Sunday Morning Live 19 May 2024

Vocal Fry Girl:


0:00 - Sunday Morning Philosophy
0:34 - Organized Sports and Intimidation
1:41 - Evildoers and Conscience
2:18 - Consequences vs. Moral Guilt
3:24 - Effects of Lacking a Conscience
4:27 - Language Learning vs. Conscience
5:51 - Universalization and Moral Rules
7:49 - Reproducing Excellence and Trust
9:55 - Hypocrisy and Trustworthiness
12:39 - Contempt and Morality
15:25 - Charm of the Conscienceless
19:23 - Codependency in "Of Mice and Men"
23:13 - Cost of Conscienceless Actions
24:10 - Keeping Idiots Away from Capital
26:42 - Post-Consent and Immorality
29:14 - Consent after the Fact and Morality
35:01 - Circumcision and Consent
37:17 - Mutilation and Moral Principles
39:44 - Surrogacy and Adoption: Permission and Retrospective Consent
41:05 - Personal Relationships and Conscience
57:11 - High School Curriculum and Leftist Programming
1:13:53 - Financial Support and Philosophy
1:18:00 - Lord of the Flies Interpretation: Anti-Urbanist Perspective
1:21:36 - Psychological Torture Through Dominance
1:26:13 - Finding a Win-Win Negotiation
1:40:02 - Vanity is Killing the Bloodlines
1:54:10 - The Influence of Vocal Fry
1:58:13 - Unrealistic Expectations in Dating Market

Long Summary

In today's live Sunday Morning Philosophy show, we delve deep into the concept of conscience and its profound impact on evildoers. I explore the idea that individuals lacking a conscience may evade moral guilt for their actions but ultimately pay a steep price in terms of love and trust. Our discussion underscores the significance of having a conscience for nurturing love, trust, and maintaining consistency in moral conduct. We also shed light on the repercussions of lacking a conscience, which can manifest in feelings of contempt and self-contempt. Through engaging examples and analogies, we navigate the intricate landscape of morality, self-trust, and the essence of virtue and wisdom. Join us as we navigate through these thought-provoking themes and delve into your queries on moral integrity.

I dive into a captivating story about codependency, specifically focusing on the characters George and Lenny from a movie. I highlight the detrimental aspects of George's codependency on Lenny, showcasing how George's selfishness and isolation contribute to harm. I argue that George assumes the role of a villain by enabling Lenny's hazardous behavior instead of seeking appropriate care for him. Transitioning, we delve into the importance of keeping capital away from those who display irresponsibility with money to prevent economic stagnation. I stress the need for individuals to strive diligently, offer value to society, and avoid excessive indulgence to break free from poverty. The conversation then transitions into a debate on consent in various scenarios, touching on issues like breaking into a house and circumcision, with a focus on the moral and legal ramifications. Ultimately, I underscore the importance of adhering to overarching principles rather than becoming entangled in specific details.

The episode encompasses a plethora of topics, ranging from my personal experiences with sports to reflections on adoption and surrogacy, insights on impoverished communities, analysis of literature such as "Lord of the Flies," discussions on responsibility, and societal issues like copper theft and homelessness. I actively engage with comments, address viewer questions, and accentuate the significance of assuming personal responsibility while discussing the influence of governmental policies on society. Furthermore, the episode delves into the sway of leftist ideology in education and the state's role in perpetuating falsehoods. Throughout the episode, I interact with viewers, share personal anecdotes, and advocate for support for the show.

Turning to a listener's concern about his girlfriend withholding crucial secrets, I suggest that this behavior amounts to a form of psychological torture, signaling poor communication and insecurity. Our conversation delves into anime characters, the concept of "waifu," and the potential psychological underpinnings behind attraction to violent fictional characters. I underscore the importance of addressing past traumas, differentiating between real and imaginary relationships. Additionally, we touch on bonding with the unreal, the impact of upbringing on personal relationships, and the intricate nuances of understanding human behavior. Expressing gratitude for listener support and contributions, I offer insights into power dynamics within relationships.

In our exploration today, we delve into the dynamics of power within relationships. I dissect the concept of being placed in a subservient position by a partner who establishes a win-lose scenario, ingraining a tendency to beg for desires. We scrutinize the influence of upbringing on relationship dynamics and examine the importance of interactions that are mutually beneficial. Our focus then shifts to motivational elements in content creation, emphasizing how audience engagement influences performance. Moreover, we delve into societal trends and venture into the intricate and, at times, unconventional realm of human sexuality and fetishes. Finally, we ponder the implications of using the term "capitalism" in discussions, contemplating its origins and impact on societal discourse.

Our conversation today spanned various topics from fetishes to societal standards of attractiveness and pair bonding. We delved into how unrealistic expectations and vanity can impede relationships and personal growth. Height, physical appearance, and confidence were scrutinized as contributing factors to attractiveness. I underscored the importance of self-awareness and adjusting expectations to enhance demand in relationships. Our discourse examined societal influences on perceptions of beauty and the influence of digital media on self-image. Overall, we highlighted the complexities intrinsic to modern dating and underscored the significance of introspection and humility in cultivating meaningful connections.


[0:00] Sunday Morning Philosophy

[0:00] Good morning, everybody. Welcome to your Sunday morning chitty-chatty bing-bang. And it is, I don't even know why I keep saying this, but I do. It's the 19th of May, 2024.

[0:15] And it's time for Sunday Morning Philosophy. I have topics, but it's a live stream, so let's do your topics. Because apparently it's just never about me. It's all about you. All right. Welcome. Good morning, everybody. Thank you for joining. Thank you for joining. Aging like a marble monument. Yeah, yeah.

[0:34] Organized Sports and Intimidation

[0:35] Let's see here. Good morning, Steph. I joined an organized sports league to keep in shape. As a kid, during pickup and neighborhood games, I'd play very well and get picked first or second, but when it comes to uniforms and whistles, I just fold. Same now as an adult. Any thoughts behind this? When it comes to uniforms and whistles i just fold um well sports was not uniforms and whistles like when we evolved sports was pretty you know and the sports you played as a kid so your experience is outside of that kind of highly regulated environment so my guess is that you have a familiarity with the, less regulated environment and maybe you associate there's a kind of intimidation factor actor with the uniforms and whistles. Like you feel constrained, you feel less natural, you feel less at ease in your own body and environment. So maybe that has something to do with it.

[1:36] All right, let's move back a smidge here. Yes, you don't need quite as much, Steph.

[1:41] Evildoers and Conscience

[1:42] All right. Steph, in the past, you talked about evildoers being haunted. Haunted, I think you mean hunted. Please check your typos. In the past, you talked about evildoers as being hunted down by their conscience. Oh, that's two typos. Okay, not conscious, conscience. In the past, you talked about evildoers being hunted down by their conscience. In the last live show, you said that you cannot create a conscience in people who don't have one. Does that mean that evildoers who don't have a conscience get away with it? That's a fine question. That's a fine question.

[2:18] Consequences vs. Moral Guilt

[2:18] What do you mean by get away with it? What do you mean by get away with it? Do they get away from feeling moral guilt for their crimes?

[2:30] Do they feel moral guilt for their crimes? No. No, they don't. No, because that would be too heavy conscience, right? So do they feel moral guilt for their crimes? They do not. Are they afraid of getting caught? They are, right? They are. You know, if you sort of think of an animal analogy would be like the dog who's done something wrong, knows that he's in trouble. He's only afraid of getting caught and being scolded. He's not terrified. Of the moral guilt of snatching the slice of pizza or something like that, chewing up the sofa.

[3:09] So they don't experience guilt at doing wrong. They experience fear of consequences, so they don't want to get caught. They'll work to hide being caught. They understand that people disapprove. They'll hide their crimes and so on. They understand all of that.

[3:24] Effects of Lacking a Conscience

[3:24] So it depends what you mean by get away with it. If you mean by get away with it, Do they suffer no negative effects from their lack of conscience? Well, yes. Yes, they do. Because you can't have love without a conscience. Dial down the conscience, dial down the capacity for pair bonding, love, attachment, trust, security, falling into the arms of another loving person, and knowing that they'll always be there. I mean, you don't get that. Now, that seems to me a pretty high price to pay for not feeling guilt. And the reason I say that, of course, love is our involuntary response to virtue. And you can't be virtuous without a conscience because then you're just following rules blindly.

[4:14] So I always think of this when actors are playing. They always have these Mary Sue actors who, everywhere they go, they can just speak the language. and everyone's like, oh, wow, he can speak Arabic. Oh, wow, she can speak Russian.

[4:27] Language Learning vs. Conscience

[4:28] And they just go, and you know, the actors don't learn the whole language, right? They just learn to sound out the words, right? Je voudrais un croissant pour le Dieu. I would like a croissant of the gods, right? So they're just sounding out the syllables. They're not actually learning the language, right? And so without a conscience with regards to morality, all you can do is sound out the syllables. So you can follow the rules, but having a conscience is having the capacity to have an observing ego. So having a conscience is the ability to compare your actions to ideal standards.

[5:11] And you have ideals, not calculations. So people without a conscience, all they have is calculations. Can I get away with this? Will this blow back on me? What would be the positive and negative? You do calculations, right? You don't have free will in that sense, right? So the free will is to choose your ideals and also to choose to compare your proposed actions to ideal standards or your past actions to ideal standards. So that's free will, right? our capacity to compare proposed actions to ideal standards.

[5:44] So if you have a conscience, it means that you are allowing your brain to function in its natural state of universalization.

[5:51] Universalization and Moral Rules

[5:52] So if you inflict a moral rule on someone else, your brain wants to inflict that moral rule upon you, because it's just easier, it's universal. Like when you're playing catch with someone as a kid, you're playing throw catch, throw catch, throw catch, catch. You don't expect that the physics are going to fundamentally change when the ball comes back to you, right? You just assume that the same patterns of gravity and air resistance and weight and momentum, that that's all going to, you throw the ball, you catch the ball, you throw the ball, you catch the ball, right? And when you're playing baseball, right, you're going to hit the ball. You don't expect the physics to fundamentally change every single game. They don't dial up and down the gravity like they do the interest rates. So universalization is what happens, right if you um you don't pick up every apple saying i hope this one isn't poisoned right, so i mean unless you had them i guess so you universalize and that's great that's how we get everything done and it's just so much more efficient to not universalize is to live in a state of hypocritical paranoia hypocrisy or paranoia so our brain wants to universe, universalize all the time it's a great strength is our ability to universalize and conceptualize to extract general patterns from individual instances and extrapolate them to new situations.

[7:12] You know, you don't, uh, you don't have a sex life and then say, I, I hope it doesn't feel horrible next time. I mean, you just generally have a pattern, right?

[7:24] And so if, and this is another reason love involves trust, right? Because virtue is all about reproducibility, right? Excellence in any habit is about reproducibility. So, uh, even a, a blindfolded golfer can sink a hole in one, maybe once a lifetime, just swinging randomly, but it's, and every golfer has that amazing game, right? Every golfer has that just amazing game, but it's being able to reproduce it, right?

[7:49] Reproducing Excellence and Trust

[7:50] I mean, if you, you know, if you write a hundred novels, probably one of them is going to be pretty good, right? But it's just being able to reproduce it. I mean, I try to apply the very high, high standards of quality to every show that I do. And of course, I really appreciate you guys being here today. So it's really just about being able to consistently reproduce something. Now, if you don't have a conscience, then you don't feel bad if you are hypocritical. Now, if you don't feel bad when you're hypocritical, and since hypocrisy can be a very powerful way of acquiring resources, like the central banking is like, well, we can counterfeit currency, but you can't. You go to jail if you counterfeit currency, but that's basically our entire mission statement. So that is... That is the way things work. I mean, this political power is founded on hypocrisy. It's a very powerful way to get resources.

[8:49] So, if you don't have a conscience, then you can't act in a morally consistent manner. If you can't act in a morally consistent manner, or at least have that as a goal, you can be called on it, right? So, if you say, you know, we don't yell in this household, and if you start yelling, somebody says, hey, hey, hey, we don't yell. And they're like, oh, yeah, sorry, sorry, calm it down or whatever, right? You can't be called on anything. You can't. So, you can't be trusted. That you can't act in any consistent manner. It's like the guy who, he's on a business trip, you know, maybe things haven't been going super well with his wife, and there's some woman there who really wants to sleep with him, and, you know, he'll use a condom, maybe avoid pregnancy or STD issues, or at least most of them. I don't think it solves crabs, but anyway. And so he knows, he can probably get away with it. He knows, like, there's not going to be any particular blowback, right? If you can do it, right? And then he'll just do a calculation. Can I get away with it? Not, well, I have these vows. I have to say no. I'm not going to cheat, right?

[9:52] So if it's just a matter of what he can get away with, then he can't be trusted.

[9:55] Hypocrisy and Trustworthiness

[9:56] Because if an opportunity arises, and they do, opportunities arise in life where you can do bad things and get away with it, right? You can betray your vows, you can betray your values, you can betray it, and you can get away with it.

[10:11] So if you don't have a conscience, you can't be consistently good, which means you can't be trusted, which means you can't be loved.

[10:22] Love is admiration and we don't admire a calculation machine like we don't morally admire you know like you're trying to feed a squirrel and the squirrel is weighing it you can see the squirrel doing this right you can you can see the squirrel coming up and he's like i really really want that those couple of nuts that's in the hand but i don't want to be grabbed right and the squirrel's doing a calculation right so you know when you've got kids they They always want to feed the animals. So you're always backing off, right? So your big bulk doesn't alarm the animals. So the animal is doing a calculation, right? Cost benefit. And animals do this all the time. Cost benefit analysis, right? When the lion is chasing the zebra, if the zebra is really fast, the lion is like, well, I'm expending more calories chasing the zebra than I could reliably get from the zebra. If, cause you know, it's getting away. So the lion stops running. It's just as cost benefit calculation. Now you can't love a cost benefit calculation. Speculation, you can only love a dedication to virtue and wisdom, right? So not foolhardiness, like where you're just suicidal in your virtues, right?

[11:27] So respect, right? Respect and love. So yeah, people without a conscience, they can get away with a bunch of stuff that you and I can't get away with in terms of, well, if they get away with it, they're fine. Woo, I get away with it. But what they don't get away with, what they don't succeed in is love and being loved, right? Because if all you are is a calculation machine, you can't even trust yourself.

[11:52] Virtue is a way of knowing how you're going to behave in a particular situation in the future. Now, if you don't know how you're going to behave in a particular situation in the future, you can't trust yourself because situations can change, circumstances can change. It's like, I'm not going to rob from a store because I don't want to go to jail. Oh, the police are on strike. Oh, there's chaos. I'm going to go loot everything. You can't tell what you're going to do. And if you can't tell what you're going to do, you can't predict your own behavior, you can't trust yourself, other people can't trust you, so you lose love. And you end up actually with people despising you. Because hypocrisy in the realm of morality always engenders contempt. Right? It always engenders contempt.

[12:39] Contempt and Morality

[12:39] And contempt is one of the ugliest moral feelings that there is. So you have self-contempt because you only pretend to be moral. You use morality as a way of exploiting others. You have self-contempt. You have contempt for those around you who believe you're nonsense moralizing. Other people have, it's all just a circle of mutual contempt. And.

[13:00] And it's an ugly, ugly, ugly place to be. I've certainly seen a number of people without a conscience, and they have a certain charm and energy and momentum when they're young because they're, you know, unconstrained by any speed bumps of maybe we shouldn't do immoral things, right? So these are the guys who are like, you know, they'll skim at work, They'll go lie to women and sleep with women with no sense of conscience. And I mean, I knew one of these guys. Actually, I borrowed his story for my novel, The Present. I just sleep in with a bunch of different girls. He got sick and they were all calling him really, really angry because they found out about each other. And then they progressively called him with like, are you okay? Why aren't you calling back? Are you sick? I'm so sorry. Like, I didn't mean to. He just was. And he had no conscience about it. He told the story like it was just hilarious. Hilarious. Really burned in my brain. Like you're just sleeping with, he was a good looking guy. I slept with a bunch of women and had no conscience about it. No sense that anything was wrong. It's like you take what you can get and it's wild. Now, of course he never fell in love. Couldn't, how could you fall in love?

[14:12] So they seem to have a lot of charm and energy and they can do a bunch of stuff because they're unconstrained, right? They're unconstrained. I mean, I have to wrestle with my, okay, this is the right thing. This is the wrong thing. Is this, I mean, I want to do more and more good, but you know, you do too much good and you go gulag. So, you know, you got to weigh it and you aim for maximum good, right? Maximum good is not being unprescient, right? So you aim for the maximum good, and it's a wrestle, it's a challenge. It's a wrestle, it's a challenge. It's a high wire act. Everything I do, particularly the live streams, right? It's unedited. It's a high wire act.

[14:50] I'm excited to do it, but I recognize the risk. So people who don't have that high wire act, who don't have that restraint, who don't want to do maximum good, but rather just reap maximum material rewards, they can just do a bunch of stuff. These are the people who do the pump and dump stocks. Whenever you work in CXO level in the business world, your name, your number goes on some registry, and there's a bunch of people calling saying, well, you got this great stock, it's going to double next week, but they're trying to appeal to your greed. These guys are all liars and scam artists, in my opinion, because, of course, if the stock was going to double next week, you wouldn't be telling people about it, you'd be buying it all yourself.

[15:25] Charm of the Conscienceless

[15:25] So you just know it's a pump and dump. right and, I knew some of these guys in the business world and yeah they've got a lot of charm they've got a lot of easy you know hey man it looks like life is easy for them because they're unconstrained by any ethical considerations so, but you know it's the old thing first half of your life second half of your life don't tell me how happy someone is until we see the second half of their life right, The second half of their life, it's pretty sad. It's pretty sad.

[16:08] Uh, locals has not started stream. Uh, yes, it has. All right. So, um, yeah. Do they get away with stuff? Sure. But, uh, it's massively costly. You know, it's massively costly. Like there were people who, you know, when I was younger, they didn't really exercise. They didn't, you know, they ate what they wanted. And, you know, when you're young, you can kind of get away with that for a while. You got the high metabolism and generally you're moving around more than when you get to be sort of middle-aged and have a desk job and you know they they ended up with dad bods and so on and you know when i had cancer one of the things that allowed me to kick it fairly easily was uh and you know the doctors told me this is like you have an excellent baseline of health and that's really going to help with kicking this thing so i did right so all the people who weren't spending all their time in the gym if they happen to get sick they might not make it right so just pay later All right. Pay me now, pay me later. Choose your suffering. Let's get to your questions. New local sub here. Thanks for everything, Steph. Well, thank you and welcome. I appreciate it. I appreciate it.

[17:30] Do you think with Mice and Men of Mice and Men that Gary could have just left his buddy at a bus stop instead of capping him? Uh, is that is it gary i'm sure i i'm sure that you have this correct no it's george george and lenny's not gary yeah it's like george george and lenny so i'll just do two seconds on the classic american story by leftist proto-socialist john steinbeck called of mice and men which is the story of two itinerant farm workers wandering the back alleys of the American Midwest during the Great Depression with their work permits and so on. And George is a young, whoremongering, he's probably about 30, like a young, whoremongering guy with no future. And he's attached at the hip to a guy named Lenny, who's a giant with the strength of three men, but is mentally retarded to the point where he's like a big, dangerous child.

[18:35] And the story is about codependency. I mean, fundamentally, the story is about codependency. So Lenny is this big, dangerous guy, and he's attracted to women, and then he panics and hurts women, right? He likes to stroke their hair, and then he strokes too hard, and then they panic, and then he hurts them, right? And then this sort of plays out with a number of different creatures like mice and puppies. He kills the puppy because he strokes it too hard. So he doesn't know his own strength. He's like a big child. And the relationship, at least in the movie, is not particularly explained. They're not like brothers or something like that. So it's not particularly explained. So George, the quote normal one, and Lenny, the retarded one, George hangs out with Lenny and stays with him even though he says he could have this great life without him. Well, that's codependence.

[19:23] Codependency in "Of Mice and Men"

[19:23] So what he does is because he's so needy and he's so lonely he holds on to Lenny as his companion and loneliness is all throughout the whole story he holds on to Lenny won't let Lenny go and thus gets animals and people killed, Lenny should be in some kind of charity home he should be in some kind of institution he should be in some place where he can be taken care of and other people can be protected from his giant childlike dangerous strength.

[19:52] But no, George, it's always played to sympathetically, the quote normal guy, always played sympathetically. Oh, he's just so attached, he cares for him. No, it's just, he's exploiting Lenny to avoid his own loneliness and thus getting animals and people killed, right? It's horrible.

[20:12] To me, he's no different from a lonely woman who enables her husband's drunken behavior, buys him alcohol, and he regularly mows down people in his car when he's drunk. That's a villain, right? So everybody gets it wrong. Sorry, everybody gets it wrong. Oh, it's such a tragic, sad story. It's like, no, this is a guy who won't protect his fellow man from a giant, dangerous, mentally handicapped man because he's lonely. So he clings onto this relationship, which gets animals and women killed. So he's a complete villain and everybody always plays him with such sympathy because, oh, John Steinbeck was a socialist and therefore all the poor are noble and heroic and nice and wonderful. And they just care for each other so much. And they're wise and deep and meaningful. You know, like George and Lenny get to this work farm or they get to this ranch where they're doing this work and they sit down and say, oh, you guys are traveling together, says their new local boss. Like, not the guy who owns the ranch always has to be a complete jerk and blah, blah, blah, right?

[21:25] So they sit down, and the new local work boss, like the head of their gang, he's like, Oh, you guys travel together? Yeah, yeah, we do. He's like, Ah, not a lot of people travel together these days. It must be because everyone's just scared of everyone else. Everyone's just born frightened of everyone else. All this kind of nonsense, right? Yeah.

[21:44] Um, poor people don't talk like that. It's all fantasy. It's, it's walking trees in Lord of the Rings are more realistic than the immediately deep and thoughtful poor. And, uh, I think I actually consider it quite appalling, quite appalling. It's constant. Now I grew up among the poor, like significantly poor, like not homeless poor, but, you know, hanging on by the edge of their lives, kind of poor, like one. Step away from the abyss, poor. And, yeah, mostly terrible people. Mostly terrible people. You know, now, of course, they want to play the victim, they want to, well, we're noble, we've had bad luck. Like, George, the supposed hero, after the story.

[22:38] What does he do? What does he want to do? Well, he wants to get drunk and go to whorehouses. Mmm fabulous guy wonderful guy amazing guy no he's just he's lonely he's isolated he's tragic he's he's bitter uh he's unloved so he just clings to this big guy and if it has to be that his loneliness is assuaged at the cost of a pile of female bodies well too bad i'm lonely uh it's just it's absolutely everybody gets the story wrong it's so i'm sorry i hate to be blunt but everybody Everybody gets the story wrong. It's appalling. Absolutely appalling.

[23:13] Cost of Conscienceless Actions

[23:13] George is a total villain. He gets people killed because he doesn't want to be alone.

[23:20] So, yeah, it's really sad. All right.

[23:29] That's codependence. So, like, oh, my God. So, if you want to survive the winter, like you're in a cold climate, you store up enough food for the winter, the entire purpose of your survival is to keep the fat, greedy pigs away from your store of food, right? The people who eat more than they need. Your entire purpose is to keep the fat, greedy pigs away from your store of food. Now, the purpose of a society that wishes to progress economically, which helps the poor, the purpose of a society that wishes to progress economically is one thing and one thing only, keep idiots away from capital.

[24:10] Keeping Idiots Away from Capital

[24:10] Keep them away from capital. Just keep them away from capital. Because capital, stored savings, stored energy, right? Deferred gratification, savings, is what you use to build the future. Now, what happens when you give a lot of money to the poor? 99 times out of 100. You don't think of exceptions. What happens if you give a lot of money to the poor? They blow it. They waste it.

[24:44] You might as well just set fire to it and give them drinks for the most part, for the most part. I tried giving money to my mother and she used it for nefarious ends. If you've ever had, you know, I've given money out of the course of this show to people. And again, sometimes it works. I've given a lot of people money for therapy, which is, you know, for me, a great investment in people's lives and in society as a whole. But yeah, I remember sending one kid a thousand because he was about to be evicted and he gave him some advice and helped him with his resume to get a job. And then he just played video games all night for a couple of days, didn't shop for work, got fired, just burned up the Capitol.

[25:23] So you have to keep people who are bad with money away from capital. Otherwise it's all burnt to the ground and you can't grow your economy and everybody stays poor. So segregating people who are idiots with money, keeping them away from capital is absolutely essential. But of course, the poor don't want that. They want free money, right? And the way that they get free money is to pretend that they're all wise and noble and wonderful and they just fell upon hard times and there's this terrible system man that just won't let you get ahead and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, right? Yeah, I get it. I want stuff that's not earned, so I'm going to guilt you. And this propaganda is relentless, absolutely relentless. Most people are poor because they won't defer gratification most people are poor because they have addiction issues now i have sympathy for the addiction issues but let's not pretend that they're they're poor because some terrible boss man system keeps them down man.

[26:25] Yeah like it's really not that hard to get out of poverty just get yourself a decent education even if it's self-education, defer gratification, work hard, provide value. It's really not that hard. All right. Let's see here.

[26:42] Post-Consent and Immorality

[26:42] Hey, Steph, regarding the show about UPB and babies, please correct me if I'm wrong. Is it fair to say that behaviors that are usually classified as immoral, like breaking into a house, aren't immoral if consent is given after the fact? Well, sure. Well, sure. Well, sure. Well, sure.

[27:02] I mean, if you think about a legal system, right? So somebody has to press charges. Somebody has to initiate the pressing of charges, right? And so if, uh, let's say you have a house in the woods and let's say, uh, somebody is being chased by a bear that's going to rip their head off, right? Right. That, that, uh, not quote feminist bear, right? So let's say some, some guy is being chased by a bear. And the only way he can escape the bear is to dive through your window, right? Or maybe, you know, your house is unlocked because it's in the woods, right? So he opens your house, he opens the door, goes into your house, and closes the door, right? Now he's safe from the bear, right? But he's breaking and entering. Now, let me ask you this. Would you rather, when you, let's say you're just driving up, right? And would you rather, like you open the door, some guy's in here, he's like, Like, oh, man, I'm so sorry. I had to come into your house. I was being chased by a bear, right?

[28:06] Would you be like, damn it, I'm pressing charges, breaking and entering, right? Well, of course not. Because what's your alternative? That you drive up to your house, and there's a guy with no head being eaten by a bear. And maybe you've got kids in the backseat or something. And it's like, well, that's horrible, horrific, ugly, and it's going to take a lot of time, effort, and energy to deal with. You've got to call the cops. They've got to come. It's got to be an autopsy, and you may need to provide statements, and your kids are screaming and crying, and they never want to go back to the house in the woods because they saw a headless guy getting chewed up by a bear. So would you rather the guy come into your house and save himself from the bear, or would you rather come across his beheaded corpse being chewed up by a bear? Well, of course you would rather. Of course you would rather. Of course you would rather.

[28:58] Have the guy in your house. So whether you get permission before or after the fact is functionally irrelevant. Now, you have to have a reasonable anticipation that somebody would prefer that, right?

[29:14] Consent after the Fact and Morality

[29:15] You know, like if you go and you steal someone's diamonds from their house, you don't get to later say, well, I just assumed he was going to throw them out and I'm doing him a favor. Like there has to be some sort of reasonable expectation that the person's life like my life if you've got a house in the woods your life is better if the guy is in the house not being eaten by a bear right your life is worse if he's outside the house so you have to have some reasonable expectation but yes consent before or consent after is relatively unimportant, all right he says i'm asking because recently i had a confrontation with my brother in law about circumcision and he argued that everyone he knows including himself are okay with it after the fact. The same argument could be made by abusive parents that beat their children. I'm better off having been beaten, right? So there's two aspects to that, right? There's two aspects to that. So there's the moral and then there's the legal, right? So if somebody gives permission after the fact, right, then there's no legal action, right? So if somebody's okay with having been circumcised, then there's no legal action that would be initiated, right? Because they're not going to press charges.

[30:27] And so, legally, if somebody gives permission after the fact, it doesn't really matter, right?

[30:35] However, morally, it's a different matter. So, morally, it's a different matter. So, morally, if someone gives consent after the fact, sometimes morally it doesn't it doesn't matter right so let's say that um some guy, his his kid is kidnapped right his kid is kidnapped and you know i don't know sold into slavery or something like that and he gives permission after the fact he's like yeah i'm fine with it i mean that doesn't make it moral so something that's a violation of fundamental rights giving permission after the fact doesn't change the reality and the moral, functional facts of the situation.

[31:22] And you can make decisions about yourself, right? So if you don't have a problem with circumcision, obviously nothing legally is going to happen. And you can make that decision about yourself, I suppose, but you can't make that decision for someone else. Right? You can't make... So the reality is, if you want to get circumcised... If you're an adult and you want to get circumcised, you can get circumcised, right? There are doctors that will do it, and I suppose it's sort of similar to some weird piercing or you can get your nipples pierced or godforsaken things that happen to people who want to advertise their usually sexual abuse as children. So you can screw up your own body if you can find some doctor willing to do it. I think it's gross. I don't think doctors should do it, but you can find people who will tattoo your eyeballs or you can just find, oh, that's you, right? But you can't make the decision for other people. So if circumcision is fine, fine then people can get circumcised as adults but you can't make the decision for other people.

[32:23] Really struggled with this only counter argument i have is that unlike the hanging by the window situation where almost everybody would agree it's okay to break the window only some people would be fine with having been circumcised or beaten in their childhood could you share your thoughts, so the problem you can't compare circumcision with beatings right because i mean unless the the beatings do you some permanent injury like you break your arm so badly so somebody breaks your arm so badly it never sets again right so if somebody's doing you some horrible injury, as as a kid irreversible injury right circumcision is an irreversible.

[32:59] Violent unnecessary removal of a third of the skin of your penis like a third of the skin of your penis is hacked off, often without any anesthetic, or at least only with local anesthetic, as a baby.

[33:18] So, circumcision is, I know that there's some people who try to restore the penis skin, right? Restore the effects of circumcision or undo it. But it's irreversible. A beating, I mean, I was beaten as a child. I mean, no permanent physical damage, right? I mean, whatever I rolled with it. But that's not the case with circumcision. you can't make nope i don't accept anyone who says i'm glad i was circumcised because they don't know.

[33:52] They don't know they don't know because they don't have any compared to what, they don't know what it's like to be uncircumcised they don't know the additional third of nerve endings that you have on your penis if you're uncircumcised they don't know the additional pleasure that it provides for the woman because the whole purpose of the skin on the penis at at least one of the reasons why we had the extra skin on the penis is so that intercourse is less shafy for the woman, right? Because the penis rolls in and out of the foreskin. So it's less shafy. And remember, we didn't grow up with all these industrial strength lubricants for all these sex acts. So it is better for the woman. It is better for the man. I mean, physically, right? So, and you can, you know, people who've had to have circumcision as adults for various reasons, or have chosen to have circumcision as adults for various reasons, they will talk about the loss of sensation. And so, yes, you can. Why would I accept anybody who says I'm happy to be circumcised because they have no experience not being circumcised?

[35:01] Circumcision and Consent

[35:01] And see, here's the thing. Here's the thing. You don't want to focus on circumcision, right? Right? Because philosophy is not about a particular action. It's about general principles. Right? I mean, physicists don't say this rock, they say all matter. Right? They don't say, well, this rock falls. They say, well, mass attracts mass. And it's the principle of gravity. Right? So you don't want to talk about circumcision. Right? You want to talk about general, can, can, Can babies be sliced up for the preferences of their parents for non-medically important reasons? Let's say that you're part of a cult that says every second toe needs to be removed. Can you go in with little ball scissors and cut off every second toe for the baby? Is that okay? It's not about circumcision. It's about a general principle. So everybody focuses, and not everybody, but in general, people get lost in the weeds, they get lost in the details, right? It's not about...

[36:14] Circumcision, what is the principle? What is the principle? Can a female baby have her breasts removed so that she will never get breast cancer? Where would that end? Can you take an appendix out of a baby so that the baby never gets appendicitis? Can you remove all the teeth from a baby so they never have to deal with dental issues? You understand, at some point, it's going to hit people's sick trigger. Right? And most people, they don't reason. They just, they have to wait for that. Like, okay, that's sick trigger, right? You remove all the teeth from a baby so that they never have to deal with dental issues. And hey, you know, they can just get dentures and, you know, it's so much easier and blah, blah, blah, or removing the breast tissue so that they don't get. Right. Or, you know, I guess theoretically you could say, well, we're going to remove all of the reproductive organs of a female so they never get endometriosis or cancer of the uterus, right? Like at some point, aren't you just in fucking Mengele territory? Like at some point, aren't you just mutilating children?

[37:17] Mutilation and Moral Principles

[37:17] And yes, you can find some potential benefit out of that, but aren't you then just going to end up with like nothing?

[37:27] Well, you got to remove the testicles of the little boy because there is such a thing as testicular cancer, you know. Well, let's remove one lung from the baby because, you know, lungs can get infected. they can get tumorous and, you know, halves, whatever, right? Like, so you understand, at some point, you're just stripping the baby of everything that makes a baby a baby. And, like, so it's not about circumcision. It's about the principle. If somebody can't defend something on principle, then they need to stop advocating for whatever violates that principle. It's not about circumcision. You're focusing on circumcision, which then gets into, well, penile cancer and AIDS and STDs and pluses and minuses. Like, no, no, no. It's nothing to do with that. Can we mutilate children? Can we mutilate babies with no permission from them, for local customs, preferences, or whatever, right? Well, no. No, you can't.

[38:22] So, ThinkClearly says, had to re-up my coinage. Got to pay for this amazing knowledge, education, and wisdom. You can't get this wisdom in any of the top universities. Love this man. True gift. Well, thank you. I appreciate that. Just remember that not due to any fault of locals, so I think it's Google or something, thing, but I lose a third of your coins because it's a payment through an app. So slash donate is the place to go. If you'd like to donate and give me maximum, retained earnings, I would really, really appreciate that. By the way, I made my lighting a little bit. I was experimenting with my lighting this morning. I made it a little bit less orange. I think that's good. I think it's actually quite nice. I think it's quite nice. I am forever ever obsessed with the lighting so all right do do do in the case of children not consenting as an argument against surrogacy does it not also apply to all cases of adoption or can it be retroactive to where the child is of an age even adult age where they can consent or approve of the adoption that does not sound right to me is this a case where a moral imperative overrules preferences at least where the one subject to adoption is not able to make the choice yet I think I understand. I think I understand.

[39:44] Surrogacy and Adoption: Permission and Retrospective Consent

[39:44] So, yes, I think that if somebody says, well, the only reason I'm alive is because of surrogacy, right? If they prefer to be alive, then they're happy to, if they're giving their permission in retrospect, right? They're giving their permission after the fact. It's true for the adoption as a whole. So if you get adopted into a sort of nice, healthy, good, middle-class family or whatever you want to say, and the people who gave birth to you were like diseased drug addicts, would you give permission after the fact? Would you say, well, I get to grow up with a pool and bottles of Coke in the fridge and food in the table and TVs and activities and stability and education? Medication or I could be living in the sewers with some diseased drug addicts, I think people would say after the fact, yes, it was a good thing, right? All right, let's go here. How did I know the guy with no conscience? Well, I've known a number of guys with no conscience, right? You just run into them in the, I mean, not in any of my personal relationships, at least not for the last quarter century, but all right.

[41:05] Personal Relationships and Conscience

[41:05] Thank you for the tip. Thank you for the tip. Oh, that comment was on Rumble that it wasn't working. Okay. Sorry for the typos. English is not my first language. Thank you for the great answer. No problem. I had to read Of Mice and Men in high school. The curriculum really emphasized John Steinbeck. Yeah. Everything you read in high school is pure programming. Everything that's assigned to you in high school is assigned to you for leftist programming. One thing I love most about Just Poor is its honest handling of the poor. Yes, so I wanted to write a novel with super wealthy, middle class, and the just poor and the unjust poor. So there are bad guys among the rich, there are good guys among the poor, but the poor do not have a monopoly in long-suffering heroic virtue. See, it is hyper-feminine to have endless sex.

[42:12] Sympathy for the poor, right? It is hyper-feminine to have endless sympathy for the poor because it's, you know, the sympathy for the underdog is feminine. Encouragement for the underdog with a ruthless exclusion of the underdog from excellence is the mark of masculinity, right? I mean, I was talking about this in a show the other day.

[42:42] Which is when I first came to Canada, I was good at athletics in England. I grew up on rugby, soccer, rounders, which is a British variation on baseball. And then when I came to Canada, I couldn't skate, which of course, you know, I didn't grow up with skating. They didn't really play soccer. They played baseball, which is not the same as rounders. And I never got the hang of American football. I played some touch football, but I was too into rugby. I could never quite get around to the football thing.

[43:19] So when I first came to Canada at the age of 11, I was not picked for the sports teams very quickly, right? But then I got better. I improved. I'm fairly athletic. I mean, strengths and weaknesses as a whole, I'm fairly athletic. Athletic very fast reflexes for sure and pretty good hand-eye coordination and good, good ball control especially when i'm starring in michael flatley's lord of the dance so, but i was like it was like you suck and but there was encouragement to get better so you know the guys who were picking the teams they wanted to win so they wanted to not take me when i was bad of course I understand I didn't take it personally it's like yeah I kind of suck at these games.

[44:13] So they don't want me on their team. I would feel, it's basic empathy. I would feel the same way because I was team captain sometimes when I was a kid and I didn't want the bad kids on my team because I wanted to win. It was more fun that way. But then when I got better, people wanted me on their team. I remember this very clearly. Then I would start getting picked in the middle and then eventually I was one of the first couple of kids picked because I'm a good hitter in baseball, man. I can crack that thing like nobody's business.

[44:40] So, yeah. And so, because I'm left-handed, right? So I throw with my left. So I couldn't afford a glove. I couldn't afford a baseball glove. It was like 20 bucks or whatever, and you could barely afford rent. So I couldn't afford a baseball glove. So I would borrow kids' gloves, but there weren't any other lefties around. So the glove would go on my left hand. So I'd have to catch it on the left hand, rip off the glove, and throw it. But when I finally did inherit a left-handed glove, which went on my right hand, a glove for a left-handed people, I immediately moved up to the top one or two picks because I could now catch and throw without the delay of ripping off the glove and it's like you know so i started off bad and i wasn't picked and then i got better and then i started getting picked i mean it was, it's not personal it's not anything to do with men you know women take things more personally in a lot of ways and men are just like well but i do suck so all right let's see here yeah they spent yes flat screen tvs trendy sneakers yeah the poor casinos big car rims spend it on strippers and all of that, right? Well, or, you know, if somebody who's poor comes into money, then everybody swarms around them with their crazy business idea and all of that, right?

[45:52] They blow it and grow all of the vice industries. Well, yeah. So, I mean, I grew up among the poor. And then when I worked up north as a gold panner and prospector from post high school until I went to university for about a year and a half. And it's how I saved money for a lot of my university. And the towns up north were all the same.

[46:14] Towns up north were all the same. So, there would be a post office, a convenience store, and a liquor store. Right? So you'd get your check, this is before your pokey, you'd get your unemployment check, your welfare check or whatever, your disability check, and you'd go and cash it at the post office. And then you'd go to the convenience store to pick up your snacks and smokes, and then you'd go to the liquor store to get your beer and liquor. And it was always the same, always the same. When i spent a little bit of time we would hire the uh natives right we would hire the natives sometimes to go and blaze the trails in areas that we wanted to go and uh and prospect or to you'd mark off in the kilometer square you put your uh you put your markers onto the trees you hammer your metal studs into the trees with you and that's how you get the mineral rights right so we'd have people go ahead and sometimes clear the brush so i'd spend some time on the native reservations, and they were hell. They were hell. This is why this whole wise indigenous Graham Greene dances with wool stuff is just not true, right? I mean, they were hell. Children wandering around with no pants at two o'clock in the morning. It was just absolutely appalling. All right.

[47:30] Steph, when selling custom machines that increase productivity for food manufacturer companies, would a good pitch be, if it doesn't increase your productivity by, say, value X, I'll go and take the machine back and give you your money back?

[47:45] Why would you do that? I mean, unless it's something totally new. Right? So the way you work in business is you build business cases, right? You build verifiable business cases. So when I was in business selling software, there was a particular process that a lot of businesses had to do, and we could cut the cost by 40%. And we knew that because we gave the software away relatively cheap early on, on the condition that we built the business case, right? So we measure how much time and money they spend on this particular process before our software and then after the software. And then we say, you know, they're saving X amount of dollars a month. And by the way, you can, you know, we got the guy to sign off that this is true. And so then he would be a reference. And so he would get the software very cheap in return for a business case that he would act as a reference to. So they could call and say, this is what these guys are claiming. Is this true? Absolutely, it's true. I gave them all the numbers. us. So maybe you give a subsidy to begin with, but in return for a business case, and then you use that business case to convince everyone else to buy your software at full price or in this case, their food stuff. So, all right. I'm so happy to listen to a live show. I broke my phone and decided to go without until I could buy a new paid phone in full. I'm sorry about that. It's a, it's God's way of saying upgrade.

[49:11] All right. Some places in Canada, they leave all car doors open in case of polar bears. Yeah, it's just up in Nunavut and places like that, right? And I'm sure this is the case in Alaska, yeah. So, yeah, for sure, you would leave all the car doors open in case somebody needs to get into your car because there's a polar bear. So, yeah, they're very happy, right? You don't want to come back with some guy's head on your car, right?

[49:42] When I was a kid, there was a super poor family in our village and people were giving them things out of pity, but they always destroyed them. If somebody gave the kids a bicycle, it would not last more than a month. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, so poor people, and there's lots of exceptions as a whole, right? But poor people in general blame externalities. Poor people blame externalities for their poverty right you know like the kids who are bad in school, a lot of time oh the teachers just got it in for me or you know they didn't teach the test or how am i supposed to know or whatever whatever they blame externalities as to why they're doing badly in school and because they blame externalities right one of the things that's quite characteristic to poor people is a complete avoidance of responsibility, right?

[50:42] Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah so lord of the flies is another piece of pure propaganda that kids are forced to read about how jeez without a government it's just a war of all against all and the fat kid goes sailing off a cliff but the actual story of lord of the flies is that people the kids function for like it's based on a real story but in the real story the kids functioned very very well right as somebody's pointing out they survived on fish coconuts birds uh the days began and ended with song and prayer and friendship and loyalty yeah it's um that's william golding right so if you don't push propaganda you don't make money because they pay you for programming the children yeah the kids got along they helped each other i never i remember a reading lord of the flies i read a sanitized version to my daughter when she was younger. And it's just not believable. It's just not believable that suddenly they all turn feral and attack each other and want to kill each other. And it's like, come on, man. I mean, we all played in the woods when I was a kid. We all played in the middle of nowhere and this never happened. It's all just lies and nonsense. All right. Were you circumcised, Steph. I was not. And I remain not. I remain not. All right. Is Lenny's IQ less than 85? Yes. I think you'd probably have about a 60.

[52:08] Somebody says, in 2013, my only close friend robbed my life savings, nearly three grand from an envelope in a drawer in my bedroom, just before I got around to taking it to the bank. Yeah. Yeah. I'm sorry about that. I wonder what percentage of homeless people are either addicted or mentally ill, right? Well, I mean, yeah, there's the the addiction, of course, and they did a whole series on this, the destruction of America's mental health care system. The communists love turning loose the asylums on society to destabilize and make people frightened and therefore easier to rule. When I'm at the ATM at night, I'm not looking over my shoulder for bears. True. Yeah, circumcision is I think it's a form of branding myself. I think it's just terrible. Absolutely terrible. Thank you for the great work. Thank you for the tip. Thank you for the great work you do, Steph. As for polar bears, Churchill, Manitoba has that bylaw that you are not allowed to lock cars. Also, there are no highways out of town. That helps. Oh, that's interesting because you can't even drive away, right? Yeah. For myself at the time and since, I always thought of and described the public schools I went to as Lord of the Flies. Yeah, interesting.

[53:25] Uh, somebody says I grew up around poor people. In fact, I was poor, poor people aren't moral or poor due to reasons outside of their control. The majority are horrible people. Yeah. I mean, I think there's IQ issues. Uh, there is certainly trauma issues and so on. But the one thing that's exhausting about the poor is that just don't take responsibility. They don't take responsibility. I mean, the single moms are all like, well, I just couldn't have known. And it just happened. And it's like, they just won't take responsibility. And i get i get i understand the seduction of not taking responsibility but avoidance of personal responsibility is a drug it gives you a high in the moment and costs you everything in the long run it is i view the avoidance of personal responsibility as the equivalent of heroin or crack cocaine or meth or something like that like i i view the avoidance of personal responsibility is a giant red flag of course right but uh people it's a drug it's an addiction to To avoid personal responsibility is a massive addiction. And it's very seductive. It's fundamentally demonic, though.

[54:28] All right. We're having a low-tip day. Just wanted to mention, just wanted to mention that it's a little bit of a low-tip day. If we get some decent tips, I can give you guys a link to the AI, the Peaceful Parenting AI, which you really should check out. I don't care how expert you are. you've really got to check out the Peaceful Parenting AI because you're going to hand it to other people. And I really would appreciate a bit of a test drive of the AI. That would be excellent. Let me know if there's anything that goes awry and so on. But yeah, I would get some tips. You know, 25 bucks, not much for almost an hour. I think it's some pretty great philosophy. We've gone through a lot of stuff here. Now, if you have questions, comments, issues, challenges, I'm certainly happy to hear them. I have, of course, some.

[55:16] Some, oh, that's interesting. Why would you talk about my father's name in that detail? Seems vaguely sinister. Seems vaguely sinister. Uh, if so, yeah. So if there's anything else you want to chat about, I'm certainly happy to hear it. I did have a request. I did have a request to talk about.

[55:46] Codependency I did have a request I could do that as a solo show or again I'm certainly happy to sorry people are typing and I'm sort of vamping here to, yeah I mean the strip the copper like you know in poor neighborhoods the libraries get ransacked and they take everything but the books and all that right, Jane Goodall omitting reports that the chimps would effectively war against each other instead of instead portraying them in nature as great and peaceful Rousseauian way thanks Lee so yes, it's the primitivism the noble savage the noble savage is foundational to the lies of the left right the noble savage it's a very very seductive fantasy that uh nature, what are the topics you want to talk about well no but here's the thing so if i if i have a topic that i want to talk about then i will talk about that topic um on a solo show right so uh that's not uh.

[57:11] High School Curriculum and Leftist Programming

[57:11] All right so let's see here thank you for the tip i appreciate that thank you adam i appreciate that, i can't trust adams i just i can't trust adams i can't they tell me then they make up everything everything oh did you did you get caught did you think oh here comes the philosophy did you get corn. I'm not saying I'm proud of it. I'm just saying it happens. The dad jokes, they come out like nipple explosions. All right. Sorry, I lost the tap here. Let's get back to your comments.

[57:51] Oh, and the lies of the silent spring. Oh, yes. DDT is thinning the eggs and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, right? Yeah, it's just nonsense. The state makes lying profitable. The state makes lying profitable. Because you can't undo the lie. So if somebody lies to you, you ostracize them, right? Somebody lies to you, they promise you something, they don't deliver, you just don't go back. So you can ostracize liars, but the state doesn't allow you to ostracize liars, just as it doesn't allow you to ostracize immoral people. There are people on TikTok showing how to rob copper wires out of abandoned buildings. In this poor area, they had to replace the nice seats on the bus with steel seats because they destroyed the nice seats.

[58:43] Somebody says, I actually have a job replacing copper streetlights wire to aluminum so people won't steal them in poor neighborhoods.

[58:51] I mean this is one of the reasons why Red Lobster is filing for bankruptcy because they had this all you can eat shrimp thing and then poor people came in two of them ordered it six of them ate it it became impossible to police and they just lost millions and millions and millions of dollars.

[59:05] What do you think about this Steph? my girlfriend says that there are some things that she has some secrets, that she believes she will never tell me I have no hints as to what they are and she is adamant that she won't tell. We are five months in and I'm thinking and proposing. It makes me uncomfortable. What should I do? So this is torture. She's just torturing you. It's not a good sign. It's not a good sign. You know, as human beings, there are some things we just don't talk about. I mean, there are secrets I will take with me to my grave. I've said this before. I'm not trying to torture you because it's not something I owe you. but yeah, I mean, I am stuffed full of secrets. There are things I know about people that I will take to my grave. There are things that have happened to me that I will take to my grave. And, but I'm not dangling that, you know, trying to torture someone. So why would someone tell you they have secrets if they're not going to tell you the secrets? Right, why? That's very disturbed, right? Oh, I have really important things that really affect you, big secrets, I'm not going to tell you. That's just psychological torture, right? And you're experiencing it as psychological torture.

[1:00:29] I mean, to tell you, to dangle in front of you important secrets, I mean, the secret is not her nickname for her Barbie when she was eight, right? That's not the secret she's talking about. If it's important enough to keep from you, it must affect you, right? If it's important enough to keep from you, it must affect you. Otherwise she'd just tell you. So she's saying, I have important secrets that really affect you that I'm never going to tell you. That's just, that's psychological torture. Let's see here. I'm checking the AI right now. I asked it, according to the documents, what is essential for gaining respect as a peaceful parent? And it gave a great answer. Curious about trying the StaffBot AI for dream analysis next. Oh, it's interesting. I don't know how well it would do with that.

[1:01:23] Yeah, so with regards to the girlfriend, your fiancé, I suppose, why would you tell me? Like, why would you tell me that thing? Like, can you tell me, do these secrets affect me? Right? And of course, if she says, no, the secrets don't affect you, then you say, but then there should be no barrier to telling me if they don't affect me. If they don't affect me, then you can tell me. And if she says, well, they do affect you, it's like, well, then you're withholding information from me that affects me and telling me that you're withholding information from me that affects me. So, how can I trust you? So, and not even so much tell me the secrets. The question is not, what are the secrets? The question is, why would you tell me you have secrets that affect me without telling me what they are? Right? You would want to explore that motivation. Not details, right? Again, philosophy is all about the principles. So, you wouldn't just want to focus on the details. It's not about these secrets. Why do women torture like this? It's because they're insecure about their value and want to put you down. No, sorry. No, no. So this indicates that you can't negotiate with your fiance. So if you're in a relationship, oh, this might be too much for people.

[1:02:44] Yeah. Yeah, this might be too much. I mean too much for 30 bucks of donations sorry, I'll hold off on that one unless you know if we get some donations great but that's a lot of juice right that's a lot of juice, But it's not because they're insecure about their value and want to put you down. It's nothing like that. People psychologize, right? That's psychology. And that's not how people work. And just sort of making up reasons as to why people do stuff without evidence based upon psychology is not great. Thank you for the tip on Rumble. I appreciate that. I appreciate that. Well, what do you think of being obsessed with a fictional female character for years because you don't have any other positive way to express yourself or feel loved. All right? What is the fictional female character? Tell me. Tell me, kitty. Tell me, what is the fictional female character?

[1:04:04] Those relationships that one always has to have leverage are so tiring right but the question is why? Why?

[1:04:17] Surmire Yoshikawa from Persona 5 Royale. It's like you're speaking English, but not quite. Alright, so let's see. I betcha she's pretty!

[1:04:36] Uh, okay. Sumeri Yoshizawa from Persona 5 Royale. I'm looking for pictures of her. Yeah, I'm not saying that pedophilia and anime are exactly the same, but I'm not sure I'd exactly say that they're opposites. It's like, it's like grafting a hairy baby's head on a voluptuous body. Body yeah the big eye stuff is very creepy because you know your eyes are the only thing that don't change in size over the course of your life so very big eyes is always a baby, and the sexualization of the baby physiology it's very creepy stuff it's very creepy stuff okay, right so can you tell me a little bit about what you find attractive because i don't know I don't know the story. Is somebody coast playing here? Wow, that's a lot of makeup. Is she a battle girl? Is that right? She's a sword girl? She's violent? Battle queen, is that right?

[1:05:57] If anyone can tell me, I don't really know the backstory. Oh, yeah, it's right here. There you go. Sumire Yoshizawa. It's got to be aggressive. Sumire Yoshizawa. Spirit is willing, but my bank actually has this crazy idea that I should actually earn the money and get it put in my account before I can spend it on tipping my local philosopher. Silly bank. Yes, math is math. Math. Yes, math is math.

[1:06:35] A waifu, I think she is in high school. A waifu? No, that's not. It's W-A-I-F-U, isn't it? Waifu, isn't that your anime girlfriend in your imagination? Isn't that waifu? Is that right? Let me just see. Is that... Oh, it's a way of, you know, waifu is a way of, uh, Japanese speakers will never use that word. Uh, waifu is a term for a fictional character, usually an anime related media that someone has great and sometimes romantic affection for. Waifu came from the Japanese word for wife. Okay. Yeah. I mean, you understand she's a talented gymnast who joins a high school vigilante group. So she's violent, right? Right, so she's violent?

[1:07:34] So, a healthy person is sexually attracted to a woman who will make a good mother, right? A healthy person, right? Because what is the purpose of love? What is the purpose of sexual attraction and pair bonding in marriage? It's for children. It's for children. Big eyes in anime is because they base their characters on American influences. It's not to do with pedophilia. I don't believe you. I don't believe you. I don't believe you. All right. Wife or girl you would marry, date, go steady with, as my pal said it to me. Well, that's not what the meaning is, so you can make up your own meanings, but that doesn't help the general population. So a healthy man is attracted to a woman who will make a good mother. Now, a woman who is a teenager who hacks people up with a sword, would such a woman, a girl, make a good mother if she's very good at... Disassembling people with her samurai blade, if she's willing to hack and slash and cut people to ribbons.

[1:08:46] Would she be a good mother? Right? So, men who are attracted to violent women are overly bonded with abusive mothers.

[1:09:01] I'll say it again. Men who are attracted to violent women are overly bonded with abusive mothers because now they associate femininity and motherhood with violence. And this is why, since the rise of single motherhood, you have all of these kick-ass female heroines who go around beating everyone up in their impossibly tall stiletto heels, and they all know kung fu, and it's all really, really boring stuff. All the Kill Bill stuff and the alias stuff, and all of the stuff that Charlize Theron plays from time to time. So yes, when you get violent, abusive single mothers, then you have a drive for sexually attractive, violent, abusive women. So yeah, you've bonded and you've identified femininity with violence and abuse, and therefore you're bonded to a violent, abusive character. Steph, have you heard of Yandere? I have not. Do you lose 30% of locals subs? No, it's the coins. It's the coins that cost. And it's not anything to do with locals. It's just the architecture of Google and Apple. They just take 30% of in-game or in-app payments.

[1:10:16] Let's see here. I love her nice personality and cute looks. She helps the major domain carrier to get through the story and supports him no matter what. She pretends to be her twin sister out of guilt over causing her death. She could do her own abortions with a sword like that. I don't know what that means. She fights against evil shadows in people's minds. She doesn't kill real people or anything. She's a noble fighter. Female officers can arrest men without backup in the real world. She fights against evil shadows in people's minds. She doesn't kill real people or anything. She's a noble fighter. Okay. So let me ask you this. Can you be a fighter and a nurturer?

[1:11:00] Uh let's see here uh there's a sub-genre of anime called mamanga or hantai animated pornography the lines are blurred razor thin a yandere yandere is often sweet caring and innocent before switching it as someone who displays an extreme often violent or psychopathic level of devotion to a love interest right yeah so that that the reason why you have this duality is that uh abusive mothers are nice in public and violent in private right so you have these these two poles right it. So, uh, yeah, so I would assume that it has to do with being raised by a violent woman. And then your fusion is that you find violence, uh, sexually attractive. Now you can say, oh, but she only fights shadows in people's minds. Okay. So let's say she only fights shadows in people's minds, but of course it's animated right there in front of you. So she's a fighter and a killer of delusions and delusions, so she's still very aggressive. And can you be a violent, aggressive person? Can you be a violent, aggressive person and a good nurturer to babies? Right?

[1:12:25] Don't want to derail the stream, but why have you associated big eyes in animation with sexual interests and minors. Pretty much all characters in anime have abnormally large eyes. I'm pretty sure it's just an art style. Um, I don't, I don't follow. I already explained it. I already explained it. So if you weren't listening, I'm not going to go through it again. If you were listening, then you need to address my arguments and not pretend that you didn't, right? Cause that's kind of rude, right? To pretend I didn't say anything when they already explained it is kind of rude unless you weren't listening, which is also kind of rude to ask me me to repeat something that I've already said because you weren't listening. Unless you apologize for not listening, which is a little bit more polite, but this is just rude. Sorry. All right. Questions, comments, issues. It looks like nobody wants to know about, why do women torture like this? Is it because they're insecure about their value and want to put you down? Okay, that's fine. Just added to the tip jar because this chat is being fussy. Keep up the phenomenal work. Thank you. I appreciate that. Very kind. Very kind.

[1:13:28] All right. Any other last questions, comments, issues, challenges, problems, feedback? Tips are low. Motivation is low. Maybe this is not the greatest show for you all. So I will not drag the show out if it's not of particular value to you and is not particularly motivated to me. So I will close this off early. Again, no problem or whatever. But I know it's a tough economy. So I sympathize with all of that.

[1:13:53] Financial Support and Philosophy

[1:13:54] But I do have to work for money, right? I mean, I've got employees and all of that, so. Thank you, I appreciate that. If you tip on, please let us know here. Well, no, I can see that. I can see that show up, and that hasn't been happening. I think we got two. One member checkout and one donation, so. No problem. Sounds unlikely that violent does not equal nurturing. Sounds unlikely that violent does not equal nurturing. What? That's two double negatives. So you're saying that violent women are great nurturers? I would have questions. Now, violent men can be good at nurturing because nurturing for males is protecting, right? So you need to have the capacity for some aggression to protect your family. So it's a little different for men as a whole.

[1:14:52] Yes, I like the show. Well, thank you. I appreciate that. All right. Maybe I'm attracted to her because she doesn't leave and abandon me. And Sumira's real-world personality is kind and supportive. She doesn't leave and abandon me. I don't understand. You have no relationship with her whatsoever. She's not real. She has no relationship with you. you, so I don't know what you mean by she doesn't leave and abandon me. That's like me saying Gandalf the wizard will always be there for me. It's like, no, he's not there for you in any way, shape or form. So why would you bond with the unreal? Why would you bond with the unreal? Oh, thank you, Chris. I appreciate that. So yeah, why would you bond with the unreal? So you you you wouldn't just bond with the unreal because that's your thought or feeling or you would bond with the unreal because you had to do that as a kid in order to survive so you would bond with the unreal because you had to create a fantasy of your mother to bond with that because your mother couldn't be bond you couldn't bond with your actual mother yeah imaginary lovers Lovers. Yeah, that's a great song. I remember that from the 70s, right?

[1:16:19] Imagination's unreal. Yeah, it's a good song, Imaginary Lovers. I guess that was the dawn of the porn age. So I'm not sexually attracted to her. She's 15 in the game, but I started to love her when I was 19. My mother was never violent. She abandoned my family when I was four, and I barely ever saw her in my life. Sorry, you don't experience maternal abandonment. It's violent. Of course it's violent to abandon your family, because how are you supposed to survive without a mother throughout most of our evolution?

[1:16:54] Okay, so when I said that you had to bond with the unreal, so you had to have some kind of imaginary bond with a mother who barely showed up, so then you end up with an imaginary bond with an imaginary character, right? So you've been trained for that, right? Does that make sense? You've been trained for the unreal. Right, And you don't want to stay there, right? You don't want to stay there. Because bonding with the unreal prevents reality from coming in, right? Thank you, Steph, for your hard work. I appreciate that. Getting addicted to anime is very easy. They make them so stimulating, especially for a male audience. Yeah, because it's all like a sexy woman archetype, little girl voices, baby eyes, and yeah, it's really creepy.

[1:17:50] My grandpa was an English professor. His interpretation of Lord of the Flies was that it was anti-urbanist more than anti-government. There was a thick return to nature ethos at the time it was written.

[1:18:00] Lord of the Flies Interpretation: Anti-Urbanist Perspective

[1:18:00] Yeah, I mean, I don't see that to be the case. If it's anti-urbanist, then they should be in paradise in nature, but they're not. So, no, that's not right. Let's see here. Thank you. I appreciate that. I appreciate your tip. It was typing, then got caught up in listening, then started retyping without rereading what I wrote. Bad habit will work to fix it. I appreciate that. Thank you. I appreciate that. All right. So it looks like we might have. Yeah, okay. So hit me with a why. I think we've hit some decent tips and I appreciate that. I appreciate that. I really do. It's tough to nag. I don't enjoy it. I don't like it, but it's not about my feelings. It's about what's good for philosophy. So, all right. I appreciate the tips and support. Now you're just training me to nag, right? You know that because it works. I'm just kidding. So thank you for the tips. I appreciate that. So let's get, do you want the answer to this question? Why do women torture like this? But the woman who wouldn't give the secrets is because they're insecure about their value and want to put you down. Is that right? Is that something you want an answer to? Thank you, tippers. The show must go on. Yes, thank you.

[1:19:18] Yes. Uh, how much would I need to increase my local subscription to know about how the torturing comes from poor negotiation? Listen, man, you're already subscribing. That's totally fine. That's totally fine. You like the anime topic, right? All right. It's going to blow your mind. It's going to blow your mind. All right. So a woman who tells you, I have secrets that really affect you, but I'm not going to tell you them. So what's she doing? So she is trying to establish dominance. Now, why is she trying to establish dominance? She's trying to establish dominance because she can't negotiate.

[1:19:58] So she's saying, I'm going to provoke a need in you that I will not satisfy. I'm going to provoke a need in you that I will not satisfy. That puts you in a position of wanting and her in a position of having. So whenever we want something that the other person has and they won't give it to us, we're in a subservient position.

[1:20:20] We're in a subservient position. position so why would she want to be in a hierarchical position where she would tell you something to provoke a need in you and then refuse to satisfy it that puts you in a subversive sorry that puts you in in a um a lower position that puts you in a position of need and want that she is going to either provide or not provide it's totally up to her right so why would she want to put you in a subservient there's the word i was looking for subjective so why would she want to put you in a subservient position because you need to figure out how to resolve things in your relationship. And the only thing that she can think of is to be dominant and to get her away at your expense. So she doesn't know win-win. So she's putting you in a win-lose situation to train you to have, to look at her as an authority that you have to beg things for. You have to beg of her. You have to ask of her. She may or may not choose to give you what you want, but you want, she's going to provoke that want and then not, uh, not satisfy it. Right. So she, she doesn't know when, when, right. She doesn't know or understand what it means to be in a win-win negotiation or a situations situation, if that makes sense.

[1:21:32] So that's why she's doing it.

[1:21:36] Psychological Torture Through Dominance

[1:21:37] That's why she's doing it. anybody who provokes a need in you, without satisfying it is trying to lower you in the hierarchy and train you to subservience so that they can get their way at your expense because that's the only way they know how to get their way is at your expense does that make sense.

[1:22:07] And that's the answer.

[1:22:12] Low self-esteem? Oh, for heaven's sakes. That's just a phrase. What does it mean? What does it mean to have low self-esteem? That's just a big catch-all. What does that mean? Can't just ask too insecure. You keep thinking it's insecurity. It's not insecurity. It's not insecurity. She was raised in a win-lose environment where it's dominance and submission. That's it. You can make up all this other insecurity, low self-esteem, slave morality, blah, blah, blah. No, she just, the only way she knows how to get what she wants is to be dominant at the expense of someone else. So you're making up all of this stuff that's unnecessary. Like let's Arkham's razor this shit a little bit, can't we?

[1:23:00] Well, she's insecure. I don't know, insecure. She can't be direct. It's like, no, No, she, unfortunately, and we can say this is a sad thing in her childhood, she hasn't grown up with a win-win mentality. What do you do? You try and figure out something that works for everyone. You keep going back to the negotiating table until you find out something that works for everyone. I mean, I just provided an example of that, right? What was the example I just provided of that, of trying to give a win-win, right? I just did it in the show. what is an example I just provided of a win-win negotiation?

[1:23:44] What did I just do? One symptom of having bad parents is ignoring red flags in relationships. No, not just ignoring, pursuing. Pursuing red flags. Nobody ignores red flags. They know them. Because, I mean, I've talked to thousands of people about this over the years, and there are always red flags that they knew about. Yeah, you don't, you don't, sorry, you pursue them. You end up pursuing them. Let's see here. Insecurity is giving her an excuse. Yes, you know, and for heaven's sakes, let's stop putting women in this fragile insecurity position. Women can be both good and evil, equal to men. So she's approaching the relationship from a status win-lose scenario rather than a mutually beneficial relationship.

[1:24:30] I didn't know Google was getting that big of a cut from the tips. Yeah. You asked for more money. Yeah. I was not particularly happy working that hard, this hard for a very low donations. Right. So I didn't threaten. I was just, I was honest. Right. I said, I'm not feeling motivated. And maybe I view donations as a proxy for the value of the show. And look, it could be that the show is just not hitting people in the right way. It could be that this is not issues that you're interested in. And so it's not like you're bad or anything, but you know, I'm, you know, how, how long are you a musician playing your heart out on a street corner? If nobody gives you any money, really, right. I mean, you just, at some point, like you meet the playing the wrong music or I'm in the wrong location or like, I'm not right. So I had a big, important, deep question and I did not have within me the motivation because I wasn't feeling like I was providing enough value. And if you don't feel like you're providing enough value, it's tough to do a good job, right?

[1:25:25] It's tough to do a good job. you know it's the old freddie mercury thing right i can only sing as well as the audience wants me to right so if they cheer and then he'll go further and and he'll dig deeper and he'll right but if you're you know singing your heart out to a silent audience it's tough to sing well because then you're like well what am i doing wrong like you know what i mean like so it's just tough to do well in particularly in public if you're not getting any particular feedback now i've learned I've learned to live on little feedback. That's just something I've learned to live with for a while. And this is not the case. So I was feeling unmotivated and I was honest about it. And I told you guys why I was feeling unmotivated. You guys stepped up and I really appreciate that. So I felt motivated and it became a win-win. You got what you wanted, which was me talking about this secrets thing.

[1:26:13] Finding a Win-Win Negotiation

[1:26:13] And I got what I wanted was a recognition of the value that I'm providing. Right.

[1:26:21] Training you. Yeah. So the woman is training you to not have expectations of reciprocity. You give her what she needs and she gives you scraps for which you should be grateful for. She does not see you as an equal. Say, give tips. Steph gives us an answer to the question, right? I mean, tell me, am I wrong? Is this a win? You guys gave me a little bit of money, which I appreciate. I don't mean to say a little bit like it's nothing. I appreciate that. So, um, I got what I wanted and you got what you wanted, right? So this is an example of me. I mean, I wasn't mean, and I wasn't blaming you. I was, oh, you cheap guys. I'm just saying, look, clearly the show is not providing the kind of value that it's a deviation on the low side for tips, right? So clearly the show is not providing the kind of value that you want. So, you know, I've got a lot of things to do with my day. My family's waiting for me to finish the show so we can do something lovely with our Sunday. So I don't want to be in a situation where I'm unmotivated. And I said, like, I feel unmotivated because, you know, it was a very low tip day. And I'm, you know i mean is it about money no it's about philosophy but again you know i i am responsible for the people who work for the show as well right because they're uh you're paying for people who work for the show and i think we're getting a lot of great stuff out of it so thank you i really appreciate that so um i think this was an example of rtr i was not blaming you i was not mad at you I was just saying, this is my genuine experience.

[1:27:47] I'm not motivated. I'm not, I wasn't even blaming myself because I think I'm doing really a great show. I'm not blaming myself. I'm not blaming you. Just, you know, there's not a connection between what I'm doing and the value that you experience, right? For whatever reason. And we don't need to sort of figure it out or anything like that. So, yeah.

[1:28:07] I was saying my, this is my honest experience. I wasn't blaming myself. Oh, clearly I'm doing a bad show. And, you know, I'm just, I should just stop it. You know, I'm not blaming myself. I'm not blaming you. I'm just saying that whatever I'm doing is not connecting to the value proposition that is usually the case when I do a live stream, right? Which is fine. You know, it's going to happen sometimes that I do a show that, you know, just there's a cluster, right? There's a bell curve, right? And some shows are going to hit your sweet spot and it's going to be like, man, everything thing he's saying is really great for my life. And, you know, and then there's other times it's like, well, I don't have that issue. I'm not into anime or I've never had a girl do this to me or it's not. So there's going to be times where just what I say doesn't hit the audience in terms of value and which is fine, which is fine.

[1:28:49] So, um, I hope that I'm, it's funny because it's really interesting how this works, right? It's really interesting. Ah, maybe that's got to do with it. Maybe the tips were low so that I would show a win-win negotiation rather than just talk about it. Ooh, isn't that funny how that cluster brain might be working together? Ooh, goosebumps. Goosebumps. Do you see what I mean? Like, maybe you needed more of a practical example, which I completely understand. I mean, a third of the book on peaceful parenting is about practical examples. So maybe the tips were low in a win-lose conversation, a conversation about win-lose so that you could see me assert a win-win negotiation to illustrate the principle that I was talking about.

[1:29:41] Oh, that's interesting. I think that might be the guy. It might be this unconscious. Like, the unconscious is always kind of playing tennis underneath, right? Mock, mock, mock, right? The unconscious is always playing tennis. And I think that's it. Tell me what you think. Joe says, I had a job where I was getting paid so low, I had no motivation to complete the job. So it is understandable. Somebody says, sorry, I'll donate again soon. Mortgage sucks up most of my income at the moment. Yeah, it's going to be brutal for people who have to renegotiate this summer, right? Right? That anime girl attachment might be a growing problem with a lot of guys in the future, especially with the emergence of these VR personalities out there. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, I want people, of course, to get married and have kids. It's a wonderful thing to do and a great payback for all of the ancestral suffering that brought us life. But, you know, if people prefer anime, I'm not entirely... I don't consider it massively tragic that they don't reproduce. Right.

[1:30:37] If that's where your mind is and that's what you want, and if there is a creepy aspect to it, I'm not... If somebody prefers childlike anime for sexual gratification, I'm not entirely sad that they don't have kids. All right. Somebody says, I think your work is outstanding, unparalleled, and needed in this world so much. I think censoring and false info about you have blocked a wider audience to a great loss. us. Yeah, for sure. For sure. Uh, absolutely. But everyone I watch asks for donations that is a hundred percent appropriate. Well, yeah, but normally I don't say I'm unmotivated by low donations, right? Cause normally the donations are fine.

[1:31:20] Uh, you have an outstanding work ethic too. Thank you. I appreciate that. Uh, I would like to say I'm so disciplined, but it's a, it's a really, it's really fun. Uh, it's really fun to do this kind of work. Stefan's a lot like me. I bet we are both ENTJ personalities. Oh, that's Myers-Briggs stuff. It's voodoo. I don't think it's good. Categorize yourself. I had a... Let me just get to your questions in case anything else has popped up just before I do my final topic. Oh, my gosh. I can't believe how many tabs I have open. I should close them at some point. I should close my tabs at some point.

[1:32:02] Uh, there are some shows I enjoy more than others, but in general, I value all of them. It's why I have two decent subscriptions on Locals and Telegram. Well, thank you. I appreciate that. That resonates with me. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Minimum wage in Ontario, Canada is $17.20. Is that right? Times four employees. Do you think they're not worth at least that? Yeah, yeah. Yes, I think I also found a rise in my own motivation since the win-win. Right. Uh. Hi, Steph. Just got married yesterday. Thank you for all you've done to help us get here. You are absolutely welcome. I didn't get an invite. I'm a wedding singer too, on the side. No, I'm not. But no, congratulations. That's completely wonderful and thrilling. You are on the journey of a lifetime and I wish you all the very, very, very best. I'm going to tip once a week budget at the moment, mainly on Friday and Wednesday. I will stop tipping here and do so directly in free domain so you get full blast. Thank you very much. I appreciate that. Anyone see the AI female influencer who makes like $500,000 a year from simps donating to it? Okay. Shall we end on why simps donate to AI or why simps donate to women at all? Would you like to finish on that? I mean, the simp phenomenon is huge, right? And this is just, this is also just part of keeping capital away from idiots, right? You have to keep capital away from idiots or you lose your whole civilization.

[1:33:27] Because you either give capital to people like elon musk or you give it to people who donate to ai bots right so you either give capital to people who increase the value and capital of society or you give it to people who waste it so do you want to know the same thing, so So, if you grow up with an exploiting mother, if you grow up with an exploiting mother, you will likely develop a sexual fetish for being exploited.

[1:34:06] Do you follow? So there are men, it's a BDSM kind of thing. It's a submissive kind of thing. So there are men who get exquisite sexual pleasure from being exploited. Now, why would they have sexual pleasure from getting exploited? Because they probably grew up without a father and with exploitive mothers. Steph, what's up with the Canadian economy? Seems every day you have a female complaining about the high costs in Canada. Yeah, they voted for a lot of free stuff. enough and they comply a lot with the government and everyone got vaxxed and stayed home and took massive amounts of money. And so lots of money was printed to keep people in a state of delusion. And now reality is breaking through that delusion and all they know how to do is complain.

[1:34:51] Yeah, UBI and straight to AI. That's right. There. So you've seen the pictures on online of some hot e-girl and some guy pays like $10,000 a meter and then she takes that money and goes on a vacation with her boyfriend right and and you look at that guy and he's like you know it's kind of sad-eyed and you think oh gee that's but no that's his fetish right like do you know how strange human sexuality can be wasn't this german politician was was licking public toilets and there were pictures of him covered in feces, stuff actually takes his shirt off on a stream more than those girls streamers i'm gonna do for you. Yeah, yeah. Especially if on it's a day when I've worked out. Do you know, I mean, do you have any idea how strange and bizarre human sexuality can become? It's a wild and powerful force and when it goes right, society is a beautiful place to be. But when it goes wrong and it really, really, really goes wrong, it goes seriously wrong and life becomes hell. I mean, there are people, well, it's the whole monkeypox thing, right? Like, there are people into things so strange that it would ravage your very soul to even think about it.

[1:36:17] So, yeah, when it goes bad. Why do some guys have a fetish of a woman taking his girlfriend or wife? A woman taking his girlfriend or wife? I i don't know i have not heard of that one i assume that just about every crazy thing that you can imagine is someone's fetish somewhere uh licking toilets yeah guys he's got videos of himself licking public toilets it's like like when human sexuality goes wrong it goes unbelievably wrong you know it's like a very very it's a car that's very very high speed you either drive it well and get where you want or it's a flaming crash uh to nowhere right, was it that um the sexual position of guys who want to ban guns and it's just a guy holding up his iphone in the cock chair it's pretty funny it's pretty funny.

[1:37:25] Well and uh i i would assume that the the sort of watching sex phenomenon comes from guys who have inappropriate mothers or fathers usually mothers like single mothers they can hear the sex and so uh the you know you got to hide sexual activity from your kids obviously right and so i would assume that it's because they're in an observational way with regards to sexual activity and uh something something like that but yeah the humiliation fetish is is very real it's very real so uh guys again they're they're buying sexual excitement by giving money to women right, there's a Spanish politician who was eating his own feces and barking like a dog yeah.

[1:38:08] Yeah. He left office now. Excellent. Excellent. So, yeah. So why, uh, why is there an AI making half a million dollars? Because people's sexuality is so twisted that they turned on by giving money away for nothing. Right. Isn't it dangerous licking toilets? Yeah. That's the whole point. That's the whole point. It's, uh, it's just appalling. I don't, I don't, I don't understand that. I don't understand that. that I, in a million years, I will never even remotely get close to understanding any of that kind of fetish stuff. I just think it's just so bizarre. Uh, and, and it's, it's completely otherworldly to me, you know, right or wrong. I just, I can't fathom it. I can't fathom it.

[1:38:55] Uh, last question. Uh, are we unwittingly using the leftist communist one-dimensional employment of the word capitalism to describe the complex interaction between individuals and the the economy as a whole, and therefore a corrupted interpretation from the get-go of all subsequent conversations. Essentially, aren't they poisoning the well that free market operations are biased towards capital without further considerations? Yeah, so capitalism is a largely Marxist term, for sure. Why are we using a term that the communists have termed? Because the communists run the educational system, because the educational system is communist, right? I mean, you can't have a free society if coercion is at the root of how children are educated. It's just a matter of time, then, right?

[1:39:39] Uh, let's see here. Yeah, I don't, I mean, the cock thing, it's just okay. You have a fetish that you haven't dealt with, right? You have some weird, bizarre, oddball programming in your brain to do with sexual activity. You haven't dealt with it, and therefore you're just paying for sexual gratification from humiliation. But I don't view them as victims.

[1:40:02] Vanity is Killing the Bloodlines

[1:40:03] Uh, let's see here. there was an American politician advertising her only fans while running for office in Texas yeah yeah, was Rome also degenerate when it came to its end yes absolutely I mean just look up Caligula right yeah Rome was completely degenerate single motherhood welfare state dissolution of the marriage and sexual kinks all over the place yeah we don't we don't do well, with bad childhoods and economic freedom bad childhoods plus economic freedom end up producing degeneracy as a whole, with the state, right? Throwing in there as well. All right. Any last questions, comments, issues, challenges, problems? Very interesting stream for me. I love it. I hope I've been of use and I hope I've been of help. And listen, I do really want to thank you guys for listening to my requests and us finding a win-win. Honestly, and I'm really honest about this, like if the donations hadn't come and I closed down the stream early, that wouldn't be a hate problem or anything like that, right? Do you see the viral Pokimane clip of her complaining to her chat that she only attracts beta males? Who the what the hell is Pokimane? Moroccan Canadian streamer and YouTuber.

[1:41:24] Oh, she's like a pretty girl streaming video games. Yeah. Yeah, she's pretty. Oh, yeah, there's the picture with her sucking a lollipop. Oh, so subtle. You know, I swear to God, landscape was invented so that people could fit in mountains, and portrait was invented so women could show their cleavage. That just seems to be the way that it goes. But yeah. Yeah. Oh, she's pretty and she's making that weird Japanese orgasm face with the tongue out and stuff like that. Cross-eyed and stuff like that.

[1:41:59] It's not good, man. So, yeah, and you really do have to limit your exposure to this kind of stuff. Digital beauty is junk food for your balls. It's junk food. I guess it tastes good in the moment, but digital beauty is junk food for your balls. And same thing with women, right? Super handsome, charismatic guys are junk food for your ovaries. So you have to limit your exposure i mean you know i guess a little bit of junk food once in a while isn't going to kill you but if you're on a steady diet of it you're going to have a pretty bad life and it's the same thing what happens is the it's part of this whole depop thing is to promote these you know one in a million or one in half a million beautiful people you know the perfect skin and the great hair and you know they've got the charisma that comes often from being physically attractive a lot of charisma is just the result of positive feedback based on good looks. And so you continually expose yourself to this one in a million people and it happens in ads, it happens, you know, all of this kind of stuff. And then when you meet a normal looking person, they look ugly to you, right? In the same way, if all you eat is junk food, like heavy sugar, heavy fat, heavy salt, heavy whatever, right? Then you eat a normal, healthy piece of food and it tastes bland. You're programming yourself to find equivalent looks females ugly.

[1:43:17] You're going to look. Spoiler. Here's the fact, right? Here's the final fact I'll leave you with. It's very, very important. Look, you're going to end up with someone, Who's kind of the same attractiveness as you? We see this all the time. And let's see some deviations, right? Like, how can you tell a millionaire from behind and some fat guy on a beach with some really hot girl? But that's not love, right? So you're going to end up...

[1:43:44] If you're a seven, you're going to end up with a seven. If you're a nine, you're going to end up with a nine. If you're a three, you're going to end up with a three. In general, right? It's just the way it is. Like attracts like. Plus, you have similar experiences. if you grew up and you're a four you have a similar experience to somebody else who's grown up with a four you've developed particular tastes and habits social interactions, levels of charisma, outgoingness, confidence you will have developed all of that in part based upon your looks it's not fair, it's not right, whatever I don't care fairness is just a word that idiots use in place of justice, it's a theft word unfair it's not fair man it's just a theft word it's a precursor to a hand in your wallet, So, spoiler, if you want to know how attractive you are to the opposite sex, look at how attractive your partner is to the opposite sex. My wife is about as attractive as I am, and I'm about as attractive as my wife is. And if you look around the world, you see the same thing, right? If you see, like, have you ever done this game? I used to do this game when I was younger. You see some really good-looking guy. He's turning around the corner in the mall. while he's holding someone with his hand, but you don't see her yet. And some really, really good looking guy, you say, would I date the girl whose hand he's holding? Would I find her attractive? And of course she comes around the corner and if he's a 10, she's a 10. I mean, it just is the way that it is.

[1:45:11] Right? It is the way that it is. And, I mean, come on, in high school, the pretty people tend to hang out together, right? The jocks hang out with the jocks, and the pretty girls hang out with the pretty girls, and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, right? It's just the way that it is. and so for the most part you wouldn't get to hang out with the pretty girls so if you're constantly looking at these super good-looking uh sniper wolf right super good-looking super sexy um what was this sniper wolf done video she's like oh it's date night and she shows her she's got a great figure and she's pretty and all of that and you know it's just a way of thinking you're in the room right and so if you're constantly surrounded by pretty girls and you're looking at them uh movies, porn, TV, pictures, whatever, right? Anime. Then you're programming your brain to think that you're more attractive than you are. Because would those really pretty girls have hung around with you in high school? Or pretty handsome guys, would the handsome guys in high school hang out with you and thus draw the pretty girls into your environment, right? So when you surround yourself, when your visual cortex is constantly being programmed with attractive people, it's programming you to have hyper unrealistic expectations of your own level of attractiveness, right?

[1:46:33] And it's really toxic. You know, it is the, why are so many people single? Because they program themselves into thinking they're more attractive than they are. Now, quick question. How do you know if you are unrealistic, in your perception of your own attractiveness. Right? How do you know?

[1:47:11] How do you know? I owe you for many years to come up with all the intelligence you've imparted to me. I donate $80 every few months. Thank you. I appreciate that. That's very, very kind. How do you know? Thanks, Steph. I'm getting a lot of value from your thoughts and the comments this morning and did on Friday as well. RTR is beautiful and feels free. Female sexuality has completely gone off the rails in the modern world. I mean, the number of rape fantasies is just horrifying.

[1:47:55] A single, you have to test it for real by talking to women, asking people out. You don't like the girls that are attracted to you. Lots of rejection. I mean, I would say you guys are all right, and I'm not trying to say that my formulation is better, But my formulation is, you're not in demand. Yeah, you're not in demand.

[1:48:19] Right? So if you have a small house and you list it for $5 million, will you get any offers? No. You're not in demand. You're not in the marketplace because your price is too high. If you're a relatively unskilled guy and you say, I need a quarter million dollars a year to sweep the floor of the factory, you're not going to get any offers. Because your demands are outrageous and unrealistic and nobody's going to take them seriously. You're not in demand. Now, if you're Brad Pitt and you say, hey, the next guy, I'm going to do the next movie for $10, rather than the 10 mil or whatever he commands, right? So if you're Brad Pitt, then you're massively in demand. People are going to be swarming you to get Brad Pitt in their movie for $10, right? You've been demand. Right? Because if you lower your price, then you're in demand, right? So let's say that you're a six, you're a guy who's a six. Well, if you're going for the tens, you're not going to get there. If you're going for the nines, you're not going to get there, unless you have some other massive compensating quality, in which case you're not a six. I'm talking about six overall, right?

[1:49:29] So what do you do in a free market? You lower your price till you get buyers, don't you? I mean, if you say, well, the burger I make is so good and it's made with such love, the burger is $300. Well, nobody's going to buy your burger, right? If your burger is 30 cents and it's a really fantastic burger, you're going to have a lineup around the block. So you got to get that sweet spot. Are you in demand? If you're not in demand, you're aiming too high. And that's vanity. And that's the programming that society does to raise your expectations, right? I apologize for this in advance. I apologize for this in advance. Are you ready? I'm looking for a man in finance. Six bar, blue eyes, trust fund, finance, six bar, blue eyes. This is like the song of the summer. I'm looking for a man in finance. Six bar, blue eyes, trust fund. I mean, so this is a six foot four guy in finance with blue eyes. So they want a handsome guy making 250 to 500,000 a year who's 6'4".

[1:50:39] How do we increase demand? Lower your price. Lower the price or increase the value. So you understand, all of this insult shit, male and female, is just absolutely unrealistic expectations. Don't settle. Well, of course you should settle. My God. Wouldn't we all like to get paid a billion dollars a minute for doing what we love? Oh no, we have to settle.

[1:51:05] Do you see what I'm saying? It's just mismatched expectations. We've been programmed to be absolutely stuffed full of bottomless satanic vanity. I deserve everything. Like this anime shit that this guy was talking about. No woman looks like that. No woman looks like that. And you've seen the, you know, the lumpy guys with the neck beards and the double chin saying, well, if you don't look like this anime girl, I don't even want to hear from you. All the women who were like, okay, I have three children, they're my world, but you better step up and you better have a car and you better have a house and right. I'm looking for a man in finance. Like, oh my God, are you? Who isn't? But then the funny thing is they get that man in finance and those finance bros work like 80, 90 hours a week. And then they'll be like, but I'm lonely. I never get to see anyone, right?

[1:52:09] Do I do a good entitled Valley Girl with a Glossy Stop? Oh my gosh, Wikipedia, right? Vocal Fry, Vocal Fry Girl. I'm so hot, I don't even need to use my real voice. Sounds like Valley Girl is looking for caricature, right? So, you know, there's all these heartbreaking messages. I'm 29, when is it going to be my turn? When am I getting my special person? How long do I need to manifest? It's like, if you're a young woman and you're not in demand, it's because you're insane. And if you're a reasonable young man and you're not in demand, it's because you're insane.

[1:52:58] You guys can hit me with the very best words for vocal fry. And I blame Brittany. I blame Brittany. Hit me one more time so well don't lower price just increase value whatever, but if nobody's sliding into your dms it's because you're unrealistic, you're unrealistic and you don't want to face how attractive you are, or are not But, you know, people got married and had children who'd had smallpox and had massive facial scars. People got married and had children when they were missing fingers or limbs. People got married and had children when they lived on a steady diet of crap, had never brushed their teeth, and had rotting gums. People got married and had children when they bathed once a year.

[1:54:10] The Influence of Vocal Fry

[1:54:11] Onomatopedia literally literally literal ah i i there was a comedian i had a vocal fry vocal fry girlfriend he's like vocal fry girlfriend was his song i could never be able to find the song again i heard it on the radio once wikipedia and it was very funny i just can't find it again so if anyone can find it was very very funny but the vocal fry thing yeah the vocal fry thing is um, it's a mark of status right like i don't have to be clear i don't have to be I don't have to use full voice, right? I'm a four or five at best. I'm coming to that reality. And there's nothing wrong with that. Most of us are fives. It's an average. It's a bell curve. Pumpkin spice latte. Latte is not great. It's got to be better. I don't need to use my full voice because I'm superior, right? I'm too lazy. I'm so hard. I'm so in demand. right? I don't need to sound pleasant. Live, laugh, love. Yeah, so look, most of us survived. Most of us in the middle. There's nothing wrong with that. Absolutely nothing wrong with that. Most of us aren't 6'4". Most of us aren't 5'2". I mean men, right? You're in the middle. I'm shade under 6'. I'm taller than average. I'm not particularly tall.

[1:55:34] But everyone's like, she's not pretty enough. She's not hot enough. She's not that. You're just, you're programmed to end your line. Anthropomorphic. I mean, yeah, no, it's got to be at the end, right? Yeah. People made children through the razor wire in concentration camps. Yep. Yep. Yep. People made children with early onset arthritis. People made children while still mourning the death of their last child. Has pair bonding been broken due to the bottom 20% being rejected by women to rejecting the bottom 80%? No. Vanity is killing the bloodline. That's all it is. Vanity is killing the bloodlines. That's it. Had to start outsourcing my vocal fry to AI. It was exhausting. Yeah.

[1:56:32] So it's the devil right the devil tempts you with vanity and vanity is the ultimate depopulation, vanity is the ultimate depopulation i won't lower myself to a woman who's not up to my attractive standards okay that's you know that the sin of pride is the root of all sins pride, pride are you in demand have you ever seen this video of this woman walking around new york and and all these guys catcalling her and so on. Well, so they put a male model with a great physique, and he was striding around, and all the women were catcalling him. Have you ever been catcalled? I think I've been catcalled twice in my entire life. Have you ever been catcalled? Hide obsession is very tough to get over for some men. You mean for women who have hide obsessions? God, thank God women have hide obsessions. Thank God women have hide obsessions. Because they're signaling that they're incredibly shallow and can't pair bond because they don't care about qualities of character. They only care about things that... Oh, did you find it? The vocal fry girlfriend? Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I'll copy that. Thanks, I appreciate it. It was very funny. It was very funny.

[1:57:47] For me, it's Wikipedia, but for them, it's Wikipedia, right?

[1:57:52] So thank you. I'm not going to read out the YouTube link. We'll put it in the show notes. So it's just vanity, right? So if you're vainglorious and you think that you just deserve the hot cheerleader who's also brilliant, and like I remember in the film Fisher King, burned in my brain, burned in my brain, there's this incredibly hot girl sitting at a desk reading Nietzsche.

[1:58:13] Unrealistic Expectations in Dating Market

[1:58:14] I'm like, oh, oh, right? hmm we like right but no you you you get who you can get of course you do don't settle really, so we're all perfect and therefore we prefer perfection i don't know it's it's just a matter of sheer vanity well i'm good looking so i determine i deserve a good looking girl it's like okay i don't care are you in demand who's who's knocking at your door right it's the old line from that Julia Roberts movie, My Best Friend's Wedding, who's chasing you? No, the men who are distraught because they're below average height. No, I get that. So they're below average height, which eliminates a lot of women. So those women you don't want anyway. One of my friends is short and he's insecure as hell. I try to help, but insecurity runs deep. No, height is an excuse. Height is an excuse. I mean, I started going bald in my early 20s.

[1:59:13] Did that mean that I couldn't date? Did that mean I couldn't be confident? Did that mean I couldn't? I mean, that's just, I don't know, boring physical shit, right?

[1:59:23] I mean, have I ever seemed to you insecure because of my baldingness? I mean, by my age, like 75%, 80% of men are balding anyway. So, So, no, and balding helps you accelerate things, right? Because it's a reminder of mortality, right? So every time I talk to some player who's wasting his 30s still sleeping around, I say to the same guy, you still have all your hair. Yep. So you don't have to grow up in a lot of ways. So it's good, right?

[1:59:54] No, it's like if you say to a woman, you have to have big boobs, but no body fat. Okay, there are a few freaks out there like that. But if that's your requirement or demand, then you don't have a capacity to pair bond. You have a fetish that's exploitive. So, yeah, I mean, I can't encourage you enough. You lower your standards until you're in demand. You lower your standards until you're in demand. True for men or women. You lower your salary requirements until you can get a job. Isn't this obvious? You lower your salary requirements until somebody offers you a fucking job. Dating is fucking job in a way, right? So yeah, girlfriend is insecure. It's destroying our relationship.

[2:00:46] Girlfriend is insecure. It's destroying our relationship. No, you're destroying the relationship by staying with her if she won't fix it. You're destroying it. It's not her fault. I still think you need to ask to find out how in demand you are. A lot of guys who have never been catcalled are with beautiful women. I'm not saying it's the only thing. Oh my gosh. Come on, man. That's dumb and defensive. And you're smarter than that. You're absolutely smarter than that. You don't need to ask to find out how in demand you are. A lot of guys have never been catcalled out with beautiful women. Yes, they're wealthy. Right? So, yeah, I get it. But you know, you go and talk to women and do they respond positively? Right? If you're in a room, do women give you the once over? Do they try to catch your eye again? Do you turn around suddenly and see them looking at you? Do they, right? Do they flip their hair? Like there's tons of... Hugh Jackman is short? Plays Wolverine. He just got divorced, didn't he? After like a... Is he short? Is he short? I just hate him because he's a pro Bill Gates book. Height. All right. What's his height? Height. Six foot.

[2:02:16] No, he's not short. He's above average. I didn't think he was short.

[2:02:22] So, yeah. I mean, pig height was apparently 6'1", right? So good guys get a little shorter as they age, right? So, yeah, I think you're wrong about that. I could be wrong. What do I know? It's just the internet. In general, for women, confidence and charisma is more important than physical looks.

[2:02:44] Trustworthiness like you don't want to get laid you want to have a family and to have a family you need to be trustworthy alright Steph would you say being approached by women is a good marker of attractiveness, it's not a bad way yeah for sure for sure yes that's true I do see them looking at me and all that kind of stuff yeah, yeah good alright lower your expectations until you get what you want keep your high expectations to a genetic dead end that's really depressing because you only get one shot at it you only get one shot at youth right, you're going to get one shot at you. And particularly for a woman, right? There's no point adjusting your expectations when you're 45 because your genes are dead, right? Your eggs are dead. There's no point adjusting your expectations then, right?

[2:03:27] So, all right. Have yourselves a wonderful day, everyone. Thank you so much for coming by. Thank you so much for your support. If you're listening to this later, slash donate. And because you all did such a lovely job for me, of listening to me, which I appreciate. I appreciate you know I certainly have had people um in my life who have not listened so I appreciate that you have listened uh there you go thank you Jared has put that out piece of parenting book and AI is right there premium content don't forget forward slash at uh can we do slash tiktok maybe that would be it forward slash I appreciate that. Have yourselves a wonderful day, everyone. Lots of love from up here. I'll talk to you soon. Bye.

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