The Untruth About Stefan Molyneux 1: "I don’t view humanity as a single species...”

Hi everyone it’s Stefan Molyneux from Freedomain.

I hope you're doing well – I hope you have a better week than I am!

So it's time – it's time to push back against the nonsense that’s written out there on the Internet about me because I don’t know if it's just crazy political season or whatever, but things are getting kind of hysterical, kind of aggressive – and kind of dangerous at the moment, so yeah, I'm going to push back against this.

I hope that you will share the contents of this new series “The Untruths About Stefan Molyneux.”

Here is a quote that is ascribed to me – and yeah, it sounds pretty bad!

The quote is this:

“I don't view humanity as a single species…”

The first thing you'll notice of the quote ends with a “…” - which means of course that it's an incomplete thought, and that’s your first clue that you may not be getting the full picture of what I'm talking about.

Now for those who don't know, a “species” is a group of organisms with enough interrelated characteristics that they can breed and have viable offspring, and of course, that is all the races and ethnicities within humankind.

So, what am I talking about here?

Well, this is put forward as some sort of racist statement, but where is it coming from?

The podcast number is 2768. It's called, “Collective Guilt for Fun and Profit” and it was a Saturday call in show from August 9 2014 (boy that's quite a long way back; you’d think that if I was such a bad guy, you wouldn't have to go that far back, take a sentence fragment and then repeat it endlessly).

So, what is going on?

I'm going type out you the segment which contains the quote, and you're going see the actual facts behind this.

A young man called in (from a band actually), and he wanted to talk about crime and punishment, specifically the death penalty, and how prisons might work in a truly free society such as a stateless society, a voluntary society - which has always been my goal, but which still remains kind of a work in progress.

So, we were talking about crime and punishment, and he starts to talk about a man that he's heard of who was I believe a pedophile, and discusses him in this way:

Freedomain Listener: “…he said in his conviction, he had said that he was happy that they were going to put him away for 35 years because he was an enthusiastic and dedicated predator - and I also heard a sex therapist talk about some guy who's been working with specifically men for the past 35 years and he says the hardest thing to cure is the man who has already crossed the line - or the woman for that matter - who has already crossed the line into the sexual abuse of children or violence towards children…”

This is the context of our discussion - how do you deal with (or how could society deal with) sexual predators, child molesters, child rapists - really egregious, horrifying, horrible criminals who are preying upon particularly the young and the innocent - and of course, those who have committed egregious acts of violence against children.

Have you heard anything about “race” at all yet? Is anything being talked about in terms of race?

Absolutely not.

We’re just talking about predator/prey relationships in the human community.

In the podcast, I continue:

“Look, I’ve made this argument for many years that the conscience short-circuits and is no longer available for recovery when you have done an evil for which there is no restitution…”

So if you if you ding someone's car and you pay to get the car fixed – you have kind of made your restitution.

But there are some things for which there is no restitution, and that's an important distinction. In some ways you could say that the distinction between civil and criminal law, but that’s the argument I am making.

I go on:

“…and there is no restitution, there is no restitution possible for the rape of a child, or the murder of a child.”

Freedomain Listener: “Right”

“Like there is no parent who would say, ‘Well, okay, if you give me $10 million, you can murder my child.’ If somebody said, ‘Listen Stef, if I steal your bike, I’ll give you $10 million.’ Right, so basically you’re just buying my bike for an absurd amount of money right? And – but for certain ills, there is no restitution that is possible - and where restitution is impossible, forgiveness is impossible - and where forgiveness is impossible, it seems to me that incarceration - the isolation of the human virus from the community - is the right thing to do. I don't – I don’t view humanity as a single species…”

So - we’re talking about the predator/prey relationship between violent, destructive, rapey murderous criminals and the general population.

It’s important to note that I don't say: “humanity is not a single species” - because that would be biologically and factually incorrect.

When I say I don't view humanity as a single species, I'm talking about in the realm of criminality, victimhood, rape, assault, murder, and so on – where you have a predator/prey relationship between the criminal and his victim or her victim.

So: I don't view humanity as a single species in the realm of criminality because there's predator and prey relationships!

Is this a massive insight?

Maybe, but it's fairly common: what do we call people who’ve committed egregious acts of sexual violence? We call them sexual predators - and predators and prey are generally not the same species, so it's a way of looking at humanity as competing species within the same ecosystem called society, where you have criminals and you have their prey.

Also, of course, the police say, “We’re out there hunting a criminal, he’s a sexual predator,” and so on.

This is a biological analogy for understanding criminality in context of human society.

I go on to say:

“…right? I don't... I don't view… It’s like saying dogs are single species – I mean, they kind of are, but not rabid dogs…"

So here I'm talking about people who've gone crazy, people who gone completely evil, and have now turned against the same species.

Of course rabid dogs are biologically dogs – I’m not talking about mere biology; I’m talking about an allegory of how we can view predator/prey relationships within human society.

The podcast continues, and I say:

“I mean there are dogs that are sick and dangerous and all that kind of stuff – so I don't view humanity as a single species because we’re not all the same. There are human predators and there are human victims and there are human heroes and there are human villains – we are a whole ecosystem of ethics…”

OK, so a “whole ecosystem of ethics” – of good and evil, light and dark and so on.

This is how society is constituted at the moment - and this may forever be a problem that we wrestle with in society.

The podcast continues, and I say:

“…and this is very well supported by the science. This is not just me with some medieval ‘slice and dice’ ethical approach…”

Believe it or not, that's it.

When I say: “supported by the science,” I'm talking about the fact that some people don't really seem to register empathy or sympathy. There are sadists who get great glee out of hurting others – and the unreformability - particularly of pedophiles - appears to be fairly constant in the literature.

So this is all scientific.

Have I said anything about race?

Of course not.

I'm talking about predators and victims - and using an analogy of predator/prey relationships to describe crime and punishment in human society, and that's it.

There’s nothing about race in this at all.

So you can see the motives of the people who write this kind of stuff.

So please, please, I'm begging you: share this kind of information, these are the facts.

These are my actual words. This is my actual voice.

Please share this please help keep me safe in this increasingly dangerous world.

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