Vampire Love Kills! Transcript


0:00 - Introduction and Easter Greetings
1:54 - The Gymnastics Routine of Building Arguments
2:48 - Unpacking a Complex Polyamorous Relationship
14:08 - Luck Vampires and Manipulation
21:07 - The Concept of Luck and Obligations
26:12 - Manifestation of Bad Luck in Society
29:02 - Unraveling the Notion of Luck in Relationships
31:59 - Preparation for Bad Luck and Insurance
36:34 - Evolutionary Instincts and Single Motherhood
37:39 - Awareness of Risks and Single Motherhood
46:16 - Overcoming Obstacles and Excuses
51:25 - The Correlation Between Height and Dating
58:29 - The Consequences of Enabling Bad Behavior
1:00:49 - Undermining Society Through Excuses
1:04:09 - The Evolution of Intelligence and Responsibility
1:07:17 - The Importance of Accountability and Planning
1:09:05 - Discussing Sin and Harm in Relationships
1:11:13 - The Complexity of Receiving Sympathy
1:15:21 - Lack of Genuine Sympathy
1:21:21 - Effects of Moving as a Kid
1:28:16 - Sympathy vs. Anesthetic
1:33:32 - Twilight: Purpose Revealed
1:43:00 - Baldness and Family Trees
1:45:40 - Declining Population Perspective

Long Summary

In this episode, we begin by extending warm Easter greetings to our listeners before delving into a multifaceted discussion encompassing personal anecdotes, economic insights, and contemplation on the concept of luck. I share reflections on the nature of capital as an embodiment of stored energy seeking reciprocal affection, drawing parallels to the notion of sharing luck when fortune smiles upon us. The conversation evolves to scrutinize the dynamics of sharing, emphasizing the essence of justice in societal exchanges and cautioning against the influence of manipulative "luck vampires." We meticulously explore the idea of deserving the unearned and its implications on the various relationships and intricacies that define our lives. Throughout, listener feedback and inquiries act as guiding beacons, shaping our discourse around these intellectually stimulating ideas.

The subsequent segment delves into intricate deliberations on luck, victimhood, and the pivotal role of personal responsibility within relationships and societal frameworks. I underscore the capacity of individuals, particularly in the context of romantic engagements, to discern potential outcomes and consciously navigate away from victim narratives. Emphasizing the value of proactive measures such as insurance in preparing for unforeseen circumstances, I challenge attributions of romantic failures to superficial traits like height or baldness. Central to this narrative is the advocacy for embracing agency over one's decisions and steering away from assigning outcomes solely to luck or external forces.

Expanding our dialogue to address misconceptions surrounding dating preferences, I spotlight the significance of confidence and charisma over superficial attributes. The perils of brewing resentment and acrimony in relationships come to the fore, prompting a deep dive into the virtues of personal development and celebration of positive traits. Through exploring the role of persistence and the repercussions of ill-advised choices in relationships, I stress the import of accountability and the evolution of wisdom amid historical adversities. Furthermore, I touch on the hazards of enabling detrimental behaviors, shedding light on the evolution of societal norms alongside discussions on insurance intricacies and cautionary tales pertaining to influencers' impact on teenage decision-making.

Our podcast narrative unfolds to encompass diverse themes ranging from book recommendations to nuances of British accents and ethical quandaries amidst divorces. The exploration of sympathy's potential misuse, coupled with reflections on the ramifications of nomadic childhood experiences and varied morality-teaching methodologies, adds layers to the engaging conversation. Addressing inquiries pertaining to dating predilections tethered to height and societal superficiality, viewers engage in enriching dialogues spanning an array of subjects, cultivating an enriching and enlightening podcast episode.

The continuation of our conversation traverses realms of societal inclinations, dissecting romance narratives like "Twilight" and "50 Shades of Grey" to illuminate the impact of media on women's relationship expectations. We analyze the propagation of unattainable male standards within these tales, potentially fostering unrealistic ideals among women. Unveiling insights on the underlying motives behind such narratives, entrenched population control theories, and the parallels with historical folklore, we navigate through discussions on declining populations, the intrinsic value of parenthood, and prudent financial strategies. Culminating with reflections on personal finance habits and forthcoming content recommendations, we steer our discourse towards fostering thought-provoking reflections and meaningful exchanges with our audience.


[0:00] Introduction and Easter Greetings

[0:00] Good morning, everybody. Hope you're doing well. Stefan Molyneux, Freedom Aid. Happy Easter to everyone. Thank you for joining me for a wee chitty-chatty bang-bang. Actually, more of the chitty-chatty, less of the bang-bang, unless I bring out the guns of Easter on this day, the 31st of March, 2024. Thank you for dropping by. We are going to have a great show. Doesn't that sound like I'm my own cheerleader? Well, sometimes you have to be. So happy to take your questions challenges comments issues problems uh criticisms, and to confess i did minorly lose it with the call-in show yesterday yes um because, in in the day of our lord 31st of march 2024 i remind myself and others that nobody is perfect.

[0:59] Perfect um there's something and it's a fault of mine it's a flaw of mine no question for me but.

[1:08] When people uh nitpick uh it drives me crazy i mean i'm just throwing it out there if you want to drive me crazy this kind of nitpicking stuff the reason being and this is not a justification i'm just telling you the reason for it because you know it's important to be you know honest i uh i pick on other people for their flaws so i'm no point hiding my own when you make general statements and then people say like somebody makes a general statement you go with that general statement and then they provide the opposite it just feels like it's torpedoing the conversation, and it i i find it massively annoying and i'm not saying i mean maybe you could say it objectively it's a little annoying i find it more annoying than most and i think the reason for that is kind of building these big arguments and so on and every time i have to circle back uh it gets it's more difficult to progress.

[1:54] The Gymnastics Routine of Building Arguments

[1:55] If that makes any sense. It's like I'm doing a gymnastics routine. It's really big and complicated. And somebody keeps throwing balls at me and I either let them hit me and throw me off. I try and catch them and it throws me off, but I can't do the gymnastics routine. Right. So, uh, a guy, uh, was yesterday, uh, he was, he was, we sort of got into his concerns about not being married and it turns out he'd been in a polyamorous relationship. relationship and I said, um.

[2:22] I remember one of the ones that set me off. So I asked, what did your mom think of this polyamorous relationship? And he's like, I didn't, she didn't like it. She told me it was bad for me. It was unhealthy and it was not good. And then I continued for a year or two down that road. And I said, so you didn't listen to your mother. And he said, well, I did eventually.

[2:43] It's like that kind of defensive, like, so then I have to circle back.

[2:48] Unpacking a Complex Polyamorous Relationship

[2:48] And I have to say, no, you didn't listen to your mother. Because if you continued on for a year and a half in the relationship with the polyamorous woman, and he actually became the weekday guy. Did you know this is a thing in polyamory? So he was the weekday guy and some other guy who I guess was more of a stud muffin, less of a cuck. The other guy, a guy he was in competition with, with the polyamorous woman's affections or trauma bonding. He became the weekday guy. The other guy became the weekend guy. Right. Right. And so he ended up breaking up for a variety of reasons, but it wasn't because he finally listened to his mother. Right. So if I say to you, don't do it. And then you go do it for a year or two. And then you quit for reasons unrelated to what I said. You can't say you listened to me eventually. So I'm trying to build a case here. And it's, it's like, you know, the, this was a two, two hour, 40 minute conversation. And I had to build a whole series of steps to try and get him to understand something. And for me, because I'm doing it all in my head, I don't have this big flow chart to refer to. And there's interruptions, right? You're trying to build a case and then you have to keep circling back. And then you have to keep circling back. And I know that the purpose of it is so you can't build the case, right? I know that the purpose of it is so you can't get to the conclusion. I know it's just a bunch of logs thrown in front of the truck so that it doesn't get anywhere.

[4:11] But it's really annoying. It's really annoying.

[4:14] And people can always claim, they can always claim, right? And it seems believable, right? They can always say, look, I'm just trying to understand. I just need things to be, you know, I disagree. Am I not allowed to disagree? agree. But yeah, these you make a general statements and then, drives me kind of crazy. All right, let's see here.

[4:47] Uh, happy Easter, happy Easter. Christ is king. Happy Easter. Hello, hello. What app do you use for the RSS feeds? Uh, I can't remember. It's some phone podcast, podcaster, catcher. Yeah, I'm split between RTR or the present as my next read. I really enjoyed the novel format in the future. Yeah, so Zymph, if I had to guess. Ooh, you know, Zymph, you should read Just Poor. Uh that is the book that most directly deals with childhood trauma that i've ever written and the scene i won't give you any spoilers here the scene between lady barbara lawrence lydia and k you absolutely if you've been abused as a child you need to have that rescue scene you absolutely need to have that rescue scene so you can just go to books or did i have this let Let me see here.

[5:46] I might have this. Yes. There's an audiobook part one, audiobook part two, e-book. You can read it online and in PDF. So I'll just give you this, JustPoorNovel. You should check that out. It's a great book. So let's see here. Good morning and happy Easter. Good morning, Tony. How do you deal with people saying you're lucky by holding for a decade plus? Right. Are you ready for some, I'm sorry to do this on Easter, some semi-pagan animism? Because it's just a mindset, a mindset, a sort of thought that I have, but it's out and out, unabashed, semi-pagan animism. Animism is when you project human qualities into things that aren't. Anthropomorphism, to some degree. Animism is more to do with nature, when there are dryads living in trees and so on. So I hope this isn't blasphemous. I'm sure it's not. But I will tell you straight up why. The way I think about this kind of stuff.

[7:03] So if you have a kid, right, and your kid's going to go out in the world and date and hopefully, you know, obviously fall in love and all of that. Now, do you want your kid, your precious son, daughter, singular, plural, whatever. Do you want your kid to fall in love with someone who doesn't love them back? Isn't that one of the great curses of the world to fall in love with someone who just.

[7:31] Won't love you back isn't that awful i don't know if you've ever been in that situation, it's pretty painful it's pretty painful i remember a whole summer people i i got um I got a little over-attached to an ex-girlfriend. Wanted her back. And the whole summer, my friends, who were very helpful, of course, were saying.

[7:58] Anyway, you're my obsession. So, lucky to be blessed with guidance of the Holy Spirit to hold on to profit so as to pay your tithes to God. So, you want your... Child and you want yourself you want those you care about to fall in love and be reciprocated, right because being in a position of yearning of wanting where it's not reciprocated is kind of tortuous and can waste a lot of time and emotional energy and the opportunity costs which you're attached to someone who isn't loving you back or isn't attracted back to you or in the worst situation it's putting you in the stay on deck friend zone for just in case later so giving you just enough signals to keep you around it's very very selfish so i view capital as a life force i view it as energy it capital almost has a spirit i say spirit right capital has a spirit.

[9:04] And capital is looking for requited love. Here's your animism. But for me, this is one of the most essential ways to understand the economy. Capital is looking for requited love. In other words, capital is yearning, is emotion and energy in the mind space of the universe. Capital is a questing heart looking for someone who loves it back do you see what i'm saying, capital is stored spirit it's stored mind right savings right somebody worked to produce x y or z that has value and it is a form of trapped mental and physical energy it's stored.

[10:02] Capital is bottled spirit capital is the foods that you pickle and jar in order to get through the winter capital is stored life in the most foundational and essential way which is why there's a famous novel by Gogol, called Dead Souls can anybody find me somebody to love capital is absolutely yearning for a quieted love and in the novel Dead Souls there's a guy going around Russia buying the souls of dead people and it's a very interesting novel and it says a lot about bureaucracy and mysticism But...

[10:55] When inflation robs people of savings, you understand it's grave robbing. It's grave robbing.

[11:07] It's grave robbing. You store the treasures of your ancestors in a beautiful sarcophagus called a savings account, and stealthy, nimble-fingered, sanded, fingerprinted thieves Thieves slither in and steal the treasure of your ancestors in the dark of the night. Inflation is grave-robbing because the stored capital of prior generations is kept like the treasures of the dead that can be used to fuel the children of the living. And they come in and they steal all that you have stored and saved. It is a form of murder in an economic sense. In the same way that if you store up all of this stuff for winter, and you've got a long, hard winter ahead of you, you store up all this food for winter, if somebody comes and steals 25% or 50%, or I guess in the case of fiat currency, it ends up being 98%, stores 98% of your food for the winter, they're going to kind of kill you, right? Because you're not going to have enough food for the winter.

[12:14] So when somebody says to you, Oh, you're just so lucky that you held on to your Bitcoin. You're so lucky. It's the equivalent to me of saying, you have the love of a wonderful woman. You're just lucky. And it's like, well, you don't have the love of a wonderful woman because you think it's luck.

[12:40] And capital doesn't love you because you don't love capital because you think that loving capital is luck. Having a requited love with the stored value of the human mind, you think that's luck. Oh, man, you've got a really great physique, man. You're so lucky. You don't have a great physique because you think it's luck. Oh, man, you have nice teeth. You're lucky.

[13:18] I brush. I floss. I go to the dentist. I don't eat sugar. It's not luck. You're so lucky. It's not luck. I don't deal with luck vampires. I don't deal with luck vampires. I don't deal with luck vampires. The luck vampires are those who want to take from you by saying you're lucky. It's a precursor to manipulation or outright theft. Right?

[14:08] Luck Vampires and Manipulation

[14:09] You're lucky is you owe me.

[14:24] You earned it is, you don't owe me. I respect your efforts. You're lucky is, you're, you're targeted. So imagine two brothers, let's just pull a name out of our armpit and say, I don't know, Cain and Abel, right? Two brothers are out in a boat fishing in a lake. They can't catch anything. But then before the end of the day, a fish, jumps out of the water and lands, at Cain's feet. Now that's luck. That's luck. The fish just happened to jump out of the boat, out of the water, landed the boat at Cain's feet. Now, that's pure luck. should they share the fish?

[15:32] Should you? As Cain, should you keep the fish that it's pure luck you happen to have? Just happened to jump out of the water, was being chased by something below, jumped out of the water, landed at your feet. Now that's lucky. That's not fishing, that's whoops, hey, fish. In my view, because you're lucky, Lucky, you should share the fish. Are you really going to say, that's my fish because it landed near me? No, you split the fish, don't you? Because you're lucky. Luck should be shared with those you care about. Because he is accidentally fortunate to have the fish.

[16:30] Now, that's a case for sharing. Now, Abel doesn't have the right to use force. Possession is nine-tenths of the law. The cane can grab the fish and, I don't know, it can't run off the boat, I suppose, unless they're close to shore. But in mine, he can get all golem but the fish. All right, precious, right? He can get all golem but the fish. And, you know, he's got the fish. He's in possession of the fish. This fish, I guess, is technically his property. He's not morally to be forced to give up the fish. But he does have to recognize he's lucky, right? So when Abel says to Cain, you're lucky. You jammy bastard, right? There's truth in that. And I think there's a decent amount of obligation for Cain to share the fish with Abel.

[17:25] Now, that's one situation. Now, another situation. And Cain does so at the expense of his relationship to Abel. Well, this is the problem with snapshot morality. And I know I set up the analogy, so I'm just criticizing myself. There's nothing wrong with anything you guys are saying. But it also depends on the prior history that Cain and Abel have together. Other if you have good fortune i think it's aesthetically preferable though not upb it's apa aesthetically preferable action if you have good fortune i think it's good to share your good fortune with those you love of course based upon the assumption that they share their good fortune with you.

[18:20] I think it's good to share your good fortune with those you love and of course, because you love them, they're virtuous, there's no other way to get love. It's good to share your good fortune with those you love as long as they also share their good fortune with you. So, fish jumps in, lands at Cain's feet. Cain shares the fish because he's the recipient of good fortune. That's one thing. Now, the other thing is, Abel doesn't even go out fishing. Cain goes out, it's hot, it's unpleasant, it's difficult work, he's back sore, he's, you know, old man in the sea, kinds of cranking with his arms like levers, and he comes back with a couple of fish. Well, Abel has been lazing and sunning on the shore.

[19:12] Does he share his fish with Abel? In other words, does he disable Abel? He's Abel-bodied. Name's Abel. Does Cain share the fish that he worked to get, where it was not luck but hard work? I mean, some luck involved in fishing, but it's hard work. Does Cain share the fish with Abel if Abel was lazy and did not work.

[19:53] He is under no obligation to give a scale or a fin or a tooth from the fish to Abel. Now, Abel, of course, is going to say, You're lucky. You know, man, I had a bit of a headache this morning and whatever. He's going to, oh, you're lucky, you know. I fished all yesterday and didn't catch anything. You got everything. But on that day, Cain worked and Abel didn't. You're lucky. So you understand, you're lucky is a threat. It's a threat statement. You're so lucky. These are people gearing up for manipulation or aggression. You're lucky. You're lucky is you are obligated to share with me because you're just the recipient of good fortune. You're just lucky.

[20:56] The dangerous people, the you're lucky people are dangerous. And I know it sounds like I'm kidding. I'm really not kidding. The luck vampires, vampires will drain you.

[21:07] The Concept of Luck and Obligations

[21:07] And the luck people are clearly signaling that they're going to escalate until you, give them what they want. Favor bank, says someone. want it. If I get a win for sure, I will buy dinner, maybe a ticket to a local sports event a friend enjoys if they would do the same, but maybe a show, not sports. If they won't or don't after all, then no, I won't bother offering. Society exists and civilization exists on the the principle of justice and virtually nothing else. To deliver the unearned is to cripple the moral spine of the species.

[22:01] Now, who do you deliver the unearned to where it's just? Who do you deliver the unearned to where it's just and right and fair? And if you don't, you're in the wrong. Who deserve the unearned?

[22:32] Well, children, of course. Babies do not toil for the who. You don't say to your toddler, he who does not toil shall not eat. Right. So the luck vampires are attempting to have you treat them as children. And how do children, get what they want? through love or through manipulation through love or through manipulation, and when they get older they apply negative pressure making you uncomfortable getting angry slamming doors and making you uh they apply negative pressure right making you anxious they stay out late they do whatever if they don't get what they want like addicts right they'll just, escalate until they get what they want so children get they want get what they want either because you love them or because if they feel unloved or the and i don't blame children for this at all they have to get what they want they just manipulate and apply positive and negative pressure right so the kid who wants the candy bar might have a meltdown right a temper tantrum oh fine take the candy bar whatever right so the portrayal of helplessness is essential for the luck vampires. You're just lucky. You didn't do anything to earn it. I was just unlucky.

[24:00] And if you can convince people that you're an adult and helpless and, quote, unlucky, then you can start laying the foundations for moral claims against you for your resources. Right? For claims against your resources. And life is divided, and this is often a male-female divide.

[24:31] That men are justice and women are sympathy. Because traditionally men have got their resources from the world, from the physical material world, whereas women have gotten their resources from men. So men are usually better at this kind of objective justice-based reasoning, and women are often better because they are going to get their resources from their men based upon either their men love them, which is the positive economics, or they can nag their men and make their men uncomfortable and withhold sex and yell at them and call them names until they get what they want.

[25:12] So, yeah, the luck vampires are gearing up to threat. And now, of course, I mean, in the past, it used to be more of a whisper campaign. Now it's a lot of social media, right? The social media is, I'm going to convince other people that you're a bad guy if you don't give me what I want. Or I'm going to convince other people, though this doesn't really work as well, that you're a bad woman if you don't give me what I want. I'm entitled to what you have because I've been unlucky and you've been lucky, and there but for the God's grace, could go I right and what is the most common manifestation of this in the world that is thank you for your tip by the way Taylor I appreciate that and of course you can tip on the app come on man 26 minutes and I'm, pounding out value like somebody who just struck oil, Yeah, thanks, Para. I do have that question. I will get to it.

[26:12] Manifestation of Bad Luck in Society

[26:12] What is the most common manifestation of a bad luck sob story that is also predatory on the resources of others?

[26:26] A single motherhood. Yeah, a single motherhood. I mean there is the military industrial complex and the wealth and all of that but the military industrial complex usually doesn't pray play victim right but uh you know hey he left me there was no way to know you you have a husband who stayed with you well i guess you're just lucky and you're so great i happen to have a baby daddy who left and i'm just unlucky and And good for you, I guess. I mean, I'm happy that you're lucky. I happen to have rolled snake eyes. I happen to have rolled a critical fail on a D20. So I'm unlucky. Right? I'm unlucky. I'm unlucky.

[27:30] Such BS. I mean, I can argue both sides. I argue at least a dodecahedron's worth of sides of anything before I bring it to the public's attention because I want to make sure I've crossed my T's and dotted my I's. And all of that. But come on. I mean, we understand the concept of luck as children. Some people are born into healthy, happy, intact families that have resources and respect and skills and status and some people are born into trash planet shit pits that are, Medusa waving heads of, paralyzing turned balls to stone destruction. Right? Some kids are lucky.

[28:17] You don't choose where you're born. I didn't choose where I was born. You didn't choose where you were born. Some kids are born into better circumstances than others. There's luck involved in that for sure. For sure. I mean i'm happy to hear arguments to the contrary but unless you believe that there is a positive and negative forces in the universe thank you for the tip i appreciate that if you accept that if you believe that there are positive and negative forces in the universe that are picking and choosing where children get born for i don't know some causation and reason of their own, then you're not a free will person and all of that right now people just he just changed Hey, man, I'm happy for you that you had a husband who didn't just change.

[29:02] Unraveling the Notion of Luck in Relationships

[29:03] He didn't just change. I'm happy for you. My husband or the guy I had a kid with, he just changed. There was no way to... Bad luck, right? There was no way to figure it out ahead of time is...

[29:22] A luck vampire, drawback of the bow, to threaten you for resources. There was no way for me to know it ahead of time. Bad luck. Bad luck means give me stuff. Is there bad luck in the world? Absolutely. I mean, I've been thinking about this stuff because the conversation I had yesterday, I'll put the, I think it'll probably go out soon for the donors for sure. But this was a man who's, he says it in the show so it's no big reveal but he's he's 30 and he's single and he's an only child and his mother and stepfather are i mean they're still in their 50s but he's like, what if they need me what if they get ill what if they both get ill at the same time who's going to take care of them this that and the other right.

[30:20] So we know there's bad luck in the world, obviously. So how do we deal with bad luck? Everybody knows there's bad luck in the world. Right? Everybody knows there's bad luck in the world. So the moment somebody uses the, I'm the victim of bad luck argument, they've revealed that they know there's such a thing as bad luck. So what do you do? That's right, Zimpf. Bingo. Insurance. Now, insurance could be physical insurance like, you know, because what I said to this guy was, well, look, they're, I don't know, I can't call them old because I'm in my 50s, but you could get sick. Yes, you could get sick, and you might not be able to work. It can happen. Sure. Every day is a winding road and a giant dice roll. Bad stuff can happen, no question. So what do you do? Well, you buy life insurance, you buy disability insurance, you buy various forms of health insurance, but public and private. So there you go.

[31:31] Well, what if they can't afford it? No, they can afford it. that they can afford it. Especially when you, I mean, I'm just, I bought life insurance when I was in my early 20s. Spoiler, life insurance in your early 20s is dirt cheap and by the time you've been paying into it for 10 years, you never have to pay again because they've invested your money and then the, so you don't have to, I was a broke-ass student and I was able to buy life insurance.

[31:59] Preparation for Bad Luck and Insurance

[32:00] Because the moment somebody says I'm the victim of bad luck, they're saying, I'm fully aware that there's such a thing as bad luck in this life, which means you're responsible for doing what you need to do to ameliorate your bad luck. Yeah, or you can save a bunch of money, or you can build a great community that's going to help you out. I mean, yes, there's bad luck in the world. Of course there is, and everybody knows that. And so a failure to prepare for bad luck is not bad luck. A failure to prepare for the inevitabilities of bad luck is not bad luck. That's a choice. That's a choice.

[32:46] Do women who have procreative sex... Thank you for those tips. I appreciate that. So do women who have procreative sex, do they know or do they not know that there's a possibility that, especially being unmarried, that the man might not stick around. Are they aware? In other words, a woman who says, well he just changed and he left, left me holding the bag, left me holding the baby. Baby, is a woman unaware that a man might not stick around if she gets pregnant? I'm sorry, it's almost embarrassing. It's almost embarrassing to have to ask these questions. Now, there certainly are women who don't know that, but they tend to be in institutions because they don't have the mental capacity to function anywhere independently in the world, right?

[34:00] So, a woman who has procreative sex with a man who leaves absolutely, completely, and totally knows that that's a risk ahead of time, right? That the man might leave. She absolutely, completely, and totally knows. And how do we know that she knows? Because she's saying it's bad luck. So, the moment she invokes luck, she knows that there's such a thing as good and bad luck, and she also knows that there's a risk that the man might leave. I mean, it's the biggest risk in human history. We couldn't have civilization, a prefrontal cortex. We couldn't have abstracts, morality. We couldn't have the IQ that we have. We couldn't have the alpha predator status that we have. We couldn't have anything if women had no capacity to distinguish guys who stay from guys who don't stay. Because our brain has only been able to develop because women have chosen men who stick around and provide resources. Because we are so helpless for so long and we could only remain so helpless for so long with the women breastfeeding and pumping out kids and taking care of the death magnets called toddlers, we could only have developed the extended helplessness that produces these giant brains because absolutely, specifically, universally almost, because women have the capacity to choose guys who stick around, particularly in colder climates where you've got winter.

[35:27] So we only have the brain to make the argument there's no way i could have known the guy was bad because women absolutely evolved with the deep primal visceral instinct to figure out who stays and who doesn't i mean it's embarrassing it's really it's embarrassing to see and of course it only happens because of the state right it only happens because of the state but it's an an embarrassing argument. It literally is like me saying human beings don't have the ability to hear sounds. It's like, well, why are you saying that? Because you're right. I have a brain that's so evolved that I can process things like luck and manipulation and predatory language to get resources through guilt manipulation. I've evolved this giant brain that's so big I can use language to manipulate others. And I only was able to develop this giant brain because women were were able to figure out who would stick around and who wouldn't. But I can't.

[36:34] Evolutionary Instincts and Single Motherhood

[36:34] And also, since single mothers often come from the children of single mothers, right? A mother who's a single mother is more likely to produce a daughter who's a single mother. So the woman is saying, well, I had no way of knowing that a man wouldn't stick around when she was raised in a household where the man... Did not stick around. I don't understand. I mean, I understand the manipulation. I don't understand how anyone takes it with any seriousness. Have you ever heard of single mothers? Were you raised by a single mother? Were there single mothers in your environment? Were there kids at your school who came from the households of single mothers? Were you aware of the phenomenon of single motherhood? And don't tell me. you had no idea of the risk.

[37:39] Awareness of Risks and Single Motherhood

[37:40] If you're surrounded by smokers who died of lung cancer, you cannot claim that you didn't know of the dangers of smoking.

[38:02] It's, uh, wild. Ah. All right. So, um, the guy who's very concerned about his mother and his stepfather getting old and, and unwell, of course I asked about the insurance and all of that. He said, well, what if they can't afford, or something like that, right? Or people say, well, what if you can't afford the insurance? And, of course, my answer is, they only had one kid. Right? Kids cost quite a lot of money to raise. You only had one kid. So you only had one kid. So let's say it depends how you raise them or whatever. It depends what inflation's at, but let's say it's quarter mil to raise a kid or 200 grand or whatever, right? 200 grand to raise a kid, right? Okay. So I said, okay, so let's say, you know, they would have They had three kids, but they only had one kid. They just saved themselves $400,000 to $500,000 by not having more kids. So I'm sure that they took that money and invested it or bought crypto or put it in T-bonds or whatever it was, right? Did something so that they have that money.

[39:17] No, they took all of the money they saved from not having children and spent it on other things. Well, that's a shame. That's a shame. Well, that's a shame. The other question I had, of course, was, hey, how's their health? And he's like, oh, my mom's a little, she's kind of overweight, and she's never really exercised. She eats very badly, and now she has diabetes. And now she has diabetes.

[39:58] Yep, yep, yep, yep. What are you going to say? What are you going to say? So, did not buy disability insurance. Did not exercise. became overweight, ate badly, has diabetes. And I said, did you tell her to eat better to exercise? He kind of fudged because everything was like fudge planet with this guy, fog planet. But eventually he's like, yeah, I told her she needs to exercise and she needs to eat better. Now, people, it's funny, you know, people give good advice. Like they're just farting in the wind. Well, I said some stuff, right? I have trouble understanding that. Genuine trouble understanding that. Do you know what is fantastic about giving good advice? Good advice is the ultimate escape hat. Good advice absolves you of the responsibility to transfer resources to people who just don't. Listen.

[41:23] You just don't listen. People don't understand what a giant, sonorous, planet-shaking bell you're putting into motion when you give someone good advice. A good advice absolves you of responsibility for people who don't follow it. You know, I've been a big fan of therapy, so when I was younger... I told my friends who had trouble in their life, hey man, go to therapy, it's a great thing. Quick question. And I have the example. Look, I mean, look, my life's going great. I went to therapy. Study philosophy, go to therapy, self-knowledge, virtue, rationality, integrity. So, quick question. How many of my friends and family members, écoutez, day. How many of them listened to my advice? We're talking a big fat bagel, a goose egg, a zero.

[42:42] Somebody says diabetes sucks. Avoid if possible. I was depressed, poor, stressed out, and had a slow motion death wish, paying for the choices from 20 years ago, do not do what I did. Right. Yeah, a friend of mine having trouble in his marriage, I said, go to therapy. He ended up in a legal issue. Another friend of mine and I having trouble getting dates was very insecure that he was short, which is really annoying because if you look at the correlation, there's no correlation between being short and not getting married and having children. It's all in your head.

[43:17] There's no there's no correlation between being short and not getting married, and not having children there's no correlation it's almost a perfect overlap if you're short you can get married and have children as much as the people who are tall which is completely obvious because bald men are not a turnoff to women to the point where there are no bald men bald women are a turnoff to men to the point where there are almost no bald women and so if If short was a complete turn off for all women in the known universe, there'd be no short jeans. They'd be gone, right? So, yeah, the shortness is just a sad excuse. And people say, well, you're tall. It's like, yeah, but I started balding in my early 20s. You don't think I've had a couple of setbacks along the way? I don't know. I don't know. Just a sad excuse. Now, people say, well, but a lot of women won't date me if I'm short. Great. Fantastic. You think that's bad? You think that's bad? No, it's not bad. It's good. Oh, no. All of the shallow, vain, glorious women who would probably trash me in divorce court won't date me. Oh, no. All women who have no depth, soul, quality, or appreciation of character, all of the pretty, empty, vapid, dangerous, viper-headed, medusa-boobed souls won't marry me. Oh, no. Wait, I can't go into the Hungry Lion enclosure? Oh, man.

[44:44] Oh dear oh dear that's very sad and that's an excuse yeah i mean men have this, The funny thing is that we all know that the short kings are trying to get girls who are out of their league, and they're choosing girls based upon the girls' physical qualities, not the qualities of their character. Because if the women had good quality character, they wouldn't reject a guy just for being short. So this is pure projection. And I've been in there. I've told you this story about my yoga teacher. So I've been there. We all understand this, but we've got to call it out. Right short guys go for hot girls which is choosing someone purely based on physical appearance and then they get really upset and angry when the hot girls don't go for them based purely on physical appearance hey man the fact that i choose someone based purely on physical appearance in no way justifies them choosing others based purely on physical appearance.

[45:50] Oh, it's so sad. Stop whining. Stop whining. Stop whining. Because now you're short and a whiner and a complainer and you're down on yourself and you're resentful and you're mad at the world. Yes, I think it's the excuse that makes you unattractive, not the height. Ah.

[46:16] Overcoming Obstacles and Excuses

[46:16] Just sad well women women don't like bald guys okay if some women don't but if a woman wouldn't date me because i was bald she missed out on a great husband a great provider a great dad for her children okay so she can go date some tall chad he'll dump her oh no women who make really terrible decisions won't date me what are you saying that dating you if they dated you you'd be part of their really terrible decisions. I don't know. It's sad. Mr. Stefan, no, understand the red pill. Ah, that's a fine argument. Well done. I bow before the superior scimitars of your swill-handed wisdom.

[47:03] All women are doing this.

[47:08] Yep, you know what? I'm not even going to try and talk you out of it. I'm not even going to try and talk you out of it. I'm not. If you want to seethe in anger for all women because you're short and all women apparently are just shallow and they'll never blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Okay, so if all women are doing this, I'm glad. Honestly, frankly, I'm glad that you're not going to be dating because you're not going to be dating, which means you're probably not going to get married. Well, you won't get married and you won't have kids probably and then you won't transmit this resentment to your children. So that's fine. We'll save the eggs for people who can be positive and who are willing to listen to facts and not willing to take excuses and get enraged at women in for choosing based upon physical attractiveness. Oh my God. You know, so yeah, I was bored. So what did I say? Okay. I'm never going to gain weight really. And you know, I did gain a little weight and I've lost it and all of that. So I'm going to work out, right? And be right back, going to Turkey to get a hair transplant, to impress a few skanks. Funny, harsh, but funny.

[48:11] Physical attractiveness is not that important for women. Far more important is confidence and charisma. charisma. Well, I don't know why you'd put all women in one giant bag of collectivism. Physical attractiveness is important for some women. Sure. It's less important for other women. J-Lo dates total trolls. Yeah. So, I mean, I'm not even going to try and talk you into it. If you want to hang on to your bitterness and your anger, it's probably good you're out of the dating market.

[48:41] Not the women I see in church each week. Husbands under six feet got kids together. Yeah, of course.

[48:51] You see, you as a short guy, or a bald guy, or... Everybody has a deficiency, right? Everybody has a defect. Everybody has a defect. Everybody has a deficiency. And let's say there's one in 10,000 and one in 100,000 people that are physically perfect. Well, then what happens is they end up with the anxiety of making money off their looks, and then their looks fade, and they just get the anxiety later, so...

[49:18] So... You're not being judged for being short, you're being judged for being bitter. Now, of course, yes, some women will judge you for being short. Absolutely. Absolutely. Absolutely, for sure. And some men won't date a woman with crooked teeth. Not her fault she has crooked teeth. Oh, would you get braces? Yeah, but sometimes they're kind of painful and all that. Or a woman can't help the shape of her face. So some men won't date women without prominent jaws or who have slightly bug eyes. It's like, okay, so... The reason that you are rejecting women ahead of time is that a good woman would reject you for blaming all women, calling all women shallow, and seething in resentment. You are being judged by not the content of your spine, but the quality of your character. And you don't like that. You don't like being judged for being bitter and negative. So you stay away from women, and you call it, I'm just too good for all these shallow women, isn't it?

[50:19] Guy says, I'm quite a short fellow, but I use that to my advantage and focus on other aspects to improve. I'm working towards getting engaged to a beautiful woman who's taller than me. LOL. Yeah. I would say a good percentage of women with a height preference could have it overcome if you came with other great qualities. Right. So you think that women are filtering for height. They're not. What are they using height as a proxy for? What are they using height as a proxy for?

[50:57] Unconsciously, I'm sure. And, you know, maybe there are some women who have a total height fetish. I get all of that. But when a woman says, I want a guy six foot or taller, what's she filtering for? Nope. No, no. Some short guys can be super strong. And being small has an advantage in hunting, right? So big, glumping guys, it's tough to hunt, right? I'd say there's a reason why short guys exist.

[51:21] So they're filtering for resentment.

[51:25] The Correlation Between Height and Dating

[51:26] Tom Cruise is short, yes, but he also has gone through a bunch of marriages, but I think that's more to do with other factors. No, women are filtering for resentment. They're filtering for having a chip on your shoulder, you know, short guy syndrome. We all know the short guy syndrome, where they're kind of belligerent and punchy, you know, of mice and men kind of stuff, right? No, short guys have economic potential, lots of very rich guys are short that's not it big guys have more mass to control can be slower yeah big guys also require more calories and in an uncertain food environment being small is better so no women are filtering for resentment right, they're filtering for resentment they're filtering for having a chip on your shoulder they're filtering for having a bad temper and they're filtering for confidence right Right. Because if a woman says, I only date guys who are six foot or taller and you say, well, I'm a three inches shorter than your height requirement, but I make up for it in other ways.

[52:29] I took my height and added it to my penis. Right. So, uh, it's, um, do you have the confidence to, to go past that right now? Again, some of them, like if you go past that in a confident way and say, yeah, that's kind of funny. You know, I think, I think that's cute. And I appreciate that you have these standards I think it's great but trust me you absolutely want to have a conversation with me I'm fantastic I'm great, I'm funny, I'm warm, I'm affectionate I'm a good provider, I love kids and I mean that's worth more, plus old guys shrink shrink as you get older.

[53:07] So, yeah, people filter for a wide variety of things. And if you are somebody who thinks that the only filter that's going on with women who have height preferences is for height, then you may not be, I don't want to say smart enough, because you guys are definitely smart, but you have something wrong with your thinking and you don't understand people very well. Or, in other words, you've let your resentment overshadow your capacity for wisdom. Yeah. I mean, do you think that everyone who gets together and loves each other, that the other person checks every one of the boxes they had? I'm just curious, like, if you think that. Do you think that I checked every single one of my wife's boxes, and do you think she checked every single one of my boxes? No, of course not. It's good to have check marks, and there are some check marks which are non-negotiable, of course, like kindness and curiosity and virtue and so on. On but i mean it's it's it's sorry i mean it's just a silly it's a very silly thing demonstrate lacking social awareness demonstrating a lack of empathy, well look don't be a stalker obviously and don't give women attention when they tell you not to but you don't think a woman wants a man who can overcome obstacles a man who gives up too easily won't be able to provide resources. Women want men who overcome obstacles.

[54:37] Somebody says, a man in a cheap, ugly suit, old, boring car, and under six foot who can strut around like he's king and then can be kind and funny, smart, and get a good woman.

[54:51] A man is looking for a woman with self-restraint and a woman is looking for a man who can overcome obstacles because you can't get monogamy from a woman who can't overcome her impulse control. This is serious wisdom. I think so. I mean, I've hopefully got some credibility dated around when I was younger and been happily married for 21 years. so, so this is why being overweight is such a turn off for men because it means that the woman has little impulse control and if she has little impulse control then some man who comes onto her she might sleep with right so a man is looking for a slender woman because that signals the capacity for monogamy because, she can resist temptation.

[55:46] Right and if a woman says six foot or taller call her and the 510 or 511 guy is like, okay, then she's filtered him out because of that. And again, I know you don't need to say this to you guys, but that explains why all the polyamorous women I see are overweight. Well, this kind of an, it's a cliche, right? You see this one, a chunky woman with these, you know, beta males without any muscle floating around her, right? So So, yeah, you have the ability to defer gratification.

[56:23] Also, if you don't have the ability to defer gratification, you're going to lose your shit on your kids, right? Because sometimes your kids will annoy you and sometimes whatever, right? And so, what are some other tests women put out for perseverance? Perseverance. Well, what do you guys think? What tests do women put out for perseverance?

[56:48] I mean, you've seen these memes, right? And the memes are, well, I told the guy that I didn't want to go on a date with him and he just never contacted me again. Like what's up with that, right? What are some other tests women look out for perseverance? Well, I think that there's a bell curve of attractiveness for women from what I've talked to that a guy who's completely pear-shaped and no muscles whatsoever and so on is a turnoff. Guys who are like super shredded and three hours a day in the gym and you know snorting protein like cocaine off freddie mercury's butt crack or something then that's kind of a turnoff too right.

[57:33] Uh i have a boyfriend uh no i don't think that's the case i don't think that's the case because if if the woman says, I have a boyfriend, and the man continues to pursue her, then he's signaling that he doesn't care about monogamy, he doesn't care, and he'll just step in and out of other people's committed relationships. That's a bad sign. So the I have a boyfriend thing, that's almost for me definitely, I don't want any further pursuit, and of course don't pursue women who don't want to be pursued. But, If she's like, you don't meet me.

[58:21] Oh, that's interesting. Okay. Thank you for the question. Why did I take a giant dump on Christianity during last Friday Night Live?

[58:29] The Consequences of Enabling Bad Behavior

[58:29] Absolutely false. I mean, absolutely false. That's really one of the least intelligent things I've seen in the live stream. No disrespect, and I'll make the case, but that's not at all the case. It's not at all the case. Stapler, I can't see your comments. So, no, I appreciate the trawling. I mean, that's high-quality click engagement, for sure. It's like the guy who was posting, Scarlett Johansson is totally mid, and he had a little tiny, she's got a little tiny cellulite and a little tiny belly, although she's in her late 30s now or whatever, right? I don't know. It's just, I appreciate the trawling. That's excellent stuff. Let's see here. how much a factor is a single mother who has no time to spend with their kids and motivation for their teen girls to find someone to maybe have a child so they will have someone who loves them, a terrible plan, but possible for teenagers?

[59:28] I don't understand. Are you saying that, women who are almost adults or who are adults, let's say they're 18, right? Women who are adults don't know that that babies need resources. They don't know that they're going to have to give a lot to babies and do a lot for babies.

[59:59] So, psychologizing away people's bad decisions is just giving them more excuses, right? Like, we need the insurance industry because there's bad luck in the world. So, the only way that we can be shielded from bad luck is to let people eat the bitter consequences of failing to plan. You can't have life insurance if everyone can apply for it after someone dies. You can't have fire insurance if you can call in the middle of a big blaze and get fire insurance. You can't have protection against bad luck unless you get people, unless you let people suffer the consequences of bad luck. You can't get protection from bad luck unless you let people suffer the consequences of bad luck. So everyone who shields people from the consequences of no planning for bad luck is making, you're endangering everyone else.

[1:00:49] Undermining Society Through Excuses

[1:00:49] You're endangering everyone else. You think it's kind? It's not kind. It's just being manipulated and calling it virtue.

[1:01:01] So if you have an abusive mother, let's say, you have an abusive mother, doesn't take care of her health, she gets old, she doesn't repent, she's still mean, she's sick because she's lifestyle, like 70 to 80% of people's illnesses are the direct result of their choices. There's not that much bad luck in health. There's some, there's some, but the overwhelming majority of health issues are the result of people's choices. So if you have, a mean, sick, nasty mother and you give up your life to take care of her in her old age, you think you're being nice. You're not. You're signaling to every other mother, I can be a total bitch. I cannot take care of my health and my children will still take care of me. You are enabling and funding and fueling and supporting and subsidizing child abuse. That's what I don't understand about people. Sorry, I mean, I don't mean to play dumb or anything here, but you're not being kind.

[1:02:14] You're not being kind. You're being bullied and calling it virtue and you're undermining society as a whole. I mean, if you were to run, if you were some politician and you run on the platform, that people should be able to get insurance after the disaster has occurred, you're destroying the entire insurance industry and everybody is then left completely unprotected against bad luck. You're not being kind. You're destroying people's protection. When you ameliorate the bad outcomes of people's bad decisions, you are undermining everybody's protection. So if you fully subsidize and you treat an unrepentantly abusive and destructive person in your life as if they're virtuous. You are taking away the negative consequences for immorality. You are thus subsidizing immorality. Whatever you subsidize, you get more of. You are making the world a worse place, by not letting people suffer the bad consequences of their own bad decisions. And at a physical level, by the by, you're only alive because your ancestors didn't do that. Right, the grasshopper and the ant. It's a nice story, and it's all about, right, that's a, that's a, like a vampire story. Well, I didn't work, but you're going to give me your food anyway. I didn't plan for winter. So you understand, if your ancestors.

[1:03:37] If your ancestors if your ancestors.

[1:03:44] Had done what you do, if you are doing all of this, right? You wouldn't be here. So you're preying off moral certainty with moral relativism. It's terrible. terrible.

[1:04:09] The Evolution of Intelligence and Responsibility

[1:04:09] But there's somebody who puts it way better than I did. And that is Roman. That is Roman. Let me see here. Let me see if I can find the speech. Right. Do you know why you have the intelligence to make your slave machinery? Do you even know how we evolved? He opened his right hand and pounded the base of his left fist into it. We evolved through unspeakable and unending brutality. Particularly the northern people, we grew our brains because people who did not plan for winter the stupid, the greedy, the short-sighted died over the course of that winter.

[1:05:10] Like those pink, soft Roman city dwellers. People who had no food in late winter went knocking and begging at the doors of their neighbours, holding up their hungry children, tears in their eyes. And do you know what their neighbours did? Do you know why we have any brains at all? His voice lowered to almost a whisper, were causing David and Alice to lean in together. Their neighbours slammed the door in their faces. They locked their doors and flashed in their windows and picked up an axe, if need be, to chop down their stupid, greedy neighbours to make sure they had enough food for their own children. And those children saw their neighbours being driven into the snow and cut in pieces if necessary. And maybe they buried those bodies around the algaes. And when the spring came, do you think that those children ever forgot that lesson? Do you think those children ever failed to prepare for the length of winter?

[1:06:27] Do you think we would ever have evolved the intelligence and forethought to make the machines that make us lazy if our ancestors had not lived like us rather than you?

[1:06:42] Few pieces of genuine spittle flew from Roman's mouth. Alice blinked in surprise, trying to remember if she had ever seen such intensity in anything or anyone outside of crazed historical documentaries. So that's for my novel, The Future.

[1:07:08] You could, James, if you could drop in the link, slash books, if you're just listening, it's free. It's a great book. It's a great book.

[1:07:17] The Importance of Accountability and Planning

[1:07:18] Well, and of course, I mean, this was the Obamacare stuff, which I talked about many years ago, right? If you can't, like the whole point of insurance is you can't have the condition, you can't call for fire insurance when your house is burning down. And so when they said, well, you can't deny people for preexisting conditions, then people in America just said, okay, well, I'll wait until I get sick and then I'll apply for health insurance. And then the health insurance companies were going bankrupt, so then they had to force everyone to buy health insurance. Kind of boring.

[1:07:49] Kind of like what happened in California. State farms and other insurance companies have left the state and don't offer home insurance anymore. Sure. Yeah. Thank you, 13rettonian, for joining on Rumble. I appreciate that. Younger than that, very early teens and daughters of single mothers, They have had bad role models and a poor parent need mom's attention, so they can't get it. They might be under the delusion that they can meet someone, have a kid, and raise he or she in a loving family. As adults, we know that this is a horrible idea. I just wonder if that plays a large role. Are you talking about, oh, so you're talking about children. Well, yeah, that's why I made it adults, right? Yeah, children make bad decisions. That's why we need parents. So I agree with that.

[1:08:41] This is epic. Yes. A 10 out of 10 book would recommend Thank You Zymph. Which British accent is that, Stef just used? It's a minor cockney with a flavor of, I don't know. Soon to be a major motion picture any century now. No, I'll live to see everything that I've written. All my novels will be turned into books because there'll be AI that can do it before I'm dead. Guaranteed. All right.

[1:09:05] Discussing Sin and Harm in Relationships

[1:09:06] So let me just get some other questions here. Hey, Stef, why did you take a giant dump on Christianity during the last Friday Night Live? I did not. I did not. What did I do? So I was talking about the Crowder divorce. It's for donors. And very basically, it was like, why is everyone focusing on the legalese and not focusing on two things in the Crowder divorce situation? Number one, it's a sin to do what you're doing, right? You broke your vows to God. You broke your vows to each other. you broke your vows to your children uh and so why isn't anyone talking about the sin of what they're doing right that seems important because there's so many christians who are commenting on this and i've not seen one person talk about the sin number one and number two is.

[1:09:54] Nobody's really talking about how bad this is for the children right and it's a sin in particular to harm children in christianity and what they're doing is harmful to the children so, I mean, and I mentioned this in a very short video yesterday, which was everyone's talking about the legal contracts, you know, the lawsuits, the legal contracts, you signed this NDA and it was voluntary and so on. It's like, so if contracts are really important, how about the solemn vow you made before God and society and the peril of your own soul to love each other forever? What about that? That contract seems a smidge more important than an NDA because that's at risk of your eternal soul.

[1:10:31] All right, Stef, are you ever going to come back to YouTube? You think that's my choice? You think that's a choice? And no, I mean, even if they invited me back or let me come back, I wouldn't. I wouldn't go back unless they apologize to make restitution. If you've been sinned against, which I view I have been, then I expect apologies and restitution. All right. Why do you think someone would hate receiving sympathy? I have hated it as long as I remember, but I don't know why. why. Don't know why I didn't come. All right.

[1:11:08] Um, hate receiving sympathy. Oh, I was talking about this with my daughter the other day.

[1:11:13] The Complexity of Receiving Sympathy

[1:11:14] So one thing I hated when I was a kid of the many things I'm afraid overcoming hatred has been a big challenge for me. But one of the things that I hated as a kid was I'd be upset about something. And you know what people would say? Oh, he's had had a big day oh he's overstimulated oh he's he's just been he had he had he missed his nap right, which was a way of saying, that i had no just a valid reason for being upset i had no legitimate complaints nobody had ever done me wrong and i thought and i had i had made a fundamental unjust mistake steak. So I wasn't upset at anyone for doing something. I was just overtired. I'd had a big day and I didn't know how tired I was. I was blind to my own motivations. I was transmogrifying, just being physically tired or overstimulated into some moral complaint against someone. And it's just a way of poofing it all away.

[1:12:17] Just poofing it all away. And people do this all the time. Of course, we can get into this in more detail, but people do this all the time. You have a complaint, and you're wrong. They don't even have to listen. They don't even have to listen. You have a complaint? No. Never happened. We did the best we could. What are you talking about? It's in the past. Who cares? Move on. Be the bigger person. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I mean, 99% of society is designed around diffusing legitimate moral complaints. Oh, he's in just one of his moods. He's just in one of his moods. You need to fix your attitude. And maybe you need to fix the household. So my guess is that the sympathy is a way of telling you to shut the hell up because no one's going to listen to your legitimate complaints. I would imagine that's probably why you hate receiving sympathy because it's not. It's not. You know, it's like how terrible it is. You know, if someone's complaining and you just drug them so they pass out, that's pretty terrible, right? So one way you can drug people is by promising them that you'll never listen to any of their legitimate complaints. And maybe sympathy is a way of doing that.

[1:13:23] All right. Let me, I think I have other questions here. Let me just make sure I got them. Thank you, of course, everyone, so much for joining today. Tips are very welcome. You can tip me here, or, of course, either now, or, if you're listening later, you can tip me at slash donate. Sorry to thank you for the tips, but we have payroll, right? As you know, we have two people, two more people working and I need to, uh, I need to do, uh, I need to do payroll. So if you could help, I would appreciate that. Yeah. He's oversensitive, that kind of stuff or whatever. I hate it even when it's something I've done wrong and I'm not complaining. Yeah. Oh, you hate sympathy even when it's something I've done wrong and I'm not complaining.

[1:14:11] Something I've done wrong. Sympathy. So resentment at faux sympathy could be one reason another reason is who does it cost you if you genuinely accept the value of sympathy sympathy is a nice thing it's a good thing there's nothing wrong with sympathy it's not always manipulative right so who who suffers the most if you accept the value of sympathy in other words if you accept sympathy and you realize it is a bomb and a comfort and an anesthetic in the harsh sandblaster to the face, right of life if you accept sympathy and it feels good right if you accept sympathy and it does genuine sympathy feels good and it's nice and it helps take some of the load off and all of that, so who suffers the most in your life if you accept the value and comfort of sympathy, well of course we all know the answer to that you're smart guys are smart enough i don't need to have this big long pause, plus I know there's a delay, but the people who suffer in your life.

[1:15:21] Lack of Genuine Sympathy

[1:15:21] If you accept the genuine value of sympathy, the people who will suffer the most in your life are the people who owed you sympathy but never gave it to you. That's who will suffer. So I would imagine, I don't know for sure, and welcome, you can go to slash call and you guys can get front of the queue for this stuff, slash call. But I assume that there are people who owed you sympathy, who didn't give it to you, and if you accept genuine sympathy, you'll realize all of the relief and comfort that you've been missing over the years and you'll get mad at them. What are the effects of always moving as a kid? Well, I know a little bit about this. I moved around a lot, went to a bunch of different schools. What are the effects of always moving as a kid?

[1:16:10] Where is the best place to connect with you live, Stef? He asks on the live stream where I ask the question. So do you mean which platform whatever you like whatever you like is fine with me I like I like that it's a great community, and of course if you donate to that community then you get access to, Stefbot AI and History of the French Revolution, Introduction to Sadism which should have been longer because it would have been more painful obviously and a whole bunch of call-in shows and premium shows that were too spicy I see for the main, so is a great place. I will throw in in fact, let me just throw in the promo here, so you get a sense of what's there. And I also do private live streams for those, and they get premium shows as well. So let me just put that in there. I will put also that in over there as well. I don't need to have that running. I'll do the last bit oh yeah james sorry if you can do that last bit too thanks.

[1:17:22] I can't think of anyone who didn't give me sympathy I was owed, especially back when I started feeling this way. I'll have a think about it. Thanks, Stef. I can't think of anyone who didn't give me sympathy I was owed, especially back when I started feeling this way.

[1:17:40] Okay, so when you came home from school, I assume you went to school, when you came home from school and you had complaints about school, or you had complaints about the uselessness of what you were learning, or you had complaints about the amount of homework, work, or you had complaints about bullying, or you had complaints about whatever, having to get up early and go to school on a schedule that you didn't invent, didn't need, and is particularly bad for teenagers. So if you complained as a child, did you get, oh, pat, pat, pat, that's tough, but go back to school? Or did you get genuine sympathy? Genuine sympathy is when you change things, right? So did you get to complain and have things change?

[1:18:20] Thank you, Ben, for the a tip. I appreciate that. All right. New question. New question. Hi, Stef. Yearly supporter here. Well, I'll get back to you when you renew. Just kidding. All right. In a recent conversation with my grandparents, boomers brought up how us millennials lack morality because we didn't have compulsory military service where we were not taught morality. We didn't have compulsory military service where we were not taught morality. I assume, please, please, please, everybody, just, it's a simple proofread. It takes literally 10 seconds and don't waste everyone's time with a confusing message unless I'm missing something. I think you mean to say we didn't have compulsory military service where we were taught morality. Whole family is shattered and lots of skeletons in the closet, by the way. Can you talk about how these people tend to put the blame on external entities? Right.

[1:19:17] I felt this way before I ever went to school. I felt it as long as I can remember. Okay, so then you didn't receive genuine sympathy if sympathy angered you. Sorry, I don't know. Like if you go to the dentist and they say, here's the anesthetic, right? And then they inject you and it makes everything feel 10 times worse. Are you getting the right anesthetic? Is the anesthetic working? No. So sympathy is supposed to make you feel better. If it makes you feel angry, then it's not, by definition, sympathy. It's something else. Sorry, I don't mean to... Like if you pick up a piece of fruit, you take a bite out of it, and it turns out to be made of wax, and you say, well, that's not good. That's not real fruit because it tastes like wax, and the innards are wax, and it doesn't taste like fruit. So then it's not real fruit. So sympathy is a comfort situation. Situation, sorry, I don't mean to sound annoyed, but maybe I'm missing something in this, but you keep saying, sympathy makes me enraged. And I say, well, by definition, sympathy is supposed to make you feel better. So if it makes you feel angry or frustrated or annoyed or negative, then it's not real sympathy. Then it's got to be something else. And then you getting real sympathy would uncover whoever gave you the fake sympathy that made you feel worse.

[1:20:36] You know, it's a kind of thing like, you know, sex is supposed to feel good. If it feels like you're dying, you should probably see a doctor. If your orgasm I don't know there's blood if that which is supposed to be good is actually terrible then there's something wrong right so yeah so the this is the question, about morality and it's truly truly foundational question about morality, how do you teach virtue, how do you inculcate virtue particularly in the young, So there are three ways to teach virtue. Two of them overlap.

[1:21:21] Effects of Moving as a Kid

[1:21:22] Number one, punishment. Number two, reward. Number three, modeling.

[1:21:31] How do you teach virtue? So you either punish children for failing to meet the moral standards. You reward them for meeting the moral standards, and sometimes there's a combination of the two. or you model virtue and your children copy you. Right? Is there any other way to do it? You can't just toss them a bunch of books. So you either, how do you get children to be good?

[1:22:02] You punish them and or reward them or you model behavior and they copy you. And then, of course, you give them the ideas and the arguments, but how do you get children to be good? To me, it's kind of like speaking a language. How do you get children to learn language? Well, for the most part, what you do is you speak that language to them, and they copy you. They're absorbing, they're identifying, they're making the associations. It's crazy how quickly children learn language when they're in that mode. It's wild. So how do you teach them language? Is it a language you don't speak, Like, let's say, I don't know, some guy wants, he doesn't speak Japanese. He wants his kid to speak Japanese, so he doesn't learn Japanese. But he just, I don't know, listens to a couple of videos. And if she mispronounces it, he punishes her, but he doesn't speak the language. Well, he's going to have to punish and reward a whole bunch because he doesn't speak the language. Whereas if you want your kid to learn Japanese, then you should learn Japanese and speak Japanese to the child. And, you know, correct them as you go along and all that kind of stuff. So, what is your family, right? Millennials lack morality because we didn't have compulsory military service. So, you won't took morality. Okay. So, they are very clearly signaling that you teach morality through violence. Right? Through massive punishment.

[1:23:30] Through massive punishment. Through, you teach morality by forcing young men, I don't know what they say, it's the draft, well, women weren't drafted, so they're saying that women are incapable of learning morality because they're not drafted. So, they're saying that the way you teach morality is enslave people and force them to murder others. You hold a gun to their head and you say, shoot that guy, it's not an act of self-defense because they're not invading your country because they're talking Vietnam, right? So what they're saying is kidnap someone, put a gun to their head and say, you shoot that guy or I shoot you. That's how you teach morality. So they're saying that morality is based on death threats. And there are a lot of people who believe that. That you teach morality to children through death threats. Now, again, death threats for children can be parental ostracism is a kind of death threat. Parental inattention is a minor death threat because you need your parents to protect you. We evolved that way. So if your parents aren't caring about you, they're not thinking positively about you. They're not there to protect you and take care of you and support you and feed you. it's a death threat. So, they're saying that the way you teach morality is through violence, through death threats. And, you know, most violence is based upon a death threat, right?

[1:24:55] Stef, didn't you report data a fair while ago that the short guys needed hundreds of thousands of dollars in extra income to be attractive to women despite lack of height? So, your new data contradicts the old data. Yes. Look, there's no question that women prefer tall guys. That's That's not what I'm saying. And there's no question that I'm saying that being short is not a barrier to getting married and having children. So yes, if given the choice, women will choose a tall guy over a short guy, all other things being equal. And that's not a female thing. That's an everyone thing. If you have the perfect woman, do you want her to have also the perfect figure, all other things being equal? Do you want her to be perfectly beautiful and perfectly sexy and perfectly... Of course you do. So all other things you know being equal a woman will prefer, a taller guy so in the game show yes in the sort of questions that they have on TV and so on yes short guys have to, make up for that right but of course this is a situation where the women are choosing simply based on looks right, and the other thing too is that the sort of shallowness of modern society means do you know why Do you know why most women will choose most men?

[1:26:20] Do you know why most women would choose most men? So in the past, when women were going to have kids and be part of their moral community in the church and so on, women would choose men based upon personal virtues in general. But now, women often choose men for status, for clout, right? So it's one thing if you're in some village and you marry a guy who's shorter than you who makes you totally happy, that's one thing. Right now, of course, oh, you've got a new boyfriend, let's see a picture, and you put it on social media, and then all these comments, oh, I guess you snagged a short king, oh, wow, he's really short, oh, my gosh, he's so much shorter than you, oh, you know, and there's this disapproval, or this, like, what happened, or why couldn't you get a tall guy? Like, so, now it's this bizarre race to shallowness and we live in this, like, ultimate rule of Hiram Chadistan, where the tall guys confer higher status to the women in particular when they are showing off their boyfriends to other women. It's kind of like with the rise of modern media was the rise of the cult of the engagement ring, right? You've got to spend two months salary and all this kind of crap, right? So short men can get taller by sitting on their fat wallets. Yeah. Yeah.

[1:27:40] So, no, I mean, you're absolutely right to bring that up. And yes, all other things being equal, men, women prefer a guy with great hair. All other things being equal, right? In general, right? Very few, I mean, some women like the bald, for sure. But most times, if you were to say to a woman, here's your perfect guy, he's either balding or he has great hair, they'd say, oh, I'll take the guy with great hair. Yeah. So it's a plus, height is a plus, for sure. Sure, but that doesn't mean you can't get date or get married. Right?

[1:28:16] Sympathy vs. Anesthetic

[1:28:16] I mean, hmm, shouldn't I or shouldn't I? I'm on the edge. I'm on the edge. Living on the edge. How to tell if a woman wants a stater slash clout or if she is genuine? Well, if she's a social media addict, you're probably doomed. You're probably doomed social media is for most people it's digital satanism so, on the edge okay I don't know if I want to talk about this with you guys or maybe in a solo show hit me with a why if you've seen or heard if you've seen or know the movie or movies called, Twilight, Twilight Twilight Have you seen, and I think there's four of them, or five, five of them? It's endless. Have you seen the movie Twilight? And I'm pretty sure I did a movie review of this back in the day, but oh my gosh.

[1:29:25] You can tell me you're relatively anonymous. You have, right? Do you know what the purpose of Twilight is? Do you know why? It's not such a great story. Why was it picked out of all of the rubble of various stories? Why is this a movie? I'll give you a brief synopsis, but why do you think this movie was made? The brief synopsis is there's a woman, she's a girl, she's 16, I think. She's kind of average looking, and she's shy, and she doesn't have any particular skills or abilities. She doesn't draw, she doesn't sing, she doesn't paint, she doesn't read books, she doesn't have wisdom, She doesn't know foreign languages. She doesn't, she's not a witty conversationalist. She's forgettable. She's absent. She's a void.

[1:30:15] And a vampire who's hundreds of years old falls completely madly and totally in love with her.

[1:30:28] And he's played by Robert Pattinson, also known as The Hair. And he's super good looking he's super sexy and he's super wealthy and you know has all of these positive characteristics also he's kind of broody and tortured which appeals to a lot of, angsty teen girls now everybody this is kind of the bridget jones thing it's like Like neurotransmitter brain porn to causes women's brains to short circuit. So then there's this guy named Jacob who's super buff. Like apparently shirts are illegal in this environment. And he's like a native American guy and he's a werewolf. And both the super handsome, super wealthy vampire and the super passionate, super muscular werewolf are totally obsessed with this completely absent, boring, average girl with no redeeming characteristics. Characteristics like there's i mean it's not terrible person or anything like that but.

[1:31:49] And it's the same thing with 50 shades of gray where this woman she literally is kind of boring and average looking no particular interesting characteristics uh no great wit no great knowledge no great virtue no great wisdom no great anything no great talents no it's just mid blank and in 50 shades of gray she's like this loser girl who works in a hardware store and this this super buff, multi-billionaire, playboy, blah, blah, blah, blah, becomes completely obsessed with her.

[1:32:23] The purpose, Twilight, is population control. I'm not saying that's the conscious purpose, but to me that's the inescapable conclusion. Because the way that you kill women's pair bonding is you give them the impression that, the ultimate males will become obsessed with them. And you get them to bond in a fictional setting with super stimuli males. Fantastic looking, super wealthy, super muscular, and obsessed with them. There's no competition. They don't care about the other girls. They're just laser focused on them. Why? Why? Why? Why?

[1:33:32] Twilight: Purpose Revealed

[1:33:33] So in the movie Twilight, in the first movie, there's a nice average boy who's interested in Bella. Bella is her name, right? Bella Swan. So hallmark. So there's the intense, absolutely gorgeous, super wealthy, mysterious, all-knowing, absolutely genius vampire guy. He's a super stimulus, right? And then there's a nice, funny, warm, average guy who wants to ask her out.

[1:34:18] Now, she's bonded with the super stimulus guy. So if you get the average to bond with the super stimulus guy, then they look at the average guy who's a match for them, and what do they say? ew, ew no no no it's Jacob and Vampire the werewolf super buff werewolf guy super wealthy super genius super handsome you know like he could literally shave with his own jawline Robert Patterson right, So the purpose, of course, of these movies is to get the women to bond with the impossible so they reject the compatible. So that when you're not the super genius, super wealthy, super handsome vampire guy who can, you know, women are attracted to athleticism. This guy can run on air, run through trees. He can sprint everywhere. He can, right, he saves her from a car that's about to be super strong. And every single button is just hammered. It's a drug. Yeah, the average guy has the ick.

[1:35:45] It's to give women, to give girls, revulsion for the compatible. I mean, what was it? There was a Bridget Jones diary. Bridget Jones is a very, she's below average, right? She's an alcoholic. She's not very good at her career. She's overweight and she's petty and, you know, she does not have a good family and all of that, right? But in one of the Bridget Jones diary movies, there's like two millionaires. She gets pregnant. She doesn't even know whose kid it is. And there's two millionaires who are gorgeous. Two gorgeous millionaires are vying for her hand as a single mother. And what's that for? What's that for? It's to raise women's expectations to the point of infertility. As far as I can see. I'm not saying that this is some conscious plan or anything like this, but this seemed to me this certainly would be the effect. Now, of course, just because somebody offers a drug doesn't mean you have to take it. But it's funny because women criticize male pornography consumption, which I completely understand. But then they have this.

[1:37:09] They have this, which makes the average look repulsive. I mean, I remember there was a, this is really off faded memory, but there was a Seinfeld where they're just talking about the average person is ugly. It's like, no, the average person is average.

[1:37:31] There's greed and vanity. I need a guy who can run through trees, who has millions of dollars as a young man, but never needs to work like this in one of the movies like sorry spoiler i guess right it's a long time ago now but bella and the vampire uh they get married right and the wedding of course is beautiful and and and perfect and massively expensive the ring is huge and then he flies her in a private plane to a private island where they live in this absolutely gorgeous resort resort area it's like a beautiful on the beach with the moonlight there's no one else around and he says oh yes my my my father gave us this island for our wedding and it's like oh my god like they're 18 or whatever right how many 18 year old guys who are super gorgeous can pay or their family can pay for massively expensive weddings give you a private jet give you a whole island in with a beauty like this is just short-circuiting women completely it's a drug it's like the people who've been high on cocaine for three years can't feel any normal happiness.

[1:38:47] Ugh.

[1:38:57] I mean, I assume that men don't think that porn is real, but I think somehow this gets past women's defenses because it's, quote, romantic and all of that. But the average 18-year-old guy is broke. I mean, he'd be lucky to get you on a greyhound to a motel, let alone a private jet to a private island that has been gifted to you on your wedding day. How much does this contribute to a woman looking at a man who's average like her, as most people are, and saying, ew. The super stimuli is a drug, like in the same way that cocaine is a super stimuli and other heroin is a super stimuli. It's incredibly destructive to your capacity to experience normal levels of attraction and health. Romance novels mostly have a similar format and a similar effect yeah also the most purchased genre of fiction that's right so personally you know red flag time would be a woman who's into impossible male standards right.

[1:40:21] How is this different? Oh, people, sorry, somebody asked, sorry. That was a completely incomplete thought. How is this different from the fairy tale stories of the past? The knight with shining armor fighting off dragons to rescue her. So for the most part, that was used to generate a fighting spirit among men, not to generate unrealistic expectations among women. In so yes a a red flag would be um i mean vampire the super stimuli romance stories would be a, very uh very big red flag there's nothing this guy doesn't check off right he even has a dangerous interesting, right?

[1:41:10] And there is, of course, um, I mean, in one of the movies, right? She, she gets pregnant with the vampire baby and, and she also gets half beaten up, uh, during sexual activity and it has bruises all over her and it's just appalling, right? But that's part of the 50 shades of gray, uh, weird beat me kink that goes on, but she then dies in, in childbirth, right? So she, she's got this beautiful wedding and they're having this sexy time in this resort that she now owns the Island and the whole hotel or whatever it is. And they're having a wonderful time. But then when she gets pregnant, she gets sick, skinny and dies. So that's just training training women to not have children, to not have children. It's really, really terrible stuff.

[1:42:10] Because nothing's accidental. It's not like these stories are just so super popular and it's organic. It's all manufactured stuff. They just pick someone and then they just say, oh, this is great, and everyone goes along. I can remember when Hamilton was out, the sort of rap musical about the Founding Fathers. Everywhere you turned on, every show, even in fiction, it's, oh, Hamilton. Oh, I got tickets for Hamilton. Oh, Hamilton's great. It's not organic stuff. It's not like this story just gets pulled out of nowhere and everyone loves it. and I know this because everything that's not part of the approved narrative gets to cancel, right? It's pretty easy to cancel things, right? You just tell everyone it's unpopular, bad or, you know, it's, right? So if it's promoted, it's serving someone, right? It's not, there's very little that's organic about this stuff.

[1:43:00] Baldness and Family Trees

[1:43:01] All right. Any other last questions, tips, support slash donate to help out you can tip either in the website you can tip on the app you can tip later of course free slash donate to help out the show oh yes sorry somebody had a question about baldness so why why is baldness a thing because most people would get married in their teens and male baldness doesn't really show up until a man is in his late 20s or 30s well but you would look at the family tree and you'd see right there are older brothers i mean you'd have big families at least that'd be family trees. Although you could see, you could see the future, right? I mean, you know, this old thing that if you want to know how your wife's going to look in 30 years, you look at her mother or whatever, or 20 years. And so, yeah, they would see whether the boldness is in the family. And that's right.

[1:43:55] So I don't think that's much of an answer. Because if that was an answer, then why are there no bald women, right? Someone asked me why a declining population is bad, and I wasn't able to explain why. To me, it's enough to know that having children will make you happier in the long run, but I'm surprised to be lacking an answer.

[1:44:14] Well, why is a declining population bad? I mean, in a free society, why is a declining population bad? I don't think it's bad at all. It would just be part of a cycle, right? So you have a large population growth, sort of baby boom post-war. You have a large population growth, you build a bunch of houses, you build a bunch of infrastructure.

[1:44:33] And then what happens is there are fewer children and then the housing prices go way down because there are too many houses and all of this stuff opens up. And then because it's so cheap to have a house, people can afford more kids. So then you have more kids. It's just part of the general cycle and pendulum and so on. But there's nothing wrong with the declining. I mean, it's a funny thing, you know, is that I mentioned this on the show years ago that people in the West, in particular women, were kind of, oh, overpopulation, oh, overpopulation, you can't have kids, too much population is bad. And now they say, well, we've got to import all these people because there aren't, like, it's just terrible, right? So, no, I don't, what's wrong with a, what's wrong with a declining population? A declining population simply increases the value of automation, right? So if you have a declining population, you just increase the value of automation. One of the reasons why a declining population is a problem in the West is because of the massive insult to Ponzi scheme, Ponzi scheme of retirement plans, right? There's not enough money to pay for the retirement plans, not even close. So maybe they feel that, well, we've got to import people to work so that you can pay for the retirement plans.

[1:45:40] Declining Population Perspective

[1:45:40] But in a free society, there would be nothing wrong with a declining population. It's all right.

[1:45:51] It's just part of the cycle, right? I mean, you can see this, right? This happens all the time. It's like expansion and collapse of, sorry, expansion and contraction of population happens all the time in nature, right? You know, right? There's a whole bunch of rabbits and they eat all the food and then there's a collapse in the number of rabbits and then the food regrows. I mean, population's like a heartbeat. It never stays stable.

[1:46:16] There's a lot of wolves. Oh no, they ate all the rabbits. Oh no, there's not enough rabbits and the wolves don't do well. So there's fewer wolves. Oh, there's fewer wolves. Okay, now there's more rabbits. Oh, there's more rabbits. Now we can have more wolves. Oh, there's too many wolves. Now we have fewer rabbits. Like, there's never, like, a population that's static. Nature's never a photograph. It's like a movie on Fast Forward. It's a montage all the time. So populations are continually, in nature, of course, expanding and contracting based upon available resources. So, I mean, I don't see any particular problem with higher or lower birth rates. I mean the problem is the initiation of force and choosing to have children or not have children or however many children you choose there could be happiness elements involved for sure but there are some people who are significantly happier without having children it's nothing wrong with that in particular right I mean you could see maybe somebody is kind of emotionally stunted or maybe kind of autistic and they're really into solving abstract intellectual or engineering puzzles or there are some mathematician who can't stand any kind of chaos or whatever it is they they're noise sensitive or I don't know whatever it is they may end up being happier not having children nothing wrong with that they're not initiating the use of force now of course people who want big giant, retirement schemes and don't have children well that's a problem because then they have to feed off everyone else's children and move back to the vampire stuff right alright.

[1:47:41] I'm just going to see in the hope against hope if there are more or any more tips coming in today. I have been working hard for you, for me, for all of us.

[1:47:58] Uh if you haven't heard the song sleeping satellite it just showed up in a playlist the other day it's a really great song tasman archer was one amazing vocalist i think she's still doing work occasionally but it's a tasman archer a great vocalist and this long sleeping sleeping satellite's great listen to it live particularly back in the 90s uh she just nailed that live even better like there's very few people who sound better live than on the recording and she's one of them just an incredible vocalist i don't know if she wrote it or someone else did i've heard i've I've heard it both ways. It's like reference. All right.

[1:48:31] Well, thanks everyone so much for your time today. Really, really do appreciate it. Have yourselves a delightful, wonderful, magical afternoon. A happy, happy Easter to all our Christian friends. I really do appreciate both your time and attention now and your kindness when I was not so kind to people who deserve more kindness. And I really do appreciate the warmth of the Christians who are here. Have yourselves a glorious afternoon. I'm going to be working on a peaceful parenting book today. And uh it's a lot of lot of data wrangling all the fun stuff is done like all of the at least for me the data staff's right there's theory practice and data to prove the case and i'm now on the data wrangling which is not very creative at all it's a lot of juggling 12 balls in the air in my head organization and uh well it's it's the the tax season of book writing is all of that, You will get, yeah, we'll get one call-in out to donors today, and you should listen to the call-in, Surviving Suicide. That was really quite something. Have you ever read Napoleon Hill book, Think and Grow Rich? If you did, what do you think about it? I have not read that, sorry.

[1:49:36] I don't read really books on personal finance. I just don't spend money much, if I can avoid it, right? So my personal finance tip is.

[1:49:46] Don't, don't buy things. That's, I mean, don't buy things, but it's a pretty short book. So, uh, you know, I used to say, uh, my phone is five years old. I, uh, I mean, I'll spend, I'll spend on the, like I spend on the quality mic. This is a very expensive microphone. I've got a very expensive, um, processor here, a really good computer because I need to process videos. So I'll spend on the show, obviously not on the backdrop, but I'll spend on the show. I've got and the nice lighting setup and all of this. And so I'll spend on the show. And I just ordered a new microphone for call-in shows because I wasn't quite satisfied with the quality of the last one. So, but yeah. What did he say? What did he say about Bitcoin? Be my first question. If she's on social media watching vampire porn, get out. Well, maybe stay for the weekend, then get out. No, just kidding. All right. Yeah, what's wrong with, you know, nothing wrong with expansion it's kind of permanent in nature the only thing constant is change and all that kind of stuff right surviving suicide call in is out for donors yeah release friday so free slash donate free is a great place to go and of course you can join there and you can try it for a month and see if you like it and the promo code is all cats ubb 2022 and if you sign up for a year you get two months for free. Alright, take care everyone. Lots of love. Bye.

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