backed by what future assets?
I don't know. It's not tied into anything, legally. Okay, so I would absolutely finish the law degree.
I would absolutely finish the law degree, because one of the things, and I was, I've hired a lot of people, and one of the things that a university degree tells me, if you finish a university degree, and to me it doesn't even really matter, at least back in the day, it didn't really matter what the degree was in, was that you can take a four-year plan, you can execute, and you can complete.
You can complete. Are you telling me what GDP means? Gross Domestic Product?
Great. Excellent. No, but it's backed by nothing but force, right?
[23:25] I mean, one of the clues as to why fiat currency is backed by force is fiat literally means by forceful decree. Decree, by forceful decree.
[23:33] Anyway, I just thought that's kind of funny. So, you should finish, in my view, you should finish your law degree, or what I would do is I would finish my law degree.
Would I ever actually want to get involved in the law in, I don't know which country you're in, doesn't really matter.
Would I actually want to get involved in the law as it stands? Not hugely, but if you say I have a law degree, see there's something really cool about having a law degree and not practicing law, right?
There's something really cool about it and what's cool about it is you say, well I did all of this and I'm going to do something else.
There's a certain amount of ballsy-ness in that, like if you have a lottery ticket that's worth $100,000 and you're like, yeah, I'll cash that in at some point.
I mean, how wealthy do you seem to people right now? I'll get around to that a hundred K at some point. Right.
So if you have a law degree and let's say, instead of becoming a lawyer, you become some Bitcoin entrepreneur or whatever it is that gives you a certain amount of cash. Right.
So if you're going to go and start a business with a law degree, but you're not practicing law.
[24:44] The investors are like wow this guy could be a lawyer so his base would be.
200k a year or whatever it is.
He wants to do something that's gonna be more profitable than law he wants to do something that's better than law that's right so that's gonna be way interesting to people who want to invest in you on people who want to hire you or whatever you wanna do so there's a certain cache.
You know, if you have a Ferrari and you say, oh, that's my second car, then people are like, whoa, what's your first car or something like that, right?
[25:18] So I think getting the law degree is probably worth it. I personally would not want to work in law.
I think it's labyrinthine, soulless, that the amount of work you have to do is mind bogging, boggling, and the amount of moral compromises to be involved in being a lawyer would be a little higher than I would feel comfortable with. Again, this is just my personal thing.
It's not anything you should do, but... Somebody's Dave says, a good degree proves you can do a certain level of work.
Engineering, law, computer science has an established level of logic and hard projects. It will help you forever.
I had a buddy with a law degree write films. I've seen so many engineers at the top of other unrelated industries. Finish the degree." Yeah.
Yeah, I mean the guy who ran, was it Jack Welsh? Had a PhD in chemical engineering or something like that, so.
Do you have any career recommendations where I can move up quickly?
I work as an electrician and do very well, but I'm thirsting for something with more brain work.
[26:25] All right.
I know, I know where you can be at the top immediately. I know where you can be at the top tomorrow.
[26:45] Do you know where you can be the CEO tomorrow? Or today, I guess, right? Do you know where you can be? Maybe tomorrow, if you have to incorporate.
So, how can you be, how can you move up quickly? How can you get to the very top of an organization right away?
Assuming you're not inheriting it from your father. How do you get to be the CEO right away?
I'm a legend in my living room. Right, so you just start your own business.
Oh look, you're at the top right away.
Be your own boss. I'm a little bit of a jerk as a boss, a bit of a workaholic, But yeah, be your own boss. How do you move up?
[27:28] You uh... You start at the top.
Oh yeah, you start your own business. Now, whether that's in the trades or something else, but yeah, you start your own business.
[27:42] I would imagine, I would imagine, so I give you guys top 1%, easy, easy peasy, I don't even have to think about it, probably one, top one tenth of one percent, this is an elite show, right, this is an elite show, because we move fast, we have deep concepts, there's Florida analogies, and if you don't have intelligence, creativity, imagination, and a strong sense of an inner voice, you can't even remotely follow what we're doing, like, a lot of people who get annoyed at what I'm doing can't follow what I'm doing, right, it's just baffling and incomprehensible.
See, there's difficult stuff that is put forward to entertain the masses.
Wow, he's really good at gymnastics.
And you're like, well I'm not a gymnast, but it's pretty cool that he can flip like that. That's wild.
I want to watch a guy, what's this, some Japanese baseball player just got a, he just inked the biggest, highest paying gig in athletics history, 700 million dollars, 700 million dollars to watch a short guy hit a fastball.
[28:37] Uh oh. Oh my gosh. those of us with half a brain to our heads look at that kind of stuff and it's just a huge relief it's just a huge relief it's a beautiful, wonderful liberation of the shackles of obligation to the world that this guy gets paid 700 million dollars to be short and hit a fast ball, beautiful well it's really skilled, yes it is, he's got really fast firing muscles and he's got great reflexes And, uh, he's got a body that facilitates that.
You mean you're paying to a large degree for genetics, right?
Like the guys from Kenya are just incredible runners, right?
You're just paying to a large degree for genetics. Okay, fine.
So genetics makes a lot of money, but it's not that he makes the money.
It's not, I mean, what's liberating is not that he takes a $700 million.
What's liberating is that enough people want to watch a short guy hit a fast ball that they, it's worth paying him $700 million.
It's like, Oh, beautiful, beautiful. I mean, it's just it's wonderful.
I'm not saying this in any kind of snarky way like it's genuinely fantastic if this is the world that is that.
[29:46] I will ask daily for donations, and you'll give a short guy hitting a fastball 700 million dollars whoo Why to be short?
I don't know he's Japanese short relative to I don't know Swedes or something like that Maybe he's tall I don't know, but I think in Japanese probably quite short, So, yeah, I'll just start at the top. I was thinking of my own business around horticulture and private dispute resolution.
I was just... I did a call-in show yesterday, let me ask you guys.
I'm not sure how being short helps in baseball. It doesn't.
All right. Let me get to this. you.
[30:36] I was sorry it's just rising nature I got your I got your comment let me just save this to make sure that I get it I've got it I will get to it if you can copy and paste into the text it's a little bit easier but not not hugely important.
So yeah I did a call with a woman yesterday she's in her mid twenties she's been dating a guy for.
[31:04] Five years, she wants to get married, he won't get married because he doesn't trust women, they're going to take half his stuff, and she wants kids, she wanted kids a couple of years ago, and he said, well, once I have X amount of dollars in assets, then we can have kids.
Like, once I've saved X amount of dollars, we can have kids.
Now, just out of curiosity, what do you think that X dollars was for this guy?
What was X dollars for him to feel comfortable having kids?
What do you think?
You can assume it's an unusual number because I'm bringing it up.
I'm just going to check one thing because it was a foreign currency.
[32:03] Ah, not as bad as I thought. All right.
[32:11] Yeah. So he said when he has 1.5 million dollars Canadian, 1.5 million dollars, then he can have kids.
Once he's got 1.5 million dollars, he can have kids.
Now, but unfortunately in the time frame that she first brought up, I want kids, and he said, well, I'll feel comfortable doing it as long as we're not married if I have 1.5 million dollars.
Since then how much money has he earned over the last year?
How much money has he earned over the last year given that the goal is 1.5 million dollars?
In order to fulfill his girlfriend's desire to have kids.
So by the time he gets on his pension yeah yeah I got some dust to sperm for, How much money has he made over the last year to get to his 1.5 million dollars Canadian?
Oh you guys are so optimistic. He has made zero dollars over the last year.
Well no he did have a part-time job at his dad's company but he's made in in terms of his like major career uh he's made zero, zero dollars.
[33:34] Yeah. No. No, he's kind of in the hole because he's starting a business and he doesn't have a product yet. Oh my god.
Crazy. Anyway, I've, uh, uh...
You know, it's very, very tough for women.
It's tough for women. When you've got five years into a guy...
[34:08] He earned or he saved?
You know, it's really tough to not be annoyed at people who are like, I'm sorry, I wasn't listening. This sounds important. Could you recap?
Is that zero adjusted for inflation? Negative now.
But why does she want to have kids with him? Well, she wants to have kids, right?
So, it's tough. It's, you know, it's really, really, really tough.
[34:35] Now, I don't know whether they should stay together or not, I don't know.
It seems to me that if he doesn't want to marry her, when he's got no money because he's afraid she'll take his money, I don't know why he'd want to marry her or have kids with her, but he's got one and a half million dollars.
But man, no, no, no, no, for guys, please, please, please understand this, because it's real easy, when you're looking at the strength of men and the weakness of women, it's real easy to say, women are foolish.
If you look at the strength of women and the weakness of men, it's real easy to say, men are foolish, right?
So if you can bench press more than your girlfriend, which I hope you can, then it's easy to say, well, women are just physically weaker.
But if someone up on the street, let's say you're married, you got a bunch of kids, someone on the street stops you and says, what's the name of your kid's pediatrician?
When's his next dental appointment?
And so on, right? You won't know. Your wife will know. Your wife will have.
So then you're just your weakness against your wife's strength and you look like an idiot.
Right? so, oof, the sunk costs, I mean I might even call it a fallacy, and ladies, if I've got this wrong, if I've got this wrong, you tell me, you tell me, I'm not going to try and tell women what being a woman is like, but, even though, the moobs are coming along well, but if you're a woman and you have sunk five years into a guy.
[35:55] Yeah, what are your kids, Oh yeah, who are your daughter's best friends, who are your son's best friends, right?
I like the middle ground that exists on this show with the modern dating sphere.
[36:11] If you've got five years into a guy, pulling out of that is...
Oh man, it's like watching a mastodon trying to get out of a crazy glue tar pit. It's just... Uh, uh, uh.
It's agony. It's beyond agony.
It's, I won't say virtually impossible, but it's close to virtually impossible for a woman to pull out of a relationship she sunk five youthful, beautiful, fertility-drenched years into.
[36:49] I think men have it harder except on this. It's kind of scary making sure you pick the right father. Yes. Yes.
Yes It's it's really tough now This of course is why there was no sex before marriage and you got married in order to cohabitate and all this kind of stuff right, Quick question great question. So he says I need a million and a half dollars to have a kid.
[37:18] Where, where are they living? Where, where are they living? Where are they living?
Uh, mid-twenties, she's mid-twenties.
Where are they living? You need a million and a half dollars of assets to have a kid. Where are they living?
Hey, I get to see if I've got any teeth sensitivity. Uh, yeah, no, they're living in a room in his parents' house.
But don't worry, they're just about to get that million and a half dollars.
All right, so let's get to... yeah, honestly, have some sympathy.
It's really, really brutal for women to get out of a relationship that's not bad, right? He's not like some terrible guy.
He's not like a mean drunk or something like that.
Sounds like he's pressuring her to make a lot of money. No. No, he's not. No, he's not.
[38:31] Living in the room in your parents house making zero dollars over the last year in your primary occupation, but don't worry We're just about to have kids when I get that million and a half dollars Maybe play the lottery and then we'll get kids sooner, right?
Yeah, so a lot of times when people don't want to do things and they just create impossible standards, right? Right, When people don't want to do things they'll just let's create impossible standards.
[38:59] It's really, seriously what is she doing? Now see, this is the annoying thing, this is the, I'm telling you, it's annoying when men come in and say, well, you just gotta make a decision.
It's like, well, what do we as men do? We always make decisions.
A lot of women have to cross their fingers and hope. Sorry, it's just the way that it is.
A lot of women have to cross their fingers and hope. Mid-twenties is not too late to get out. Yeah, I get that. Oh my god.
Well, I'm trying to help you guys understand female nature a little bit.
I'm trying to help you guys understand female nature a little bit so you can get along better with women and have a happy, loving wife.
But apparently you all just want to... What is she doing?
She called Steph? Oh, what is she doing? She calls Steph. Yes.
Yeah, she's trying to get clarity. She's trying to figure things out.
Her mother is twice divorced, so her mother is helpful. Is useless.
She's barely in touch with her biological father. So, yeah.
The red pillars who say women always have it way easier make me cringe. Oh God, no.
Okay, are you ready for a black pill that will open up your heart to women?
Are you ready for a black pill that will open up your heart to women?
[40:22] Hit me with a Y. Oh, this is gonna liberate your heart, but it's gonna hurt like hell going down.
Yeah, you're right. Sorry, insomnia cat. I was about to be annoyed and then I'm like, oh no, no, I understand what she's saying. She's totally right. Thank you.
Thank you. Sometimes it's always good to pause before you commit to being completely in the wrong, as I almost did. All right.
All right.
So, men.
[41:00] I want you to understand a young woman.
Because every middle-aged woman is founded on, rests on the foundation of being a young woman. All right.
If you want to understand young women, and we're talking fairly attractive young women, reasonably attractive young women.
So if you want to understand young women, let me ask you this, let me ask you this.
If there was a five million dollar lottery, it's five million enough?
I don't know what people are expectations are these days, like millennial say they need half a million a year just to be comfortable.
Is five million enough to be tempting? Do you want ten million?
What's the lottery number that would be tempting for you?
What is the lottery number that would be tempting for you?
Give me a number. I want to make sure it's not too low, not too high.
Goldilocks sit right in the middle zone. Just right. M class planet. What do we got here?
What do we got here? It's getting the Goldilocks zone.
It's just a number, it shouldn't take too much typing. Millions.
20 million. Alright, what else? What else have we got? 20 million.
1 million. Okay, we got a spread. 10, 1.5. Ah, that's funny, Bova. Then you'll have kids, right?
How much does the ticket cost?
[42:23] Certainly above 110 million euros. Well, yes, because that's about 4 bucks after taxes.
Alright, so we'll just go 10 million. 10 million. That seems to be in the middle of what people want. Alright.
So, guys, you've got a winning lottery ticket for $10 million tax-free, but you can't ever hide your wealth.
You can't ever hide your wealth.
You've got to spend it. Right? You've got to...
Everywhere you go, you've got to go in a Lamborghini, you've got to have a wealthy house, every piece of clothing you have has got to be super expensive, you have to have a $50,000 watch in your hand, your glasses have, like everywhere you go, you have to, like that's the only way you get the 10 million dollars or the 20 million dollars or whatever tickles your ulule.
You get the money, but you must display it no matter what.
You can't hide it, you can't Muhammad Ali live poor and be rich as he sort of fantasized about at one point, right?
[43:24] Basically I have to be Richard Hart, I don't know who that is if I don't remember, but okay, so that's the deal.
Ah, she sees what? Yeah, you see it. You see it. She is alert. She is alert.
So you get $10 million, you get $20 million, whatever it is for you, but you have to show your wealth every time you go out of the house.
Well, what do you think would happen to you if every time you went out of the house you had to show how wealthy you were.
[44:06] Would you take the money? Of course, I mean, you would take the money, I would assume, right?
Why not use your wealth to attract a woman? Why is that a bad thing?
It's not unreasonable for a quality woman to be attracted to wealth, just filter out the gold diggers and unsuitable women.
Now, you take, okay, I'm just gonna, I'm gonna override your free will here for one of the few times in the game because it's essential for the theoretical to help you understand women, right?
So, you take the money, you get the Lamborghini, you get the, what is it, Conor McGregor? Did they have like a million dollar watch or something like you you get some now?
Let's just say this doesn't drain all of your money, right? Whatever it is, right?
Yeah, Bruce's millions. Yeah, that's right. So You go out into the world everybody knows exactly how wealthy you are What would that be like for you oh, and also all of your neighbors your friends your family out to the last dregs of genetics of anyone who could be tied to knows that you have 20 million dollars.
Your neighbors, your friends, your family, everybody in the world, everybody knows you have... your...
Your multi-decker millionaire, whatever it is for you, right?
[45:18] Oh, she's given out the spoiler! Heheheheh... He's given out the spoiler.
Now, what do you think, what do you think that life would be like?
What do you think that life would be like.
[45:33] Everybody, friends, relatives, neighbors, extended relations, everyone on the street, everywhere you go, everybody knows you're super wealthy.
[45:45] So what have we got here? What have we got? Oh my god, my neighbors would kick my ass.
I'd learn martial arts and keep a bodyguard team around. Yeah, doesn't Mark Sakaboko jogging with like 19 bodyguards?
My head would be on a swivel. Well, I hope these days your heads on a swivel anyway.
Women, okay. Annoying but intoxicating. I think it would start off intoxicating but it would end up annoying.
Could awful, couldn't trust anyone, wouldn't trust anyone, terrifying.
Sorry, just I would rather eat those millions at all points.
Difficult choices, suspicious, anxious, sounds exhausting, that is rough.
I would try to filter out the leeches but wealth is not bad if wisely managed, especially if you put barriers up to prevent leeches and disfunctional people reaching out to you.
Oh, Feded, my good friend, try and work with the theoretical.
The theoretical is not... Oh my god, I didn't... Why do I need to explain this?
The theoretical is not that you get money.
The theoretical is you have to show it everywhere you go.
[46:52] You would be anxious and probably aggressive to everyone to filter out the thieves.
Manuel would assume just about everybody's lying to get some of my resources.
Boom, boom, boom, ding, ding, ding, you win.
Well, maybe I'll give you 10 million dollars in 10 years when it's a buck.
So, just kidding, not a contract. So, yeah, you would assume just about everybody's lying to get some of your resources.
I have a great investment for you, would feel extremely isolating. Right. Right.
You'd never trust anyone. I'd go to the gun range more often and apply for concealed carry license from the police.
Yeah, okay, great. So your best-case scenario is somebody tries to rob you, you shoot them and then you go on trial for attempted murder and maybe after a year or two you... Oh, come on, right?
There would be a temptation to use people who are after it.
Some men do that peacock willingly. Is it a me plus thing? Yeah, yeah, no, I get that. I get that. I'm asking you guys, though. We're not most men.
It may poison your perception of other people, make you paranoid in the long term.
I'm Sonya Kett. Please release the wisdom that I am trying to chip away at that you already possess deep in your female heart.
What am I? You all know what I'm trying to get across here, right?
[48:18] No joke, I was offered money for my eggs when I was younger, while I was at work. I made money from eggs. Well, not really actually.
Let's see here. I only say... I only say that thing about staying away from women because I have been manipulated in the past. No?
You're giving me causality. I only say that thing about staying away from women because I've been manipulated in the past. Nope, you have free will.
You can say whatever you want. Don't blame your past. Don't blame your past for what you do in the present.
Don't be lazy. Don't be boring.
Right. Right.
Right. So, what am I helping you to understand? If you want to, what am I helping you to understand?
I married into an Asian family and my sister-in-law would say she doesn't know if guys actually like her or if they just have a fetish for Asian girls.
[49:19] You have to present your money to the world. I would assume everybody's lying to get some of my resources.
If you are a young attractive woman you are surrounded by lying, pilfering, manipulative con men who want you for your flesh.
[49:44] I'm trying to help you guys understand women. Yeah, this is how it is to be a pretty girl.
And I'm not even talking like a 10, like everyone 7 plus and and really it depends if you're a 5 then you just hang around other 5s and you're still a 10 to the other 5s because that's as high as they can get, right?
How would you trust anyone if everyone knows exactly how wealthy you are and can't ever look at you unconditioned by the money you've had.
Okay, let me ask you this.
Who is the richest, like how much money, don't give me any details, how much money does the richest person you regularly have contact with have?
How much money does the richest person you regularly have contact with have?
Yeah, having a father is so important to raise a young woman because she gets used to male attention, that is about her personality.
What is the wealthiest person you have regular contact with?
[50:53] And con men are afraid of strong fathers, right, which is why having a strong father around is the best thing for a woman.
Because a con man will realize that the strong father, that the father knows the male personality.
Women are like, oh, he just really likes me. And it's like, no, he's probably just some hairy-legged guy. Grabby, grabby, grabby, right?
What is the converse situation like for women? I don't know what that means.
We're trying to get men to understand women here.
You got, so somebody says a few hundred thousand, about a million, probably net worth, half a million, father-in-law is a millionaire, right, 2.2 to 5 million dollars, yeah, I will never know, we don't discuss it.
Well of course you know! You have some idea.
Some idea, right? I mean, they, they're not living under a bridge, are they?
Probably 5-10 million in assets, 2-10 million, half a million, few millions.
[51:53] I can't even tell you how scared teenage boys are of me.
I'm not trying to be intimidating, I'm actually trying to be friendly, but I can't even tell you how scared teenage boys are of me.
Alright, so a few millions, 100,000, probably 6-7, low 7 digits. is right. Bye.
When you are around the richest person you know, Does knowledge of their wealth or how much does knowledge of their wealth affect you?
As they should be no no I want to be in the middle right I want to be in the middle I don't want them to be so scared that they don't ask my daughter out.
[52:40] You got to get that Aristotelian me cautious Not terrified, that's kind of what we're looking for.
I haven't forgotten about your question, your comment, by the way, about... Very little?
Rich billionaires with stupid money, I don't know about that.
I can guess, but he's a rich Arab whose family has four passports at least.
Yeah, well, probably quite a bit of money there, right?
Probably quite a bit of money there.
I respect their successes, right?
I don't talk to rich friends about money so they don't think I'm after theirs.
Right, so it's conditioning, right? You don't talk to them about money so you don't think, right?
All right, so let me ask you this. Let me ask you this.
If you are an entrepreneur who needs $50,000 or $100,000 to start your business, right?
I started, I co-founded the software company with $80,000, right?
So if you are, you want, you've an entrepreneur, you know you've got a great business plan, but you need $50,000 or $100,000 to get it started, what is it like to be around a wealthy person you know could fund it like that?
[54:07] So, you need his money, he's definitely got the money to give you, and you're hanging out, and you know, your life's dream could be one question away.
Would you mind, or could we talk, you know, I don't mean to be awkward, but, you know.
You're poised to get your life's dream, to get your business going, you're around someone who could fund it like that, and wouldn't even notice it.
What is it, the Canadian guy, Kevin O'Leary, he's very rich, and he says, with regards to family and money. He says, if you want 50 grand from me, I will write you the check.
I will write you the check, but it's not a loan, it's a gift.
But you can never ask me again.
Don't talk to me about it. I'll write you the check, but you can never ask me again.
So, it would be in the back of my mind all the time. Tempting, good opportunity, horrible.
Desperation, anxiety. I have a great business idea. Unless I was It's very certain I wouldn't ask. You can't ask for it. It would change the friendship.
I don't want them to. It's not my money. I'll find a different way.
Why wouldn't... Okay, tell me why wouldn't you ask? Why wouldn't you ask?
[55:28] Why wouldn't you ask? I mean, maybe it's right. Ask once and drop it.
Yeah, there's a scene in, I always forget the name of it, that bear movie, The Edge or whatever it is, with Alec Baldwin and Anthony Hopkins.
Anthony Hopkins is a super rich guy, he goes up to Alaska to do some hunting and fishing or whatever, and he's out back looking at the lake, some guy talks to him, they have a little bit of a pleasant conversation, And then the guy says, yeah, but I really want to expand my hunting lodge and make it a full this that and the other It would only take a certain amount of money and Anthony Hopkins is like, oh I thought you just wanted to talk to me turns out you're just like everybody else and you want money.
[56:09] Friendship is based on the fact that I don't beg Why is asking for money for a business idea begging? I don't understand that. Why is that begging?
I don't know that I mean you want to have some pride but not that level of pride where asking for any kind of help is begging.
You could never stop thinking about it, especially if being an entrepreneur is really important to you. Yeah, this is your life dream. This is your life dream.
Because I haven't thought of a way to use that money that is better than what they are doing with it. No, but the argument is that you have, right?
[56:46] It's the way I ask out women. I ask well enough where I'm destroying the relationship.
I don't know what that means. I would ask for an investment, but not a handout. I never said it was a handout.
Bezos got money from McKenzie family to start Amazon. If it's a win-win investment opportunity, it's worth discussing.
Well, not really. Like, sorry to be annoying entrepreneurial investment history guy, but if you're looking for $50,000 to $100,000, it's probably not worth a super rich friend of yours getting involved.
See, I mean, I remember an investor telling me this many years ago, if you're going to ask, ask big.
If you're going to ask small, the investor's not going to care.
Because it takes as much due diligence to research the viability of a $100,000 investment as it does a $10 million investment. Right?
You can't make money off $100,000 investments as an investor, because the amount of due diligence it takes and research and talking to the...
Like it's the same, so you might as well go big, right?
Which is why we didn't go, when I was first co-founding the software company back in the early 90s, we didn't go to an investment bank.
We didn't go to investors because nobody cares about 80 grand.
You kind of have to get it from a friend.
Like we got it from people we knew and they made a fortune off it, which was great.
[58:05] But if they say, no, it will be very awkward. It's better to find your own way, unless it's life or death.
Okay, I get that it's better to find your own way, But we're talking about the guy can afford it, you don't have any, I mean maybe you can find some other way, but how do you get $100,000 if you're broke? You can't get $100,000 if you're broke.
In this case, I'm sorry, there was nothing intrinsically wrong with asking, but it would fundamentally change the nature of the relationship.
Um, maybe, I mean, I stayed friends with somebody who invested in my early business.
I would talk about it and gauge their interest. If they seemed more and more interested, I would tell more and more, and also go over everything in a realistic way, going over benefits and risks as far as I understand.
Right, but the guy with a lot of money isn't going to care that much about your 50k.
He's not like, oh let's say I double my money. Well he can double his money just leaving his money in the bank for a week or something like that. So whatever, right?
So in terms of 50k, how can he get another 50k?
[59:05] So, but you understand, you would not be able to stop thinking about the money and the fact that he could write a check and he wouldn't even notice it but it would completely change your life for the better and your dream would come true and, right?
This is like if I needed 50 grand to start free domain radio back in the day, I would have been all over that.
I would have been calling my friends who had any money and right and of course I'd have no case to make it.
I mean, oh, here's the business plan. I don't know yell about philosophy and hope people donate It's not really much of a business plan for sure, It's not awkward if you're certain in that case you're doing them a favor by bringing their money in maybe maybe I I don't want to be just another person in the line of people who want money from him, such as his daughters that he had to cut off. I don't know what that means.
Oh, this is a story I probably missed a part of, right?
All right.
[1:00:01] So, if you're a young, reasonably attractive woman, you are surrounded by people who will do almost anything to get access to you, right?
It's really a race to the bottom.
Now, there will be a couple of honorable guys in the mix for sure, but okay we've got some young attractive women or women who've had the experience of being young attractive.
What percentage of the men who show interest in you are honorable men who care about you, right?
What percent, and this is for the women, what What percentage of men, if you were young in the past, if you're young now, what percentage of men who show interest in you are honorable men who want to get to know you as a person?
And how many are just like, she's pretty?
And of course, there can be a bit of, the circles could kind of overlap a little bit, right?
If it's a friend, he'd probably be happy to invest in your career.
Well, here's the thing too, don't negotiate for other people.
Close to zero? It's close to zero, right? It's close to zero.
And men, not understanding women is just a form of lying to yourself.
[1:01:20] Right? Not understanding women is kind of lying to yourself because as a man and we got to be honest we got to be honest, right?
We don't have to but we should. Got to be honest. As a man, how many of the women you were attracted to were you attracted for their qualities of character versus their looks?
So what do we got here? This is probably why most rich people don't hang out with poor people.
It's tough, right? Yeah, so if he's a friend he'd probably be happy to invest in your career. Yeah, I mean, he might be happy. Hey man, you know, this has been your dream. I'm happy to help, right?
Close to zero. Yeah, it's close to zero You're so spot-on with this My sister was always way prettier than me and I got to see an outside view of how men treated her versus me very few 5% none 100% because I'm male.
I'm so clever recently moved All of a sudden every guy I knew came out of the woodwork to offer to help me move into my new home Oh, yes, I My mating display is I'm going to lift heavy things in front of you.
I think Steph has said men are rarely true friends of women because they're always partly open to sex. That's a fact. Only one up to this point.
[1:02:35] Right. Do you think men with sisters understand women easier? I don't know.
Every single one was looks except for two. Right, right, 99 out of a hundred guys who float around a pretty woman lying to her and manipulating her.
Now it's not just for sex, it's for status, right? It's for status.
Thank you, some thanks and encouragement for the piece of parenting book, appreciate that.
[1:03:16] Even though it's close to zero, if you're as smart as you are beautiful, successful men will give you the time of day.
Yeah. So a man who has, I mean, I was once dating, I once dated a woman in my twenties.
She was so pretty that there were jokes that everybody mistook me for her bodyguard.
It was kind of funny. It was kind of funny.
I hope men understand better after you talk. For us, one decision is a lifetime and for the rest of our lives.
Right. So everyone's lying to you and manipulating you and of course as a woman, excuse me, you have your own hormones, your own desires, you find men hot and attractive and so you want to have sex and they're pretty and guys are handsome guys, whatever, right? So, like just understand that for women, caution is survival. Caution and skepticism is survival.
How many people chat to a billionaire just to pass the time of day?
Or how many people are just kind of conditioned by the fact that he's got money and could write them a check for a million dollars and not even notice it?
[1:04:20] Women are surrounded by liars, cheats, manipulators Con men, exploiters and it's moths to a flame, It's moths to a flame. When if you're a young attractive woman and a man comes up to talk to you Your default assumption is he's a lying manipulator.
[1:04:48] He's telling you he finds you interesting, he's telling you he finds you intelligent, he's telling you he finds you funny, but he just wants to get in your pants.
Now very few men understand this, like deeply, I mean we do understand it because that's what we're attracted to for the most part when we're young in particular, but very few men understand this.
Now women are so guarded, women are so hostile, women are so tense, it's like, hello! Hello!
[1:05:23] Hello! Hello!
Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello!
[1:05:34] Hello! Hello! Hello!
Hello! walking through, bad neighborhood. $10,000 in a clear plastic bag.
[1:05:48] Or you're driving through a really slow, a really bad neighborhood in a Lamborghini where there's a lot of stoplights, a lot of stop signs.
Do you want to gun it? Are you tense?
Now of course the way that society dealt with this in the past was to have men and women marry off young.
So that the woman has, she's off the market, she's got a protector, she's got a ring, she's got a dot on the head, whatever it is, right?
Why are you running? Just gotta understand this.
I saw those videos of people walking in the hood with a backpack full of cash. Oh yeah, right?
If a quality man truly loves you he will court you first. I get that.
But you're still not understanding women. If a truly quality man truly loves you, he will court you first. Okay, everybody knows that.
So what do con men do? They pretend to court you.
They pretend to be reasonable. They pretend to be... Right? Well, just, you know, you have a magic wand that separates the honest guys from the liars.
I mean, listen, I criticize women, of course, for choosing badly, but please understand, It's tough to choose well when most people around you are conning you.
[1:07:12] That makes sense. It's really really hard to choose well.
[1:07:16] It's like if everybody knows you have 20 million dollars and everybody, friends, family, strangers, they're swarming you with business proposals.
How easy is it to choose a good business proposal from all the people swarming you because you have money waving their business proposals.
A beautiful woman is stalked all the time. Oh yes, there's the other thing too.
What if you get a psycho? Like what if some guy, and listen, I mean Jodie Foster went through this, Sandra Bullock had some guy jumping out of her closet that completely messed her up, which I can completely understand.
So, you know, you get, you're posting your pictures on Instagram and then somebody just becomes obsessed with you.
They say being a beautiful for women is like being a rock star. No it's not. No it's not.
Because rock stars don't roam the streets unprotected.
And rock stars know what they're getting into. Women are born into it.
[1:08:20] Sometimes I try to emphasize with women by thinking that from their perspective all men are basically what bears are to men.
You can think of it like, you know, whatever corrupt country you think of, it's like, yeah, there are a couple of honorable policemen But a lot of them are just really dangerous and will plant evidence and get you thrown in jail and bribe and kidnap you and extort you and so on.
It's like, oh no, I need to get to a policeman. Oh God, right?
[1:08:51] That would be exhausting, I'd be tempted towards hostility.
So a woman of course needs to show how attractive she is in order to get the attention of a quality man, but she gets the attention of a lot of low quality men.
So this phase of maximum display of attractiveness, whatever you want to call it, right, showing an ankle in the Victorian age, this time of maximum attraction to men is supposed to last from three to six months.
Like you come of age, you debut, you come out as your Debbie Chombald or something like that. So you, three to six months you're supposed to be married.
If you are a beautiful woman in London, you can never be alone. Yeah, that's true.
What about women who hard reject, almost disrespect men who shoot their shot? Do they have no fear?
[1:09:45] I'll get to that one in a second.
Woman says, I dated a handsome, well-educated guy for six weeks.
Broke up with him because he lied about having a job.
Five weeks later, he came back to stalk me, tried to break into my home, etc.
The police tried to talk him out of it, but he just couldn't understand why he shouldn't try to force me to date him again. I had to move. Right.
Again, really, really alarming and scary stuff.
Michelle says, My parents never prepared me for the real world, and at my first job ever At 18 men were approaching me.
It was absolutely terrifying. A couple even waited outside for hours or followed me to my car.
Yeah, it's terrifying It's terrifying.
[1:10:32] So, yeah, I mean, massive, massive sympathies, right? Massive sympathies.
[1:10:38] And this is because in the modern world, like in modern society, men aren't allowed to protect women.
This is why women are so nervous and jumpy and blue-haired and anxious and believe in every man's a predator.
It's because men are no longer allowed to protect women in the modern world.
And massive sympathies with the, you know, you had to move, yeah, yeah, for sure, it's terrifying. There's a lot of men who don't take no for an answer.
And unfortunately there's a lot of literature that women like that encourage men to not take no for an answer.
In the old show, Sex and the City, in the old show, an ex-boyfriend comes to the main character, she tells him not to get in the elevator, he gets in the elevator.
She tells him to keep his distance, he doesn't keep his distance.
She, he corners her, pins her against the far wall, kisses her violently, she says F you, he kisses her again, she twists to try and get away, he kisses her again, she melts into his arms and says F me, and then they have sex.
Really really bad, really really terrible.
Thank you for your work on the Peaceful Parenting Book. Thank you, I appreciate that.
[1:12:00] She says, so true, I carry pepper spray everywhere, I consider all men grizzly bears. Right.
To be a woman is to be on perpetual alert.
Man when I worked retail in my teens the characters that came in the store left me shocked I couldn't imagine being a pretty girl.
[1:12:24] Oh, this is the woman who got stalked yeah cops couldn't do much But order him to restrain from being within a three-block radius of my house, but he didn't care right, It has to be scary for women to be on dating apps. I just don't understand, That is why I think all women should stay armed yeah I didn't this gun waving I'm fine for gun rights but I mean I don't understand that gun waving is the solution to everything it's like so you shoot a guy excellent I mean you may deserve it but you've taken a life and, now you have legal process to go through for years where you have to wonder if you're going to jail for a decade or more, last week had a first date with a woman who broke off a four-year relationship She wanted kids. He stayed vague on the subject for a long time.
Yeah, maybe at some point, sure.
After four years, she actively actually confronted him in a more assertive manner and responded that he didn't actually want kids.
Now they've been broken up for two years. Her friends now are advising her to date somewhat casually. Her mother says that if worse comes to worse, she can always be a single mother.
I didn't go to a second date. Yeah.
Yeah, men are not allowed to protect women anymore, so women are very scared.
And it's very tough right? It's very tough.
I think women who are on dating apps lessen their guard after a few successful dates. I don't know what that means.
[1:13:54] Yeah I mean a sane person doesn't want to be in a situation where they have to shoot someone, kill someone.
You want to avoid that as much as possible. Well, I'm not. Or self-defense.
I accept the right of self-defense. Absolutely.
But you don't want to have to exercise it in general.
[1:14:22] So, in general, what would happen in the past is men would give women protection and money in return for housemaking and children, right?
Homemaking and children, right? Running the household and having children, raising the children, right?
And now, because women get money from the state, either directly through welfare or indirectly through alimony payments and so on, right?
Or retirement pensions that they get way more out of than they paid into, or health care or whatever it is, right? So women get money from the state, but the state doesn't protect them.
So women are getting the effects of what used to be a protective relationship without the actual protection, which is why women are so jumpy these days. Does this make sense?
Oh, men are not allowed to protect women? I'll give you an example from my own personal life, and I've mentioned this before.
Women need to be very careful on dating apps. A girl I know got, oh, assaulted at the end of the date. Guy seemed completely sane and she invited him over.
Well, you can invite a guy over. My gosh.
Also a cliche, says this lovely young lady. Also a cliche, but I've been pulled over for extremely minor things a lot.
Last I counted, it was 21 times. Yeah, cops will sometimes pull over girls because they're pretty.
[1:15:49] And I'm not sure that self-defense is much of a thing anymore these days, legally, right?
[1:16:04] So, with regards to my mother, I think I could have saved her, but I wasn't allowed to, in a way, right? I mean, I would have had a good chance at saving her, right?
So, when my mother stopped working, I would have been happy to pay her bills, but she would have had to go to therapy and take some responsibility, right?
Oh, it used to be called driving while blonde? That's funny.
So, because my mother got money from the government, I had no authority to guide her towards some kind of self-ownership and better mental health practices.
[1:16:49] Does this make sense? Like, if I had been paying her bills and she had been reliant upon me for her income, I would have been able to instill better habits.
I would have said, you know, you got to quit smoking because I don't want to pay for your cigarettes, you've got to live on something other than instant coffee, and you've got to study some stress management and maybe take some therapy.
So I would have been able to guide her towards some better, healthier practices in her life.
And the relationship might have been saved, she might have been saved, something like that, right?
I mean it's hard to imagine that she would genuinely prefer to live homeless than improve her health habits, right?
And I would say, listen, you've got to go to the dentist, like just things that she needed to do, right?
[1:17:38] But I had no capacity to exercise any guidance, on, with regards to my mother. So I was not allowed to protect my mother.
Does this make sense? I hope this makes sense.
I was not allowed to protect my mother.
I was barred from protecting my mother.
[1:18:08] So she did not have the benefit of my protection.
Tell me if this sort of makes sense. Yeah, men are not allowed to protect women anymore.
[1:18:21] And women are in danger a lot. A lot.
And in particular, fathers, by being banished from the household by a variety of statist and fiat currency machinations, fathers are not around to protect their daughters anymore.
Really, Jared?
Really? You're getting involved in a self-defense argument on the side? Right.
So, yeah, makes sense. Okay. So, let me... It sucks how casual this one-night-stand culture has become, yeah.
[1:19:03] Alright, so let me get to the comment. So, if you remember, I think it was on Friday, it was either Wednesday or Friday, this fine gentleman...
Was upset. I thought he was upset when I was talking about causality is erasure.
When people say, well I do this because of that in my past, and I'm like, no you don't.
Don't make excuses, don't take away your free will, don't blame your past for why you choose things in the present.
That's lazy and dull and NPC, right?
I didn't quite put it that harsh, but so he said, hi Steph, I think I've recently, sorry, I think I've found why I'm emotionally resistant to the idea that causality is erasure.
Right, so if you blame things on your past, you limit your free choice in the present, right? Like if I had said to myself, well, you know, I grew up in a poor welfare house and single mom, crazy, went to, both my parents went to asylums and whatever.
Like if I can't make anything of my life, I'm going to be messed up.
Then I wouldn't have the life I had. Right. I refuse to let the unchosen past.
[1:20:10] Past, yeah, cause I'm giving it a past, right? But I refuse to let the unchosen past dictate future possibilities.
That is to let the past win, the crazy people win, the trauma win. I refuse to do it.
I refuse, refuse, refuse, and I would go to my grave refusing to let the past determine the future unless it's my age causing my mortality.
Okay, fine, but I'll even try and push that off as long as possible.
So hi Steph, I think I found why I'm emotionally resistant to the idea that causality is erasure.
The idea seems to invalidate my rejection of my mother as a result of her past actions that have caused myself and my sibling harm.
Since emotionally I am using the past to reject my mother it is difficult to let go of the past even if it causes my erasure.
[1:20:56] It's a little hard to follow but I'm sure I'll get there. Love as a response to virtue can be used as a real-time assessment of my mother but it seems to lack the same emotional weight as my lifetime of experience with her.
If I am asked why I reject my mother, the dominoes of this past will be the justification because they feel more true than a present-day evaluation based on her current virtue or lack thereof.
My solution to the seeming contradiction is to recognize that my brother with a shared past as me has chosen to accept my mother.
In this sense it is not the past that speaks for itself but me who is choosing to interpret the past.
I am therefore choosing to reject my mother as a result of my chosen values just as my brother is choosing to accept my mother based on his chosen values.
Emotionally, the past is used as evidence for my values rather than the cause of my values.
Is this a correct way to deal with causality is erasure emotionally.
[1:21:47] Look at that! Beautiful!
Pull out of the wreckage for a three-point landing. Well done, well done, well done.
[1:21:59] Okay, just hit me with a why. My friend, if you are still around, I'm not sure if I'm talking to you or to people as a whole, that's a lot of unnecessary words.
Boy, aren't you judgy. He's trying to put his whole life into two paragraphs in a very complicated way, so, I don't know.
Just because I'm having trouble understanding it doesn't mean it's incomprehensible.
It just means I'm having trouble understanding it.
Trying to understand somebody else and their language and how they're using things in when there's not a commonly accepted definition right so.
[1:22:36] I just want to make oh yeah you are still here okay thank you for your patience I'm sorry it took so long all right so, that's so I want to make sure I understand what you're saying I'm trying to rephrase it to make sure that we're on the same page doesn't have to be perfect but I really want to make sure I'm addressing what your actual issues and questions are. I want to make sure of that. That's really, really important to me.
I don't want to just riff on your thing against what's valuable to you.
Okay. So causality is erasure. The idea seems to invalidate, invalidate my rejection of my mother as a result of her past actions that have caused myself and my siblings harm.
So you're saying that your concern was that if causality is erasure, then it erases your desire to not see your mother because it's the dominoes of her past actions that had you not see your mother and therefore if causality is erasure your desire not to see your mother is erased, your self is erased because it's the dominoes of her past behavior just knocked over this I don't want to see her thing. Does that does that make sense?
Does that make sense? Let me know if that just hit me with a why if that's in the ballpark.
[1:23:58] You are correct. Okay, good. I wanted to make sure I understand this.
And listen, you did in two paragraphs explain something quite complicated and I appreciate that.
That's very well done. Well done, if you don't mind me saying so. All right.
Since emotionally I'm using the past to reject my mother, it's difficult to let go of the past even if it causes my erasure. Right. So if I'm saying you...
[1:24:20] If you blame the past for your current decisions, it erases you and removes your free will.
[1:24:26] So, if the causality to your free will is your mother's behavior, then saying, well, you can't blame your current decisions on past behaviors, erases the validity of blaming your mother for her past bad behavior.
And that's a brilliant, brilliant problem, and I'm really, really glad you've brought it up.
Love as a response to virtue can be used as a real-time assessment of my mother, but it seems to lack the same emotional weight as my lifetime of experience with her.
If I am asked why I reject my mother, the dominoes of the past would be the justification because they feel more true than a present-day evaluation based on her current virtue or lack thereof. Right.
So I'm gonna make an analogy for those who don't have this direct experience and you know please, rising nature, if my analogy is incorrect please tell me and I will work to refine it or abandon it if it doesn't fit.
So it would be like some guy killed his wife, he murdered his wife, he plotted it, he planned it out. First degree, it's the worst kind, right?
He murdered his wife and he's found guilty and then the judge says, well I can't send you to jail because that's saying that the dominoes of your past behavior compel me to send you to jail and therefore I'm not making a free choice in the present and I want to be able to make a free choice in the present so I have to do it without reference to the past, so I can't send you to jail because what you did is in the past.
[1:25:56] Let me know if this analogy works not just for you, but for other people.
You can't reference the past because that limits your choice in the present, therefore you can't judge anyone for what they did in the past because that limits your choice in the present.
Which is a really, really, and thank you so much for coming back.
What a, what a fantastic objection.
Let me know if this if this makes sense. It works for you, that's important, but I want to make sure it works for other people as well.
Yes, okay. Okay, that makes sense. Right.
[1:26:39] So, causality is erasure.
So let me ask the person, a rising nature, let me ask you, and I hate to ask you to be brief, but it is a live stream, so we could do a call in at freedomain.com if you want to do that.
Briefly, and I apologize for that, I really do apologize for that, it's just the nature of the medium.
Briefly, what was your mother's excuse for behaving badly? What would teach me? Everybody has a risk.
My mother's excuse was, well, when I was young, it was like, well, you know, your father abandoned us and you're difficult kids.
And when she got older, it was, well, the doctors injected me with stuff and made me sick and all that kind of stuff, right?
So she had excuses. So what was her excuse as to behaving badly?
Or does she even admit that she behaved in any negative way whatsoever?
As far as I can see, this is straight-up incorrect. Taking into account the past doesn't limit your choice, it only improves the quality of decision-making.
[1:27:44] We all understand that, but the question is, when I say you can't blame your current decisions on the dominoes of the past, that's contradictory to your point.
So if we have two reasonable points, We need to find some way that they're compatible, right?
Ah, my sister did a call in with you. She blamed my stepmother who cooked the infamous soup. Ah, okay, okay.
[1:28:18] So, let me ask you this. If you're standing at the bottom of a hill, and a big rock is bouncing down the hillside or the mountainside, and it looks like it might hit you, do you run?
Do you run? Do you run away?
[1:28:42] Of course you do, right? you run away.
Now, the actions of the rock are causal, right?
It doesn't have free will, it doesn't have choice, it's not evaluating you based upon ideal standards.
The rock bouncing down the mountainside has no free will, no choice, and therefore it's not going to try and steer away from you, it's just going to land where if it lands and if that's on you, you're dead, right?
I'm refreshing my chat. No, it's always late. It's always late.
No, the chat is always late. I'm not sure why. So, you have not been hit by that rock before, but you understand the physics based upon your experience, right?
Based upon your experience, you run because the rock could hit you.
So your understanding of the physics of rocks, of you, of momentum, of the delicacy of flesh, all of that, you've not directly experienced it before, but you know the danger based upon your prior experience, right?
[1:30:03] Now, your prior experience with matter, energy, injury, danger, momentum, and all of that, physics and biology, your prior experience is dictating your desire to run away from the rock that's coming down the mountainside, right?
I think regardless of whatever we've talked about before, we can say that your prior experience is causing you to run away.
Or, you could, now, of course, if you were trying to die, right, let's say that you were some really depressed guy, you've got a five million dollar life insurance, and if you get hit by a rock that looks like an accident, then the insurance will pay out, so you're trying to die, right?
So, it's not the rock that is making you run.
It is your desire to live that is making you run. Because if you don't want to live, if you want the rock to cream you so that your family gets five million dollars and you're put out of your misery, then you'll stay there.
So, even physical causality doesn't make you run.
[1:31:11] The rock is not making you run. I ran away because the rock was bouncing down.
No, that's not accurate.
It's a shorthand we all understand because most people don't want to get creamed by a giant boulder bouncing down a hill.
You say, well, why did you run? Well, the rock was coming down the hill.
No, technically Actually, that's not what made you run. What made you run was not wanting to die.
Yeah, the rock doesn't force you to run. You don't run because the rock's coming down. You run because you don't want to die. You don't want to get injured.
You don't want to get hurt. Right?
[1:31:49] So, you're not running from the past, you're running from the future, the future of being dead or maimed or severely injured or injured at all, right?
Maybe it's just a glancing blow, but it hurts like hell, for why would you want that?
You're not running from the past, you're using the past to be safe in the future.
[1:32:15] You're not running from the past, you're running to a safer future.
Now you need information from the past, otherwise you can't have a safer future.
If you have no idea what rocks are, I mean, who knows, right?
Maybe you have some mental incapacity or something, then you just stand there, oh, pretty rock, maybe it'll be my friend, right?
So you use the past in order to be safe, happy and healthy in the future.
So if you get headaches and like I woke up this morning, I slept a little long, I woke up with a little bit of a headache so I used a massage gun to loosen up the old shoulders and neck, much better.
So if you have a headache, let's say, and you use a massage gun to loosen your shoulders and your headache goes away.
Does having a headache make you do that? No.
No. You might have a headache giving a very important presentation, you're not going to do that, right?
[1:33:20] It's not, you don't say, your wife says, why are you using a massage gun?
Because I have a headache. No, because I want to get rid of a headache.
That's different, right?
Your wrong friend. Mr. Obsidian will be my best friend. Smudge.
So the past, your mother's behavior does not dictate your response.
And your response, your choice is always, always, always, always, always, always, always about the future.
Right? But your choice is never about the past.
When people blame their decisions on the past, they're fundamentally misunderstanding what decisions are.
[1:34:11] I mean, if I were to say to you, oh man, I had an exam yesterday, I missed it completely, but I'm going to choose to be on time for it.
I completely, I spaced out, I wrote the wrong exam time down, I missed the exam, but I'm going to use my free will to be on time for the exam I missed yesterday.
Right? What would you say to me if I made that statement?
What would you say? Can't do it.
There is no free will called changing the past.
What is free will always and forever about?
What is free will always and forever about? It is about the future.
So saying I'm doing what I'm doing because of the past is saying I'm choosing the future, entirely based upon the past, which is saying that it's the past which you can't change that is conditioning your future which you can change.
What's your exam in time travel?
No such thing as time travel. Never will be. And we know that, right?
We know that because you ever met someone who's got knowledge of the future?
[1:35:31] If you say, I have no free will because of the past, you're saying that the future is identical to the past, which it's not.
I mean, this is a huge category error. The future is what you choose.
The past is what you can't choose. You can't choose the past.
You can choose the future, you cannot choose the past. And again, I know this is mind-bogglingly obvious, and I'm sorry, you know, two and two make four, he says to the PhD in mathematics.
Like, you can't choose the past, you can't choose the future.
And so if you allow the past, which you can't choose, to determine the future, which you can choose, you're voluntarily surrendering something and making a massive category error.
Did my past determine or dictate how I was to be in the future? No.
Because of free will.
[1:36:28] I can choose to sin or choose not to. I cannot choose what my fate is after I choose. Yeah.
I might meet a time traveler in the future. That's funny. The future is same as the past is a destruction of free will.
[1:37:03] Nope, you're not. You're not ready. Oh wait, that was a little...
I should put timestamps on these things, shouldn't I? I think you can.
Yeah, timestamps. There we go.
Oh, it's not even by a second. You ready? Right.
Have you... ever pranked a friend as a kid by running at him and then swerving at the last moment?
Right. Or, did you ever do this game where you pretend to throw a ball at someone, psych, but you just drop it instead?
Everybody's done this game, right? Everybody's done this game, right?
[1:37:47] Now, the boulder coming down the hill has no choice about where it lands, but if a friend is pretending, think fast, why doesn't that always say, think fast man, think fast, and people would pretend to throw a ball at you or something like that, right?
Now, if your friend has done this a bunch of times, you don't worry about the ball hitting you, right?
Because your friend is choosing, he's just pretending, right?
He's pretending. In other words, his free will is saying, well, I could throw the ball at someone, but I'm not going to throw the ball at someone.
Oh my gosh, like I knew a guy, not for very long after I found out about this story, but I knew a guy, his daughter, I don't know, was like eight or nine years old, and his daughter was, had to do some project, she had to make some tower.
[1:38:42] And he had a nail gun, was teaching his daughter how to use the nail gun, but he'd secreted a pocket of ketchup, and when his daughter used the nail gun, he was leaning in close and he pretended that he'd taken out his eye or some part of his head and had ketchup and just completely horrible, just absolutely horrible.
Think fast is actually a sign that the object is actually being thrown.
Yes, but think fast is the signal, if that's the case, think fast is the signal that the ball is going to get thrown, right?
Think fast and you turn to catch the ball, right?
[1:39:20] Yeah it's horrible, it's just horrible in my view.
So, that's it for now. I hope you enjoyed this video. I'll see you next time.
[1:39:29] You know the game of chicken in cars? The chicken in cars is two people drive at each other and the first person to veer away loses.
So that's the game of chicken, right? With cars.
Can we get the philosophy of pranks? That's a great idea. Probably not this show, but it's a great idea.
Pranks are a form of status domination. But anyway, so that's the game of chicken, because both people have the choice to turn, right?
Now you don't play a chicken with a boulder rolling down the highway, right?
Ah, let's see who swerves first, right, because the boulder has no choice.
The boulder is just rolling down the highway, so if the boulder's rolling down the highway, you don't play chicken with it, because you can't win, because the boulder's never going to change its behavior.
Does this make sense? I know this sounds all very obvious, but we're getting to the core right now.
[1:40:37] So the reason why it is probably wise to cut certain people out of your life is that they They are no longer exercising free will and they have become boulders on the highway.
They have become boulders crashing down the side of the mountain.
[1:41:01] The boulder feels no fear, so it always wins. Well, no, it doesn't win.
It doesn't win, it doesn't lose. There is no winning or losing. It's just a boulder.
Wins implies losing, which implies options. There's no... a boulder has no options.
So once people have achieved NPC status, they are boulders!
You're not rejecting people who are exercising choices.
You are... this is why I asked about the excuses, right?
[1:41:36] Boulder wins the chicken game every time. Right, so this is why I was asking about your mother's excuses. Excuses are promises of repetition as I've always said.
Excuses are promises of repetition. So, with regards to my own life, because my mother refused to take any responsibility, always made excuses, always blamed others, her behavior wasn't going to change. She was now a boulder.
You don't negotiate with a boulder, what do you do? Get out the way.
Remove yourself from the situation because the boulder can't be reasoned with.
The boulder can't change.
The boulder can't figure anything out. The boulder has no free will.
So people who say I am the way I am because of things in the past are saying their past will always be the future and they're boulders.
[1:42:35] Does this, tell me if this, thanks I got the response, I'll get to that in a sec.
When people make excuses and they themselves blame their past for what is going on at the moment, I mean we all know a lot of ethnic grievances are, well we have to be this way because of things in the past. It's like, no you don't.
But as long as you blame the past, you will continue to be acting on these ethnic grievances or these whatever grievances, right?
So when people openly tell you, they will never change.
And they are openly telling you, but they won't take responsibility.
They blame the past. They blame you. They blame others.
They are effects of others. They are effects of the environment.
When they say, I'm a rock bouncing down a hill, what do you do?
You can't maintain your free will if you are surrounded by people who've abandoned their own!
[1:43:39] You cannot maintain your own free will if you are surrounded by boulders, determinists, NPCs, whatever you want to call them, the people who have abandoned their own free will.
To put it another way, you will never have more free will than the person around you who has the least free will.
You will never have more free will than the person around you has the least free will.
If you want free will, you have to be surrounded by people who take responsibility, who accept choice, who don't blame others or the past.
Yeah, the other car could be a car with a brick on the gas pedal where the steering wheels are lashed to go straight down the highway.
[1:44:37] If you have problems with your parents, I've always said the same things, you sit down, talk with your parents, tell them your issues, ask them their perspective, tell them what went wrong, right?
And you're doing that to gauge if they can un-boulder themselves.
[1:44:58] I mean, imagine how short the Indiana Jones movie would be.
If he takes that treasure, the giant boulder comes rolling down, and he's like, hey, let's talk about this, whoa, whoa, and... right?
The end. We don't get to the pedophile later on.
I was only a child. Whoa, creepy!
Tell me if this helps.
Rejecting people who reject free will is accepting and enhancing free will.
Because there's a war between, the excuse makers and the self-owners. There's a war between those who are dominoes and those who have free will. There's a war between the NPCs and the acceptors of responsibility.
[1:45:54] They're trying to get you to excuse their behavior.
You're trying to get them to take responsibility for their behavior.
Indiana Pancake. That's right.
That's right. Well, he would be an idiot. It would be a comedy, right? A bad comedy.
I mean, do you know this war? I mean, I'm not telling you anything you don't know. What is the war?
The war is between people who take responsibility and those who blame others.
Isn't that the fundamental war in the world?
People who make excuses and people who make choices.
[1:46:35] And once we accept that there are massive legions of people out there who have no effective self-ownership, who don't make choices, who blame the past, blame others, make excuses, whatever, right?
And you can't... No, it's not higher and lower values, it's a war between the past and the future.
Progress is the abandonment of the past.
[1:47:03] I mean, it really is the only true division, right?
I mean, we all understand this, you know, with rape, right? The rapist says, oh, she was asking for it, and it's monstrous, right?
It's her fault! It's her fault! Right?
So, the original poster says, yes, you are spot on, Steph, this is the problem with inductive reasoning I was struggling with.
We use the past as a point of reference for trying to predict future consequences.
It's like getting food poisoning while eating raw fish. It's difficult in the future to choose raw fish without that past food poisoning experience acting as a reference point You are free to eat fish, but emotionally recoil from doing so. Yeah, The reason You Rejected your mother, Is because of this. You rejected your mother not because of the past, The past informed you, of course. You rejected your mother because you rejected the pain of the future being just like the past because she wasn't changing.
She wasn't accepting responsibility. She wasn't accepting ownership.
She wasn't apologizing. She wasn't making restitution. she wasn't.
[1:48:31] Finding a way that it would never happen again You didn't reject your mother because of the past you saved the future By keeping a traumatic repetitive past, Out of your life, She's a rock a boulder bouncing down a hill and you ran because, You wanted a A future free of the trauma inflicted by people who are boulders, who just crash around, smash things up, never take responsibility, screw up your life, call you up with trauma, never accept any advice, never solve any of their problems.
[1:49:19] I mean there's a little meme template which is a woman saying, oh I just had a really bad day and the guy's thinking what he types is oh what happened and what he's thinking is does this witch ever have a good day?
[1:49:35] That is exactly what I did. I didn't want the future to be like I can't change the past can't change the past.
I couldn't change being born to my mother I could change whether I spent my adult life with my mother.
You are accepting the knowledge of the past and saying, I don't want the future to be like the past.
Your future relationship with someone is contingent upon them taking responsibility.
If they don't take responsibility, the future will be just like the past.
You've obviously met my mother. It's really sad.
If someone won't take responsibility, they won't change. If they won't change, the future will be just like the past.
If you don't want a painful past in your future and the person won't change, you have only one choice.
[1:50:40] You are preserving free will because you can't have free will ...
Free will has something to do with some control over your environment or free will is all about control. If you can't control something, you can't will it.
Right? So your state of mental health, your state of stability, your state of, anxiety avoidance, your state of depression avoidance, your state of predictability, like all of your emotional content of your life is not under your control.
If you have crazy boulder people crashing through your life and your delicate glass menagerie shelf of ornaments all day.
You can't even you can't control your own moods if you're surrounded by the eternal blame throwers of the NPC boulders.
Can I be in control of my mood ever?
No, can I be in control of my mood if my mom's calling me five times a day?
Like my crazy, aggressive, weird, whatever, right? Can I be in control of my own mood?
[1:51:53] If crazy people are disrupting me with their malevolence, chaos, blame, aggression, weirdness, being wronged-ness all the time, and never taking any advice.
It's tough when you see someone you care about put themselves in front of the boulder. Well, that's a mistake though. You can't care about somebody more than they care about themselves.
Maybe if you're a saint, but most likely no, no, absolutely not.
You will never have your own feelings when a bolder parent is around.
[1:52:34] You can't, right? I have trouble with even one call a week with people like that.
Yeah, I don't, I don't do it. I don't do it.
How can I possibly predict my own moods? Now, of course, if you're a parent, you need to have mood stability for your children, And so it's really not even a choice at that point, right?
I mean once you choose to have children, you choose you have to protect them.
It's not really a choice Well, I had a baby. I don't want to feed it right? That's not a moral thing.
[1:53:05] NPCs will turn you into an NPC. Do you know it's tell me if this is interesting.
Do you want to know this? Is this valuable?
NPCs will NPC you.
[1:53:29] Shifting the bird.
Because it always comes down to the truth that they will choose protecting themselves from the consequences of their action over your basic human rights.
So do you know how NPCs... because NPCs are saying things outside of my control crash into me and it's not my fault.
So what they do is they then crash into you which reproduces their external dominoes causing their moods to now they are the external dominoes causing your moods. They NPC you.
[1:54:08] They become the external causality that's out of their control which makes them act the way they do.
They then become your external causality that's outside your control.
They make excuses based on dominoes and then they become a domino that crashes into other people, that tempts other people with an excuse that's based on dominoes.
Well, I can't be in a good mood. My mother just called this morning.
That's not why you're in a bad mood. You're not in a bad mood because your mother called, right?
If someone's in a bad mood after their mother calls, right?
After this, therefore, because of this, right? After this, therefore, because of this.
Oh, I'm in a bad mood because my mother called. Nope.
No, you're not in a bad mood because your mother called.
What's the correct answer? What is the accurate answer as to why you're in a bad mood?
[1:55:24] Why are you in a bad mood? And this is maximum responsibility.
That to say I did something once which was a domino. We all have.
We all have. Betrayal of oneself is the greatest of them all.
I'm in a bad mood because I chose it.
[1:55:50] I answered the call from my mother because you chose to pick up the phone.
You chose to answer the call. I stood in front of the boulder.
I'm in a bad mood because I appeased my mother's narcissism because they want you in a bad mood.
Bad mood due to not living up to what you know you can because you chose to lie and answer a call you didn't really want to.
So, your mother calls, I don't want to say, Bob, Bob, it's not you, Bob's mother calls.
Bob is in a bad mood. Bob says, I'm in a bad mood because my mother called.
What I would say to Bob is, that's not why.
You're in a bad mood because you prefer the bad mood to the alternative.
You want me on that wall. You want the bad mood.
So I don't want to be in a bad mood but you prefer it to the alternative.
Like I don't want to go to the dentist but I prefer it to the alternative of tooth decay or whatever, right?
You're in a bad mood because you prefer the bad mood to the alternative.
The alternative is having a frank conversation with your mother, setting up some boundaries, figuring out your past, learning from the past so that you can have a different future.
If the man stands in front of the boulder, gets hit by the boulder, can he say, and he saw the boulder coming and he just stood there, he could have gotten away, he's, I don't want to get hit by the boulder.
Yeah, okay, maybe you don't want to get hit by the boulder, but you prefer it to every alternative.
[1:57:20] And that's self-ownership, You prefer it to the alternative, right? Like all the people who vote for the people who let the prison the prisoners out or the criminals out of prison and so on It's like well, I don't want to get robbed Well, you prefer it to the alternative which is whatever, right?
Some different political choice or I don't even know if there's a viable one anymore but you prefer it to the alternative.
Now if somebody says I don't want to do something, we can accept that yes I don't want to answer the phone call from my mother but Compared to what?
Compared to what? I don't want this. Okay, compared to what?
[1:58:14] You prefer answering the call from your crazy mother to setting boundaries with your crazy mother.
I mean, this is empiricism. Whatever you do, you prefer to do.
I mean, you can make up anything that you want, right?
I don't want to get back together with my crazy ex, but you got back together with your crazy ex, so you do want to.
[1:58:38] When I don't want to, well, you do want to compared to the alternative.
A periodic reminder of the old post hoc ergo proctor hoc fallacy is very useful.
Read again, RTR fellas, right?
Now, how do people react when you give them full responsibility, right?
When your girlfriend says, my boss was really terrible to me again today.
I'm in a bad mood because my boss was upset to me.
You see all you you I'm telling you once you see this clearly like your entire world view will freak out Because people will always try to put an external causality to their feelings and it's all lies, All lies I'm unhappy because, The father of my children abandoned us nope No.
[1:59:39] You prefer that guy to all the alternatives.
Yeah, they get really, really, get really angry, right? Really, really, really angry.
Because the world is largely, these days in particular, composed of a bunch of sociopaths mining people with empathy for resources by blaming them for the failures of the sociopathy.
[2:00:10] Oh, I'm not dating because I'm short. Women don't like short guys.
Danny DeVito got married. I'm older, right?
Everything you ascribe external causality to diminishes you.
You didn't separate from your mother because of the past. You separated from your mother because of the future.
Yeah, no child wants to cut off mother or family. It's horrible. Horrible.
But do you know why the mothers don't compromise? And the fathers too.
We're talking about moms here. Do you know why the mothers don't compromise? It's really sad.
Why don't the mothers say, you know, kids are really upset.
Obviously I've misjudged the situation. you know, boy, if I want to have some kind of relationship, man, I at least got to pretend to listen.
At least maybe I go to therapy a couple of times or whatever it is, right? Like, do you know why the mothers so often don't compromise?
[2:01:21] I mean, part of it's NPC, but they're evaluating, they're calculating, right?
Why don't the family members or the friends or whoever? Why?
Feeling of ownership? No.
Vanity? More profitable not to? Well, that's praxeological.
All right. Because then they'd have to deal with the status obliteration. No.
The reason that mothers don't compromise, all right, what happens when the mothers go and say, my terrible children, my ungrateful children, they don't even want to blah, blah, blah, they get involved in this, some online blah, blah, blah, like it's just terrible, they're awful, they're selfish, they're mean, right?
Why don't they compromise? Or what happens when they go and cry victim to everyone around them? What happens? What do they get back?
What do they get back? What do people say?
[2:02:22] What do people say?
Oh, you poor thing. Yeah, the Internet's really dangerous. Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry.
You gave everything to those kids. You sacrificed everything to those kids.
I can't believe that they would be this mean and cruel and I'm gonna call them up and I'm gonna get mad at them for you and I'm gonna give them a piece of my mind. right?
You see this all the time. All the time.
Half the internet of pornography and the other half is people propping up everybody else's amoral, immoral delusions. Right?
It's not your fault. It's their, you know, the problem is that their father abandoned them and the problem is that they got online and the problem, right?
[2:03:09] It's not your fault is the devil's whisper, right?
Ah, yes, there is a channel, says this young lady on YouTube right now, where a mother did that to her daughter.
Even the word estranged parents, they like to put the word strange in there.
Because it's a negative programming language, right?
At first she got sympathy, now people are clowning her and realizing what a horrid person she is.
[2:03:37] They are risking outside disapproval by compromising.
I'm not sure that they care about that. It's just that most people don't make decisions based on any principles, they make decisions on what people around them will praise or punish them for.
I mean, come on, I'm sorry to state the blindingly obvious, but most people have no access to moral principles. All they do is, they try to figure out what they're going to be praised or punished for.
And if they're going to get sympathy, right? I mean sometimes even driving away your kids is a Munchausen by proxy thing, right?
They want attention, they want sympathy, and if they're just horrible to their children and they get a lot of drama from their children and their children won't even call them back and they go crying to their friends and they get all this attention and all this sympathy, there's a lot of Munchausen by proxy, I think, in this being horrible to your kids stuff.
I blow up on my mom on the phone a lot. I feel like I'm probably the bolder.
Yeah, but you don't blow up on your mom because you're on the phone a lot.
Well, so as people have been detached from moral principles through the fall of Christianity and subjective morality, as people have fallen away from objective morality, what's happened is social punishment and social praise have now escalated to insane levels because that's what works.
In the absence of morals, you just do what people praise you for and avoid what people condemn you for.
[2:05:06] Now, is everybody forgetting to tip and support? Come on, man, I'm working hard here.
These are new truth bombs. Answering people's questions, ninja, Jackie Channing, the whole complicated miasma of the modern world, and a couple of tips wouldn't go amiss.
I mean, somebody tipped nice at the beginning, but it's been pretty much a desert since then.
My mom told my sister she used to enjoy fighting with her when my sister was a teenager, yeah? Yeah. Yeah.
Well, a lot of people who, they can only connect through sex or combat, right?
Sex or combat. It's a pretend connection.
10% people.
I told mine that I would only communicate by email. I stopped the phone calls.
Nothing but frustration. She refuses to communicate by email. Fine by me.
Why would you, if the person is dysfunctional, why would you only communicate by email? I'm a little confused.
[2:06:11] Where do you get all this crap from? Dad. Right.
[2:06:23] Wow, that's eye-opening. The amount of support and sympathy my mom got from twisting the abuse she put us through is mind-warping. Yeah.
Yeah, most people would rather have positive feedback than any kind of virtue.
Most people would rather have positive feedback than any kind of intimacy.
Most people would choose positive feedback over love.
It's just the way that it is. Sad. It's not the nature of humanity, it's just the way that things are at the moment.
[2:06:49] I think this is truly why hedonism is so toxic, because it's based on what other NPC people say you should want, not in anything honest. I don't think that's true, Jared.
I mean, hedonism, like, cheesecake tastes good, sex feels good, for a lot of people getting drunk is a relief from their anxiety, so... It's not just what other people say you should want, I think there's a lot of really, there's a lot of biology in there, and a lot of bomb-in-the-brain avoidance of negative stuff, right?
I had a girlfriend, says someone, who was a boulder but then swerved whenever I stepped away.
It made me think I could just go wherever and she'd follow but there was no trust.
Swerved whenever I stepped away.
I've given her plenty of chances to work on the relationship of redemption.
Her refusal cleared my conscience.
Okay, so she's not changing. Why would you have email contact with her?
It could be a good reason. I'm just curious, right?
I've broken up with my ex but we still email regularly. It's like, eh, I'm kind of keeping some of the past to intrude in the present and she's not going to change.
I don't know whether you should or shouldn't, I'm just curious as to why.
[2:07:53] Damn, powerful point about the death of Christianity and the rise of subjective morals. Yeah, I mean there is no such thing as subjective morals.
You want to detach people from universal ethics so that you can bully them into submission. Because what resists bullying is objective ethics, right?
It's interesting to hear the quote from single mothers of how good their child's daycare is. Yeah, yeah.
The email contact was when I gave her a chance. Oh, so you blocked the email or no?
Oh, you don't communicate now. Okay, sorry, I thought you still had email contact with her. My apologies. Thank you for the clarification.
Appreciate it. Appreciate it.
[2:08:32] All right, any last tips? You can of course also go to freedomain.com slash donate, if you would like to help out there as well, freedomain.com slash donate, if you're listening to this later and so on.
I think, I really do feel, I really do feel that I put maximum value into every stream, heart, mind and soul into answering your questions.
I know the value that I provide, and if you agree, I would appreciate that.
It's also valuing yourself, right?
It's also about, if I give you some massive insight and you don't donate, you're saying that you're not worth a massive insight, like, if that makes any sense.
So. All right, well, I'm going to stop here. It's been a long, long live stream. Thank you everyone so much for your time and attention.
I'm sorry that it was a bit of a low donation Sunday, but we shall find a way to push on. Have yourselves a great, great weekend.
A lot to love. I will Talk to you, uh, soon, soon, lots of love, take care, bye.
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