Stopping Child Abuse! Transcript


0:00 - How's everyone going? How's everyone's evening? How's everyone's life?
2:00 - Pimples and Studio Work
5:20 - The Purpose of Language
13:00 - Wooing and Weeding Out
16:36 - Despair and Resilience
42:55 - Listening Through Reason
47:01 - Consequences of Turned Away Reason
52:51 - Lying as a Form of Hedonism
1:03:33 - Society Dies Without Virtue
1:08:52 - Clear Conscience and Peaceful Parenting
1:12:12 - Society Dies Without Virtue
1:16:32 - Emotional Impact of Peaceful Parenting
1:19:28 - Opening Insights on Society's Evils
1:42:13 - Unveiling Plato's Allegory of the Cave
1:53:15 - Addressing the Problem of Child Abuse

Long Summary

In this engaging episode, we begin with casual banter as I interact with the audience about various topics from evening plans to color preferences for the set. Delving into the realm of relationships, I emphasize the role of language in courtship and the value of a high verbal IQ in a partner. Drawing from personal experiences, I underscore the importance of resilience in overcoming challenges and stress the significance of facing the future together in love and relationships. Sharing insights from my thesis on philosophy and political leadership, I guide the audience through a thought-provoking discussion that sparks curiosity and active participation.

As the conversation progresses, we segue into a deep dive on the impact of truth in political ideologies, illuminating how different perspectives shape beliefs on governance. Comparing empiricism to totalitarianism and mysticism, we explore the nuances of philosophical thought. Touching on historical events like the French and American Revolutions, I provide valuable insights on academia, career choices, and societal issues such as economic challenges and relationship dynamics. Advocating for rational decision-making and emphasizing the importance of honesty in relationships, I navigate through complex topics with clarity and purpose.

Reflecting on the inevitability of aging and the essence of inner virtue over external beauty, I delve into the moral fabric of relationships, condemning dishonesty and promoting integrity. Addressing societal and economic hurdles like corruption, I weave personal anecdotes with societal critiques, offering a blend of introspection and societal analysis. Expressing contentment with my contributions and advocating for individual accountability in shaping a positive future, I share snippets of my daily life to provide a holistic view of my beliefs and values.

In the latter part of our conversation, we delve into the pressing need for honest discourse on truth, reason, and morality, underlining the importance of open dialogue and critical thinking in shaping a better world. Sharing personal stories and experiences related to child abuse, religion, and societal challenges, I underscore the necessity of a philosophical approach to address complex issues. Through a blend of serious discussion and lighthearted anecdotes, I advocate for facing uncomfortable truths and striving for empathy in our interactions. Encouraging support and donations to fuel further conversations on essential topics, I emphasize the transformative power of knowledge and action in creating a more ethical society.


[0:00] How's everyone going? How's everyone's evening? How's everyone's life?

[0:00] How's everyone going? How's everyone's evening? How's everyone's life? What are your questions, issues, challenges, problems, preferences? You name it. Whatever you like. I am in your brain. Two, iron out the kinks. Maybe just create a couple new ones. Just a couple, not too many. Which camera do you use? I'm trying a Sony at the moment. It and uh other than the white balance being a little bit radioactive i think it's very nice, uh i'm just messing around with different uh different looks and feels for the show, and trying to make it a little bit easier you know i go through this thing it's like i'm gonna make it easier and it ends up not being easier but you know when it's all done in the long run it tends to be that way so i don't think i'm getting audio on the camera but i can match it up later. So I don't know. I think the, do you guys prefer the little bit of blue here? I mean, it's not like everybody's sitting there staring directly at my baby blues all day, but this is kind of what I got going on. B for blue, G for gray. That shade of blue is lovely. I, I assume you're simply talking about my eyes, darling. Um, yeah. Do you prefer the, hit me with a B for the blue or a G for the gray? I think it's a little easier on the eyes.

[1:24] You can tell me what you think. Obviously, the only thing I particularly care about is the audio quality. And it's got a Kmart family photo vibe. Very sexy. Okay, blue seems slightly better. Okay, good to know, good to know.

[1:45] So, a couple of grays, mostly blues. A couple of grays, mostly blues. All right. Well, I appreciate that. And I'll work on still trying to make it even, even better. Even better.

[2:00] Pimples and Studio Work

[2:01] So, and it's lovely being almost 58 or 57 and a half. I still get pimples. It's occasional, occasional. My wife's been great with all of that.

[2:13] All right. Right. So, yeah, hit me with your questions, issues, challenges, problems. I was listening to Pearl Davis, Pearly Things, while I was doing some studio work. And she's very bubbly. She's very bubbly. And obviously robust, because there's a lot of hit pieces out on her. But she's very, very interesting. All right. Sent that woman off. Dating app. A nice thoughtful message as you suggested, Steph. It would be her loss if she doesn't respond, but fingers crossed. Thanks again. Oh, no. Did you just trigger a rant in me? Ooh, I feel that deep in my gizzard marrows. You may have hit a giant sonorous bell of ZOMG. It might in fact be. Time for a rant. time for a rant well I certainly wish you the best and I hope that it works out for you and I certainly do appreciate.

[3:21] Um the effort and the risk that you're taking on, alright rant, rant away okay oh god, oh god help me tell me tell me the number of books you've read said over the last year. Tell me. Oh, you like the show with Izzy? She's adorable. She's great. Yeah. She's a lot of fun.

[3:52] Um tell me the number of books that you have read over the past year or is it basically just staring at squidgy netflix and considering subtitles to be the perusal of a literary masterpiece listen to uh let's just say red let's just say red we got two two books i hope they're They're both mine. Otherwise, I'm going to cry. All right. 15 books. Excellent. Excellent. Excellent. I mean, I used to read back when Mike was my producer and we had endless interviews. I would read sometimes three to five books a week. It was quite mad.

[4:36] Partially through RTR. Oh, so you're at the art part. Art. Art. Zero. All right. Right. So, why did men, and you know it was men, why did men invent language? Why, why, why did we invent language? I mean, it's used for propaganda, it's used to conscript us into wars, it's used to strip us of our income through endless coercive redistributive tax schemes. Why did we invent language? Is there a way to go? Is there a way to go back? Is there a way to go back? So why did we invent language? Well, I'll tell you why we invented language.

[5:20] The Purpose of Language

[5:20] We invented language to make women laugh. That's why we invented language. Language is a tool for wooing women. Now, what we have is an epistolary format these days when it comes to wooing women. And I know there's images on all of that, and you've got to get your ChatterStan ab pics and all of that out there, but we have a language-based wooing scenario going on in the world, in the West, at the moment.

[5:56] Now, guys, give me a 1 to 10. How would you rate your texting game? Game. Game is giving women dopamine in return for potential romantic intentions or attention, right? That's what we do. We make jokes. We send a meme. We stimulate her. We make her think. We make her look for that, bing, you got a message. Oh, I wonder if it's so-and-so, Cyrano de Bergerac, with his deep Freudian and Wildean witticisms. We have gotten back to texting.

[6:37] We have gotten back to texting. And I will tell you that maybe it's because people don't read anymore, or they don't make jokes, they just share memes. But the level of creativity in the younger generation, when it comes to texting, is essentially flatlined. I'm pretty sure that the heads on Easter Island would have better text game than most of the people who've come after me. I mean, obviously, me personally, who've come after me in the dating game of tickling women's dopamine with startling, original, innovative, and creative language. There's nothing. Not how was your day? What you doing? You busy? Huh? Oh, man.

[7:36] Women want to be delighted, slash confused, slash excited, slash a little horrified from time to time is okay. But they want to see the raw mechanical horsepower machinery of your living brain on full display, without fear, and with all creativity to the max. Throttle full, all phases on kill, and you've got to have a guy with a Scottish accent deep down in your bowels saying, I captain the dilithium crystals that cannot take the strain! That's also after I have too much Indian, but anyway. What is with the complete absence of game, in everybody post-GenX?

[8:30] Do you all make live jokes? Do you tickle, stimulate, make curious, excite, invite, dabble in the fluorescent, iridescent plankton streams of potential brain ores in the water language? Or is it just like, sup? Sup? Sup? Heh heh heh. All right, to the ladies watching, and you can always email me later, to the ladies watching, when was the last time you got a frame-worthy text? I'm just curious. When was the last time you got a frame-worthy text? Just out of curiosity. I'll check everywhere man I'll check everywhere just to find out when was the last time you got a friend when you just like gotta show something.

[9:27] Is the brain like any other muscle in the body, use it or lose it? People that don't stimulate their brain are more likely to get dementia and other cognitive issues just reading help. I am very much use it or lose it, it is a muscle. It is a muscle. I was not noticed as particularly verbose when I was a kid, but I got completely fascinated by language, and I worked it. Sup, wombang?

[9:53] Yes. I've seen posts about women who are turned off by complex language and proper grammar and punctuation. Good. Good. They should be. Turn off those people. Don't have time to stay for the chat tonight, but thank you for all that you do. I'm so sorry that you have lost a thigh and are currently bleeding out through your femoral artery and have to get to the emergency room because I can't conceive of any other particular or potential reason as to why you might not be here for the chat tonight. But nonetheless, I appreciate the tip. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much. You see the entire purpose of language is to weed out the idiotic and the lazy you follow that's what language is for oh well but but some women don't like complex language good then you shouldn't like them okay why why why why why why why do you want a woman with the good language skills why do you want a woman with good language skills just out of curiosity what's the thinking behind wanting a a woman with a high verbal IQ.

[11:14] IQ, what is the purpose of having a woman with a high verbal IQ? Why would you want to dazzle her with your language in order to weed out those with the brain activity of your average man-of-war jellyfish? Just out of curiosity, why would you want that? Why? Why would you want that?

[11:39] I can think of a couple of good reasons. I'm just wondering if you can. Why? To debate and reason with children so they can express themselves accurately. High IQ kids, you are all correct. But Code Blue is the most correct. Code Blue says negotiation ability. That's it. That's it. That's it. So she understands the power of language to resolve disputes. You see, if you don't get a woman and with high verbal ability and self-knowledge and all of the other good things that you're weeding out for when you bring complex language to the feet of a woman like a dead steer to a hungry tribe, you end up with her communicating through, oh gosh, how would she communicate? She would communicate through withholding sex, slamming cupboards, making you bad food, not making you any food at all. She would communicate through having an affair. She'll communicate through lawyers. She'll communicate through the family court system. That's how she's going to communicate, or, or, or, what you can do is you can get a woman with high verbal IQ who will talk to you and reason with you and she'll solve problems together. So you see, wooing is not about winning women.

[13:00] Wooing and Weeding Out

[13:00] Wooing, and this is true for women to men as well, wooing is about weeding out women.

[13:08] Don't be, don't be desperate. Please, God, don't be desperate. Don't be desperate. Nobody wants to hire the guy who's starving because he's got no choice. And he's clearly made such terrible decisions that's where he's at. Do you know the biggest predictor of being woke and leftist, collectivist, the biggest predictor is low verbal IQ, right? You know that, right? It's just low verbal IQ. you. And of course, she'll be great at communicating with the kids, and she'll teach them how to read well and early. The kids will have great language, and through the mother raising your children with great language skills, you'll be able to reason. Ooh, get this, you'll be able to reason not just with your wife, but you'll be able to reason with your children, which is fantastic. Being able to reason with your children is an absolute joy and bliss, and should not be forsaken for anything thing under God and earth, sun and moon and everything in between.

[14:11] You cannot win a woman unless most women lose, right? You can't win the gold unless most people aren't winning the gold. Otherwise, it's just some nonsense grade school participation trophy because you are drawing breath and can maybe move your legs.

[14:37] You have to be haughty. you have to be weeding women out otherwise you're not even a consolation prize. Hit me with a why if what I'm saying makes some kind of sense. Women are hypergamous. They're looking to marry up. So you can't win a woman unless she's looking up. Which means you have to be in the grim process of weeding out. Now, I mean, think of Prince Harry, right? How many women did he have to weed out until, unfortunately, he ended up with the woman he ended up with? But, you follow? The process of weeding out is the process of becoming a prize. Someone says, that's been on my mind for a while. I want a woman who has those high-level reasoning skills. It will allow for negotiation and be great for the long term. Of the relationship and with kids, unlike these one-liner chicks. Yeah.

[15:58] Woman had on profile her favorite dad joke. What did the one Dorito farmer say to the other? My punchline? Listen, your herd got onto my land again. I found their chips all over my field. I don't quite get that one. Doritos. They're the spicy semi-tortilla chips, is that right? Your herd got under my land again. I found their chips all over my field. Okay, I've weeded out all the women in town and there's no women left. Now what? That's so beta. That's so beta. I'm so sorry. That's so unappealing.

[16:36] Despair and Resilience

[16:37] Oh my gosh please please please try and see yourself as women see you if you want to get married please try to see yourself as women see you, I'm helpless what can I do I'm out of women I've weeded them all out there's nobody around here who's worth anything to me blah blah blah.

[17:05] You know, the biggest girl boner killer is hopelessness and helplessness. Did you follow? So I'm giving you some gold standard advice here, and you're cock-mocking my sowing of male seeds across the intergalactic. Eggs of females. else well i've tried i've tried everything and nothing now what oh no oh no i guarantee you you've not weeded women out if that's your attitude about weeding women out i'm just being frank with you that is a lady boner killer uh that is a giant intergalactic space laser or from Alpha Centauri directly at her ovaries. Fried. Fried green egg ovaries. Yeah. I've done everything. There's nothing left to do. Now what? You know, as men, we can't do that, right? Like, sorry. We can't do that. Don't ever do that. Don't ever be out of answers. Don't ever be out of striving. Don't ever be out of solutions.

[18:17] Right? I mean, you know, everything that we have, everything that we have, Everything that you use, everything that you see that is of value, everything you pay for, everything that is around you, was produced mostly by men who absolutely refused to give up. I might in fact be one of them. I am still here. I am still talking. So, everything that you see, these glasses, this microphone, this keyboard, everything that you use was produced by a guy who at one point or another thought he was totally fucked.

[19:01] Staring down the charging tsunami of infinite despair, having his nads trampled by the infinite horse hooves or bison hooves of a stampeding herd. Everything that is produced was produced by a guy who said fuck off to despair. Everything. And if you haven't understood that, it's because you haven't committed to creating something, no matter what. When I was in university, University, I fought off despair, of course, because we're surrounded by mostly people who aren't particularly smart, and I'm not just talking about the professors. To try and get my graduate school thesis done, I had to wander from department to department like a lost little lamb bleeding for somebody to take on what I thought was a fantastic thesis and still do. do?

[19:54] In the business world, absolutely impossible deadlines, endless travel. I once stayed up two nights straight to finish a software project so that we could make payroll. I had to sign pieces of paper that basically said, you will be a slave for 10 years if you can't sell this product because it was a personal guarantee to the bank to cover payroll. You don't think there have been a couple of hiccups in this year's show over the past 19 years or so. Yeah, there have been a few hiccups here and there. You may have noticed. I've obviously hidden everything perfect from the world, so nobody knows anything. But, you know, if I were to be brutally honest, I would say, yes, there's been a hiccup or two. Yeah.

[20:36] The person who produced this stand ran out of money and was facing disaster and didn't know how to move forward. The guy who made the monitor, Everything that you make is a testimony to taking the fucking jack-heeled boot of your steel-toed grebs and pounding it into the face of despair until it's unrecognizable and a mere shit stain in your history.

[21:04] Everybody who despairs is kind of a parasite on those who don't despair. bear? Do you not think that your food, do you not think that the farmer had to spare? Crows ate all his crops, regulations changed, some Monsanto ship blew onto his land that he got sued. Do you not think that everybody who built a house, everybody who built the sewage systems, everybody who built the electrical grid, everybody who built the roads, do you not think that they faced existential despair and they fought through it so that you could have the food delivered on nice roads so So you could eat, roll over like an armadillo, curl up into a ball and say, oh, but there's no way forward. Chips is a term for cow poop.

[21:52] Oh, that's the big joke there. What was that when I was a kid? Would you rather run a mile, jump a stile, or eat a country pancake? And everyone would say, oh, I'd like to eat a country pancake. Thank you. Oh, the country pancake is cow poop. Chips is a term for cow poop. That's some pretty specialized knowledge, I'll tell you that. That's some pretty specialized knowledge. And a joke that requires on that level of specialized knowledge. Resilience is the essence of being a man. Yeah, listen, it's not just men, right? You know, we're all here because our mothers overcame resilience. You ever been around a mom with a new baby? Pretty exhausting stuff, man. You're up three, four times a night. You don't get to get any sleep. And you can't get anything done. You've got a kid glued to your hip. You might have two if they're twins. And we're all here because our mothers just didn't give up. And we're all here and have stuff because our fathers just didn't give up. Don't you dare. Don't you dare. Nets subtract from the glory of human existence by surrendering to the Cotswallop boner-killing sin of despair. I'm here for the esoteric farmer jokes.

[23:08] It's a bad call. It's a very, very bad call. Excuses are beta. Beta. Well, no, I mean, I hate to be sort of annoying guy about that. They're not totally beta. I mean, there are times where there are legitimate excuses, but there's no excuse for final despair.

[23:28] There's no excuse for it. I mean, yeah, there are excuses. You know, I was expecting to get something from someone. It didn't show up. It wasn't here. And all of that, right? All right. If you're busy working at excelling at things you enjoy, you will meet women who already have that in common. Then it's about doing something rather than just flat judging each other. Yeah, there's this weird thing. I think it's kind of a narcissistic thing. And it's been going on ever since really the invention of romantic love in like the 18th century. Before that, it was just a practical partnership for our children and society and the transmission of values. But this idea of romantic love. So a relationship is not you all staring at each other deep into each other's eyes from now until the end of time, facing each other like two wanted posters in a narrow hallway. No, no, no, no. The purpose of love is for you to go hand in hand And through the exciting slog of having and raising children, transmitting values, taking care of aging elderly relatives, contributing to your community, contributing to the some glory of the human story, that's, you go hand in hand. You hold hands and you face a direction called progress. You don't sort of face each other and the people who face each other end up swirling in a spiral down a drainpipe of solipsistic nothingness.

[24:51] All right. What was your thesis? Was that the beginning of UPB? So my thesis was that there are two schools of thought in the history of philosophy, in philosophy as a whole. On the one side, you have the people who believe in a higher realm. So this would be your Plato, this would be your Kant, and other people. So the people who believe Hegel, the people who believe in a higher realm. My argument was that philosophers who argue in favor of the higher realm, of the realm inaccessible to sense data and rationality, a new communal realm, Plato's realm of forms, and so on, the philosophers who believe in a higher realm must inevitably advocate for political dictatorship leadership as the means of organizing society on the other hand you have your john locks you have your aristotle's and so on the people who don't believe in a higher realm aristotle john locks and others the people who don't believe in a higher realm those people end up with free market very small government limited democracies as their ideal deal, political or social organizing principles.

[26:11] The reason being that if you have the pursuit of truth and the possession of truth as a non-communicable mystery religion, right? In other words, if the truth is a cult that you cannot explain to others, but it's absolutely essential and the highest moral virtue, then you have to end up with a dictatorship as your ideal If, on the other hand, the truth can be reasoned by everyone, including children, then you end up with a small government that's just there to protect people from killing each other, and you don't end up with dictatorship as your ideal political model, because people can negotiate and reason things out. In other words, mysticism is totalitarianism, and empiricism is political liberty. And I took a number of philosophers on both sides of this divide and analyzed their writings and proved that it was in fact the case, that the philosophers who believed in a higher realm inaccessible to reason and sense data, they always ended up advocating dictatorship.

[27:18] And those who believed in empiricism, reason, and the evidence of the census ended up advocating for a very small government and liberty. Is that the difference between the French Revolution and the American Revolution in terms of ideology? Yes, that has a lot to do with it. The American Revolution came out of the empiricists, the rational empiricists, and the French Revolution came out of collectivists and mystics. Yeah, nonsense has a new meaning, yeah. So where the senses are denied, the gun is pulled out. Where reason is denied, the gun is pulled out. So I forgot to say thank you for donations that are coming in. slash donate to help out the show. It's basically the place with the lowest overhead, so slash donate.

[28:14] If there are hierarchies in realms, then there will be hierarchies in politics. If the truth is inaccessible to all but a select few who cannot explain that truth to other people in rational empirical terms, then they must impose that truth through force. Reason or force, reason or force, and higher realms of perfection. And I do not include the Christian realm of heaven in this, because that's an afterlife thing. It's not epistemological and moral in the here and now. It's your reward. It's not the game.

[28:51] I read your thesis. It's excellent in my opinion. Thank you. I appreciate that. I think it is very good. Actually, I thought it was a complete masterpiece. Do you ever wish you had completed your PhD? I've certainly thought of it occasionally over the years, and I don't have any regrets regarding that. I don't have any regrets regarding that. Can you imagine, as controversial as I am for stating basic scientific facts, can you imagine what would have happened in my academic career? So, no. No, I much preferred the business world. The business world is not political. I mean, there's some corruption elements in the business world, of course, right? But it's not political. And through the business world, I developed the skills to do what I do here, right? So I went to the National Theatre School, which gave me connection with my emotions and gave me good speaking skills and improv skills. And it gave me really great voice training so I can continue to use my voice in a way that is pleasing and sustainable. And so through theatre school, I got all of that stuff. And then...

[30:07] Through academia, I learned some rigor, some critical thinking, learned some history of philosophy that was more than I had pursued. When you pursue things yourself, you tend to pursue what you like. When you're in university, you're assigned what you hate, and you have to learn whether it has value or not, or whether you're wrong. And then I got into the business world, which taught me the basic sort of sales and marketing skills and business skills to be able to run this. Because this is a business concern, right? As you know, right? What would have been the process to get a PhD? Just defend your master's thesis? No. So a PhD in Canada is, I mean, it can be five to seven years. You get paid really badly as a teacher's assistant and you write some big, basically it's like, I don't know, half or three quarters or even a full book length argument. And then you put it in and you have to defend it with people who are skeptical of it and so on. And then you finally get granted your PhD, which which also is referred to as piled higher and deeper. And that is your process of it. And then what? And of course, as a white male, I would have been very unlikely to be hired in any higher institution, even sort of back in the day.

[31:22] So, yeah, Dr. Molyneux. Well, my father had a PhD in geology. But I don't think it would have done me any good. And the other thing, too, well, let's say, right, so let's say that I had gone through the process of getting my PhD, and then I'd gotten some kind of academic job, then you're very limited in what you can do. And if you think about the number of people i've been able to talk to millions and millions and millions and millions of people over the course of my career as a public philosopher think of the number of people that i've been able to talk to versus you know 50 100 maybe a little bit more, per year as an academic so no and and the things that people most care about that i do the call-in shows, and I would not have been able to do those really as an academic. So, this has been the right course and the right path for me. It has been the right course and the right path. Oh, we have similarities. I believe my dad also got his PhD in geology.

[32:49] The woman, the young woman, I don't know if you saw this, it went kind of viral, I guess. It was a young woman who said that, you know, what's the funniest thing that you have that's actually kind of traumatic? And she was talking about how her father abandoned his family, wouldn't pay her medical bills. And then he ended up becoming, in his 50s and 60s, he was the world's oldest breakdancer or something like that. And he was on TV and so on as a breakdancer.

[33:20] And it's just wild you know hearing both sides of a story is really jarring, uh i a play that i quite liked when i was younger was a play called rashomon r-a-s-h-o-m-o-n, and i remember having to study it because it was being done at the national theater school in French. And it's a story of a man and his wife being waylaid by a bandit in the forest. And each one of them, of course, has a vastly different set of interpretations. The woman is the hero in her story. The husband is the hero in his story. The bandit is the hero in his story. And it's the same thing told from a bunch of different angles. And divorce is pretty wild that way, right? So of course, the daughter was raised by the mother to believe that the father just abandoned them, or at least that's what she perceives and he wouldn't pay their medical bills. And according to the dad, he's like, hey man, I transferred like $4 million to my wife to take care of the kids. And I've now been married for 18 years very, very happily and all of that. So yeah, PhD is just a government program, right? It's a government program. And I think about that. Steph, what do you think about this white collar recession? Do you think it's real? I'm not sure what you mean by white collar recession.

[34:41] I don't know what you mean by white-collar recession. Do you mean working less in general, not believing in the corporate world, not believing in the, we're just a family in corporations when they'll fire your ass if an AI comes along that can do 50% of your work for less pay, right? Yeah, I mean, these days, they really have to come after the rich because AI, which doesn't pay taxes, is going to be replacing a lot of work. AI is amazing. Like I had AI summarize and analyze as if it were a literature expert, like an expert on literature. I had it analyze a bunch of chapters from my novel, The Present, pulled out themes that were just really deep. Like it's wild. I mean, I know it's a word guesser and I did the whole thing on AI, but the way that it is able to do a white-collar recession, companies getting rid of white-collar jobs.

[35:49] Yeah, the white-collar is a bit of a noose. White-collar is a bit of a noose. I mean, coding is toast. I got out of the coding world pretty just in time, except for some maintenance code, and even that's going to be taken over by AI at some point. The art world is toast. The advertising world, graphics world, bureaucratic world, support world, that stuff is mostly toast. Yeah, I don't care. I don't care.

[36:22] I mean, I didn't notice a bunch of white-collar workers getting really hot and bothered about me being deplatformed, so why would I care about their jobs? I didn't notice the people in the white-collar industry saying, gee, you know, it's really bad that white males can't really get hired much these days. That's really terrible. I didn't notice society getting all fussed and bothered when the tech crash happened in the late 90s and, you know, millions of programmers were thrown out of work. I didn't notice the white-collar people getting particularly bothered by the fact that all the giant government stuff that they were in general voting for was destroying the industrial base of the West and shipping everything overseas to China so that people who don't have in particular high language skills but instead have mechanical skills were thrown into the bottomless pits of fentanyl porn, depression, and alcoholism. So, yeah, if you fail to protect people, if you fail to care about anybody else getting fucked, who should care if you get fucked? I mean, that's not particularly of Christian of me. I understand that you love your enemies and you forgive and you forgive and you forgive.

[37:36] But I'm not going to be one of these people. And maybe I'm wrong about this. I'm totally open to being wrong about this. I'm just telling you sort of the raw sort of passion and emotion that I have about this stuff. If I was never in the boat, don't tell me we're all in the same boat. That's all. That's it. No man is an island. We hang together or we hang separately. We're all in the same boat. We're all in the same... Okay, but if that wasn't the case for anyone in my past, why would it... I'm not getting on your boat if you kick me off your boat. I'm not going to pretend we're all in the same boat when you'd Threw me over that boat and tried to ride me with a propeller. So, yeah. Let's see here. The white collar recession means there are fewer 100,000 jobs and women landing them more often than men. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, so women are complaining that they can't find men and they can't settle down and half of women are going to be single and childless and probably forever by 2030 and all that. It's like, well, if you don't take care of your men, your men won't really care to take care of you now, will they? Right?

[38:56] So if you say, and this is not true of all women, of course, of course, it's not even that many women, but there's a lot of women. So men are going to transfer resources to women no matter what. Like I saw this video the other day of a woman saying, here's how much I earned as a stripper. She was holding up like it's $3,500 I earned. So and only fans and pornography as a whole and dating and so on. So men are going to transfer resources to women, right? Men are going to transfer resources to women. And either men get children or wet Kleenexes in return, right? That's it, right? You either get children and families and continuity and society and culture, or you just get masturbatory fantasies and that's it, right? So you either transfer resources to women and get children or you transfer resources to women and get masturbation.

[40:02] And, you know, I think you could really make the argument that society was a tiny bit better off when men got families, children, the future, continuity, love, devotion, and monogamy rather than some wet Kleenexes and a bad nap. Could make the case. Could make the case. And, I mean, particularly Western women have had an out-group preference for so long that, you know, it's just kind of tough. And it's the old question of, like, it's the old question of, like, if people won't listen to reason, then they're going to have to listen through suffering. Right? If people won't listen to good advice, through reason, then they're going to have to suffer, right? So if you tell someone to quit smoking and they won't quit smoking, then they're probably going to just have to suffer.

[41:05] If you tell someone you should probably eat well and exercise and they don't eat well and they don't exercise, then they're just going to have to learn through suffering. And some people don't survive the learning through suffering, but then they become an example to others. So society does not seem to be particularly interested in learning through reason, like learning through reason, learning through evidence, learning through facts, learning learning through data, learning through argument, debate. Society doesn't seem to be particularly interested in learning through reason. Now, if society is not particularly interested in learning through reason, then why would any rational person want to withhold suffering from society? Like, want to, right? I mean, that would be like saying to someone, you shouldn't smoke, you shouldn't smoke, you shouldn't smoke, and then they get cancer in one lung, and you say, oh, okay, well, you can take one of my lungs.

[42:07] That doesn't really make much sense to me. I am not, I am absolutely, I would love for society to listen through reason. I would absolutely love for society to listen through reason. I would think that would be absolutely, I mean, that's really been my whole gig, right? To have society listen through reason. That has been my absolute, oops, sorry, that has been my absolute, My big goal, hope, and desire would be for society to listen to reason. But society doesn't seem to want to listen to reason, and I understand why, and I'm not even mad about it. I'm an empiricist. I take the facts as they come, right? Thanks, Tony.

[42:55] Listening Through Reason

[42:56] So, if society doesn't want to listen to reason, then society is going to have to listen through suffering. It's going to have to listen to its own suffering, because reason is there to prevent you from suffering, and if you don't want to listen to reason, then you're going to end up having to learn through suffering.

[43:20] So, we, of course, want the least suffering possible, right? I mean, anybody who's decent, right? And I'm sure we're all this way here. Anybody who's decent wants the least suffering possible. So, if somebody won't listen to reason, the earlier they suffer, the less they suffer.

[43:40] So let's say that somebody doesn't exercise, they overeat, sit around all the time, and then they get a chest pain. Now, we of course hope that that chest pain is just something minor and something just passing, but maybe that will alarm them into doing well. You don't want to wait until people like the Widowmaker explodes and they just die, right? You don't want that. You want the least suffering possible. The least suffering that you can have is to listen to reason.

[44:07] That having been abandoned, or if you won't listen to reason, then the least suffering is the earliest suffering, because the earliest suffering tends to be the least, right? So if you are overweight, you don't want to wait until you have heart disease or whatever it is, right? You want to, oh, my knee's kind of sore, kind of twinges, my back's kind of, like little things, Little things. Now, you wouldn't want to wave away. Like, if you wave away the little sufferings, it's kind of a murderous impulse, right? So, if you had some magic wand, right, and somebody's really overweight, they don't exercise, and they get these twinges, which are indication that things are going wrong and hopefully is a course correction for them, right? Now, if you were to wave away that suffering, it's basically because you want them dead. It's kind of a murderous feeling. So when people are suffering in society because they haven't listened to reason, anybody with any level of decent compassion doesn't want to interfere with that suffering because hopefully it will change course that way, right?

[45:10] So, yeah, the white-collar recession and so on, it's like, well, you all voted for big government. You didn't listen to reason. You voted for debt. You voted for, you know, probably a big lockdown, six-foot fantasy, virus-killing distance and all that kind of stuff. And it's like, okay, then...

[45:32] Then you're going to suffer. Now, why would I give sympathy to people who have earned their own suffering? Because sympathy is a kind of drug that dulls the suffering to the point where things get even worse. Did you see what I mean? If people don't listen to reason, then they're going to suffer negative consequences. And if you assuage, minimize, or take away the pain of those negative consequences.

[45:58] You're just setting them up for even more suffering, even worse suffering, Perhaps even fatal suffering. So, you know, I'm certainly willing to listen to people who say that they're suffering. You know, it's the old, you know, half of social media is women complaining about men, and the other half of social media is women complaining about inflation, which is to say women complaining about women. Right so when people say the price of groceries is so high the price of housing is so high and this and that the other it's like well that but you you wanted free stuff and that's the price right there's no such thing as free right so you want you want free stuff and the price of that is money printing and debt so i'm not gonna be like oh yes no it's really tough oh my gosh how sad it is how terrible it is i just think it's awful gosh gosh gosh right no it's like this is the The inevitable result of your own particular political preferences are that things are going to be ridiculously expensive because you wanted free stuff and there's no such thing as free stuff.

[47:01] Consequences of Turned Away Reason

[47:01] And because you have the demonic delusion that there is such a thing as free stuff, you're going to end up suffering, right? It just is the way that it is. It just is the way that it is, right?

[47:16] I just donated $10 on free slash donate. I finally gotten all my documents. I will be looking for a place to rent and moving out very soon. Any advice for renting? Yeah, I'll get roommates. I'm a big fan of roommates. You get a much higher quality place. And if you're reasonably good at scanning for people ahead of time, you can even end up with friends. Friends plus cheap rent is about as good as you can get. And I was a huge fan of roommateing all throughout my youth. I mean, I took in two, three friends. At one point, I had three friends living with me when I started paying my own bills at the the age of 15 or so onwards and yeah i'm a huge fan of just get roommates get roommates you get friends you get a social circle you get people who are gonna take you places and get you off your butt and and uh and so on and you get a much higher quality place because of all of that so, steph what is your take on the beta boxes men who get with a woman after she went through her hoe phase and is in her 30s now is it a valid way for these men to procreate or should they lower their standards and get a younger, more homely woman?

[48:20] Personally, I would not settle down with a woman who had a lot of lovers. It's just Russian roulette. And the data is very clear. So the more sexual partners a woman has, the more likely she is to divorce you. And you understand that divorce can be fatal for men, like you're literally dicing with your life. Divorce, despair, Despair, destruction, false accusations, S.A.I.D., sexual abuse, allegations in divorce is ridiculously common. And so I would not roll those dice that loaded. I would not settle down with a woman who'd had a lot of previous boyfriends. So do you think you're lowering your standards to get a younger, more homely woman? Absolutely not. You know, I understand the female look thing. I really do. I understand the females look thing, but you got a long time to live together, man. You get married at 25, you're going to live to 85. You got 60 years together. And for a lot of those years...

[49:22] For a lot of those years, you're not going to be that pretty, you know? I mean, you know I'm not nearly as pretty as I was when I was in my teens. Of course not. Is my wife as pretty as she was when she was 20? Of course not. I think we're both aging pretty well, but yeah, I mean, that's just the way that it is. You know, you get older, and every now and then, and this is true, I think, for both my wife and I and other older couples, every now and then, you just look at this person, and they're in full sunlight, and they're laughing, and it's like, oh, we're getting old, right? Right. You know, I, I actually, I, I have a slight skin softener on this video. I think it was a default setting that I haven't even looked at it without it, but you know, I'm getting old. It's a whole lot of time to be with somebody who's not nice just because they look good for a little while. So I think you should, as men, we should reward quality characteristics in a woman As men, we should reward virtue in our women.

[50:21] Otherwise, we can't complain about the world being a bad place. I mean, come on. If you're willing to wife up a woman who's done some pretty terrible things in her life, and it's not so much the marathon level of penis that she may have passed through her It is, they're lying about it, right? They're lying about it.

[50:52] Like, the women who have nice figures and they wear skin-tight clothing to the gym and they then complain about being looked at, it's just lying. It's just lying. It's just gross and it's obvious and it's ridiculous, right? Like, I don't know a guy, can you imagine a guy, you know, he's like, Like, well, I went downtown with a $100,000 watch on my wrist, perfectly tailored European silk clothes in a Bugatti, in a Bugatti. I got my teeth whitened and capped. I got a perfect haircut, skin regimen that would restore a cryptkeeper to Shirley Temple status. And I go downtown, I'm flashing my wealth, I'm going to the club, it's VIP service, it's bottle service.

[51:42] And none of that is at all to interest women. I mean, such a man would be considered retarded beyond words. It's like the guys, you know, you see these guys, these big buff guys, right? Got the big abs, the deltoids, triceps and biceps and quads. You know, they have bigger breasts than post-op. Pamela Anderson holding in a sneeze. In space. And they got these giant muscles and they got these little drapes of fabric pretending to be t-shirts, right? You imagine some guy, he's like, he's roaming around town with these little scraps of fabric barely draping over his giant, glistening, oiled muscles. Right? And he's like, I'm appalled that people are looking at my muscles.

[52:42] I mean, can you imagine? Would you take anyone like that seriously? It's really just the lying. It's really just the lying. Well, I just couldn't find the right person.

[52:51] Lying as a Form of Hedonism

[52:51] It's like, no, you enjoyed trips and travel and sex and attention and you got the dopamine and blah, blah, blah. Just be honest, right? It's just the honesty. It's more that promiscuity trains you to be a pathological liar, even more so, and I think, actually, it's the pathological lying that's far worse than the promiscuity. I think it's the promiscuity that triggers, booby traps, literally, the pathological lying, the falsification of your existence, the manipulation, right? Right. That's what makes people, it's not so much the bodies, it is the corpse of the truth that they're dragging around that makes them so unsurvivable. So as a man, if you want to complain about the world, then you have to marry a good woman. An honorable woman, a decent woman, a moral woman, a caring woman, a thoughtful woman, a considerate woman, a moral woman, a strong woman. And you should raise children with her.

[53:49] So, yeah, so I enjoy being married to a wonderful woman because it gives me an absolute right to complain about the world.

[54:04] Would you like a, yeah, so it's not lowering your standards to get a younger, more honest woman, to get a younger, more virtuous woman, to get a woman who doesn't lie, right? Right? Now, if the woman says, yes, I had a lot of sex when I was younger, it was really sad. It was really self-loathing. It was because of X, Y, and Z. I've done a lot of therapy. I'm absolutely deeply ashamed of it. I really have done my part to really harm the world. And I've made men more cynical. And I just handed myself around like Kleenex for money, status, power, and attention. And it's desperately terrible. Maybe she's had to come to Jesus moment. Maybe she's had something where there's something better going on in her mind and life. Okay, then she's not lie. But it's like, well, you know, I've had my fun, I'm ready to settle down, it was fun, blah, blah. That's all just lying, in my view. It's not lowering your standards to marry a good woman. I mean, if all you're interested in looks, then that's fine. Then you can't ever complain about politicians lying to women. I mean, you can, but just nobody's going to believe you. Who's got any kind of sense? Most of my friends in the tech field find it so hard to find half-decent jobs. Ups. A friend was expecting a minimum 80 to 100k per year out of his college graduate. Graduation, he hasn't found anything for almost a year. I told him he should try a physical labor type job or technician job just to do some form of work instead of doing nothing and living with his parents. He doesn't budge, unwilling to work.

[55:28] Yeah, I mean, I've had to adjust my expectations continually in the world because people keep voting for stupid shit, and I'm sure he has too. Lower their standards when it comes to looks, yeah. Alright, I know some with even 10 years experience struggling to even land an interview, yeah.

[56:02] Let me just get to your comments here I'm going to get caught up with this thank you for the tip, locals thanks for everything so grateful for peaceful parenting yeah it's a great book guess I need to start making friends, I guess I need good lord the man who played the green ranger committed suicide after his wife divorced and blows my mind that he ended up that way is that right right? Steph, did you know about that YouTuber lawyer guy, Nick Rekisha, who got busted for drugs with his wife? I did see a little video of his. It actually seemed very disturbing. I wasn't sure what he was doing with his hands, but it did not appear to be overly savory. In fact, it looked to be vaguely in Jeff Toobin territory, but I didn't look into it in any more detail because it just kind of grossed me out. What's a nice way to say to your wife you're getting too comfortable? What's a nice way to say to your wife you're getting too comfortable I'm not sure what you mean by that if you don't mind me saying, do you mean she's gaining weight do you mean she's getting lazy no jump start her with your own enthusiasm and energy right triceps and biceps and quads oh my.

[57:20] Listen, guys, you just have to go entrepreneurial these days. I mean, again, particularly if you're a white male, you just have to go entrepreneurial. Sorry, it's a little cold in the studio here, and my nose is running a little. Sorry about that. But, yeah, I did not have the tone when I said, guess I need friends. No, it's the guess. Guess is a weak bait of wood. Guess I have something to do. I guess I got to go get some groceries. I guess, like, what do you mean guess? You do or you don't? I mean, can you imagine a boss who's like I guess I'll pay you What do you mean guess? You're supposed to pay me What do you mean guess? So guess is just a weak word I'm sorry, I'm just telling you how it is, it's just a weak word and you should try and avoid it as much as possible I guess, You know, it's an energy drainer It's an energy drainer. Don't you come here a little bit for refueling? Because, you know, I am many things but I am not an energy drainer all right always have a contract with roommates contracts save me from messy situations I've never had a contract with a roommate my gosh, I've never had I've never had a contract that's definitely a big bang theory right roommate contract, all right let's see here.

[58:47] I'm so glad you forged this unique path you make logic and real arguments so interesting well thank you i appreciate that i really do appreciate that i work pretty hard to keep people engaged in some very challenging topics somebody says if you price the stock market in grams of gold not currency the usa has been in a bear market for 24 years, well i mean the republic the republic was mostly toast in the 60s right Right. Freedom of association was toast with forced association, the welfare state, and massive amounts of debt, the final decoupling of gold from the currency and so on. So it's, I would say, it's basically been a half century, but there was a lot of built up capital to drain away. Yeah, the white collar people sent jobs to other nations who don't care about their own nation. Yeah. God doesn't forgive sins that aren't repented for he doesn't expect us to forgive people who are non-repentant that would enable sin we forgive them between us and God since he will correct them yeah, I found the God of the Bible to be very reasonable the alternative is Satan and the world's school of very hard knocks yeah.

[1:00:01] Yeah, I'm not saying don't have a contract with the roommates, but generally, they're mostly unenforceable, right? Have you heard of DAX? No. If I met a girl and she was honest with me about her past and being a bit run through, I'd see that as a way better than someone who tries to hide the skeletons and would give that girl credence for it. Yeah.

[1:00:27] Yeah, lying is a form of hedonism, right? So lying is a form of hedonism. Because it is preferring to mislead other people and avoid the truth rather than self-confrontation, right? People lie to themselves. And as a consequence, they seem to be lying to others. But first and foremost, they're lying to themselves. And so a woman who lies about her past, and women with a past will almost always lie about their past. But men do too. But we're talking about women here.

[1:00:57] So a woman who lies about her past, is showing rank hedonism and rank hedonism the problem with hedonists is they always turn on you when the going gets tough right hedonists will always fuck you when the going gets tough always always because they live life as a pleasure-based life form and so when the going gets tough and things aren't pleasurable they'll turn on you because you're taking away their dopamine man and you're just not good and why did you bring this on yourself and they'll just back off and let the wolves at you because it's not pleasant to fight wolves and there are pleasure measure-based life forms, which means they're, well, let's not get into all of that. So, yeah, I would, hedonism is, people who lie are hedonistic, and hedonism is just a warm-up to betraying you when you're at your most vulnerable and most in need of aid, right? When the going gets tough, the tough get going, and the hedonists get gone.

[1:01:59] Because they'll claim loyalty, and then when their loyalty interferes with their pleasure, they'll turn on you. I mean, it's happened to me a lot in life. When I was younger, not so much anymore, but when I was younger, I would have people around who were kind of hedonists, and it was always the same story.

[1:02:20] Did you really mean to send a $1 tip? If you could not do that, I'd appreciate it. I don't want to sound ungrateful, but after expenses and having to, maybe it was just a typo, right? But yeah, after expenses, overhead, and having to report on all of that, it's really not right. And also, if you're down to your last dollar, please, for the love of heavens, don't give it to me. Keep it for yourself. You might need it to buy a power bar or something. Oh, not that you can get a power bar for a buck anymore, but I think you know what I mean. You know what I mean. All right. Right any other questions comments issues challenges what's on your mind my friends any other bit of a low low tip i'm you know i'm gonna just remind you all that uh that was supposed to be 10 bucks all right um that uh i just have to remind you because i just you know i have expenses and i have employees and all that kind of stuff right all right steph you said power and morality is to create an exception for the rule maker or the enforcer wouldn't the christian god God fall under this category. He kills, yet you can't.

[1:03:33] Society Dies Without Virtue

[1:03:33] So, if you're thinking about something like Sodom and Gomorrah, or the drowning of the world as the result of its corruption and turning away from morality, then the story to me is not God drowned the world and gave Noah an ark. That to me is not... The Bible is God telling a story about the consequences of turning away from morality, of being hedonistic, of being amoral. So, to me, the story of the flood is not God actually killing people. The story is that society dies without virtue. The wages of sin is death. Now, individuals can flourish, but the collective dies. All the people who've gathered resources as a result of political corruption would have gathered far more resources if we had allowed people to be free. We'd be far wealthier if we'd simply allowed people to be free, and I'll give you a tiny example of that.

[1:04:58] So the Federal Registry has grown in America enormously after the Second World War to its millions and millions of pages now. Now, the Second World War, at the end of the Second World War, there were quite a number of regulations and so on about business. If the Federal Registry had remained at that level, then economic growth would have been about 2% higher every year. Now, what that means now is that people would have an income of about half a million dollars a year, like some serious coin. So...

[1:05:32] The entire purpose of political power is to retain an underclass, which both excites the fear of the general population because of their danger and the sympathy of the general population as a result of their poverty, right? So a sort of class of dysfunctional people is required by political power in order to threaten the males with criminality and to bribe the females with the dopamine of charity.

[1:06:06] If and this is a pretty minor thing again just if the federal registry hadn't grown this amount we'd all be making four to five hundred thousand or more dollars a year and there'd be no poverty really i mean because that would be more than enough to help the poor who were poor by accident or through no fault of their own and so on right but um i mean so so people would be far wealthier if we had just allowed that level of freedom or if the Americans had allowed that level of freedom to continue in the world, right? I mean, I've talked about this before, of course, but after the end of the Second World War, the poverty rate in America was declining 1% every year. 1% every year. We were probably within a half a generation in the 1960s of there being nothing but poverty that was, like, no involuntary poverty.

[1:06:57] I mean, you can choose. You say you don't want to work. Like, I took a year and a half off to write novels and had no income, so I was poor in terms of income once, and I was poor when I was a student, but I was happy to be doing it. And, you know, people who want to become actresses will often take jobs that don't pay that much so they have room for auditions and all of that. So we were within half a generation or perhaps a generation at most, and this was happening in the black community, the Hispanic community, the white community, and so on. And the Asian community has always been pretty wealthy as a whole, but we were within half a generation or a generation of breaking the endless curse of poverty that has undermined and wrecked society throughout human history. Now, of course, if, and this is part of what peaceful parenting is about too, so if we have a free market and peaceful parenting, there won't be a wild underclass of dangerous and dysfunctional people that the media can use to frighten everybody into subservience to political power. So...

[1:08:06] The people who, through corruption, end up gaining what they consider a fair amount of wealth would be far wealthier without that. And so, when you turn away from virtue, thou shalt not steal, and the initiation of the use of force is immoral, if you turn away from that, society gets wrecked. And of course, we can see that playing out now. And, you know, my only comfort is, and I'm sure this is the case for you as well, I mean, we really did everything we could, don't you feel? I mean, we really, really did everything we could. I mean, I went right up to the cliff edge and we really did everything we could to do our very best to try and help the world not have to learn through disaster.

[1:08:50] And, you know, my, my conscience is clear as far as that goes.

[1:08:52] Clear Conscience and Peaceful Parenting

[1:08:53] I go through the day with a smile on my face and a spring in my step because my conscience is clear. And really, that's the best thing you can do in the world, because the only thing you have particular kinds of control over is your own actions and therefore your own conscience. And, you know, today I woke up, I chatted with my wife, we had a lovely breakfast together, I did some work, and then I headed out with my daughter. She loves catching crayfish, so I put on my water shoes and we spent two hours wading around a local river, and she was was catching fish and she was catching these crayfish that really are the size of radioactive, lobsters and uh it was just a blast and then we um we went and had some lunch and uh i came home and then i did a little bit more work i didn't sleep that well last night for a variety of reasons and so i ended up a little nap and then we had dinner and i'm doing the show tonight and i'll do some more work after the show it's just a lovely day it's absolutely love i couldn't couldn't honestly couldn't design have a better day i mean jumping around a fast floor and with my daughter trying to catch crayfish was just an absolute blast and a joy and you'll be trying to get some more ducks so we contacted people about that and yeah just great just great just great.

[1:10:14] I wish the world had listened, obviously. I mean, I wish the world had listened, but I'm not in control of that. And I don't think, I don't think I could have done it better. I could have. I mean, theoretically, right? Nobody does it better. I love that song when I was a kid. But I don't think I could have done better. I don't think I could have tried to be more stimulating, more entertaining, more engaging, more charismatic as best as I can. Maybe a couple of jokes here and there. I don't think I could have done it better. Like, I don't look back and say, oh, I should have done this, I should... I mean, all of the truths that I talked about were essential, important, and slowly becoming accepted, hopefully not too late. But I don't think I could have done it better. And, of course, I did put a huge amount of thought into how to communicate really challenging truths to a pretty volatile world. I don't think I could have done it better.

[1:11:05] And so, yeah, my conscience is clear. Whatever happens to the world, you know, you can't control the world. You can't control whether people listen to you. You can control the quality and benevolence through which you talk. And, you know, my, my passion, which may seem aggressive or at times is really just based upon wanting to get the message across. So people suffer as little as possible. You know, if, if somebody rants about don't smoke because half their family died of lung cancer, we can understand their approach and perspective, right? We can get that. And so, in my view, speak to people as honestly and passionately and deeply as you can about truth, reason, virtue, evidence, and morality. And then, no matter how things go, your conscience is clear. So, when you say, well, God kills in the Bible and so on, to me, God is telling a story called the flood to say that society dies without virtue.

[1:12:12] Society Dies Without Virtue

[1:12:12] Society and it does it does i mean i've studied enough of this i've got a whole lengthy 10 plus hour series on the french revolution i've got of course my famous video about the fall of rome and i've analyzed the growing decadence and corruption within western society for many many years and i've talked about it with people in their families and so on yeah society dies without reason society dies without virtue so i don't think it's like god killed everyone and God told a story in order to instruct us of consequences.

[1:12:52] Why do women love horror movies so much? It's literally just human suffering. While women's romantic fantasies often have a shot of significant aggression through there. And we can sort of understand why. Why? When one tribe would take over another, they would be aggressive, of course, they would kill the men off and be very aggressive towards the women, particularly sexually. So women, unfortunately, due to human history, a lot of women have a certain amount of aggression shot through their fantasies, and maybe that has something to do with horror movies. I don't know exactly why. I mean you think of Twilight I mean the woman gets bruised all to heck and gone with her vampire lover she gets half beaten up through sexual acts and of course she literally gets beaten up through sexual acts in Fifty Shades of Grey and so on so, I've never known a woman like this but I know they're out there because I can see what books are on the bookshelves so It's a tragically common thing.

[1:14:10] Alright, questions, comments? Let me just go and check over on... Thanks, Steph, I will be donating through your website very soon. Appreciate that. Thank you. Hit me with a why if you've started dipping into peaceful parenting. If you could tell me, I would appreciate it.

[1:14:38] I would like to know, still trying to figure out whether I should release the call with the guy who just got out of prison honestly one of the wildest stories I've ever heard, one of the wildest stories I've ever heard and I've been doing this a long time in fact I think it would be the wildest story I've ever heard So some yes, a few no. All right. Just curious. My people are at the peaceful parenting AI is really great. Yeah, the peaceful parenting AI is really great. And I'm very impressed with that. I mean, the one that's trained on me is pretty good. Stop teasing us. Yeah, I'm sorry. I don't know, man. I don't know. I don't know. You're in chapter eight oh excellent um what do you think i've begun the audio peaceful parenting and it's been gripping at heart, any spoilers about the prison guy call in yeah defuing is hard but sometimes not defuing is way harder all right bro we need it lol yeah yeah yeah no i i get it i get it i get it i'm tempted i'm tempted.

[1:16:02] It's fantastic, but very anger-provoking. But I've certainly been getting that feedback, right? Just how tough it is for people emotionally to do the peaceful parenting book. And I really, really sympathize with that. Because it is a world that should be and the opposite of which is. So it's very, very tough. If it's any consolation, it was absolutely brutal to write. It was absolutely brutal to write and to get the right tone.

[1:16:32] Emotional Impact of Peaceful Parenting

[1:16:32] Yeah, it is tough emotionally, right? It is tough emotionally, and it's not—see, here's the thing. The Peaceful Parenting book is difficult in particular because of the dog that didn't bark, right? The Peaceful Parenting book is not tough just because it's the first rational moral analysis of childhood in the history of philosophy, but because it is the first rational moral analysis of childhood in the history of philosophy. It's not because the book is, it's because the book wasn't for 3,000 years.

[1:17:04] Right? That's the tough part of the book. The tough part of the book is looking at everyone in society who claims to be a moralist, who claims to be good, who claims to be virtuous, who claims to care about the poor and the untrodden and the marginalized and the blah, blah, blah. Right? And it's like, okay, well, why haven't you all talked about childhood? Why haven't you all talked about the ethics of childhood? To me, it makes the history of philosophy mostly a bullshit avoidance lie a distraction and a service of power and it makes it's the fundamental lie uh about the left and the right to some degree as well but in particular the left really claims to care about the marginalized and the oppressed and the downtrodden and this and that and the other so where where is their book on peaceful parenting right you all care so much about the poor and the downtrodden and marginalized and the sad and the excluded and the lonely and the under functioning right okay so where was your where was your book on peaceful for parenting.

[1:17:56] It reveals so much of society to be exploitive and tragic and horrible lies. Yeah, the altruistic, oh, we get a welfare state, we don't care about the poor, and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, right? That's all just a Nietzschean will to power grab of resources, right? Why has this not been done before? And, I mean, this is, I've been doing it for, like, close to 20 years, right? So I've been doing it on shows continually. The TV show arguments were extremely thought-provoking. Yes, isn't that wild? When I first got that concept many years ago, I was just total goosebumps. Total goosebumps.

[1:18:44] See, here's the thing. Peaceful parenting will absolutely mess with your medulla. It will mess with your hypothalamus. Your fight-or-flight mechanism will be absolutely cooked by peaceful parenting. Because you know what you're going to do? I'm just going to make this conscious for you. If you're going through the process, it's good to know. If you haven't started the process, it's good to know what's going to happen. So what's going to happen, and this has been happening for me for decades, right? So what's going to happen is you're going to consume peaceful parenting, which means peaceful parenting is going to consume you because we all end up in the belly of that beast, right? Where in the real world is. but what's going to happen with peaceful parenting is it's.

[1:19:28] Opening Insights on Society's Evils

[1:19:29] You're going to start to get it, really get it, and see the horror that is ignored all across the world by almost everyone in the world. And then you're going to open up a new site, right? You're going to open up some new site. Could be on the left, on the right, or whatever, right? You're going to open up some new site. I won't name names, but it doesn't really matter what new site you're going to open up. And what you're going to see is a whole bunch of shit that has nothing to do with the great evils of the world. A whole bunch of distracting shit. A whole bunch of, oh, there was a tsunami near the Philippines. Oh, the national debt is higher. Oh, there's this problem. Oh, there's that. Oh, these particular students are doing very bad in school. Oh, they're very upset that one in 17 American children are homeschooled and there's this. And it's like, What you're going to see is a cover-up. It's all a cover-up. It's all a cover-up and a lie and a distraction and an avoidance of the central evils that we almost all experience and that many, if not most, parents inflict.

[1:20:40] Avoidance, avoidance, avoidance, avoidance, avoidance, avoidance, avoidance, avoidance. Look over here. Look over there. Look anywhere but where you are and where you were raised. What you see, when you get the peaceful parenting thing, what you see is everything that's not there in society, which is a frank discussion of the evils we commit against children. Is the peaceful parenting book Mike Tyson punchy? No, because that would be very vivid, right? That would be very vivid. This is more like, to me, the peaceful parenting book is the... Almost literal manifestation of Plato's caves. Right? You know the story. And Hoaxed the Movie,, well worth, you've got to get a hold of that movie. I think it was pulled from Amazon, but it's still around. So I do a reenactment of Plato's allegory of the cave. And it's also in my presentation on Plato. It's a four-hour presentation. You should really check it out.

[1:21:50] So, in the allegory of the cave, sort of very briefly, as you know, in the allegory of the cave, Plato says that people are like human beings chained in a cave, looking at shadows on the wall. And the shadows are like shapes in front of a flickering fire being cast, the shadows are being cast along the wall. They look at the wall and they think that's the truth, they think that's reality, right? And then what they do is they eventually turn around and say, oh, my gosh. One guy says, actually, this is just shapes, and there's a fire behind them. And like, oh, my gosh, you know, and they get confused and unsettled. And maybe one guy is like, okay, so actually if we're in a cave here and we're just looking at shadow puppets and fire and flicker and it's not real, then what the hell is real? And he sees that it's real that they're in a cave, but he doesn't know what the cave is part of, and it can't be the whole thing because the whole world can't be a cave. And he finds a little staircase going up, and he goes up, and he comes out through the cave into the sunlight. It's a beautiful day. Sun is blazing down. The trees, butterflies, rivers, streams, birds, snakes, the world. The sun is on his face. Smell of the flowers. The tinkling of rushing water. Colors. There's no colors in the cave. Just some vague orange and yellow and dark flickering. Nothing. And he sees the colors impact him. the sounds, impact him, the light, the heat of the sun, and he looks at the world, and he sees the world, and then he finally looks at the sun, and he sees the source of it all.

[1:23:17] Well, that's getting out of political infighting, and politics, and debt, and fiat currency, and I mean, all that's real, and all of that, but where is it coming from?

[1:23:32] Where is it coming from? People want something for nothing because as children they were treated as nothing. People steal from others because their childhoods were stolen from them. People attack others because, society didn't give a shit when they were attacked as children. People abandon morality because morality abandoned them. People hate society because society treated them like absolute shit when they were children. Let them get beaten, exploited, lied to, terrorized, terrified, propagandized, turned into fearful, self-loathing men and races, terrified of invisible plant food. If we don't protect children, why would children grow up to protect us? Why would they grow up to take anything we said seriously at all? Because all we can unconsciously see, deep down at the very roots of our being, all we can unconsciously see is that society is a pompous lie of self-congratulatory evil.

[1:24:59] It's what I was saying on my interview this week. Yeah, this week. It's Wednesday morning. On the interview. And he said, what's your relation to God? What's your relationship to Christianity?

[1:25:18] And it's very sad. One of the reasons that I really fell away from God, was not that God had failed to protect me. the reason I fell away from God was that I was beaten violently countless times, in not a remote location, not a cave in the middle of nowhere, not a hut or a duck blind in the middle of nowhere. I was beaten in full view, sorry, in full auditory view, of hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people in the various apartments and places that my family lived in when I was a child. Now, these people were all Christians. My aunts on my father's side, three women, very staunch Christians. They took me to church. They made sure I had money to put in the collection plate. I sang in the church choir, and I was a believer. Now, the people who heard the violence against me, and not just the beatings, but the screaming and the terrorizing and all of that, they all heard it and they all prayed to God every night and every morning they prayed to God and they said God, please let me do your bidding please let me do good please let me do the right thing please let me help the world become a better place please let me.

[1:26:47] Protect the innocent and the victims. Please help me take a stand against evil. Now, I don't believe that God would say, well, you really want to focus on Labour versus Tory political platforms and forget about the sound of the child being beaten half to death in the apartment next door. Don't worry about it, that kid's going to be fine. Forget about him. Don't make any calls, don't ask for a wellness check, don't, right? And even when my mother, I was a kid, and my mother was put into a mental institution, and I went to go and visit her. Nobody said, hey, quick question, how are you eating? How are you paying the rent? Well, the way that I was eating was I had a job, of course, I had two jobs at that point. That wasn't enough, but I would go and hang around at friends' places and hope to get some food. I couldn't say anything to anyone because obviously they didn't care. Here. Nobody's saying, well, why are you here? Why are your clothes so torn?

[1:27:53] What is going on? I mean, I would go to the mental institution to visit my mother as a kid, and they knew that she didn't have a husband. They knew that it was me and her alone. Nobody said, hey, kid, what are you eating? Can we get you any socials? Like, nobody, nobody. The teachers, the priests, all praying, all praying to God. Please, please, God above, help me do good in this world. Now, I don't believe that God would say, to heck with that kid. The important thing is to forgive the guy who said something that upset you a week ago.

[1:28:47] Everybody was praying to god what was god saying now either they were all praying to god but satan intercepted it and said hey you know forget about the kid uh you know focus on uh forgiving your wife because she didn't cook you the right meal or it wasn't quite warm enough when you got home that's what you focus on that so either god intercepted oh sorry the prayers to god were intercepted by Satan, who then redirected them towards pettiness and viciousness and nothingness and uselessness, thus enabling them in the continuation of evil. I mean, imagine if I had not discovered philosophy, the amount of damage I could have done with my skills in the world, hating society, having been traumatized and ignored by a society that vowed to protect me, imagine the damage I could have done if I'd gone into politics or other nefarious fields. Oof. Oof, oof, there but for the grace of philosophy goes a very dark, two-legged beast. So.

[1:29:50] Everybody was praying to God to be guided on the path of righteousness and virtue. And nobody was asking for people to go and liberate Constantinople from the Saracens, right? It was just make a phone call. Just make a phone call. Just make a phone call. It can be anonymous, right?

[1:30:14] But everybody was praying for guidance. I can't imagine that God was saying ignore the victimized child that one simple phone call that takes you three minutes you can work to save, and it wasn't a class thing I certainly grew up poor but I was around richer people my aunts were wealthy one of them was married to a doctor that's where I got my middle name, one of them was married to a commercial airline pilot They all had money, and they all knew me, they knew my mom, they knew what she was capable of, they never ever asked, right?

[1:30:57] So Christianity was not successful in solving the problem of child abuse. In fact, it was disastrous. It was disastrous. So either people weren't praying to God when they thought they were, but Satan was in fact answering it, or God was telling them, on peril of access to heaven and the salvation of your eternal soul, you need to make a three-minute anonymous phone call to save that kid being beaten half to death in the next apartment. Because, you know, paper-thin walls, right? I was in apartments. You can hear two floors above, because I know I could hear drunken singing, right? You can hear a whole bunch of people all over the place, right?

[1:31:50] And hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people were aware. And nobody did anything. Now, you could say, well, people don't like to get involved. Whatever goes on in your apartment is your own business and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Except, except, except, sorry to startle you, except that when I had a party, the police were called three times. I was in a play called Our Town in high school. And when I hosted the cast party the police showed up three times because the neighbors called. They didn't call when I was being beaten half to death but by gosh, when I was having fun the police showed up three times. First two times they knocked. Third time I was seeing someone out. There was a policeman in the hallway and he said, you know, we're getting all these complaints from like everyone in the building but this isn't very loud. I don't know what... You see? All the Christians. Mostly Christians. I mean, I obviously can't confirm, but it was very Christian culture society. I mean, we did the Lord's Prayer every morning.

[1:32:55] So, nobody called when I was being beaten, screamed at, terrified. But the moment I was having some fun, everybody and their dog called the police multiple times. I'm sure the police switchboard was lighting up. Children being beaten. Fuck them. Children having fun. Get the cops in, man. Now we're leaping into action. Something's got to change. Something's got to stop. Something's got to be fixed. Oh, yes. Oh, yes. That was some enlightening shit, let me tell you. Oh, my God, they can hear. Oh, oh my God, they do care. Oh my God, they're calling the cops, not to save me, but to charge me, because we're having fun. That's pretty enlightening, don't you think? It's also enlightening to me that, although I'm obviously a fairly smart fellow, that the teachers would just complain about me, right? They'd say, They are. You have so much potential. If your effort matched your potential, you'd be an A+. It's like I'm just surviving the sharks here.

[1:34:18] You know, you've got other kids running, great sneakers, they're warmed up, well-oiled, right? They're well-fed, they're just running, right? And I'm half-starved, carrying a fucking anvil on my back, and they're like, You're lazy! Run better, run faster, skill issue, what's the matter with you? Like, do you not see that I have no food and a giant fucking anvil on my back? Like, I just came from seeing my mother in an insane asylum to come and try and write a math test. No, it's just laziness. You know, kid, you just, you don't seem to pay attention. I don't know what the matter with you is. You know, you just, you know, you've got so much potential, but I don't, you're just lazy. Oh, so Christian. Sorry, facts. I'm an empiricist. I don't care what people say. I judge them by what they do, right? So it was not solving the problem.

[1:35:17] I don't know why. I learned why when I tried to solve the problem myself and got called a cult leader and all kinds of terrible things, right? I understand that it's not necessarily fun, but we're talking about an anonymous phone call, right? This is just the facts. And it wasn't the fact in one place. It was the fact in the places I lived in England. I lived in Ireland. I lived in London. I lived in Tenterton. I lived in Cheltenham. I lived in boarding school. I lived in Africa. I lived in Canada. I lived in a variety of places in Canada. I lived in Whitby. I lived in Toronto. We moved around three times in the apartment building. We moved, no, actually they were different. And when we first came to Canada, we were in an apartment building, then we moved to another apartment building. We went from a one-bedroom to a two-bedroom to a three-bedroom, all over the place. Many, many different places and locations.

[1:36:08] I went to school in Scotland. I went to school in Ireland. I went to school in Cheltenham. I went to school in Tottenham. I went to school in England. I went to school in Canada. I went, I studied, I took an exam in a school in South Africa. I never ended up going. This is not a small sample, you understand. This is not, well, you know, it was just that one small town, and we were kind of in the middle of nowhere, and we just had one neighbor, so it's a sample size of one. No, this is a sample size of at least a thousand. A thousand Christians praying for virtue, listening to beatings, and only calling the authorities when someone's having fun, and it isn't even that loud. If you've not gone through these kinds of things, and I'm very thankful if you haven't, you do not understand how dark the world is. I'm not trying to blackpill you. I'm just giving you the facts and the evidence. I'm not making anything up here. I very much wish it had been different. Enormously, deeply, and passionately wish it had been different.

[1:37:22] And you've had, oh, sorry, let me get your comments here. Look up the Turpin family, T-U-R-P-I-N. So much truth.

[1:37:47] I'm sorry you had to endure that stuff. Heartbreaking. I appreciate that. Thank you. I mean, I'm one of billions. It's just like I was not going to let it happen if I could do anything about it. It's not a sick world. It's an evil world in general. It's a dark world, and only a true hero takes all this pain and agony and helps others with it. Well, I don't know why nobody else has. It's not that hard. It's not that hard. It's not like I've got to cut my own leg off or go to war. Or you made some excellent observations that are extremely helpful to hear. Thank you. Firsthand experience the same thing, disgusting. I hear what you're saying, but disgusting is a word that we reserve for, you kick over a rock and there are maggots or some cockroaches in your soup, right? This is just rank evil. It's not disgusting. I know what you mean, and I'm not trying to quibble with the word, but disgusting is not the right word for me because, you know, you step in someone's vomit or cow poop, cow chips, I guess, and that's disgusting, but this is different. Somebody says, experienced the same thing as well in the apartment I grew up in, right? And this is why, you know, everyone's like, oh, we care so much about the poor, and we care, it's like, it's all just a lie. It's just a power crap. It's just a power crap.

[1:39:10] We come up with visceral terms of physical reaction because it's really tough to see the soul stink, the stink of the soul.

[1:39:26] Has religion been able to solve the problem of child abuse? Well, in my experience, no. No. And I don't know of any religion that has. I've sort of been a rather worldwide intellectual figure. It's not like people from the various religious communities have said, well, you know, I'm really sorry you experienced that, but we do it this way, and this is how we solve it, and, you know, if you'd been... I haven't seen any of that. Socialism doesn't solve it in fact socialism contributes to child abuse by destroying the family with perverse incentives for single motherhood socialism doesn't do it communism certainly doesn't do it communism produces massive amounts of trauma.

[1:40:11] The various religious groups that I've seen haven't solved it philosophy certainly hasn't solved it in fact philosophy has stepped over the bodies of children in a hot pursuit of imaginary matrix demon scenarios and endless bullshit trolley problems. I guess it just came down to the will of an individual. I don't know why. I don't know why. I mean, the science is all there, the ACE studies have been done forever, and everybody knows about all of this stuff, and we all claim to care about the children. I remember one of my neighbors was abusing her kids, yelling at them. I yelled, we can hear you. Haven't heard yelling ever since. Hope I did the right thing. Well, it's certainly more than I got. And I appreciate you for doing that. And I hope that the kids, I'm sure that the kids do. And you may have, in fact, saved kids from falling into criminality. I mean, oh, it's uncomfortable to confront parents about child abuse. It's like, well, is it comfortable to be waylaid in an alley and be stabbed for your wallet? Because that's what happens if you don't protect children. So...

[1:41:23] What was the answer? What was the answer? So for me, I go through logical. I'm a big one for lists and logical trees and right. Just figure it out. Just figure it out. Why do people look at kittens and puppies with empathy but not children? Because kittens and puppies don't provoke their bad conscience. And kittens and puppies can't call them bad people. People with a bad conscience view children as predators. View the innocence and curiosity of children as predators. I'm going to break something up here with a little bit of a funny story. Because I know this is a heavy topic and I appreciate you guys listening. But here's a funny thing. So, my daughter is very good natured and every now and then. But anyway, so, it's funny for me.

[1:42:13] Unveiling Plato's Allegory of the Cave

[1:42:14] And I was very honest about this with her. So, we were out somewhere, doesn't particularly matter where, and she got mildly annoyed by something. thing. And I could see that mild annoyance pass across her face, right? And I got mildly annoyed that she was mildly annoyed. And I literally said to myself, it's mildly annoying that she's mildly annoyed. Where could she get this from?

[1:42:41] And, of course, I caught myself and it's like, hello, you may want to meet this little bald guy in the mirror who, you know, can get a little cranky about things. And then it's like, I can't imagine why she, how, like you distance yourself. You see something mildly negative about your kids and you're just like, oh, gosh. As an anthropologist, I find this fascinating that the child is mildly annoyed by something. I find that mildly annoying, but I have no idea where it could come from, right? I mean, I was like, I literally went, I was telling her about this today where we were driving down to go river walking. And I said, you know, gosh, you know, I've been working on my mildly cranky side and, you know, trying to turn more towards the light and the sun and all of that. Because, you know, there is that undertow and there is that sort of black hole at the heart of my experience. And it was, to me, very funny. I mean, I'm a bit of a ninja parent. I've written a whole book on peaceful parenting, and I literally had a moment of blank incomprehension and mild irritation at how on earth my daughter could end up with any mild irritation whatsoever.

[1:43:53] What is that funny language she's speaking? I think it's pronounced English. English. English. I must speak to her in English and wonder where she got the language English from. Because I can't imagine where. It's a mystery. One of life's sweet mysteries. mysteries so that literally this is how unconscious it can all be and i thought that was, both funny and true and i'm sure it's happened and i haven't caught it but that was one time it happened mystery irritation is irritating and incomprehensible i think it's kind of funny where does she get this analytical ability to unpack hypocrisy from it's really annoying when and she does that. So, anyway, I thought that was kind of funny. So, yeah, just a couple of logical questions that I had when I was a kid, right? So, all the people are praying to God to give them guidance on how to be virtuous, and yet they're not being virtuous.

[1:44:54] You say, ah, well, free will, blah, blah, okay, but they're still praying to God, which means that they're asking for an answer, right? I mean, when I don't know something and I look it up, I'm not saying, well, I should get the answer through free will, right? What's the capital of Turkey? Well, I don't know. I'll look it up. No, no, no. You shouldn't look it up. You should use free will. Well, you can't use free will to invent things. That's not right. You have to have knowledge to make choices. I can't go to the capital of Turkey if I can't even look it up where the planes fly.

[1:45:25] So, they're praying for guidance, and they're not getting good guidance. And this is consistent all across the world, in every place I've ever been, in every place human beings have ever lived that I've been, and it's been a lot of places and a lot of people. It's consistent among the clergy, because I went to church, right? Nobody said to me, hey, you know, you seem kind of tired, you seem kind of distant, you seem kind of spaced out, you know, what's going on, right? I mean, in my family, particularly on my father's side, they knew how intense, to put it mildly, my mother was, right? I mean, she literally half drove my father to the other side of the world out of fear, which I understand more as I got older.

[1:46:06] Nobody ever asks. They all went to church. And I remember once when I was little, then my mother got very depressed after I was born, she spent months in the hospital. And I remember, I don't remember how old I was, but it was before boarding school. So I was probably four, maybe five years old. So I was given a shilling, five pennies, to put into the collection box. And I was like, you know, if I had to sort of pass out what I was thinking, I'd be like, well, I get so little enjoyment out of life and life is alarming and scary and upsetting. And I feel like on the other side of a thick, glass wall looking at everybody else living who can't reach through the wall to me. So I was, I'm not going to put the money in the collection plate, I'm going to put it in my sock and I'm going to keep it and then the next time we're in town I'm going to sneak off and buy some candy. Some chocolate. And so I put the five penny piece, the shilling, in my sock.

[1:47:18] But of course, you know, aunts are wise to the ways of the world and of children. And so they demanded that I show my shilling so that they could see that I had it and that I was going to put it in the collection plate. And I pretended that I put it in my sock for safekeeping and went through this whole pantomime of putting it in the sock. I put it in my sock for safekeeping. I didn't want it to fall out of my pocket or whatever it is, right? And they ended up, of course, putting the money in the collection plate and so on. And didn't get any candy.

[1:47:57] So, nobody ever asked about anything about how I was doing. I mean, my brother went to England for a couple of years. That family was one of my aunt's families. He went to England for a couple of years when my mother was going around the bend. Nobody ever called. Nobody ever called to see how I was doing. I was left behind with a crazy woman, with a family who knew she was crazy. My brother was rescued i was left behind nobody ever called i just had to make a go of it, so that's family oh so great so people were praying and they either god was telling them, to do the right thing and they weren't doing the right thing in which case that's not much of an answer right so people are christians they pray to god or religious they pray to god and god says you have to do x and they won't do x and nobody does x even though they're all praying and they're all getting the same instructions hundreds and hundreds if not thousands of people don't do x right and of course you know i the verbal abuse continues in the world and uh nobody ever from any sort of mainstream place ever says well you know you did have a tough childhood and i'm really sorry about that maybe you've done things a bit awry because of that in which case but it's always just like pouring vitriol and hatred and right the continuation right of of all of the stuff, stuff from when I was a kid. So...

[1:49:17] A lot of people shy away from verbal abuse if they've been verbally abused as a kid. My perspective is, okay, well, I know how to deal with this, and it's for the sake of the children, so it's worth doing. And also, I want to retain my just anger at the world so I can't reproduce its errors, because that would be hypocritical, right?

[1:49:34] So, they're praying to God. Either God is telling them to do the wrong thing, in which case God is not moral, or God is telling them to do the right thing, in which case God is moral, but even with the threat of everlasting hellfire. Like, the people who fail to protect children when they know children are being tortured, and I was tortured, but people who fail to protect children when they know children are being tortured, they're going to hell. If there is such a thing, right? They're going to hell. Right? Because you can't get much more evil than that, than to know a child is being tortured, to be in full earshot of it night after night, and to do nothing, and only to call the police when the child finally gets to his mid-teens and has some fun. And it isn't even bad, right?

[1:50:23] Thank you for the tip. Somebody says, I was in a camper park once and a 40, 50-ish guy moved in a camper over and he had a little girl with him. Didn't interact with him much but I remember talking to him once and he had his shirt off and it just struck me as not kosher and then they were just gone but he left a bunch of the toys and stuff in the yard. Maybe nothing was wrong but I regret not looking into them more. it's not great. I think maybe people look at animals with empathy because a lot of people are treated like animals by their parents. No, Chris, that's not even, sorry to be annoying, that's not even remotely true. I honestly, when we first moved to Canada, we lived in Whitby with my mother's half-brother, and they had a dog, a collie. And I remember dreaming of being treated like the collie. I was dreaming of it. The collie got to run and play and didn't have to go to school and was well fed and people played with him. I remember thinking, my gosh, animals have it fantastic in this world. Human children are treated worse than slaves in many ways, but animals have it fantastically. I remember talking about this with my therapist because there's a movie called My Life as a Dog and it's like, I remember saying like, Like, I dreamed of being a goldfish at times. I dreamed of being a cat. People treat their animals almost infinitely better than they treat their children.

[1:51:51] Somebody says my dad was a teacher my school sent someone to my house to tell him to stop bruising me he just stopped using belts and brushes and whatever that left bruises for a while nothing ever came of it but at least you noticed that someone cared and someone did something somebody says i asked why there was no direction from god that expressly forbid circumcision not just passively said to stop doing it as a ritual my church didn't have an answer except to assert I was wrong. So that's the question, right? Yeah, I used to daydream of being a cat just wandering the streets. Yeah, wasn't that lovely? Wandered the streets, get some food from the garbage, have sex on a fence. Oh, great. Great stuff. Great stuff. I would leave in the morning, look at my hamster cage with envy, because the hamster didn't have to go to school. Ooh, so nice. As in school, there were beatings, right? Canings. So, it wasn't solving it. Straight up facts.

[1:53:11] So, how do we solve the problem of child abuse?

[1:53:15] Addressing the Problem of Child Abuse

[1:53:15] Religion has not done it. Which is, of course, I mean, there are a lot of religious people who are good parents and I understand all of that, so I'm not blaming any individuals, but I'm just saying that that as a whole, the paradigm has not solved the problem. How do we solve the problem? I mean, this is really what my life's work has been all about, is how do we solve the problem? I mean, the only thing that hasn't been tried is a rigorous philosophical analysis, an inescapable 100% proof. It's the only thing that hasn't been tried. And that's why I've been making that case for 20 years, almost in the public sphere, and finally finished the Peaceful Parenting book.

[1:53:57] Sounds awesome. Can also poop in a box. So plus. Yeah. Yeah, that's right. Animals in the West and India have it fantastic. Most other Eastern places, the pets just want missed meal from being in the pot. But they're not tortured, right?

[1:54:14] Call it like a cancer. Call it out like a cancer and treat it as so. It's not a cancer. Again, I appreciate the medical analogies. I appreciate the analogies of physical disgust, but it's not a cancer. Child abuse is not a cancer. Child abuse produces cancer, but it's not a cancer.

[1:54:32] Right? The cancer is a biological thing with no moral foundation. Steph, do you know if child abuse statistics have changed over the years, higher or lower? I do not know, but I haven't gotten to the data in your stuff just yet. I think that child abuse is worse in many ways now than when I was younger because the propaganda, the end of the world environmentalism propaganda is just absolutely appalling. Uh a lot of the racial animosity is way higher racial self-hatred is being generated in a lot of people and national debts are higher and single motherhood is more prevalent and a single mother's children are often preyed upon by particularly by non-biologically related males in the household and so on so i do think it's worse in many ways than than it was in the past and and children growing up without a moral framework it's just right and children's incredibly early exposure to pornography is appalling appalling for children and so yeah i think um i think there's no future no way forward for a lot of kids there yeah the antinatalists don't have children propaganda there as well for sure for sure i mean the tail end of the baby boom i would leave the house and there would be like 20 kids to play with. And we didn't need any money. We didn't need that, right?

[1:55:56] So, I mean, I love the, most of the moral values of Christianity and the worldview and most Christians, I think, are fantastic as an adult. But the question always arises, okay, well, but what about the past, right?

[1:56:14] Yeah, imagine what it's like to hear as children that people shouldn't have children, yeah. Yeah. know and i mean children's risks under covid as far as i understand it were pretty low but, i got uh hit with that thing anyway so all right um any other last tips it's been, 50 for two hours if you could uh help me out i would really really appreciate it you can tip on the app you can tip right here on the website you can tip uh free donate and i would really appreciate that help. And remember, everybody who donates on the website, slash donate, you get your copy of Peaceful Parenting, the audiobook, the ebook, and you get the access to the AI, the Peaceful Parenting AI, which is multi-language. And I encourage you to share it with people, right? If you've got, let's say, people who speak a different language, the book hasn't been translated, although we're working on a translation or two, but they can ask questions of the peaceful parenting AI and get really great answers regardless of their language.

[1:57:27] Chris says, what I mean about people treating their children like animals is appealing to their basic needs by feeding them to keep them alive and disciplining them the same way as animals, beating, scolding, etc. Instead of treating their children like human beings and trying to connect and reason with them. I hear that, I hear that, but people don't usually beat their animals. At least not the people that I know of, have even known. A lot of people are, very sentimental towards their animals and not towards the children, either their own or in society. Thank you for tonight's show, Steph. The later half I will listen to at least one more time. I do it as often as I can and will help out tonight at Well, thank you. I appreciate that. I appreciate that very much. And listen, I know, know it's a tough economy i also know inflation is tough so please don't provide anything that you can't afford but it is very gratefully accepted and i really do appreciate your support it is something that is needed for what we do amazing show thank you for your excellence thank you guys so much it is a great and deep pleasure i promise i will lobster myself a little bit less as i work on the i'm no expert on a white balance but apparently um a white balance has gone into the territory of slightly stubbly tomato. So, all right. Thank you so much. Have a wonderful, wonderful evening. Lots of love from up here. I will talk to you soon and we will have a grateful exit and I'll talk to you guys Sunday morning, 11 a.m. Bye.

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