Stefan Molyneux speaks to Dr. Linda Gottfredson about the differences in human intelligence, the gap in established knowledge between academia and the general public, the difference between general intelligence factor and IQ, disputing the Flynn Effect, the work of J. Phillip Rushton and the challenges of pursuing politically incorrect research.
The benefits of altruism and empathy are obvious. These qualities are so highly regarded and embedded in both secular and religious societies that it seems almost heretical to suggest they can cause harm. Like most good things, however, altruism can be distorted or taken to an unhealthy extreme.
In the flux of never before seen economic uncertainty, Stefan Molyneux and Mike Maloney discuss the difference between currency and money, the historical role of gold as money, the dependence of the United States government on wall street for tax revenue, the role of the Federal Reserve in the creation of unstable economic bubbles, the possibility of deflation, $20,000 gold and how you can protect yourself in these uncertain economic times.
On the heels of multiple terrorist attacks and new ISIS threats against the United States, the American people are beginning to ask questions about the intake of Syrian refugees.
Stefan Molyneux and Dr. Steven Camarota discuss the high cost of resetting middle eastern refugees in the United States, refugee welfare usage statistics, American unemployment, new jobs going entirely to immigrants and much much more!
The mainstream media is in a frenzy over Donald Trump's proposal to restrict Muslim immigration into the United States - and the outrage crosses party lines.
Stefan Molyneux and Bill Whittle discuss the reaction to Trumps proposal, historical precedent for restricting immigration, the goal of terrorism, the difference between various religions, the role of evolutionary differences and the ability of Donald Trump to easily expose the mainstream media.
As the Paris Climate Summit occurs on a world stage, 150 world leaders have gathered to ramp up the hysteria around climate change. Prince Charles warned that "we are becoming the architects of our own destruction" demanding immediate action - in the form of increased government power - to halt global warming. Stefan Molyneux and Alex Epstein (author of The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels) discuss the propaganda around global warming and aim to separate the facts from fiction.
Alex Epstein is the President and Founder of the Center for Industrial Progress, the author of The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels and an expert on energy and industrial policy. Center for Industrial Progress is a for-profit think-tank seeking to bring about a new industrial revolution. For more from Alex and CIP, please check out: and
Did government deregulation cause the financial crisis? Did the partial repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act lead to America's banking crisis - and to massive government bailouts? Stefan Molyneux speaks with Peter Schiff about the persistent myth of financial deregulation and the true cause of the economic crisis!
Peter Schiff is an economist, financial broker/dealer, author, frequent guest on national news, the host of the Peter Schiff Show Podcast, the CEO of Euro Pacific Capital and the Chairmain of Schiff Gold.
Who is responsible for the current economic situation in the United States of America? Was the housing crash and banking sector meltdown the result of deregulation and the dangers of free market capitalism? Is government regulation and interference in the market to blame for all these problems?
Stefan Molyneux and Dr. Paul Craig Roberts debate these issues and more in a discussion about Dr. Roberts’ recent book “The Failure of Free Market Capitalism.”
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy under Ronald Regan and is a former associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. Dr. Roberts is the author of "The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism".
Throughout Western Civilization, Truth is the new hate speech. As terrorist events leave blood on the streets, American college students flee micro-aggressions - demanding safe spaces and hug-rooms to make it through their daily existence. Stefan Molyneux and Bill Whittle look at the recent Paris Terrorist Attack, the backlash against Islam in Western Countries, the current political climate, the Syrian Refugee Crisis, the denial of reality at the University of Missouri, the devastating impact of the welfare state, the revolting scourge of liberalism, the rise of Donald Trump and much much more!
For many decades, two main reproductive strategies have been recognized by biologists - this is referred to as r/K Selection Theory. When you look at humanity through the lens of reproduction strategies – things quickly begin snapping into place and a battle for survival is revealed.
In the area of public discourse, these two survival strategies battle for ultimate supremacy. Bill Whittle joins Stefan Molyneux to discuss the various political positions and attitudes – including how they are shaped and explained through r/K Selection Theory.
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