Interview Category: Diamond and Silk

Fiery Trump supporters Diamond and Silk joined Stefan Molyneux of Freedomain for a number of conversations about American politics, the political groundswell supporting Donald Trump, and issues related to black communities in America.

Healing America | Diamond, Silk and Stefan Molyneux

Diamond and Silk join Stefan Molyneux to discuss the recent monetary challenges they have faced due to corporate opposition, the danger of race-baiting, and what the future holds for race relations in the United States of America.

Donald Trump: U.S. Election Aftermath | Diamond and Silk

Diamond and Silk join Stefan Molyneux to discuss the aftermath of the U.S. Presidential election, President-Elect Donald Trump and what the future holds for the United States of America.

ALL LIVES MATTER | Diamond and Silk

Diamond and Silk join Stefan Molyneux to discuss the aftermath of the Dallas Police Shooting and the recent attacks on law enforcement officers. Includes: The Alton Sterling and Philando Castile shootings, Black Lives Matter, the destruction of the black family, the soft tyrant of government dependence and the rise of Donald Trump.

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