Have you wanted to call in but haven't wanted the conversation to be released as a podcast? I now offer paid private calls!
Here's what people are saying:
"In two hours of private conversation, Stefan Molyneux helped me to clearly perceive behaviours ingrained in me since childhood. Now that I see my motivations so plainly, and cannot unsee them, I'll make better, more conscious choices in friendships and business."
"A little update on my scenario! I relistened to the call tons of times and really journaled about the core insights and advice that you gave me. Through that process I was really able to internalize my shortcomings and blindspots, and the reasons why they were present in my life. Actively applying them on the dating apps and in person, and then leading with that vulnerability, honesty, and authenticity, has now led me to being exclusive with my wonderful girlfriend since January 1st. Because of these personal breakthroughs my life has also opened up in tons of ways that I won't mention for the sake of brevity, but mainly entrepreneurially - which is leading to some very exciting opportunities. I can't put into words how grateful and appreciative I am for your work and expertise. Thank you a million times over! It is largely due to this call-in with you that my life is changing drastically for the better. I will be sure to keep funding you monetarily to support your uniquely inspiring & life changing work. You are such a north star in a world that can be so full of darkness, a real hero. I will never forget what you've done for me. With the utmost sincerity, thank you Stefan."
"Listening back to our private call in for the first time tonight and I can gain much much more from it now than in real time. Thank you so much for showing me what I could not see."
"During a private call-in I felt more relaxed compared to a public call-in, which I had in the past. I didn’t censor myself for fear of being judged by the future audience, and my communication was clearer thanks to this. We were able to discuss a lot of topics and I have received the clarity that I was looking for when it comes to some personal issues. You know how good Stef is at coaching, piercing through contradictions and pointing out obvious truths that the caller is avoiding or not seeing. Well this private conversation was an even more effective version of a call-in."
"I called Stef in a private call to gain clarity on the issues I have in my life, and with his usual laser-beam moral clarity and sharp questions, he was able to slice through my defenses and excuses to get down to the heart of the matter, humble me, and provide me with practical steps to take in the direction for getting what I really want in life."
"Stefan helped me work through the dissociation that I had with my relationships and past. The privacy of the call helps for speeding through your thoughts, and being more candid with your situation. One thing Stefan is good at is identifying where you are getting lied to and when you are lying to him or yourself to help clean up and move on."
"Within less than 2h with Stefan, we were able to really go deep and methodically get to the root of my situation. The private setting is invaluable, as you can be fully open and not feel pressured by time or by other people's perception. Highly recommended and much appreciated. This is truly one of the greatest conversations."
"I'm a long-time Freedomain listener, and have previously done two public call-ins with Stef. He is in-person just as he seems on the show- kind, empathetic, engaged, brutally honest and jaw-droppingly insightful. I recently decided to do a paid private call-in, because the one frustration I had before was the difficulty in self-censoring myself and not being able to explain things fully. Not so with the private call-in! The other calls were productive, but this one was next level. I had my husband on the call as well, and being able to speak freely helped our thoughts flow and get to the meat of things. We have so much to talk about now, and as painful as it is to grind through some of these ideas, we know it will lead to a better and happier family life for us and our kids. On the path to self-knowledge, Stef's insights are like a catapult launching you leagues ahead. You cover a lot of ground, and although the impact can hurt at times, you never want to go back. If you truly want a deeper and richer life, and you're willing to shine a spotlight into all the shadowy caverns of your mind and soul, call Stef. It's certainly the best money I've ever spent."
"I did a private call with Stefan Molyneux. His pointed and profound insight unearthed a core affliction, lifting a Sisyphean weight from my shoulders. Now, each day is imbued with a different hue, offering me a chance at the connections I truly wish to attain."
“I’d invested scores of thousands of dollars in years of ‘therapy’/analyses —and even so, in an hour or two, Stef brought crucial unacknowledged issues to the surface for evaluation, which resulted in clarity and relief.”
“Lucid, concise, difficult —and in the end, elegantly simple.”
“By unwavering comparison of my and my parents’ actions to clear moral standards, Stef helped me to identify and set aside a Gordian knot from my past. —Thanks.”
"Stefan, our call was insightful. Your years of philosophy experience helped illuminate issues I'd wrestled with for so long. I truly appreciate your time and insights. Thank you. A private call gave me room to focus on speaking directly to you without worrying about what the audience might think. You used the same fervent spirit to help me as you do to all the others and I feel grateful."
"A private call-in session with Stef is invaluable. While I believed I could identify my own blind spots, Stef, with sniper-like precision, uncovers and explain them in a way that truly resonates with me."
"I found my private call to be amazing! Would recommend."
"A private call with Stefan allowed us to speak freely on important topics that we otherwise would have been reticent to talk openly about on the public call in shows. A private call felt like Stefan was in the room with us, rather than on stage for the world to see. After a powerful 2 hour call, we finally feel like we have the tools to overcome some major obstacles in our marriage."
"I had a private call with Stef recently, and have realized some critical things about my life that I had forgotten or was avoiding. I held off requesting a call in for a long time - I can't recommend a call with Stef enough. I suggest not putting it off if you have similar thoughts. It can help you save your life."
"It's worth it. I don't want to get into the details. But during our private call Stef helped me out enormously with an incredibly beneficial life decision. One I doubt I would have made otherwise."
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