Interview Category: Michelle Malkin

Conservative firebrand, author and famous public speaker Michelle Malkin joined Freedomain host Stefan Molyneux for a number of conversations about legal injustice, political liberties and the need to defend remaining freedoms in America.

Sexual Civil War | Michelle Malkin and Stefan Molyneux

After the depravity of Harvey Weinstein was exposed and the floodgates of sexual assault and harassment allegations opened up in the mainstream media - the United States of America finds itself at a dangerous crossroads. Michelle Malkin joins Stefan Molyneux to discuss the importance of innocent until proven guilty, how allegations have been weaponized against political opponents and gender conflicts moving forward.

The Death of Justice | Michelle Malkin and Stefan Molyneux

There is an ongoing crisis in America right now that the mainstream media has not covered: forensic junk science, a crime television show propagandized citizenry and unscrupulous prosecutors are putting innocent people at risk of unjust conviction. Former Oklahoma City police officer Daniel Holtzclaw’s was convicted on 18 counts of sexual assault-related crimes against eight black women. Holtzclaw was ultimately sentenced was 263 years in prison, but what if he didn’t do it? Michelle Malkin joins Stefan Molyneux to update us on the unanswered questions, secret meetings, shocking inconsistencies and outright fabrications seen in the Holtzclaw case.

Guilty Until Proven Innocent | Michelle Malkin and Stefan Molyneux

Former Oklahoma City police officer Daniel Holtzclaw’s was convicted on 18 counts of sexual assault-related crimes against eight black women. Holtzclaw was ultimately sentenced was 263 years in prison, but what if he didn’t do it? Michelle Malkin joins Stefan Molyneux to discuss the unanswered questions, shocking inconsistencies and outright fabrications seen in the Holtzclaw case.

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