Larry Klayman is a former federal prosecutor for the U.S. Department of Justice, the founder of Freedom Watch and is representing the parents of Benghazi victims in a lawsuit against Hillary Clinton for allegedly wrongfully causing the death of their sons as well as for defamation and intentional and negligent infliction of emotional distress.
"Taken into Custody' exposes the greatest and most destructive civil rights abuse in America today. Family courts and Soviet-style bureaucracies trample basic civil liberties, entering homes uninvited and taking away people's children at will, then throwing the parents into jail without any form of due process, much less a trial. No parent, no child, no family in America is safe."
What was the role of the Catholic Church in building Western Civilization? While the typical mainstream narrative depicts the church as hostile to science and philosophy, it appears that once again the truth about history has been stolen from us. Dr. Duke Pesta joins Stefan Molyneux to discuss the unspoken truth about the impact of the Catholic church on scientific inquiry, philosophy and Western Civilization overall.
Conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly passed away on September 5th, 2016 at the age of 92. I had the privilege of speaking to Phyllis several times, but a discussion we had in June 2013 while I was undergoing cancer treatment had been "lost in the shuffle" until now. RIP Phyllis Schlafly.
New studies have failed to find even a single positive benefit to spanking children and a near endless amount of horrible effects. Dr. Elizabeth Gershoff joins Stefan Molyneux to discuss her latest study, refuting the common pro-spanking arguments, why social justice warriors have nothing to do with less aggressive parenting, associating love with physical abuse and ending the escalating cycle of violence in relationships.
Roger Stone joins Stefan Molyneux to discuss the volatility of the American electorate, the history of medical concerns in electoral politics, Donald Trump's recent shift to scripted policy speeches, including Gary Johnson and Jill Stein in the presidential debates, Roger Stone's favorite president Dwight Eisenhower, the similarity between Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump and a brief history of election rigging.
In the aftermath of Hillary Clinton’s speech, one question has dominated mainstream news coverage: what is the Alt-Right? Vox Day joins Stefan Molyneux to discuss his thoughts on the Alt-Right philosophy, the preservation of western civilization, the failure of conservatism in the United States, how diversity decreases social trust, opposition to globalism, why overpopulation concerns are hypocritical, why environmentalists don’t oppose immigration, arguments against free trade, problems with multiculturalism and much much more!
How is the Left silencing free speech in America? Kimberley Strassel joins Stefan Molyneux to discuss how disclosure and campaign finance laws have been hijacked by the Left as weapons against free speech and free association.
Hillary Clinton has been plagued by scandals for her entire political career. Does the Democratic party nominee have the character to be President of the United States? Stefan Molyneux is joined by former Secret Service agent Gary J. Byrne to discuss his personal experience of both Hillary Clinton and her long history of corruption!
Documents recently emerged showing that the Democratic National Committee opposed Bernie Sanders and actively worked against his campaign. Jared Beck joins Stefan Molyneux to discuss the class action lawsuit which bis being lead against the Democratic National Committee and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz for outright supporting Hillary Clinton’s campaign instead of remaining neutral.
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