Status is Cruelty! Transcript


Introduction to the Sunday Live Stream

[0:00] Good morning, everybody. Rock your brain.
You know, I just look better as an egg. I just shaved my head last night.
Well, mostly shaved. It's like a one buzz.
Just keep going until you're half bleeding and not shedding.
And, uh, move back a smidge there for the old camera. That's a lot of egg.
That's a lot of me. All right.
Good morning, everybody. Hope you're doing well. This is Stefan Molyneux from Freedom Aid, and welcome to your Sunday.
Live stream, and it is the 10th of March 2024, and I certainly have some topics, but I'm here for you.
I certainly do have. Greetings, greetings, greetings.
You are welcome, of course, to tip the old philosopher, not quite old, but aging. Oh, let me tell you.
Let me ask you guys something. then. When was the last time you kind of hit your physical limits? Just out of curiosity.

[1:08] When was the last time you hit your physical limits?
For me, it was yesterday. But I'm curious, were you just like, I literally did like old man lean over, put your hands on your knees.
I was like hmm aging is a little bit well I was really pushing myself way too hard though but I was like I was literally leaning over like oh I can make it uh a year and a half ago I collapsed and rolled my ankle I learned a lesson learned yeah I didn't roll an ankle but yeah it was uh it was a little rough yesterday a little rough Friday in my adult gymnastics class oh yeah I I remember I did trapeze once with some friends. That was actually quite a lot of fun.
Have you ever lost a public debate? No, not even close. And it's unfair because I'm working from first principles.
And so other people are sophists by definition. They're not working from first principles. So I have the certainty of working from first principles.
Yeah, when did you last hit the wall? And you were just like, oof, limits have been achieved.
I have reached the edge of my capacities.

[2:26] Ah, dear, oh, dear. Dear, oh, dear. So yesterday, for reasons that don't particularly bear getting into, I did an hour and a half of volleyball with some very abbed and fit teenage boys.
And at 57 and change you know 40 years death take a slight toll but but because i'm a team like i'm a team guy like i grew up with a lot of team sports so i'm very much for like and it's a british thing you don't let down the team and uh holy crap um i think after an hour i was just like Like, God, get this edge.
Please, can someone get an injury? And yeah, it was, and I think everybody was getting really tired, but nobody wanted to say, because the games were really good.
You know, when you've got really well-matched teams and all of that, the games are really good.
And I was, yeah, I had four decades on everyone else on the volleyball court.
And, well, is there anything pushing you towards a religious worldview?
How are you feeling about Christianity these days?
So I'm reading a book called The 17 Steps to Salvation, which I picked up in a Christian bookstore, and I'm finding it very interesting.
It's a Catholic book from some decades ago, The 17 Steps to Salvation, and I find the worldview very interesting.

[3:48] So I'm certainly curious about it. I'm reading it with my daughter.
We're sort of reading it together and talking about the worldview and the ideas.
So it's very interesting. sting. So.

[4:02] No, actually, I did lose a public debate when I was in grade 13.
I was in a debate about abortion, and I did not do a very good job.
But, you know, I was 17. But I think that was it.
I think that was it, man. To be reasonable and fair.
I have run 18 marathons, so I know what you're talking about.
Well, I think I hit my physical limits every day just to keep it to myself.
Ah, I'm writing a novel and you're in it. Ah, I thought I heard the muse fly by.
Yeah, when you're just straight up out of gas but have to keep going.
Well, you have to be very careful when you're at the edge of your limits because that's when injuries occur.
When you're at the edge of your abilities, that is when it happens.
That is when it happens. All right, does that work?
Did we get that? Yeah, look at that. Got a little text. I didn't realize you have to save it to get a little bit of text here, but I think that works, right? I think that works.
Does it work? No, I think it only, does it only work on Rumble?
I've experienced some good exhaustion when I ran a couple of 10K races.
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah.

[5:16] When you read with your daughter, do you read it separately and talk about it or literally read it together? Oh no, I'll usually read it to her and we'll sort of pause and do that.
Been watching vids on muscular Christianity. I'm not religious, but find the videos interesting. Yeah, that was a 19th century movement that said that the aesthetic of living for just the afterlife and ignoring your body was not healthy.
Strong body, strong soul, strong mind, strong relationship with God.

[5:44] Destiny said recently that he actually loses debates on purpose to make himself look like an idiot to trick people.
That is a new cope for me. Yeah, that's a, you know, after a certain amount of time, if you just keep looking like an idiot, it may not be a strategy.

[6:02] It may not be a strategy. But I mean, Destiny, I don't know.
I don't know much about the guy. I've watched a little bit here and there, but he just seems like someone who has, you know, mainstream weight behind him.
And anybody who's parenting mainstream stuff, I don't know.
Oh, didn't he have a thing with Candace Owens where he's like, well, how do you know Jeffrey Epstein might have been an op?
It's like, because, oh my God, I was talking about this.
I mean, I can't remember what Candace said, but it's like, well, no, because he had video cameras all inside his homes where he had these wild sex parties and there were all of these CDs and videos that were labeled and they've gone missing.
The government came and scooped them up and nobody's been arrested.
So of course you know it was an op, right?
So anyway, I don't know. It's all very silly.

[6:55] My fingertips are aching from learning electric guitar over the weekend.
The mind hungers, but I don't want to be a Twilight Zone episode.
I'm not quite sure I get that one, but, um, played it till my fingers bled, was the summer of 69.
Yeah, it was, um, I remember I learned the song All Dead, All Dead by Queen, uh, on guitar.
And, uh, it was, uh, I, I have stubby fingers.
I really do. Like I don't have those Brian May spider fingers that look like they could wrap themselves around a narwhal's neck.
Uh, but, uh, yeah, I, I just don't have the fingers for guitar.
I mean, everyone can say there's some stubby fingered guitarists, but it was not my thing at all.

[7:36] Yeah, a lot of YouTubers get money from bad actors, for sure.

[7:46] All right. So if you have, oh, so somebody had a question and looking for business advice.
I think looking for business advice.
And what was the question? I think I copied it. Nope. I guess I didn't.
An electric piano and it was great. It's therapeutic. Yeah, you can get VR sets that will tell you which to play.
I think you can also get pianos where the keys light up with what you're supposed to play, which seems like a pretty fun way to learn.
Any tips for entrepreneurs to make great clients. So my entrepreneurial experience, which is actually, you can see it being demonstrated right now, right now is to be as generous as humanly possible and see who reciprocates.
Right. That, that I think is a really, really good business strategy.
So tell me if you could tell me if you'd be very kind, tell me some, Some place where you've had where someone has gone above and beyond.

[8:49] They've gone above and beyond what they need to do to make you a happy client.
You've got some issue, some problem, or maybe whatever, something's going on, and somebody just really goes above and beyond.
And I hope when people do that, that you will write a quick message to their boss or to their company saying, you know, this person really, really helped me out.
They did a great job. I hope that you repay people's competence and excellence with praise, and hopefully they'll get some reward.
I mean, virtue should be its own reward, and it is, but it ain't bad to get a couple of icing-based bonuses as well.

[9:25] So my goal is to be as generous as humanly possible, you know, given that I have a life and a family and, you know, I got to exercise and so on.

Generosity and Reciprocity in Business

[9:36] So to be as generous as humanly possible like when somebody calls me uh sends me a message and it's a real emergency if it's possible i will drop what i'm doing and try to um get that call in if it's a real emergency and it's funny i did a call the other day with a guy who basically said it's not a real emergency and then i read him back his email and he's like well yeah okay i guess it was but it's kind of like that way but so be as generous as humanly possible to put out everything everything for free and then see who reciprocates, right?
And in the business world, you bend over backwards to try and make customers happy.
And then generosity is great in life because generosity is a great sorting mechanism.
Do you know what I mean? It's a great sorting mechanism.
So you.

[10:30] When I was in the dating world, I'd be very generous with dates, you know, like I'll come pick you up, I'll take you to a place, we'll have dinner, I'll pay for dinner and so on.
And I would see whether they were rubber or sponge.
Rubber or sponge. sponge.
And see, when you're generous, you're handing things, you're throwing things to people, throwing resources to people, throwing them cool stuff, throwing them energy jokes, fun.
And are they rubber? Does it come back? Or are they sponges and just just absorb it?
Just like, is it like throwing a rock into the ocean?
Just gets absorbed. Or does it come back to you? Right? So, uh, generosity is great.
Uh, It's a very enjoyable thing to be generous in this life.
It's a beautiful thing. It's a lovely thing.
But you've got to watch out for the reciprocity, or are they just absorbing?
And, you know, most of the women I dated when I was younger were unfortunately sponges.

[11:36] They would take generosity, and they would not reciprocate in general. They would absorb it.
Whereas, you know, as I said when I met my wife, She was very kind and helpful right away.
And boom. Boom.
Somebody says, I've gone above and beyond and some didn't reciprocate, so I stopped doing it for that client. Yeah.
Went to a burger joint a couple of weeks ago. People double-checked everything and asked clarifying questions. I left a 30% tip.
Mm, yes. Yes, that's right. That's right.

[12:12] The audacity is pretty wild, though. the audacity of the people.
Okay. I was at a restaurant, um, had something to celebrate.
So took the family out to a restaurant or we all went to a restaurant.
And, uh, first of all, um.

[12:29] I can eat. I'm a goat. I mean, there's almost nothing I won't eat outside of Dim Song.
And so I'm pretty, pretty fine with everything, but trying to negotiate it with a teenage daughter and a wife who's lactose intolerant and a vegetarian, It's exciting. It's exciting. But.
It was a, so everybody ended up just getting the buffet. We just, we all just got a salad buffet because I actually, I love salad.
So that worked out for me. So we just got a salad buffet.
And if you, if you do it right, you can get a lot of, you can even get your protein and stuff with the salad buffet.
So we're at the restaurant and, um, well, first of all, there was no butter with, I like a little, the little buns, little crusty buns are so good.
It's no butter. Ask the waitress. She doesn't bring me the butter until like the end of the meal when I didn't even want the bread anymore so and then she's like it's a buffet she turns the tip machine to me and it starts at 20 20 25 30 it's a buffet did you even bring me i don't know it's just strange to me but you know i was talking to someone who said that they're more of an expert in these kinds of machines and they said that the machines are set up with tips as default and most people just don't turn it off like most people who order that it's not like they say we want our employees to get tipped, because tips used to be well first of all you were supposed to tip before a meal it was to ensure prompt service t-i-p-s to ensure although it should be taps but anyway it became tips so.

[13:58] Um and it's really for extraordinary service uh now it's just like you poured me a coffee uh here's 20 i but again here's the thing though i mean people are struggling financially and the The young people are having a tough time getting ahead.
And I mean, I remember graduating from university into a really deep recession, and it was brutal.
And yet for these people, the recession is just going on and on and on.
I mean, it's just horrible, so.

[14:25] Are you supposed to ask for reciprocation or wait for it? Oh, no, you don't ask for it.
Oh, no, no, don't ask for it. No, no, don't ask for reciprocation.
Tipping is the taxation of the free. Now, that's a deepity. It's totally voluntary.
It's totally voluntary, so you can't put it in a tax category.
I love this. No human is illegal, so what? Nobody has to pay taxes anymore?
Oh, no, that's different.
That's totally different. There was a segment on a Sunday morning radio show in Winnipeg.
Oh, I spent a couple of weeks one weekend in Winnipeg on a program called Talkback.
It was called Beef and Bouquet. True to the name, you could air a beef or send a bouquet to someone who made a great impression, stand out service.
World could use more of it, yeah.
Yeah. Yeah, so you're generous and you see who reciprocates.
You're generous and you see who reciprocates.

[15:32] Still have sugar. How's it going? Any cravings still? Yeah, I was tempted to have dessert at the restaurant the other day, but I didn't. Oh, gosh, what did I have?
My daughter wanted me to try a little hard licorice candy, so I had that.
Um, I think other than that, it's been fine.
My daughter made some brownies, but she made them with applesauce, not sugar.
So I'm just trying to do like no added sugar. So no, it's much better.
I think the cravings are mostly gone. It wasn't that hard to say no to dessert yesterday.
Wouldn't it be more honest to tell the person exactly what you're doing when you're being generous?
Interesting question wouldn't it be more honest to tell the person exactly what you're doing when you're being generous.

[16:26] Well generosity is an empathy test and if you have to instruct someone while i am being generous to see if you're being generous in return it strikes me as a little uh a little over programmed a little almost autistic not you i'm just like that particular sentence.

[16:43] So, yeah, do a great job for people and see if they reciprocate, right?

[16:49] I mean, I remember, um, when I was an entrepreneur in the business world, I was working with companies, you'd recognize all of their names, but I was working with someone at a company and really went above and beyond to make them look good.
So what had happened was they had, they'd forgotten that they needed a feature and they hadn't included it in the spec.
Now I was actually kind of friendly with the guy. Like when we were, when I was in the business world, we were working with these giant companies.
They would always send people up to vet the company because we were just a small Canadian Canadian company.
And if we were working with big companies overseas, they would always send someone up and check out the company, make sure we were legit and all of that.
And we'd take him out for dinner. We'd take him to comedy shows and some of them were actually pretty raunchy, but we got to know people quite well.
And I became pretty friendly with a lot of people. So this guy was like, oh man, I really forgot to include this. He was a really great guy.
And so I decided to spend end the weekend coding what he needed for free.
And then he did work to make sure we got paid sooner because this is the problem, right? You work with a lot of corporations.
Sometimes they got a 90 day payment window and yet you're at six payrolls, right? Two week payrolls. They're getting a 90 day payroll. That's six payrolls you got to make.
And bridge financing cashflow was always King in the entrepreneurial world.
It's feast or famine, right?
It's like, if you're starving to death and somebody says, I can get you a giant buffet in three weeks, you're like, Like, not going to make it that long.
I'm going to need some dribs now. But corporations don't do dribs.

[18:18] So, yeah, you're generous and you see it's like, oh, man, you know, I'll work to get you paid earlier. And I didn't ask for that, right?
Because then it's more like tit for tat, right? So, I don't think you want to, you know, life's got to have a little bit of sweet mystery so that people, you can see what other people are thinking, right?

[18:41] A question short and sweet. How do you work with staff who go out of the way to undermine or beat the system?
I pointed out the hypocrisy, but now I'm the outcast. This job rewards the lazy and punishes the hardworking.
The question is short and sweet.
I don't understand. That's not a short and sweet question.
So what's interesting is you're kind of undermining or trying to beat the system by saying, Hey, Stef, this is just a short, short and sweet question.
A short and sweet question is what's your favorite dessert um this is a big complicated question so you're actually trying to beat the system which is why you're in the job that you're in right so you have a way to try and undermine or beat the system by trying to program me into thinking your question is short and sweet when it's deep long and complicated so you know quick question and then out comes the volume right can you explain to me the peloponnesian wars quick question short and sweet so no it's not a short and sweet question it's not i don't mean this in any negative way, but, I bake shortbread cookies with stevia and almond flour. Sugar-free peanut butter and nuts, very tasty.
I don't do artificial sweeteners. I try not to do artificial.
I mean, I don't know, once every month or two I'll have a Diet Coke for whatever reason, but I try to stay away from artificial sweeteners.

[20:01] Stevia has, doesn't it have some hormonal influences and so on, so.

[20:13] So um why would you want to work in a place that rewards the lazy and punishes the hardworking, there's a couple of reasons you might be getting well paid for it in which case you're being well pay to ignore laziness. Okay.
Or it could be that you have felt injustice in your family and you're trying to, you're stuck in a repetition compulsion of trying to do all of that.
Stevia is natural, just fake.
What does natural have to do with anything?
Arsenic is natural. People say natural like it's natural like there's some, you know, a tree falling on your head is natural.
Yeah, I, you know, whatever you eat, just look it up. And I know that there's tons of information, but just look it up.
And in general, I find that there aren't any shortcuts.
Like according, I'm down 40 pounds from my height, from my top weight, 184, a little under 40 pounds.
And of course, I've looked up all the shortcuts, but there aren't really any shortcuts. Just got to eat less and exercise more. Just eat less, exercise more.

[21:29] Explain the nature of the universe to me. It's a short, quick question.

Explaining the Nature of the Universe

[21:33] The answer is the tricky part. Yeah.
Yeah. So you have to look at why, why are you drawn into a situation where you want to enforce virtues, but you have no power, right?
I avoid those situations like the plague. You want to enforce good standards, but you have no power.
That's why I love being a boss. You want to enforce good standards, but you have no power. So.
Then you're programmed to helplessness, right? And don't be in situations where you're programmed to helplessness.
Look at that. Almost no wattle left.
Butt has a jaw. I have a jaw. A jawline.
Come on, a jawline like this should be visible to the universe for all time.
It's a chad wedge of a lower head.

[22:26] So, yeah, you have to ask, why are you in a situation where you're frustrated?
And you're going in and you're grumbling and you're mad at people and, you know, because that's a family thing, right? That's something that comes from your childhood.
That is something that comes from your childhood, man.

[22:43] All right. Lots of staff I work with are taking a shot to lose weight.
They're starting to look like zombies.
Is that the Ozempic?
I was reading about how that, because doesn't it make the food sit in your stomach for longer so people are just getting terrible breath?
I look good, but nobody wants to be around me. Excellent.
Instagram distance. You see those videos of Instagram versus real life where someone's met up with the woman, they take a picture of the Instagram, and then they take a picture of the real woman, and it's like, it's not even close.
I've noticed the difference in jawline from intro to philosophy to present day.
Great job, man. Well, thank you.
I have a summary I posted this a long time ago, but it was like, fat stiff.
Fat stiff I went through John Lennon went through a fat Elvis face and so did I but yes the jawline is returned maybe this is the year to get a philosopher's marble bust made, busting out of preconceptions with a busty philosopher yeah I'm kind of missing my man boobs, but what the heck it's nice when you run that everything stays roughly in sync as opposed to well I stopped running but my boobs crossed the finish line.

[23:59] Need the man's ear or the bro ozempic has massive neurological effects too oh is that right yeah, you do look great couldn't believe you were in your 50s late 50s yeah that's great i have yet to hit i mean obviously you see me when i do my sort of shows outside and i'm smiling away it's like yeah you can see the crag but i have yet to hit my i don't look like myself anymore i mean because i've been bald forever like obviously my hair went gray over the last uh you know 15 years or whatever, but, these are my very first glasses.
I mean, I can't read with them much, but yeah, I have yet to hit that I don't look like myself, and it's gonna happen, right?
I mean, you're gonna get into your 70s or 80s, and at some point, it's gonna be like, I just don't look like myself anymore.

Humorous Comment on Hitting the Gym

[24:46] Stefan doesn't hit kids, but he does hit the gym. That's right.
That's why I could never name my son Jim. So.
Alright. So I will get to my topics. My topics.
So, I don't know if you've been following this. Let me see if I can find it. I think I bookmarked it.
But, again, you can't search your bookmarks.
You just can't search your bookmarks. I don't think.

[25:22] So, there's a... Okay, the battles that women have are kind of incomprehensible to me.
The battles that women have are kind of incomprehensible to me.
So there was some battle about, is it a pecan pie or some sort of pie, about whether the woman had, was it Sarah Suckabee Sanders?
There was some kind of fight about whether, Thank you.
Okay, yes, there we go. About whether she'd made the pie or it had been bought in a store or something like that. Man, it was wild.

Observations on Female Conflicts

[26:06] The battles that women get out is just wild.

[26:14] Let's see here. I'll put the link in. You can check it out later if you like.

[26:22] But there is a battle between a... I don't even know if the Southern woman's aware of it, but it's a battle between a Lebanese woman named Samira, Samira Khan.

[26:34] And so there's this woman, she's fresh-faced, she's attractive, she's slender, she's got, I mean, obviously she works physically, and she's talking about a house that she's building with her family.
I don't know if there's a boyfriend involved, I can't really remember, but she goes through the house, she says, oh, here's my father and my brother working up here, we're going to stain this, we're going to build out here, this is the way we get to the car park, And here's the view in the back.
And she's talking about, you know, Def Leppard is playing in the background. Pour some sugar on me.
And she seems fun. She seems energetic. She's in great shape.
She's without makeup. She's very attractive in my view.
And just a very practical, helpful, useful woman.
Woman and so she's just um talking about the progress in her house i don't know her account i don't know anything about what's going on but so there is this woman uh again seems to be very positive uh very fun very energetic very hard working and fit and healthy and and fun anyway Anyway, so Samira Khan, she wrote, This accent needs to be illegal and women should be banned from doing manual labor like this. There is nothing feminine about American women.
American women are literally men.

[27:53] Yeah.
So her picture is like an insane amount of makeup.
So she's on her back or she's got her head tilted up.
She's got like smoky eye, which is like the exhaust of a diesel truck.
She's got lips that look like a portal to the nether that are made from the leg fat of Lena Dunham.
She has giant hoop earrings uh eyebrows that are lasered from the international space station and i mean so much makeup that i would imagine it takes an oil derrick to get to her actual skin so just completely artificial and she also has um about how uh she is uh somebody posted a picture of like Lebanese women. I don't know if she's Lebanese or what.
Lebanese women are so beautiful and what it is, is the Lebanese woman is sitting, being made up for her wedding day and she's just standing there in her wedding dress, doing nothing and being extremely ornamental.

[29:17] Extremely ornamental. that woman goes noodling catfish. Yeah, I mean, isn't she delightful?
Is it Treadwife Wars? I mean, I find this absolutely fascinating.
I find, oh, I figure the shaming of store-bought food is similar to the shaming of being overweight in Japan that keeps women working on their baking skills.
So, southern women. women. So people who criticize Southern women are just anti-Christian, right?
And I mean, of course, so much of the modern world is just absolutely anti-Christian, right?
It's just anti-Christian. So anti-Southern woman is anti-Christian.
You know that this fresh-faced young lady is anti-Christian.
And sorry, she is Christian, so anybody who's going about that is It's just crazy, right?

Foundational Forks in Femininity

[30:12] So this comes down to, I think to me, some foundational forks in femininity.
Some foundational forks in femininity. So hit me with a why if you grew up in the country.
Did you grow up in the country?
Hit me with a why if you grew up in the country.

[30:39] Women who grew up doing physical things, in my view, are almost infinitely superior to women who grow up focusing on being ornamental.

[30:54] So, as I've talked about before, I had this kind of pole, these two poles of femininity.
The poles of femininity that I had were my aunts versus my mother.
So my aunts on my father's side, there were three women, I assume long dead now, but I would spend some time summers with them in Ireland, in the country.
So I spent a lot of time in the country. The boarding school that I was in was also in the country. There was physical stuff that we did.

Childhood Contrasts: Ornamental vs. Practical Living

[31:23] My mother had a friend who lived in the country and I spent lots of time getting tadpoles, swimming in ponds, you know, all that kind of kind of cool stuff, all that kind of trap and lightning bugs and so on.
Right. So, country living is physical, it's natural, and it's not ornamental.
It's not ornamental. Now, city living is pretty ornamental for a lot of women, right?
So, I had my mother on one side who was purely ornamental.
Purely ornamental. She was slender, she wore makeup, she did her hair, she wore high heels, and impractical clothing.
So, this is ornamental. A woman as an ornament.
Now, an ornamental woman is a status symbol if she's attractive because it is an indication of an old world slave-based society.
An old world slave-based society. society.
Because, of course, in the past, women were ornamental because they could afford to have slaves, gardeners, maids.
I mean, some would be paid, maybe some would not be paid throughout most of human history. They wouldn't be paid, but they wouldn't be killed if they did the work.
So you can be, for a woman being ornamental is a sign of being an aristocrat who tortures inferiors or underpays inferiors into doing the work right so for a woman to be ornamental.

[32:53] Is to signal that you don't do any labor which is to signal that your husband makes enough money to pay women and men to do your labor for you right if you look at this with women a lot of women's high status is...

[33:15] I don't do labor. I don't labor, right? So if you look at like really done hair, right?
Really, really well done hair is a sign that you don't labor because when you labor, your hair gets messy.

[33:24] Makeup is, I don't sweat. Makeup in particular in a hot climate is, I'm air conditioned, I'm cooled.
You know, I have slaves to fan me with palm leaves or whatever it is, right?

[33:34] If you look at white clothing or light colored clothing, a lot of it has to do with, I don't have to do any physical labor.
If you look at the impracticality of clothing, so a lot of women's clothing is so tight that they really can't bend over, right?
And so, and of course, you know, curtsying came from women not being able to bow because it sticks their butt out.
So if you have clothing that is you know these ridiculous you know hourglass tight well you can't bend over which means you're not doing any physical labor right if you wear white gloves you're not doing any physical labor if you're tottering around on high heels clearly you're not doing any any physical labor so the ornamental woman is put forward as a marker of the man's wealth of her husband's wealth and so women who aim to ornament to be ornamental are aiming to raise their husband's status by displaying to society as a whole that they don't do any any work so for women displaying their husband's wealth is a form of status both for themselves and for their husbands does doing housework cooking cleaning gardening count well no No, no, they're not.

The Hoe in the Back 40: Practicality vs. Ornamentation

[34:52] I'm not talking about the hoe in the back 40.

[34:56] Although one syllable might be included. No, no, this is...

[35:04] I mean, if you're cooking, cleaning, and gardening, can you do that in Milano Blahnik's and Donna Karen Tite dress?
No, of course not. Now, women can dress up. Please understand, right?
You can dress up. And these Southern girls, they can dress to the nines.
They can look, I mean, you see Southern girls at prom. They look, you know, fantastic, right? Right.

[35:33] So it's wild.

[35:39] Practical clothing. So this woman who's building the house with her family, she's wearing, you know, shirts with cut off arms, which are great for arm movement.
She's wearing jeans and so on.
Yeah. Southern belts. Right. So if you look at women like, I mean, Blanche Dubois, of course, purely ornamental, doesn't do any labor.
You can't get her to lift a finger.
So for women, not working is high status. For men, working is high status.
I've got a really high-powered job.
Here's my business card. It's landscape because I've got so many responsibilities.
So for men, showing signs of work, I've got to get out of the office.
Is, uh, and, and one of the things that's kind of boring about men, particularly at this age, uh, is that, I mean, the first thing they'll tell you is their job and give you a sense of their income.
You know, I, uh, often don't particularly care to talk about what I do, but, for men, the status is, you know, the car, but the status is also the wife.
If the wife is is ornamental, the man is showing his excess resources because my wife doesn't have to lift a finger around the house because we have servants.
And of course I know, excuse me, I know a fair amount about the Indian culture for a variety of reasons.
And in the Indian culture, having servants is high status.

[37:03] So if you want to show your higher caste, your wife is ornamental.
Your wife is impractical.

[37:14] And so for this battle between a practical wife and an ornamental wife, a practical wife is considered lower status because she's doing the work.
An ornamental wife is considered higher status in, I think, earlier cultures because it shows that you have the means and the cruelty to underpay the servants or the slaves, right?
So having an ornamental wife is a marker of cruelty.

Evolution of Cruelty: Ornamental Wife as Status Symbol

[37:49] I mean, I couldn't underpay or have servants or slaves.
Like, that would just be horrible to me because I think that would be awful because you'd sit there and think, well, you don't have a life.
You can't have a family. um you're just you know beholden to my every waking movement or whatever and that would just be horrible for me so uh having an ornamental wife is a sign of your capacity for cruelty again i'm talking about sort of in the evolution of of culture right in the evolution of culture, so these battles between a practical wife and an ornamental wife is the battle between between the new world and particularly the American world.
I mean, these Southern women, of course, have raised generations of warriors, of hardy men who settled the West and who are practical and fun and useful.

[38:43] And useful. Calloused hands and direct communications are clear signs of quality to me, right?

[38:52] Like, you understand that for women, I mean, hit me with a why if you've noticed is that there are a lot more pseudo-mystical gobbledygook females around, like way more than men.
Women who are into like karma and a little bit of like, you know, some ESP, maybe a little bit of telekinesis that's really hard to reproduce, but it happened three times, I remember well.
A little bit of psychic stuff and a little bit of oneness with the universe and eat, pray, love.
And you understand that that's a sign of ornamental thinking.
That's a sign of, I don't have to be practical.
Yeah, tarot cards and a little bit of dreams that come true.
So what they're doing is they're signaling that I am not connected to the physical world.
I am aristocratic in numerology, astrology, all of this garbage, right?
The women are signaling that they are not connected to physical labor.
They're not connected to practical things.
Crystals, yeah, all of that kind of stuff, right?

[39:59] Yeah. My, my daughter of course loves gems. I mean, every, uh, uh, every kid, particularly females, they love gems, right? The rewards in all these games are always gems, right?
And so occasionally we'll go to a gem store and she'll look around for an hour, which is a lot of fun.
Uh, what's your favorite stode? Yeah, it's a lot of fun. And of course my father was a geologist, so it kind of, kind of runs in the blood, rolls in the blood.
And uh you know maybe we'll buy when we were younger we would buy these things uh you can get them sometimes where it's a bag of sand but in their rocks and you go and you shake it in water to get there it's really neat stuff gives me flashbacks to working up north and and in there there's a dream catchers it's always in this lavender corner there's like there's salt rocks with lights inside for your nighttime lights and there's dream catchers and healing crystals and And it's all just where religion goes to get murdered by demonic spiritualism.
Everything is relative. So all of the people who, why do people have such irrational beliefs?
Well, it's a status symbol, right? I don't have to be practical.
I don't have to be practical. I can just daydream because other people are doing my labor. Does this make sense?

[41:17] Hopefully this makes some kind of sense. But yeah, it's all, I don't have to be real. I don't have to be practical.
I'm not constrained by mere reality because reality is outsourced to my servants, right?
Reality is outsourced to my servants. My husband pays for reality processing and I can daydream.

Spiritual Status: Luxury Beliefs and Ornamental Thinking

[41:41] Essential oils thing.
Yeah, yeah, for sure, for sure.

[41:48] So when I see someone who is, uh, and druggies are the same way, I don't need to process reality, man, because I'm just into spiritualism and drug use was a mark of the elites, right?
I was at Rudyard Kipling's first story. It was about an opium den, right?
So drug use was a marker of the elites.
And I sometimes think that addiction is when the social markers go too far, right? So one of the things that's very true about addiction is addiction plus money is like the worst combo ever.

[42:33] That's a big problem. Sorry, I just lost my train of thought here.
Somebody says, it'll get it back. I can afford to be irrational. Yeah.
Yeah. The goop products. Yeah. Yeah, buying gems because they're attractive, if not expensive, is fine.
I think the collectors say stamps, thinking they're more than pretty rocks is a problem.
Yeah, yeah, they are pretty. There's nothing wrong with, I mean, you know, my daughter has some gems.
I explained to her things I found in Africa when I was a kid.
I went to Africa a couple of times.
And Tiger Eye, beautiful, Tiger's Eye, is a beautiful rock. So we ordered one.
So, yeah, pink from the wall, that's right. right so uh an alcohol a functional alcoholic well if you're doing manual labor jobs you can't, like if you're poor and you're doing manual labor jobs like one of the reasons i never got into drinking i had to work.

[43:31] I had to work. So being able to drink to excess is a sign of excess wealth.
It's a sign of I'm the boss. I don't have to get up to work.
I'm in charge. Nobody can hold me to account.
So it's like a, and so I think that we're always driven to status, always driven to status.
And so, and overcoming that is to overcome status is the surest way to get to truth.
Like if you can overcome the drive to status. Now, I haven't overcome the drive to status.
I've just shaped it in a different way. I have not at all overcome the drive to status.
I'm just willing to sacrifice status now so that philosophy, I mean, what do I care about my status in the future?
I'll be dead, although I guess it matters to my offspring.
But I'm willing to burn up status in the here and now in order to have status in the future, right? right?
I mean, if you're an entrepreneur, you have to give up status in the here and now because you pour all your money into your business, right?
So you give up, you know, you don't want to be an entrepreneur with a Maserati like in the first couple of years of the business because that's money that could go into your business.
And if you're competing with someone who's going to take the money from the Maserati, put it into the business, they're going to out-compete you, right?

[44:42] Yeah. The absence of pockets in a lot of women's clothing. Yep. That's right.
That's right. Having a dog in a purse. Like you look at, this was a Paris Hilton thing from back Back in the day, she had this tiny rat with legs and fluffy hair in her purse. Well, that's a status symbol.
I'm not going anywhere practical, right? Going to parties, going out partying is a high status thing because I don't have to get up to go to work.

[45:08] I mean, I've once had to do manual labor with a hangover.
And I think as far as hangovers, I maybe have had, I don't know, four hangovers in my entire life.

[45:22] So having completely impractical opinions is a mark of high status.
So being skeptical about, say, immigration is considered a bit of a lower class thing because a lot of times you'd be competing with the jobs that immigrants are having.
So saying unlimited immigration is great is a form of high status because you're saying that the immigrants aren't competing with your jobs, right?

[45:57] So it's another thing. It's all about status. People saying, well, we need to defund the police are basically saying, I live in a gated community.
I live with private security.
I live far away from the neighborhoods where this would be a big issue.
So it's all just about showing that you are impractical as a form of status.

The Addiction of Status: Outsourcing Reality to Servants

[46:17] I hope this isn't too abstract or too weird, but I think if you, we know that status is a physical addiction, right?
Status is a physical addiction for all higher primates, including humans.
Like we literally get dopamine from going up in terms of status and impracticality has been a mark of status because it means that you've outsourced dealing with reality to other people you're enslaving or underpaying, right?
It may make sense. Does it make sense? So this is why policies get kind of boring.
It's like, well, nobody's interested in processing reality.
All they're doing is they're saying, like, if you look at people in poor communities, like the good, decent people in poor communities, they really don't want the defunding of the police because the police are protecting them from criminals.
So when you say we can defund the police you're signaling high status and it's just boring because nobody's talking about anything real.

[47:21] It's the wealthiest taxes that pay for the illegal's benefits nope, no no no because taxes haven't risen to match it right so it's all just being funded through debt right.

[47:46] So, yeah, I mean, it's not about the thing itself.
It's not about the thing itself.
It's about status. And people won't admit it. Right? People just won't admit it.
They won't admit it. that what they're doing is based on status.
Because to admit that what you're doing is based on status, is not high status, right?
You have to pretend it's anything but status in order to achieve high status. Does this make sense?

[48:36] I worked so hard to get into the middle class in the 2024. I feel like I've been pushed back to working class.
And I'm sorry about that. I mean, I said you poor now, right?
So yeah, it's very tough. It's very tough.
It's very tough. Especially when, of course, you know, we've been pushing for policies that would help keep people wealthier, right?
But the middle class, the powers that be, they don't like the middle class, right? They don't like the bourgeois.
There's always been hated, right? So the bourgeois is a complete, the fact that there's a middle class in a free market is a complete repudiation of communism.
And the middle class are, they're too wealthy to benefit from the welfare state, but they're not wealthy enough or powerful enough to benefit from attachment to the state.
So the middle class, the bourgeois, they are the ones most interested in reducing state power, right?
Because they don't benefit from the welfare state and they also don't benefit from semi-fascistic capitalism because they can influence the political process because they're that wealthy and powerful.
So the elimination of the middle class is essential for the establishment of a larger government.

[49:53] Which is why, of course, a lot of COVID policies undid the middle class.
And also when it comes, they want a middle class, particularly the middle class entrepreneurs, the petit bourgeois, They want less regulation because, I mean, people who are on welfare, they don't care about the regulation of business, at least not directly.
And people who are in charge of giant corporations have massive, they love regulations because regulation keeps away competition.
They can manage the regulations. They can control the regulations.
And the regulatory barrier to competition is great.
They have to pay a bunch of lawyers, but they don't have people undercutting them by being competitive with them. So they love regulations.

Middle Class Dilemma: Status vs. Practicality

[50:30] So the middle class wants lower taxes, smaller government, less regulations.
And they're generally, so the elimination of the middle class is sort of foundational.
It's always about pulling up that ladder. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, I mean, the wealthy always want to retain their wealth and they know that in a free market, there's going to be a constant churn and their grandchildren are probably going to be middle class or poor, right?
It's one of the things that I've seen with, I've known a number of people over my life with higher, they're very, very competent and driven and brilliant.

[51:09] And these very alpha males in particular, they have kids who are, you know, it's regression to the mean, right? It's regression to the mean.
You know, somebody who's got perfect pitch and incredible musical ability, like if you've ever known these people, they can hear a song once and just repeat it.
They can even play it on piano. It's incredible musical ability, perfect pitch, incredible musical ability.
You know, their kids are good at music, but they're not like the same, right?
So there is a, there's a regression to the mean, and everybody knows that deep down that your kids, if your average, your kids are likely to be above or below you, if you're very much above average, your kids are likely to be above average, but not quite as good as you.
And if you're below average, your kids are likely to be more to the average.
That's just regression to the mean, right? It's a pendulum, right?
So, the very smart, ambitious and capable, competent people, particularly men, they're entrepreneurs, and they're trying to get their kids to be as good as they are, but their kids often just don't have that ability.

[52:17] So, they get that deep down, And so they want to run to the state to protect their multi-generational wealth, because it's not likely to be.
There's a churn. And I think Dr.
Tom Sowell was writing about this. I can't remember which book.
But just like the amount of churn in a free market is really wild. It's really wild.

[52:43] Somebody says hi Stef robert henderson has wrote about this here is some of what he says this is from robert henderson a quote i coined this term luxury beliefs which i define as ideas and opinions that confer status on the affluent while often inflicting costs on the lower classes and everyone else a core feature of a luxury belief is the believer is that the believer is sheltered from the consequences of his or her belief my claim is that luxury goods are gradually actually becoming a noisy signal of one's position in society.
Okay, yeah, I'm luxury belief, so obviously I'm not the first person to ever come up with this idea, but I've never heard of this guy, but I appreciate that.
Last thing I'd want to do is, hey, you stole this idea from someone else.

[53:27] So Anne says, I own my business as a dog walker. I mean, I still have savings, and my kids have their extracurriculars.
They don't feel it, but I'm cutting corners in other ways. It's closing, food costs, et cetera. Yeah, for sure.
It's so odd to say chicken is too expensive this week. Yes.
Yes, it is. Yeah, I went to Froyo with my daughter the other day.
I have just a little bit of sugar-free yogurt, and then I pile in a bunch of fruit, and I will allow myself a little bit of granola, which I think is sugar added, but it's like one spoonful.
Anyway, so I had basically a big bowl of fruit, and my daughter had some yogurt and it was like 20 bucks.

The Cost of Status: Excess Spending and Economic Realities

[54:10] Now, I know it's kind of boring because we know all of this, right? I mean, this is all the result of, and you know, Trump, I did videos criticizing Trump about this, his massive amount of spending. It's crazy.
Crazy. During lockdowns, apparently you couldn't get COVID in a big box store, but you could get it in a small business. Yeah, for sure.
For sure. For sure.

[54:37] Uh, somebody says I've never carried any debt month to month, never ordered delivery meals, paid off a technical degree, never financed a phone, never traveled out of the country since childhood, saved all that money and still ended up living in a basement. Well, yeah.
Yeah. Explain to my daughter who loves to save money that her money is evaporating is it's a tough, it's a tough, tough lesson to give, right? It's a tough lesson to talk about.
Like Michael Jordan's son didn't make the NBA. Yeah. Yeah. And it's really annoying because people don't understand this stuff.
You know, how much, how much, um, disappointment is engendered and, and how much humiliation is engendered in, say the sons of famous athletes, because the kids don't have as much interest in those athletics.
Like we tend to be drawn to that, which we're good at, right?
We tend to be drawn to that, that which we're good at and so the famous athlete i don't know about michael jordan i don't know much about his life but the famous athlete became a famous athlete because of a massive amount of inbuilt ability and because of that inbuilt ability they find great value in a training because they're just mastering more and more and more and they just get better and better and better a lot of inbuilt ability now there is work as well of course there's work no question that that there's work, but the work has traction because of the ability.

[56:01] Right? The work has traction because of the ability. It's like singers, like you're born with a great voice.
I mean, that's just a physical thing. Now you can train it, but the reason people train it because they naturally have a great voice.

[56:14] Oh, like Sammy Hagar was just singing along with the radio. People like when he was a teenager, people like, damn, that's great. So he just had a naturally great voice.
I don't know if he took any training. I know Freddie Mercury didn't because he wanted the raw sound.
So Freddie Mercury never took any training. One of the greatest pop and rock singers in human history.
And in fact i think without without a doubt hands down the greatest uh popular music singer in in history and i doubt he will ever be equaled because i mean the guy could do it all he could do rock country uh pop he did uh you can listen to um uh who needs you uh off uh was that off, news of the world uh just a lovely little mariachi song written by john deacon uh he could do the hit man he could do dreamers ball he could do he could do it all he did falsetto live falsetto um rock and rio blues uh impromptu like just just incredible stuff unbelievable stuff he did opera with monserre caballé in the album barcelona listen to the golden boy beautiful stuff he was an after baritone who could do he'd four octaves and a great performer and a great songwriter and a great pianist and brian may said the guy was like a metronome just every beat was precise he He could listen to a song and play it on the piano and sing it right away.
Like Liam Gallagher had that too from Oasis. Liam Gallagher was not a singer until he got hit in the head with a hammer. Then he woke up and he was able to sing.
And also he could like hear a song once or twice that his brother wrote and we could just go and record it right away. Just amazing.

[57:41] So the famous athletes who have this natural ability, they get frustrated at their kids.
Because, you know, it's like, oh, you're good at basketball.
Might just practice more. And the kid's like, I don't want to practice more.
Oh, you're lazy. I practiced and look at everything I achieved.
It's like, there's just not that understanding.
That the kid probably has an instinctive sense that practice ain't going to make perfect. Right?
I mean, I've taken singing lessons. I ain't no Freddie Mercury.
I ain't no Placido Domingo. I ain't no Ben Heppner. I mean, of course not, right?
I ain't no, oh gosh, he was the guy who did Les Mis.
Just an incredible, incredible singer. Like a truly heroic tenor. I ain't no Meatloaf.
Meatloaf was discovered singing while parking cars in the back of a theater.
Colm Wilkinson, unbelievable Broadway star, right? So he's like, well, I took a lot of lessons and I ended up starring in Les Mis, Stef.
You should take a lot of lessons and you could end up starring in Les Mis.
I was like, I couldn't though. I don't have the physical equipment.
I like to sing, but I'm not a singer, right? So anyway, crazy.
But don't they need the middle class to produce things? If they erase the middle class, they kill their golden goose, end of the empire at that point.
But the whole point of status is it's not about the future. Status is about the present.

[59:11] Right? Status is about the present.
Disappointment builds character.

[59:24] That's not anything close to interesting. No, it doesn't.
Nothing does anything without you choosing it, right? Disappointment doesn't build character.
Disappointment can destroy people's lives.
It's all on how you process it. It's all on how you interpret it, right? right?
You know, lots of people got deplatformed and vanished from view.
Some people got deplatformed and fought their way back.
Like I'm thinking Laura Loomer and people like that, they fought their way back.
And some people like, so deplatforming doesn't do anything.
I mean, it certainly changes things, but yeah, disappointment doesn't build character.
Now, when it comes to philosophy, you know, I hit the limit of my singing ability, obviously pretty pretty early.
Uh, as far as acting went, eh, not bad. I mean, I, I, for me, I'd never felt I had the right material, which is why when I audio read, like do the audio book reading of my own novels, I feel like it could really pour heart and soul into it.
Cause that's material that really works for my brain. Obviously I wrote it, but, uh, with philosophy, I just don't reach my limits.
I just, I don't, I can getting new ideas, new inspirations, new thoughts all the time. so I just don't reach my limit so, Hugh Jackman, I don't know what that means.

[1:00:50] James says I've got an above average singing voice good enough to be in a top choir in college but it's not top of the pops I'm way better at tech, well and with regards to the singing voice you can of course be a musician without being a singer you can write songs and all this kind of stuff without having to perform them right, it's the exception that proves the rule, but there are some famous sports players whose sons become professional athletes as well. Yeah, for sure. Absolutely.
Absolutely. Yeah, there's some people, they're at the top of their game, and their kids, again, just due to the dice roll of reproduction, end up even better than they are.

[1:01:32] He thinks that man is me, knew him at a glance. Lance, I can do that song except for the last note, but not as well as him.
So, yeah, I think that there's a lot of problems in families because highly competent parents are looking at their kids and saying, you should be doing what I'm doing.
And they get really frustrated and then the kids get resentful and then the relationship is poisoned in some ways because of this. It's really, really tragic.
And, of course, you do see a lot of, there are a lot of writers who write about fathers who were disappointed in them, right?
I think that's the combination of kids whose fathers have analytical abilities or physical abilities and the kids have creative abilities.

[1:02:20] So the fathers have analytical abilities, they have business abilities, entrepreneurial abilities, ambitious abilities, and the kids have sort of daydreamy creative abilities.
And so the fathers look at the kids as effeminate because the sons have creative abilities rather rather than analytical out there in the world or physical or sports abilities.
And so the kids feel rejected by the fathers because the fathers aren't appreciating the dice roll of genetics, giving the kids intense verbal and creative abilities and can't respect them for that, but just view them as less manly.
And so this is one of the reasons why hostility to the patriarchy comes along.
It's the father's failure to appreciate the creative aspects of their children to some degree.
So did you see candace owens on fresh and fit uh is that is that the whatever guys is that the whatever guys i mean i think it's interesting what those guys are doing but isn't it a little bit like shooting fish in a barrel just a little bit i mean you're taking not particularly smart women i mean there's a few there who seem kind of smart but you're taking women and it's not particular to women, could be the case with men as well, but you're taking women who aren't particularly intelligent and have never read a counter-narrative, and then you're introducing them to information and data and arguments that have been specifically hidden from them throughout their entire lives.

[1:03:48] So it's not, I mean, I guess you could say it's a way of transmitting the information to the audience, but it just seems a little bit like they could work harder, right?

[1:04:01] Let's see here.
Ah, there's an archive.

[1:04:26] All right.

Products of Environment

[1:04:29] Let me just see over there. We are about products of environment.
City girls are useless as somebody and needy with few skills required to exist.
Subsequently, the skill set to be ornamental. Love that term.
How about those ridiculous nails? Do they have a special toll so they may wipe?
Oh, toilet paper. Oh, okay.
I don't know. It's very strange.
Very strange.
All right, let me get back to your comments.
They purposely choose women who cannot argue or think.
Not whatever. Oh, whatever is so fit and fresh. Whatever are the competitors. Okay, all right.
All my siblings got the creative side while my dad was mainly analytical. Right.
Right. So the funny thing is, of course, that the dad who's analytical probably enjoys watching movies, and yet, or reading, maybe, you know, he likes going to see movies, but then he's like really mad at his kids for being creative.
It's like, you know, that creativity is just as important as analysis, right?
The creator of Internal Family Systems Therapy talks about his father's disappointment in him, too, prior to his development slash discovery of IFS.

[1:05:55] Do you think that parents putting their kids on behavioral medication to make them more manageable is connected to status signaling?
I don't know. But I will say that daycare is a status signal.
Putting your kids in daycare is a status signal as well.
Because you're saying, I'm too valuable. I'm too high status to raise my kids.
So everybody's seen this. This is PSYOP, right? It's a massive PSYOP that's occurred.

[1:06:20] It's a massive PSYOP. to say that raising parents, raising children is low status, low value, it's dumb bovine breeder work, right?
Like you're just a broodmare, right? So what they've done, of course, is they've, I mean, this has been going on since the, oh gosh, I mean, really since the 1920s, it's been over a century, right?
Which is the raising of children is for stupid women, right?
High status, intelligent women Women, they have corner offices and tight dresses and are sharp and analytical and so on, right?
So, yeah, and you know why they've done that, right?
You know that is why they've done that.
They've done that so that culture can't be transmitted, because culture is transmitted through women.
Because women are in charge of children for the first five years, obviously, of their life, and personalities and values are formed in the first five years.
So they've told women that raising children is a dumb, dull work and that all the cool kids are in corner offices when that's not usually where most people end up, certainly women.
So what they've done is they've raised the pay of women, they've given them a bunch of government jobs and...

[1:07:45] You know, equal pay for work of value. They've, they've raised artificially raised the wage wages of women, lure them away from the kids so that the, um, the powers that be can get their hands on the kids and, um, destroy the transmission of culture. So, all right.

Parenting and Abortion Debate

[1:08:00] Uh, what do you say to someone who claims if you're against abortion, you should be against the death penalty too.

[1:08:09] If you're against abortion, you should be against the death penalty too.
So are they really equating fetuses to murderers like first degree plan it out strangle someone in the woods try and bury the body fail to escape they're really saying that a fetus is somehow morally equivalent to just about as evil a human being as can be which is a first degree murderer murderer.
If somebody like, here's the thing. So it's, if somebody has that, like, if you, if you say that to someone, so you're putting, you're putting an innocent fetus who has no free will, no choice, no capacity to act.
You're putting a perfectly innocent fetus in the same moral category as a murderer.
Now, if somebody doesn't say, yeah, that's kind of, that's kind Kind of weird.
Yeah, actually, you know, that doesn't seem to make any sense, right?
So if somebody doesn't say that, I wouldn't bother arguing with them.
Yeah, you've got to watch out for those devious fetuses, right?
Greetings from Finland. Hello, Finland.
So if somebody...

[1:09:36] They told women raising children is bad to push the depopulation agenda i don't see that there's a big depopulation agenda if you look at all of the money that is going, to women to have kids all around the world third world welfare i mean i don't know i don't think that that doesn't fit into the depopulation agenda does it i don't think that's the case.

[1:10:03] There are those wacky people who see fetuses as parasites.
Well, those are people, I mean, that's just a psychological thing, right?
So somebody who says a fetus is just like a parasite obviously just has, they just have parents who don't like them, right?
If your parents view you as a burden, and a lot of parents do, a lot of parents view their kids as burdens.
If you have parents who view you as a burden, then of course, you're simply going to view fetuses as parasites.
Something which takes away from the host, right? So it's got nothing to do with any evaluation of anything.
You just have parents who don't like you, so you easily fall into the era of thinking that fetuses are like parasites.
A lot of parents will blame their lack of success on their children.
It's like a really, really dark, not even so much of a secret, a really dark secret of parenting.
I mean, my mother certainly did. So if you try to, you know, this sort of balance of work and family, right? Hello from Sweden. Hello back.
Tips are more than welcome. Of course, you can tip at here. You can tip on the app. You can tip at freedomain.locals.
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I would really, really appreciate your support and help as far as all of that goes.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. But...

[1:11:33] So parents, if you're trying to do the work-family balance, you'll fail.
Of course, because you can't be in two places at once. Like there's some sitcom I mentioned before I saw from years ago.
Some woman was saying, you know, when I'm at work, I want to be at home.
When I'm at home, I want to be at work.
I'm never content where I am or something like that. And it's like, yeah, you can't be as good a worker if you got kids in daycare that you got to go and get.
And you got to, right, you're tired and you can't. You're just not as available for business trips. You just can't be as hard a worker.
And you can't be as good a parent if you're working full-time. Of course, right?

[1:12:14] Yes, it is.
And so the parents neither are satisfied as parents and they're neither satisfied as careerists.
The work plus parent balance is a two-person act well but only if you're taking traditional jobs in offices or whatever right i mean if you sort of think if you're working on a farm kids pitch in and they want to help they want to be there they want to pitch in right, um you know when i'm working in the garden my daughter comes out and wants to work with me and we chat and we do the work there's a knowledge transfer and so on not that i'm much of a gardener but you know what i mean right so uh work being separate from family is an industrial post industrial phenomenon work and family were like the same like it was the same same thing right.

[1:13:15] And certainly, yeah, the willingness to murder can be a status signal in some communities for sure.
So, yeah, a lot of parents, they're trying to do the work balance thing, work-home balance thing.
They end up satisfied in neither arena. And they don't sit there and say, well, I guess I made a mistake.
You know, if you really want to know what's going on for a lot of people, I'll just tell you this straight up.
And it's going to be kind of painful. But this is what's going on for a lot of people in the world.
And this has been enormously helpful for me. I hope it will be enormously helpful to you. But this is what's going on for a lot of people in the world.
They have made terrible mistakes in their life that they simply can't admit, and will never, ever admit.
Do you know people like this? Or does this sort of hit a chord with you?
Or does it ring a deep bell in your heart of hearts?
If you look at the people in your life.

Admitting Mistakes in Parenthood

[1:14:27] They've made terrible mistakes. They can never undo or admit to, particularly with regards to parenting.
Parenting i mean you think of parents you know they're in their 60s or whatever they put their kids in daycare they work maybe they drank maybe they destroyed a marriage like they have they've just they've done things that can't be undone and can't be accepted.

[1:15:00] Look, we've all made mistakes. We've all done things that are wrong, that we regret.
Of course, right? But you work as best you can to make amends, to make restitution, and so on.

[1:15:12] I can't remember i mentioned this before the show but it's been years when i first came to canada i was in grade eight for a while in whitby then i moved to toronto they put me back in grade six, and there was this girl who asked me to go steady i didn't know what that meant so i said no i didn't know what that meant so you know just in general i wasn't going to say yes because i didn't i don't know what it was that meant i had to take her to a prom i don't know what that meant anyway so many Many years later, I actually told her, I'm sorry that I said no. I just didn't know what it meant.
Because, you know, I'm not saying it was some big, huge thing in her life, but, you know, just little things where you have made mistakes or whatever.
And that was not some huge mistake.
I just, you know, didn't know what it meant. And I was 11.
So it was nice. I mean, she was a nice girl and I enjoyed her company, but I wasn't going to go steady with anyone.
So I was like, wow, the people, the girls in the colonies, they move fast, man, they move fast. I didn't know if that meant I had to buy her a ring or something. I didn't have any money, right?
So, yeah, so, but I really can't think, as a whole, I can't think of things that I look back and I say, gee, I really did this person wrong.
And it was totally, you know, one-sided. See, here's the thing.
Like, if some relationship didn't work out, both people are in there voluntarily, right? Both people are in there voluntarily. apparently.

[1:16:36] But parent-child, the kids aren't there by choice. They're not there by choice.

[1:16:43] I was explaining to my daughter some time ago what the phrase captive audience meant.
And she meant, oh, like me as a kid, when you tell a story, I'm like, exactly, exactly. You got it.
The little girl had good taste. Yeah. Well, maybe not back then, but maybe love would have saved me back then. I could save me now.
But yeah, so, So, I'm just checking the comments over on Rumble as well.
So, if you've done bad things to kids, right, if you've done bad things to kids, you can't undo it, you can't go back, you can't go back and fix parenthood.

[1:17:30] My mom right now, we had an agreement with your four books, but I played the first two chapters of your novel, The Present, and she was far more receptive.
The nonfiction may just feel way too personal. Yeah.
Yeah. I mean, can you imagine if that book was published and praised? My novel, The Present.
My gosh. I mean, it would be, it would detonate the guilt of hundreds of millions of people, particularly women.
Oh, like the daycare kids. kids and and also the you know everybody talks about the wage gap nobody talks about the tax gap between men and women so yeah but it's there for the future my novel the present is a prequel to the future which is also my novel the future which you should both read books, yeah so yeah people and you know people went a lot of people went all into authoritarianism over COVID, right? They went all in on authoritarianism. They went all in on being programmed to hate their fellow citizens, right? They went all in on that stuff.

[1:18:38] Not a lot of undoing that, right? Because now you know. You look in the mirror and you know.
You know who you are. You know what you're capable of. You know your level of integrity. You know your conscience.
This has been a big problem, of course. of course, teenagers, of course, naturally rebellious and skeptical of their parents.
And COVID is going to do massive damage to future relations between more adult children.
Sorry, between kids who are teenagers going forward, right?
Because there's no circling back. There's no solving it, right?
Nobody's saying, well, why did Sweden have a lower death rate?
They had fewer lockdowns. Why are the Amish fine who didn't take any vaccines, even though they interact with people a lot, right?
So nobody's circling back. Nobody's dealing with it, but moral authority is gone.
Moral authority is gone from the people who went full authoritarian.
I mean, am I wrong about this?
Tell me if you think I'm wrong about this. W for wrong, R for right.
I mean, hasn't moral authority been...
Your novel, The Present, needs to be moved to the documentary section. Yeah, yeah.
It's the moral authority especially if, yeah if they really imposed it if they really really imposed it where's the moral authority you can be easily frightened into hatred.

[1:20:07] Somebody says i explained to my parents that they could have bought a smaller home from a bit more cheaper location so they could have handled finances in such a way that my My mother could have stayed home instead of working, but they said they needed the money to pay off the mortgage. Right. Right.

[1:20:27] Can you imagine being a parent who went full tyranny over COVID, saying to your teenage kids to resist peer pressure?
Can you imagine what that would be like?
Imagine the disconnect you'd have to have in your brain.

[1:20:49] I mean, it's wild. I mean, it's going to be rough. I mean, it already is rough, I assume.
It's very sad. It's very sad what this has all done to people.
And of course, it is not something that is being talked about and discussed.
I mean, maybe some. I don't know that there are many parents who said, and I don't mean caution about COVID. I understand.
Personally, I understand the caution about COVID. When I first heard about it, I was like, I don't know where this is going to go. Pretty sure it came out of a weapons lab.
So I don't know how this is going to go. I don't know the long-term effects and all of that. So I understand some caution. I understand some concern.
I understand all of that.
I'm talking about like the people who were like, yes, we should take away the rights of the people who are unvaccinated.
Like those people, especially those on the left are such rebels, right? So yeah, how are those people going to say?
You should have mastery of your own emotions and you shouldn't fall prey to anxiety or peer pressure. You shouldn't just want to go along to get along.

[1:22:04] How are they going to tell their kids how to resist peer pressure, how to resist, I don't know. I mean, it's really tragic.
Or is it a giant opportunity for morality to advance? You know, always hard to say.
It's always hard to say. I wish humanity could advance in morality without having to go through so much suffering. I mean, that would just be nice. Wouldn't it be nice?
It would be nice if people could just quit the addiction of bad morality without having to really hit rock bottom.
That would be super nice but I'm at this point I was holding my breath in the past I'm not holding my breath anymore I'm not holding my breath anymore just tragic, I'm dealing with the peer pressure issue with my teen right now very difficult and what's difficult about it?
What's difficult? I mean shouldn't shouldn't you have your kids around teens that aren't going to counsel them to do bad or silly things?
I know I don't want to make it sound totally simple, but.

[1:23:14] I think, yeah, I mean, my personal perspective is that I think the first round of COVID was pretty harsh on people.
I think the alpha, like once it got to Omicron and so on, I mean, that was the idea, right? That it would, it would fade into the flu.
Like that was the general general trajectory that was predicted by a lot of epidemiologists that it was just going to fade down to a flu level.

[1:23:42] So, but I do think the first one had some pretty nasty characteristics.
I mean, some people got pretty sick.
Alpha, right? The Alpha? Again, just my particular opinion. I don't have any expertise in the area.

Resisting Peer Pressure

[1:24:00] His friends are good kids. It's me. I'm trying to understand.
Call in at
If you'd like to do a call-in about it, that would be fine.
The initial strain was bad I mean I think I think that the first round was I was a little a little antsy about it I was a little antsy about that first round it did not seem to be particularly, user friendly if that makes sense so yeah I mean the peer pressure thing is very interesting of course you have to model resisting peer pressure yourself right I mean it's never ever going to work in the long run, to want your children to do what you've not modeled, right? They can do what you've not modeled, but you have to be honest about it, right?
You have to be honest about it. Like, you have to...
You can get your kids to do things you failed at, but you have to be honest about your failures and admit that that is the case and you're asking them to do something that you weren't able to do, but whatever, right?
So that, I think, is pretty important.
They don't mind. Kids don't mind when you've failed at all, right?
Because life involves that, right?
And you have to get them to understand that they themselves will sometimes not, achieve their own particular goals or ideals.

[1:25:30] They don't mind if you've not achieved your ideals, right?
You know, like, I don't know, if you're on the phone with someone and they ask you to do something you don't want to do, and you say you're busy that night and your kid overhears it, and then they say after the call, I don't think you're busy that night, right?

[1:25:49] Say, yep, I kind of failed to be honest there. And you can explain that, right?
The little white lies, you know, I'm not so fussed about those things, right? right? Thou shalt not bear false witnesses about important deep moral issues in life.
I'm not particularly fussed about, you know, if somebody says to me, I'm busy and it turns out that they're posting being at a movie or whatever.
It's like, okay, so they didn't want to hang out with me.
It's fine. You know, it's, it's, I don't particularly care about that kind of stuff.
Social lubrication and so on, the little white lies and so on.
All right. So yeah, we'll just finish up here. So hello, welcome.
You can, of course, tip here as well or you can go to slash donate to help out the show i would really really appreciate that slash donate thank you thank you thank you and uh we'll just um, do here slash donate help philosophy and yeah we'll just sort of finish up here thank you for dropping back sorry about that um we exciting hiccup but But, so, you know, has my daughter ever heard me say something not precisely true? Yes. Yes, she has.

[1:27:02] But I talk about it and I say, you know, here's my thinking.
Maybe I'm right. Maybe I'm wrong. It's not a particularly important issue.
It spares someone's feelings. It doesn't really matter. You know, and she's willing to say, no, you should always tell the truth.
And, you know, we'll have that discussion. And, you know, sometimes she's right.
And so I'm certainly happy to hear about all of that sort of stuff. but it's.

[1:27:24] But I'm not sitting there saying, no, I always tell the truth.
Cause then she'll immediately say, well, hang on three weeks ago, you said you were busy to someone who wanted something from you and you weren't that busy and whatever.
Right. So maybe she heard that. I don't know. Like I'm just, I honestly can't think of any specific example, but I have no doubt that it's happened.
So yeah, it's, it's totally fine.
Uh, it's totally fine for that to be occurring, right you're not uh nobody's perfect uh you know i mean at least i'm not so yeah does it occasionally happen yes it does uh can my daughter point it out she has a laser-like memory for these kinds of things which i actually really respect uh because it'll be it'd be turned to her one day right so yeah so.

Being Honest About Shortcomings

[1:28:19] So as long as you're honest about your shortcomings, you know, you know, I, uh, my, my sometimes lack of perfect will when it comes to things. Yeah, it happens.
It does happen. So yeah, it is kind of the way that it is.
So yeah. Hi everyone. Of course you can follow me on rumble as well.
Because there's stuff that gets uploaded here too, which is very nice, and it is a good backup just in case something goes wrong on other platforms.
But when did you learn about ESG? It's becoming exposed in the gaming community.
Isn't there an AI that turns the average female characters or male characters more attractive?
There's an AI that replaces the sort of homely video game characters with more attractive characters.
I think that's actually pretty funny. I thought it was pretty funny.
All right, let's just, any last questions or comments that you have?
I am super happy to answer. There was an interesting study.
So the cost of the wedding versus chance of divorce.

[1:29:25] So let's see, a cost of wedding against the hazard of divorce happening is calculated by research economics department at Emory University.
One is average using the Cox proportional hazard model.
So the less you spend on a wedding, the lower your chance of divorce.
The less you spend on a wedding, the lower your chance of divorce.
So if you spend zero to a thousand dollars on a wedding, one being an average chance of divorce, your chance of divorce is 0.64. It's dose dependent. dependent.
So if you spend $1,000 to $5,000, your chance of divorce rises to 0.85.
$5,000 to $10,000 is 1. $10,000 to $20,000 is 1.05.
$20,000 or more, 1.32 becomes your average chance of divorce.
So it steps up from significantly below, like basically two-thirds the risk of divorce to a third over based upon going from the lowest to the highest tiers.
And of course, people spend a lot more than that on weddings but i thought that was interesting and it kind of ties into what i was talking about before with regards to the status question right with regards to the status question, hey just got here can you feel me it's funny it's funny uh uh could you pause to summarize everything said before sincerely the main character yes well i'll tell you this man.

[1:30:51] Yeah, so if you're spending a lot on the wedding, it's not what men want to do. What men want to do is save for a house.
But women who want status will spend a lot on the wedding.
In other words, they want to be ornamental. And at some point, a man is going to look at his ornamental wife and say, yeah, you're just lazy. Yeah.
You're just, you're lazy, you're pampered, you're status signaling.
I have to bring myself, my hard work, my money to the table, and you just have to be pretty? It's a bad deal.
And she's also going to push off having kids because she wants to be high status based on being ornamental, right?
And so if women with richer partners get a higher reward for divorce, yeah, yeah, that's true.
That's true. too. But wealthier people get divorced less, right?
Wealthier people get divorced less. Wealthy is somewhat as a proxy for IQ.
IQ is a good negotiation tactic. So.

[1:31:51] How does one grow and rumble? Fluffer? I don't know. So yeah, higher IQ people tend to get divorced less.
And certainly if you get higher IQ people with a decent income who have talked about values ahead of time and share those values your chance of divorce is virtually zero people say oh 50 50 it's like come on come on it's like saying 50 of people have hangovers on sunday morning well not if you don't go drinking you don't right it's under your control chance of divorce isn't random it's like getting hit by an asteroid there's so much you can do to mitigate the risk of divorce, and you can reduce your risk of divorce to virtually zero.
You can have conversations about values and choose someone who's got a proven ability to negotiate conflicts beforehand, and who's also dedicated to not getting divorced.
So yeah, it's pretty, this random thing, 50% of marriages end in divorce.
Like it's 50-50 it's like nope, Uh, Dana Loesch wrote something pretty funny, uh, regarding the earlier comment.
I'm not listening to engagement criticism about Southern women's accents from any female who wears enough pancake makeup to run her own printing press with just her face in a stack of clean pillowcases.

[1:33:21] That is very funny. That is very funny.

Tomboy Country Girl Advantages

[1:33:26] Uh, Rachel Wilson wrote this. It's pretty, it's pretty good.
Tomboy country girl advantages, not used to getting attention for overlooks only.
Not high maintenance. Less likely to whine and complain. Less lazy, good work ethic. Less manipulative than women who rely on seduction and trickery.
Will probably give you a lot more kids than prissy city girls who want to live in expensive high-rise apartments.
Not afraid to get her hands dirty if she needs to. Down-to-earth, not entitled.
Understands that even though she's capable, she needs and respects men.
Won't get mad at you for spending your money on guns or or hunting-slash-fishing gear.
Knows how to have actual fun without expensive dinner dates, spa days, vacations, retains more value post-war.
You know what she actually looks like, and she won't require thousands of dollars a month in maintenance on hair extensions, Botox, lip fillers, makeup, etc.
Not helpless, pampered Barbies, hashtag tomboy supremacy. That was great.
She said, I could keep adding to this list infinitely. We know how to shoot and grow our own food, preserve it, and cook it. We're a lot more resilient mentally, and you don't have to worry about us having a mental breakdown if we see a spider.
Need I go on? Right? So, it's great.
And what is it? Liberal women are 10 times more likely to have a diagnosed mental illness than conservative men, and even significantly more than conservative women.
I don't know whether it's people with mental illness who are drawn more towards leftism, or leftism promotes mental illness, or something like that.

[1:34:53] But it is um it is a very i mean if you're a father you need to keep your children in particular daughters away from this stuff because it is uh it is a virus it's a virus.

[1:35:11] So, let's see here. Was there anything else I wanted to mention?
Oh, that was pretty funny. It was a picture of the kid from the Terminator.
That face you make when you realize Google AI won't let Terminators recognize white males.
It's pretty funny.
All right. I think we're, let me just go and check here. Any last comments? Questions?

Middle Ground in Philosophy

[1:35:40] Should we or should we not seek to extend our reach if we speak philosophical truths, yet few seem receptive? What does a siloed person do?
Well, you know, once you start going down the road of philosophy, it's probably a good idea to pull back or go all in.
I tried living this middle life for 15 years. It doesn't really work.
In fact, it ends up working spectacularly not well.
It really does end up working spectacularly not well.
So if you're going to go into philosophy, go in go all in and find people who share a rational objective and empirical approach to truth if you do that you'll find boon companions to last you for the rest of your life if you don't you get stuck in compromised decay world where you can't speak the truth, you can't speak the truth really and you neither get the satisfactions of the truth nor the satisfactions and the satisfactions of just going along with the crowd they're not inconsiderable, right it's not a tiny thing otherwise people would be irrational for doing it right so going along with the crowd has real real pleasures to it it is real relief you can outsource your thinking to others or your non-thinking you never have any substantial conflicts because you should go along along with everyone you have a full dinner table of equally empty people but at least there's the illusion of proximity so you know there's lots of real pleasures in going along with the crowd i mean i've yearned for it from time to time it's kind of nice kind of nice just empty out your head.

[1:37:10] Go, go along with everyone. Yeah. Pretty, pretty nice. There's substantial social rewards and praise and money for going along with the crowd.
Yeah. So, I mean, if you end up one foot on the pier, one foot on the dock with half, half a philosophical life, that's a, that, that to me is, that's no good.
Like just give up on philosophy and just go join the hive mind.
That's, there's real pleasures in that.
And, you know, I'm not going to sit there and nag at you about it because I understand or go all into philosophy, but the half and half thing is really the worst of both worlds.
Because all you're doing is chafing against people who will never agree with you.
You neither get the comforts of social acceptance nor the comforts of actual morality-based relationships.
So that, that's a bad idea. Like if you're going to stay in the city, stay in the city.
If you're going to cross to the oasis, cross to the oasis, but don't try and live in the desert.
You'll just not have a good time. Don't try and live between the city of the zombies zombies and the oasis of the free thinkers.
Don't try and skip back and forth. Don't imagine you can live in both worlds. So do one or the other.
And I know it's a little tough to undo the philosophy thing, but maybe it can be done. But yeah, that would be my suggestion. All right.

[1:38:23] slash donate to help out the show. If you're listening later, I'd really, really would appreciate it. It's a bit of a low donation live stream, but hey, it happens and we had our tech issues.
You can, of course, if you wanted to give me support here, you can do it on Rumble here at the end.
If you're not getting it done before the end of the show, free slash donate to help out the show later i'd really really love if you could, and um don't forget to check out the free books free slash books and the free documentaries free slash documentaries it'd be fun to do some more even though i can tell the truth people do not listen right right so you need to find people who will listen so yes have yourselves a wonderful afternoon everyone lots of love from up here take care I will talk to you soon Bye.

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