Freedomain Testimonials!

I've decided to start gathering Freedomain testimonials in one place, so that you can all see the wonderful messages I get in my inbox every day!

Dear Stef,

Around, idk, 15+ years ago, I accidentally stumbled upon a vein of YouTubers calling themselves “Anarchists.” I didn’t know anything about philosophy at the time and the only context I had heard the term “Anarchy” being used in was by punk rock bands to invite reproach. But what those vloggers had to say struck a chord in me and I began to devour their content. Then one day, I saw a video thumbnail of a guy holding up a CD and the title under it said something about concept formation. Clicking on that video would change my life. Up until then, I had no idea that there were people in the world like you; as erudite. I was raised in an unloving home by dysfunctional trailer trash, so my youth wasn’t exactly a hotbed of intelligent and thoughtful ideas that fostered virtue and self improvement, which made the quality and scope of your knowledge and ability to convey it, seem almost superhuman. I feel incredibly blessed that those powerful, transformative ideas were able to reach someone like me living in a rice field wasteland somewhere in the decay of [x]. You taught me about truth. You taught me about reality, however unpleasant it might be at times, and how to respond to it in a self aware and rational way. You taught me about the ideas that bring forth happiness and human achievement. You taught me how to recognize and respond to the machinations of this world that threaten those very ideas. You are by far the most important mentor that I have ever had and I wanted to say thank you; thank you for all of your amazing work. I know that you’ve reached many, many people in this way and I'm sure that you're aware of the positive impact that you’ve had on the lives of your listeners; doubtless ones that can express their gratitude better than I, but I hope this reaches you all the same.

Thank you for everything.


"..we are all fed by the overflow of the magnificent wealth of their spirit, and that we are glad to accept it in gratitude and brotherhood."

Hello Stefan

This email is purely a thankyou, for both your contribution to society and to my life.
You are a credit to us all.
To this day, I still watch many of your videos (downloaded before youtube showed their colours).

I understand why you stepped away from the spotlight, respect for holding your ground as long as you did, truly.

You are one of the best among us, that is my opinion of you. Respect for your contribution, a guy from a broken home, and the world at large. Thank you.

Best wishes

Dear Stefan,

You probably get letters like this all the time, but I just want to let you know what you’ve done for our family, and to say thank you so much for all you do with Freedomain and the call-in shows.

I met my future husband because of you. I found the 1%. I had written on my dating site profile that I listen to Freedomain and eat carnivore and my future husband all the way around the continent read this and knew immediately and did what he could to contact me (I had since been completely off the dating site because I was not getting many..good matches).

We are now very happy together and it was your great advice that instigated this to happen. That seed you planted in our minds grew and blossomed into our involuntary response LOVE for each other. Thank you so much. We plan on getting married as soon as we can and raising some beautiful and strong children in peaceful parenting. We are building our village.

I just wanted you to know your positive influence and inspiration is creating more healthy lives. Through it, we were both able to break the cycle of delusion our parents have created and venture out into the light of empirical truth and honesty. We strive to be good examples to our children the way that you are to yours.

Thanks Stefan. We love what you do.


Hello, Stefan,

Every time I receive an e-mail from you I swear to myself that this time, for sure, I would reply, but then think "oh but there's so much to say", and end up not saying anything at all.

I'm based in [x] and we just had our second lockdown start today. There will be police before and during Christmas and New Year's eve, stopping people from traveling between counties, unless they are going to their residence / property they own / work / some other exceptions. I'm also under the impression that lockdowns and restrictions have destroyed much more than they saved, and many of the restrictions the government introduced, backfired terribly. These have been long-ass two weeks to flatten the curve.

I'm lucky to have my boyfriend so I'm intending to spend Christmas with him (even though it's against the most recent restrictions because we're not one family or same household).

And for the "so much to say" part that I hadn't got to putting into writing till now:

Thank you for all the great work you've done. It is thanks to you that I know what good and bad, right and wrong are. It is from you that I learned about the importance of truth and what personal responsibility is. It is thanks to you that I no longer carry on my shoulders the weight of all the things that others have done to me, or blaming myself for it.

I used to be a spineless people pleaser with a victim mentality. I used to think I don't deserve love. I used to think there's just something inherently wrong with me. Each and every day, for over a decade, I fantasized about how I'd end myself, hoping that someone at least for a little while would care. Luckily, I was such a coward that I never went through with it.

After discovering your work and taking your advice to other listeners/callers, I:

-started caring for myself

-started to stand up for myself and learned to be assertive; i'm also physically strongest i've ever been

-understood who my true friends are

-have gone into therapy

-had plenty of conversations about my childhood with my mother (and our relationship, while not perfect, is now better than it has ever been)

-met the love of my life

2020 hasn't been the best time to live in for sure, but thanks to you, I have prepared mentally and physically. The whole covid thing does get me down still, but at least I have choices and don't helplessly watch as life "happens" to me.

Merry Christmas, Stefan,

And thank you so much.


Dear Stef:

I’ve always loved you but after your recent video 'Alcohol is Killing Me’, I love you more.

You truly are a kindred Soul. I’m 11 months sober I was drinking 6 beers a night. Not full blown alcoholic but enough to limit my potential. I’ve written a book and a song on the piano. ’Things’ open up when you’re sober.

I wrote to you recently asking permission to use your material in my upcoming book, thanks for your quick reply.

I’ve written a chapter about you. I want my name associated and disgraced with yours because you are the GOAT philosopher.

Don’t ever change Stefan, we desperately need you.

God Bless.

I’ll send you a copy of my book.


Hi Stefan,

I have been a listener for about 7 or 8 years. I was a regular donator under another email [x] My financial situation has become ever more volatile. I look forward to a day when i can resume contributing to you. For now, I wanted to share something that happened the other day. Quite magical, indeed. Someone had asked me how i came to be a woman, despite being bombarded with feminism like my peers. How did i learn to be so truthful in an area where others dare not? Without really much thought, i told the story how i listened to a man tell me the truth, for the first time, through the airwaves of his philosophy show. I remember that period. I had become very interested in your work, "The History of Our Enslavement," i stumbled upon. I was ready to hear you. Your intelligence. Using reason and evidence. It was you that let me in on the secret of how men are generally smarter than women. That women tend to hover around the middle. I struggled for so long because i didn't know how smart i was in relation to other girls. In relation to men. I didn't know why i was threatening. I remember listening to you one day and you said something about pregnant women being disabled and my ears pricked up. You weren't supposed to say that. I didn't like finding out the truth about women. What women have been molded into being because of feminism. But I could not dismiss what you said, ever. You already had my respect. For that to be true, I needed to understand where this fits. And fit did it ever. I did not have strong man for a father. It is quite possible that you were my first example. All you need is one. I can change my mind with new information. You walked me right out if it. Many shows. I thank you. I wanted you to know how your existence changed possibility in my life. I am just one.

The power of your call-in show is exponential. I was hooked once I listened long enough, past my judging (programming) where you realize we are all the same. One. There is nothing we can't understand or relate to when it comes to each other. Very needed right now. You will never know all the people you touch - you must imagine.

Stand tall in this time. Be well.

My wife and I come from very abusive childhoods, I firmly believed in a
good "whooping" (to quote Barack ) when it came to raising children. We
planned on both working and sending our future kids to daycare, etc. The whole "normal societal" story.

We got into your podcasts about a two years ago, and since spent what seems to be thousands of hours discussing life, reshaping our marriage, beliefs, friends and family. We've grown closer and closer to each other, and for the first time in my life I know what it means to be loved, and to love someone.

All of this self study found a purpose a few months ago when we had the
incredible news that our first child is on the way.

As a result of your work and many conversations, we moved to a cheaper
neighbourhood and cut back on expenses. My wife has quit her job and will be a stay at home mom, she will also homeschool. Most importantly, we will be loving, peaceful parents. Promoting voluntarism, negotiation,
communication and understanding.

Two nights ago I told my wife with tears in my eyes, that I wish I could
have been reincarnated as our soon to born son. I wish I knew how beautiful life could have been.

My point is to thank you for showing us a different way. My future son
thanks you, I will be able to love him, he's childhood will not be taken
from him.

My heart bleeds of thankfulness towards you every time I think of the future of my new family. I look back in horror at myself in the past when I would comment that some child needs a beating.

Thank you. Thank you so much.

Paul wrote “Your videos have helped free me to live better virtue, and transformed the parenting of my son. Refusing to get him circumcised, and setting out firm guidelines not to spank or yell have given me such hope for him, and feel like the breaking of a chain of violence. I have no idea what the possibilities are for him in his future that are unlocked because of the power of peaceful parenting, but I am excited and hopeful to find out. Thank God for you, Stefan.”

Ryan wrote: “thank you for all you do. I attribute my stumbling upon your podcast 6+ years ago as the biggest turning point in my life. It led to serious and continual introspection, therapy, a new job, starting my own business, meeting the girl of my dreams, living in another country, and a whole lot more. From a MENTAL health (and intellectual) perspective, you changed everything.

Will wrote: When I discovered your work back in 2015, I was single and did not believe in monogamous relationships, severely depressed, a hardcore socialist, postmodernist, atheist, and neo-Marxist. After discovering your work, and largely because of your work, I renounced my former beliefs in favor of the rigorous application of the NAP, which leads inevitably to anarcho-capitalism, rededicated myself to the Christian tradition of my childhood, got married, and had a beautiful daughter, who is now 7 months old. From the very bottom of my heart, Stefan, thank you. Thank you for providing the intellectual artillery necessary to achieve such a drastic transformation. My marriage and the two children that I call my own have both brought such joy into my life as I might never have achieved before, and it was your work that made all that possible for me.

Zach wrote: Since it's the end of the year, I was reflecting on my life and how it's changed over the past seven years or so.  Freedomain has been a big part of it:

- I got that electrifying wake-up call to think consistently and rationally in 2013 from reading UPB

- Lost a bunch of (false) friends in 2015 because I was able to speak to them truthfully about myself and my goals in life. I learned that from listening to the call-in shows

- On a first date with a girl, I talked with her about the NAP, rationality, ethics, and how taxation is theft.  She later told me that was the best first date she ever had

- I married her in April of this year, and we are very happy!

Ken wrote: I want to thank you for re-igniting my interest in philosophy. Though I have a Doctor of Philosophy degree, it's not in philosophy but in chemistry. The matter of the title of the degree has bothered me for close on 50 years. I would often wonder what the philosophy part was that I'd performed to qualify for the degree. The answer seems obscure and always will be if the history of its origin is cast aside. However, your YouTube videos that I have followed for a number of years made me more aware of what philosophy is about. Not surprisingly, few of the concepts that I met were new to me. I wasn't ill-equipped to understand how to use them. I guess, you brought into focus a way of thinking that I'd been using, on and off, for years without understanding fully the thought processes I'd invoked in doing so.

Izack wrote: Thanks Stefan. I know you probably hear this all the time but you honestly changed my life. I love how you think and I find myself learning a lot about myself from your words. You’ve made me into a better person and I can’t thank you enough. Right now I am currently in some rough financial times, but I promise you I will resubscribe when I feel stable again. I know you need it and for how much value you bring to the world (and how much work you put) at least $20 a month is 100% without a doubt worth it. You’re making the world a better place. Thank you.

Rox wrote: I can't donate right now (although both my Husband and I have done so in the past) because I recently left my job to be a SAHM to our 8 month old baby girl and we're surviving on a VERY measly salary from my Husband... that is a long story for a call in show one day if I find the guts.

I've been listening and sharing for around 6 years and I am eternally grateful to you for transforming my outlook. I joke with my Husband that we owe the birth of our daughter entirely to you, and it is partially true. Thank you.

We'll be back to donating sporadically when we next get some money our way.

All the best for a wonderful 2020 to you, your wife and Isabella.


Carl wrote: I just hope I make as big an impact as you in making this world a better place.

You have saved me & my family with your recent family/marriage podcasts plus UPB.

The world is much better place now I found you.

Adam wrote:

Good day Stefan,

I’d just finished listening to your latest podcast on 2020, we win now or lose it all, and decided it was time to tell you of what your show has done for me.  I’m coming up now on a year or so of donating, and that I regard as more meaningful as well as a buttress to my praise today.

I am a Christian and as of my early twenties discovered my love of thinking.  Realizing that few in the world and a surprising lack of my fellow Christians even take time at all to really meditate and debate, it became my passion to share the goodness and enjoyment of fruitful thought wherever possible.  Setting off in this direction I learned both that there is so much more excitement out there than those who do not like thought could ever imagine, and that it enables us to connect with each other better, but I also came up against people’s (at the time) enigmatic resistance to thinking.  As a Christian, it occurred to me that if what we hold really is the truth as we claim, then it should be tenable beyond just faith and spiritual experiences.  For my own part I have found this to be satisfactorily true, as in the words of Chesterton, “I believe quite rationally upon the evidence.”  My faith is founded upon such things.

But enough about my general background.  I found your channel on YouTube upon wrestling with the questions (many of them with a so-called Christian rationale) about the at the time candidate Trump in 2015-2016.  I found your method of review and thoroughness of research in the “The Untruth about Donald Trump” videos clearer than anything I’d found before.  Gradually I have come to respect and gain from your method of thinking to the effect that you are the first genuine Atheist Philosopher I respect and recommend as much as religious ones past and present.

You have confirmed some of my deeply held convictions, altered my perspectives in I believe fruitful ways, and taught me new paradigms as well as explained in very helpful ways the resistances I’ve faced in those who resist my efforts.  I now use paradigms garnered from you among others and share different ways of thinking that have inspired thought in people around me, family and friends, in additional ways they had not considered before.  Among Christians in particular, your way of explaining that in our actions of continuing relationships with abusive people, we “bear false witness,” has been effective in opening oft religious minds to new ideas.  I also recommend you to friends and family when the opportunity arises, and in that spirit hope that mine as well as all the rest who support what you are doing will blast through the unfair fight battered against you and your work.

I don’t intend to be presumptuous, but you and your efforts along with the rest trying to reveal the truth shall be in my prayers this year especially.

With continued respect...

Jonas wrote: The first of your videos I saw was in Sept. 2013 when I was researching about bitcoin. I didn't buy bitcoin though, because, long story short, I'm a pussy.

From then I watched uncountable hours of your videos. You taught me so much ; maybe one tenth of everything I know, I've learned from you.

Last year I created an escape game in [x], and maybe part of the fuel I had was the entrepreneurial spirit that you push in your show. For that too, I am immensely grateful.

I hesitated to contribute financially because my girlfriend is pregnant and the communist State of [x] takes [massive]% of my income, but now I feel the urge to help, even modestly.

We are committed to raising our children without daycare, without screaming, without injustice.

You saved many people Stefan

Kenneth wrote: You have changed my life Stefan. I can't thank you enough for your valiant efforts to open eyes around the world. Together we will prevail against tyranny.

Natalie wrote: You are my hero. You’ve changed my life; you’re changing the world. Thank you for your dedication to truth, to reason, to philosophy. Love from our family to yours.

Mark wrote: There are children walking around today, and there will be many more thousands walking around in the future, who directly benefit from the ideas you have sown in the minds of their parents and the parents of tomorrow. Whether it’s peaceful parenting, breastfeeding, rationality and reason, or just the promotion of truly independent thinking, the difference you make to the contentment and stability of children (through the minds of their parents) is immense and incalculable. These differences are not abstract. On the contrary, they are very real and tangible. Whether it’s a future tear replaced by a smile, a future broken home replaced by a stable and peaceful one, or a future pawn of Marxism replaced by a more rational and intellectually courageous individual, I am certain that the Molyneux ‘ripple’ will be both far-reaching and long-lived. Of course, you won’t receive the level of gratitude and recognition which is due, in fact you will mostly just receive hatred, lies and persecution for your efforts. But the greatest advances in real human progress always come with a generous measure of pain and suffering for those brave enough to saddle the load and lead the way, and I am sure you’re blissfully aware of such unfortunate but existential truths.

So, from just one of the many people who have appreciated your outspokenness and creativity, from someone who is absolutely certain of the far-reaching positive influence your work will continue to have, thank you. Please, please, keep doing what you do.

Marcus wrote: My BA is in Philosophy, and I had one or two good professors, but have derived vastly greater value from your videos. Wish I could afford to send you more per month, perhaps in the future I will.

Wiktor wrote:

Hi Stefan!

I wanted to thank you for all of your Peaceful Parenting work,  and to let you know what an incredible impact it’s had on my parenting skills (3 year old daughter). 

I had a conversation with my parents last night where they must have asked something along the lines how did you become such a good / calm father?

I replied with that’s easy, and simply gave your name. 

Mike wrote: Hi Stefan, I just increased my sub from $5 to $10 per month. $5 felt too little for the value you were giving me. Thanks for the shows. Your work on peaceful parenting has been an inspiration to me.

Bernie wrote:

Hi Stef!

I finally switched my payment to SubscribeStar. I just wanted to thank you for all the hard work you do bringing important content out into the world. I have been listening for 6 years and since I first heard you podcasts about peaceful parenting and anarchism I have just been blown away. Now, I am 6 weeks out from becoming a first time father and can’t wait to share the world of love, honesty and philosophy with my child. Because of you, I have been able to take good hard looks in the mirror and update my thoughts on so many things.

Thank you so much for all you bring to the world.

Scotty writes: Your YouTube channel and books have been very much appreciated.

I have ordered two of you books and find them absolutely BRILLIANT!  I am currently using "The Handbook of Human Ownership: A Manual for New Tax Farmers" in my homeschooling curriculum for my two children.  I think that much of your work.....I am passing what I have learned from you down to my children.  My offspring are the most important things in my life.

Youtuber writes: Stefan I initially found you researching peaceful parenting and circumcision when I was pregnant with my first child 9 years ago. I am so very grateful!! You’ve helped shape my whole world philosophy beyond parenting and be become a better person, mother and wife. I homeschool my now 3 kids and have always reasoned with them. They are bright and reasonable. Thank you again for all that you do.

Email: Dear sir, you have given me the gift of practicing civilization in my daily life at work, and the tools to persuade others that this is valuable.  I apply myself daily to this end, and on the weekends!  On a personal level, the richness, the fulfillment, and the value this brings into my life is precious, enlivening, and joyful.  

From myself, and behalf of all those whose lives will equally be blessed, enriched and enlivened if this initiative meets with success, I thank you, from depths of my heart, thank you!

Your brother in humanity,


Dear Stefan:

I just wanted to let you know, last year, you helped save a life.

I got a 911 text on my phone from a military friend for help needing to eat a bullet, so I got on the phone and talked him out of it.

I directed him to your show and the video page so he could think about things and manage his life. 

So after talking him out of not eating a bullet, I turned him on to you and he’s alive.

So I’m telling you: good job.

Thanks man. 

Hi Stefan,

I've been following your work for a while, I want to thank you for your work. I am a university professor who used to believe in progressive taxation, but you sowed the seeds that transformed my thinking about the state. The work you are doing is truly transforming the world.

I've also had this thought, if I may share it, that while you have seen through the limiting belief systems contained in religion, you are beautifully orienting yourself and others to Reason and Virtue, which are the guiding lights in the nature of ultimate reality. To be very honest, I think the world is fundamentally meaningful and reason-infused in ways that make your work even more profound than you may imagine. 

You are a hero on the front lines in the greatest story ever told. Many people are rooting for you, and joining you, in the cause for freedom. I know it's tough. Never give up. People are changing behind the scenes.

Stephen writes:

Dear Stefan,

Firstly, you saved my life, my marriage, and by extension my children and their future, that's 8 lives.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. Thankfully in this 'crisis' because of your advice, I have the means to commit some money to you monthly and will continue to do so indefinitely. Also I really hope you (personally) read this…

Nate writes:

I have my first baby due 3 weeks from today. I just got temporarily laid off my job. If it had not been for your warnings about the dangers to come from this virus I’d be dead in the water.

I was able to save enough, buy enough food and supplies to weather the storm. The next few months are going to be challenging, but I know we can make it. Thank you so much! PS We will be practicing peaceful parenting and breastfeeding because of you! Thanks for waking me up to the dangers of spanking. God bless!

Brandon writes: Stefan,
You have been pivotal in me and my wife's life. Without her finding your message before we met, our recent marriage and the family we're starting would probably have never happened.
We truly value you and your message and hope our monthly support can help you continue.
Thank you!

Kevin Writes: Because of your work, I've been trying to make a better emotional connection with my kids. Now, with the virus, we've all been spending a lot more time at home. For me, it's a relief. Although I do struggle to make sure they hold up their end of our screen-time agreement, it's more fun than normal school days. From what I hear, lots of people are not enjoying their time with children at home. (Maybe they're trying to work from home, too, so I understand it can be hard. ) The contrast between what I hear (social, podcasts, etc) and how I feel about my own situation reminds me of the progress I/we have made in the past few years. So thanks for that.

Omar wrote:

I have been watching your videos for many years. I watched your videos about the death of your father. I just want you to know that I wouldn't be alive without your help. My mother programmed me for self-destruction. You gave me the tools to disarm the bomb in my brain. Thanks for doing what you do. Thank you, from the deepest place in my heart.

PS: I have not been fair with you, I should support you more, I will eventually.

Hey Stef. My daughter has roped me into a coloring in project before bed but I just want to say thanks. Over the past 10 years you have totally changed my outlook and we raise a peaceful kid who is homeschooled and hella smart because of your guidance. Much love from [x].

Jake writes: Stefan, I only wish I had more time to listen to your podcasts and watch your videos. You have been so influential in my transition from a young adult to a husband and father of 3 now. From first being introduced to the concepts of Empiricism, the non-aggression principle, and being able to think for myself in times of media narratives. I share your content personally when I can. One day I hope to win over my college liberalized wife with making choices based on data. (She is coming around slowly) Thank you Stefan and keep fighting for the truth and its application in society!

I drove across the country to watch the baby of some of my best friends (they are chosen family really). Baby number two was on his way and made his debut this morning! I am very happy and proud to help and support them while they bring another little philosopher into the world.

In support of peaceful/philosophical patenting, watching their 15 month old has been so enjoyable and valuable. She is such great company and so engaging its all around been fun.

They practice REI parenting and primarily rely on the work of author Janet Lansbury. I listened to one of her audiobooks on the trip to get an idea of it. I was able to implement what I learned pretty quickly and with great results.

I would add more details but she's waking up from her nap.

PS: Thank you Stef, because of you and the community you built I found these great friends.

Dear Stefan,

Your podcast/videos have helped me so much.

I have a new born boy, who has just turned 7 months and myself and my wife are practicing peaceful parenting.  If I hadn't stumbled across your videos I would have made the same mistakes as my parents.

Thank you for all the help and adviceyou have given me regarding peaceful parenting and other topics (the truth about series and call in shows).

Kind regards...

Dear Stefan and team,

I want to thank you for your work. I stumbled on Stephan’s call in show randomly on YouTube and was instantly hooked. I binged listened old shows while working. I learned about peaceful parenting, real time relationships and so much more. Today I don’t spank my kids and I’m homeschooling for the first time. It’s wonderful!

I understand how philosophy is the most important thing in life. It informs everything I do and it really impacts how I raise my kids now. I know my family tree will change because of what I’ve learned from your work.

Please don’t ever stop. Know that you’re teaching people, and the ones you’re teaching are teaching others as well. It’s not in vain.

Eternally grateful listener and mom,

[name] but does things going on that you didn't know

Your influence helped to save my life, marriage, and the lives of my four children. I've bought your work, downloaded what was free, and watched/listened to your voice for many hours. . . but never donated. I'm not sure there is a number I could afford that is fair recompense. Thank you for what you do.

You were instrumental in me starting my journey of processing and healing from a mad, violent, radical Marxist parent. You are right - it gives those who went through it a fortitude not seen in most. And on top, I acquired a rare level of insight into the radical-left, that I never knew I was sitting on until a few years ago. I've now putting it to use thru my website, and hopefully I can reach one person...


I will forever be grateful for Stefan Molyneux. Through his philosophy show he saved my life by helping me save myself. A large part of that healing was accepting that something needed to be healed. A way that I continue to heal my inner child is to help other children.

Last Saturday Brandon and I went on our first date since Benjamin was born. We were just about done with our meal when two adult women and a little girl were sat in the booth behind us. As they were getting settled the older of the two women told the little girl in a firm voice “If you don’t sit down and be still I’m going to woop you!”. I turned around to see the little girl standing on the booth seat messing with the plexiglass divider. I smiled at her, said “hi”, and told her what a cutie she was. I then told the lady next to her that the plexiglass disturbance did not bother me.

Brandon and I finished our meal. I told him I wanted to stop at the booth behind us and say something before we left, he said okay. As we left I stopped and said to the lady sitting next to the child “I heard you tell the little girl with you that you were going to woop her for not sitting still, respectfully, she is 2-3 years old and that is an unrealistic expectation for her age. Parenting with respect, compassion, and empathy will get you much further than parenting with violence and fear.” The lady sitting across from them then told me it was actually her daughter, I responded “I hope you could hear what I said”, she nodded and then we left.

I’m sure I will have my own failures as a parent, but I think society sees children as second class citizen, we as parents should reject that belief.

The show helped when me and Stefan talked a while back. Stefan had me on the "FDR_2563_Wednesday_Show_18_Dec_2013" show and it helped me change my life. He recommended that I, "take myself seriously" and I did. I stopped spending time with people who I had empty relationships with (parents, brothers, friends) and moved away from them and stopped being emotionally dead. I truly came to life after I left those relationships, I feel happiness, love and joy now. I am now happily married with a job in the engineering field all because of his content. It wasn't just that specific show it's' just that every single show he put out seems relevant to my life and there's golden nuggets in each one that blow my mind and help me in my pursuit of self growth and being a good person. I would definitely not be alive if it were not for him, the talk we had and his content, he saved my life.

Hi Stefan. 

I am from Sweden, so my English is a bit poor. 

I just want to thank you for being a father to me. When my life was at its lowest, I found Jordan Peterson, and then you. I was recently divorced with one daughter. I felted like I had destroyed my daughter's future. You told me truths that were too rough for people around me to say and that was what I needed. I really think that you've  saved my life and now I constantly remind people around me about you. You are the father I needed but never got. Thank  you. 



I am long overdue on getting back to you on the results from our call in.

Show for Reference -

I was sober for 3 months after this show for the first time in a very long time and as the summer time work stresses came back, I fell into the same old habits of drinking too much every night. I took up nicotine use (snus) because of the negative effects it has on how I feel when I drink, so I could not participate in doing both and still feel good, the battling addictions.

In summer 2022 I had chest pains which stopped me from working and drove myself to the hospital where they found nothing and related the feelings to being over stressed. I knew my health was being affected by my terrible choices and if I wanted to have a long relationship with my son(s) I would need to change.

Dec 2022, my other son was born. I remember the first time he was afraid of me when I got angry drinking….and the second time I could no longer take it. I did not want to f*ck up my children anymore because I couldn't turn off survival mode and break an addiction.

I saw a Doctor in June 2023 for the first time in 10 years and got full testing done, in addition I told him "I need you to tell me what I have to focus on first for my health" He told me to stop drinking. Something in me finally connected in my mind when he said those words. I don't know if it was the stomping down of my stubbornness, the acceptance of the doctor's authority, or something but it came together and I just stopped drinking.

I am the longest sober I have been since I first tasted alcohol over 14 years ago. I am 6 months sober.

I embraced the motto - Raw Dog Reality and Embrace the suck.

I also Quit nicotine 5 months ago as a habit. It was just there to help me quit alcohol, but I'm not sure ill give up my occasional cigars.

I feel like I jumped forward in time and honestly feel a little lost at times since i have little memory of the last 8 years or so. Its like I woke up into this body. Hard to describe the feeling and also learning to be an adult who can cope and react properly.

But I am happy to report on most days I feel content, a 0 or a little better. Still have low days but I have days where I might reach a 5. I have picked up new hobbies and my wife says she sees a huge change in me. My anger is still here and working on that part next but she says its 90% better and our sex life has improved so much that and i quote my wife "this is like we are 20 again"

If you wanted to have a discussion and go any deeper I would be happy to explore this further since I don't fully understand my own changes but either way I wanted you to hear the quick story of the results of our conversation and hope you know these kids I'm holding in the below picture live better lives because of you.

Thank you again Stef!

"Finished the history of philosophers series. I think it’s your best philosophical work second to your 4 main books. Glad to see it’s going to continue keep up the good work."

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